Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Robin Lee.


I Fur Burger Tu lxl, 36h Dublin Street. 533 7775. lllpttl 3arn. H The tttght tor gtr|\ v. ho like grr'lx rnm ex to a u eekentl and a new \entre. \Hlll the \ante eeleette rntrxte pohe}. Bop, }tltl need a lernale exeor'l lot‘ eltll‘}.


I Club Noir ligo. l—l l’teartl) l’laee. 478 743-1. lllprn Jain. {l3 U5. The great httr'lextrue eltth makes a l'extnal trip to litltnhttrgh. Presenting a \rntage. retro and modern \ottntltraek. antl tltrilling \xith tratlernark lilxxlt’ tn rr'ltng. hurnan L‘lll'lt)\lllt'\. htit'lexqtre \houx and more. Jotnetl h} \peeial gttext Rtek .\le.\lur'ra} tthe drummer in .»\\hr lor a [)1 \et. .\'o jeans or trainers. pleaxe.


I Booty .\letlina. 45 47 Lothian Street. 335 oil}. lllprn 3am. L5. .\lore of a Sttntla} \HL‘llll tltatt a lull-on glartt al'latr. u ttlt l).l l)ale l.ll\ll. Sirntnone Blaek and oeeaxional guest \ttpaxtax tni\ing tip Rtle ltip ltop. soul and llllllx.

I Taste The liquid Room. ()L' \llL‘lot‘itt Street. 335 3504. llpttt 5atn. L5 hel‘ore


If you want to burn your house down and get rescued by a swoonsome firefighter, make sure you don't live in Strathclyde. News trickles in that ten of the region's blaze-dampers turned gay pride into straight shame by refusing to staff a stall at Pride Scotia, against orders. As if to ridicule such narrow mindedness, four other Scottish brigades, including Lothian and Borders, have launched an initiative to recruit gay and lesbian officers. The drive comes as the Gay Police Association revealed that 25 officers in Lothian and Borders are part of the LGBT community. They refused to disclose photos and phone numbers, sadly. (Robin Lee)

ll .5llplll; LN alter ith rnentherxr l'hllL'l tk l’rtee \uppl} a pt‘trgt'e'\\t\ e mm or littthc and garage and Martin \‘alenttne uoxu eroutl \trth funk} l'S llitll\t' gern\ Parallel Sound illetlroekr gtrext

Monday 14


I Passionality (Elbe. 34 Queen Street. 33h 39W). ll..‘~ltpnt .5altl L3 Li l’lL‘lhlllg ehar‘thtr} front [)1 Shaun Rohet‘tx r'extrxettattng the \xeekentl tor the gay/tuned eroml.

I Studio 69 Studio. 93 Sattehtehall Street. 333 1444, 10.30th .5.llll. tlfr‘) helore l3_‘~tlarn. Next ga} night featuring the \\;l\-\Pllllllll:._' l.tletll\ ol l),l\ ,\nnre and Karen Dan/lg. l-rexh. llllll\_\ and upbeat.

Tuesday 15


. (lllk‘. .54 Queen Sll‘L‘L’l. 33’) Wt)”. ll.5llpltt 3am. £3 it.‘3i, l).l Shana llallm ell llll\c\ oltler' elawiex antl ltrtt tunex. RL’tltle\l\ \teleorne.


I Vibe ligo. l-l l’ieartl} Place. 475’ 7-134. llptn 5am. L4. (la) night with lltlllc\ Longuor'th on the tleekx. pltrx 'l'he l)aneing Sttttl \lttllinx. The Singing Hair} Bloke and The .\ltnting \tnt.

Wednesday 1 6


I Allure 'l‘he lllllllL‘l. NJ \lttehell Street.

304 llllll). ll..‘~()pnt 3am. U. llapp}. eheex) pop from H] Darren and the gll}\ hehintl l’axxionalit}.


I Bennets Hll-‘lll (illt\\lttl‘tl Street. 5.53 576]. Wed Thu tk Sun I Lil)th 3am. l-‘ri Sat ll.3()pnt