
Singin’ in The Rain it too... I(it'ltc Kcll} & Slaltlt'} l)oncn. l8. With (icnc Kcll}. Donald (H 'oltttot. l)L'l‘l‘lC Rc}iio|dx. ("\d ('haiixxc lltlniin llttll}\klmtl lllltlL'ljJHt‘\ thc lianxitlon lioiii llic xilcnt cia to llic talktcx and icpulationx iixc and lall -\bxo|utcl} \Utlltlt‘l'lltl iiiuxical cntcitainincnt. \kllll llic xlicl.cxt ol xnapp} dialojguc. L‘lltlllllllL'l} catch} ntiiiibctx. a caxt ol jgcnuinc chaiixina. and an cti;_'a;_'iiij_' piclnic ol thc iiiduxti} in liaitxilion into lhc baijgain (‘llillk' xplcndid l’ait ol 5‘) \caix ol lull‘l' xcaxoli ll/HI/IHIIH. [thrilling/i

Stay Alive l ISi .. t\\ illiaiii Hiciil licll. l'S. 300m Jon l‘l'\lt'l. Haitiaii'c \lllhlltHljJ Hiiiiiii l’ioiiiixiny xoundinjg. btit tilliinatcl} tola|l_\ undciuhcliniiig: ‘tcciix Ill tioublc' hoi‘ioi 'l hix pop cultuic latlL'll llllelllt'xl\t‘\ lllL‘ lt'gt'lltl til (‘ouiitcxx l’.ll/.tl‘L'lll liallioi} ol Hungary .ittd Iclocalcx it to pic Kalt‘tlta \cu ()i’lcanx 'l‘hc pacing: and a lot ol lhc acting; lioiii lhc )Hllllj: caxt ix \xa} oll. \i/i'i It (I I'i'lt'iIH'

Stormbreaker i H it 00 l( icolllt‘} Sa\. (it't‘lll.tll_\/l K/l S. leloi v\|c\ l’ctl}lci. l:\\;tll \lc( iicgoi'. \lickc) Rouikc. llill \L‘Jh}. :\llt'l;t Silxct’xtonc ‘) innit. Youilfi xupci xp} .'\lc\ Ridci lncucoiitci' .-\|c\

l’clt} lci l battch \ illainoux billionairc |)ai‘iiux iXlickc} Rotirkci lhc dark Hond- cxtiuc xciicx ol bookx \\lllL‘ll inxpii'cd llic lilin ha\ c a hcalth}. anti-Hart} l’otlci' \ ibc. \xhich gactx loxt in tianxlalion. lllt'lt‘.\ xoinc icdciiiption Ill thc loi'in ol calloux .\ll5 boxx Hill \lL‘ll} and .i (‘l-xl} Ic canico li'oni Stcphcn l-i} and thclc ai'c a lcxx paxxablc acttoti xcllucnccx. loo. (ii'ni'rii/ “'thth Superman Returns l 12.x l .000 illi‘}ati Singci‘. l'S. ltllloi Brandon Roulh. Katc lloxuoi‘th. Kn in Spacc}. .laincx .\lai'xdcn. \lai‘loii Iliando. IS-lniin. 'l‘hc Son ol Ki‘}ptoii hax bccn abxcnl lioin liai'th on a qucxl to lind mm o in; li'agnicntx ol’ hix long: xincc dcxli‘o} cd hoinc \xoi'ld. :\i'chcncni} l.c\ l.uthoi' ix olit ol pi'ixon and hatching: anothci inlii'dci‘oux. nionc} making xchcnic, Hut. iiioxt troubling; ol all. lo\ c ol hix lllt' l.oix lanc ix iiiai‘rlcd \\ itli a child. 'l‘hc Man ol Sic-cl might bc thc iiioxt ph_\xicall} pitut'l'llll bcing on thc plaiicl. but lox c. hopc and dcxpaii' arc ciiiolionx that can't bc ignorcd. (inn-ml ri'li'tiu'.

The Thief Lord t|’( it ... (Richard ('laux. (ici‘inan). Illlloi Aaron .lohnxon. .laxpci‘ llari‘ix. Rollo \Vcckx. ‘lh‘niin. tam-i) charming; and \\c|l cwcutcd childi'cn'x adwnturc lliclx ll'Ulll lhc \\l‘llt‘l'/tlll1‘t‘lt\l‘til I'lii' Iii/Ir liliiipiit'. baxcd on thc popular no\ cl b} ('oi'nclia lainkc about a bunch ol lxltlx Ull lllt‘ looxc III a magical \t‘lllL‘t‘. lili' lit/iii/mrcli ()t ('(III. Iii/i/i/iiiru/i.

36 t l5i .. t( )|i\ ici' .\larchal. l‘i‘ancc. letl-li |)anicl .-\utcuil. (icrai‘d Dcpardicu. Andic |)uxxol|ici'. I l liiiin. l’i'cdictablc. dumb and unbclimabl} hca\ } - haiidcd l’ai'ixian policici'. which pitx bi‘utixh dclcctiwx Hcpardicu and :\ulcttil againxt cacli othcit (i/iiwim I'i/m I'lit'iilrt'. (i/ilwim,

Tide Marks: Legacies of Apartheid llbci iSarah Abbott. Canada/South Attica. 3004i t)‘linin. .-\ look at thc conlciiipoi‘ai‘} i‘cpci‘cuxxionx ol’

Falkirk Town Hall

,\ on .1 AUG ' 309"?


lit‘d AUG

'0 w‘Oa'“ ' 50:3": a; ' 30w“

THANK YOU FOR SMOKING (15) 5.701i .7' Aug

70 30a"? 8 5 30p":


Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

24 THE LIST 10—1 Aug 3006

y MIN!» \: is was INNOCENT VOICES (12A) 120 min ...

Based on the childhood of Oscar Orlando Torres, who co-wrote the screenplay with director Luis Mendoki (When a Man Loves 3 Women, Trapped), Innocent Voices is the story of Chavas, an 11-year old boy who lives in poverty-stricken 1980s El Salvador. Though his life is tough, he still attends school and happily plays with his buddies. But civil war rages in the mountains and many of Chavas‘ friends are press ganged into the government army. Chavas, forewarned by his uncle, a member of the peasant rebel army FMLN, avoids the draft but still finds his life affected by war.

With 300,000 children currently serving in armies throughout the world, Innocent Voices is a pertinent

aparthcid. lcn _\carx altcr lhc lirxl all—i‘acc clcclionx in South Attica. locuxing on thc hi‘l‘cx and rcalilicx ol' l'oi‘iiici' acli\ ixtx, ('( '.l. (i/ilwmi.

Tony Takitani tl'i .... iJun Ichiukaua. Japan. 3004i lxxci ()gata. Ric .\lt_\a/a\\a. Shinohai‘a lakaliutnt. "oinin. Dcath. tau and Ionclincxx hax c alua} x bccn conxlanlx in Ton) 'l'alxitani'x lil'c. \VrilciIdii'cctoi‘ lchiLa“ a iiiibucx hix liliii “till all lhc quict i'cxci'\ c. xhon locux iiiutcd bro“ iix. and paxxion lUl‘ thc ininutc that hc can iiiuxtci‘. 'l‘hc i'cxult ix ax oll' kiltci' and ax unloi'gcllablc ax Murikaini'x liclion. I’llni/ioim'. l'fi/tIi/iuru/i,

Top Gun il’(ii ... l'l'oii} Scott. [8. I‘lb‘bt 'l'oni ('i'uixc. Kcll} .\lc(ii||ix. \al Kiliiici'. l llllllltt. Sa} \\li;ll )ou likc about him. Scott undoublcdl} hax lhc goldcn touch (ll lllL‘ l‘(‘\ Ul'l'lL‘L'. llttx ctttollotllcxx lol'tttltla ad\cnlurc about incn bcing grandl} upxtagcd b} \ci'} laxl. \Cl'} c\pcnxi\c and \cr} daiigcroux aircraft. \\ itli lhc xplcndid .\lx .\lc(ii|lix throun tor Io\c intcrcxl. iiiadc a tortunc. cxpcciall} in tlic l'S. It had to bc thoxc plancx. or ma} bc thc rampant '.-\iiicrica lhc xtrong' cthox ot' thc lilin. bccauxc it docxn‘l ha\ c iiiuch iiiorc to ollcl'. (‘im'u or/i/ Iz‘tliiilriirgli. Edinburgh. Vincent: The Full Storyt .\larlx Jatncx. l'K. Still-1i |5lliiiiii. \Vcckl} xcrccning ol Waldemar Janux/c/akx ('hanncl 4 xcricx about thc Iil‘c ol' Vinccnt \aii (iogh. Hi xiun Link. lz‘iIi‘Iiliiii'u/i.

Warrior King (Tom Yum Goong) l 1M ... ll’rach)a l’inkacu. Thailand. 2005i Ton} Jaa. l’ctchtai \Vongkanilao. Bongkoi Khongnialai. Xing ling. Nathan Joncx lll‘hiiin. Alter thc intcrnational xmaxh hit

reminder of their plight. Shot through with the kind of authenticity that can only come from a true story, the film is full of detail both moving and chilling. In one


(In: li’til. dircctoi l’iaclna l’inkacu and action xtai' Ion} laa i‘cuiiitc loi' anothci

hca\ ll} -anttctpalcd iiiai'tial aitx ad\cntuic What an clcphanl ix xtolcn at a lhai lla/aai. _\oung Khatn dixco\ci‘x lliat lhc aniiiial ix in Sylnc). llc xctx oil to liack lltt\\ll thc xacicd aniiiial u ith thc aid ol a that both ,-\uxli'a|ian dctcctixc. \Vhilc thc :JIL'dl action xccncx \M'IL‘ donc \\ ithoul xpccial cllcclx it ix lct doun b_\ a xtoi'} linc \ll.llllt‘ll'\\l_\ pandci'ing to \\L'\lt‘l'll audiciiccx (in. HIM/(1 lt’i'II/I't‘tt \Il'i (I. (i/ihgim, (‘I’lt'li (ll/HI l'.i/III/'IH;’/I. [Jill/Hugh

The Wicker Man i IMOOOOO «Robin llard}. l'K. I‘Vii l,d\\ai'd \\ood\\aid. lititt liklaiid. lhanc (alt-lilo. lllleltl l’itt. ('hi'ixlophci' lHIiiiin \ tlc\ottll} cclibatc pohccinan i\\'ood\\aidi ai'i‘i\cx at a iciiiotc Scottiin ixlaiid to in\ cxtigatc a xchoolgii‘l dixappcaiancc and bccotiicx in\o|\cd in local pagan i'tlualx. '\ llaiiiinci claxxic. \\ ith xolnc c\li‘ciiic|_\ xcai') and ci'otic tiioiiicntx. (initiator; (i/tixgun.

The Wild il'i.. iSlc\ c \\'illianix. [8. Zoom Kiclci' Suthci'land. Jaiiicx licluxlit. l2ddtc l/lai‘d. Jancatic (iai'olalo ‘Nniin. .\ loriiiulaic xlor} about a lathct' and xon tailing to bond bccauxc ol lhc prcxxui'c lo lk‘ macho. We can xcc hon tlttx \\ Ill pan out thc nioincnt \\ c inch R}an thc hon cub. \\ lllt plttllx l0 cxcapc \L‘“ York [no and lcarn to roar likc hix dad. (il'lle’IIU/I (i/ihQitti.

Wilderness i 15 u .00 i.\lichacl J littxxcll. l'K. :‘NNH Scan l’crlxx L'L'. .-\lL'\ Rcid. Ton} chbcll. ‘Nlitin. lntcrcxling Brilixh gorc tcxl lroin lhc dircctor ol thc underrach Hull/Inuit Ii u hich xctx a pack ol huntcrx al'tcr a group til \ ltllL‘lll prixoncrx

scene Chavas cheekin marches past armed guards with an outlawed rebel tune blaring from his radio, and in another we see him full of joy as he works collecting fares on the buses. Horror is present also and Chavas witnesses the summary executions of his

The filmmakers of Innocent Voices have expressed their intention that this film should be accessible to children, but parents should be warned that, while little gore is shown, the fact it packs an emotional punch will make it more distressing than some kids, and adults come to that, are used to. (Ian Winterton)

I GIT/i ('3'.'i::_:;t;*.'. I "

liappcd on an ixland lhinl. Him/i It'miil't cioxxcd \kllli Inuit/i '\ /\'iii' ( illi taut/ll

Rt Ill/i l'. \l/(l[.(I/11\L'I'lt

The Wind that Shakes the Barley «1*! .... ilx'cn l lltlkll.

(iciiiian) Ital} \pain l'iantc liclandl K. loom ( 'illiaiii \luiph}. l’adiau l)clancj.. liaiii ( 'tiniiiiiyliain. I lila l-il/jgciald l3“ lcllinj.‘ thc xtoi} ol lllc liixli \\ai lot lndcpcndcnt c. lioiii thc liixli point ol \IL'\|.. loach and \cotlixh xciccnuiitci l’aul laxcit} ploducc a \Ulltl. no nonxcnxc pit-cc

ol diaiiia. iiiipicxxixcl} actcd b} piolcxxioiialx and non piolcxxionalx .tlll.t‘ l'ocuxinj: on llic htiiiiaii \U\l\ ol a jJiaiid lllllhllxt'. it xcixcx ax a l.tll}lll_'_' ct} lot tix to Icain lioiii paxt iiiixtakcx. tlt.t\‘-lllf_' paiallclx to llic picxcnt conllicl Ill had \i /t I it d

It l/t (IN The World’s Fastest Indian i 13M . IRHth'l l)onaldxon. \cu.

Xcalandl'S. limit \iithon} llopkinx. ('hrixtophci lam loid. Brucc (iiccnaood. l’aul RodrigucL l)iannc l.add lZ—‘llllll Rcliicd \cu [calandcr Butt \ltini'o tllopkinxi ll.t\L'lx \Hlll hix l‘lltix liidiaii lllltlttl'c}clc to [lab Spccd “'ch and.

\\ ilhout a tcaiii oi tunding. hc xclx thc land xpccd iccord o\ cr and oxcr again l)ul| alid drcar} lattltl} llllll. (i/inluim; (i/utuim.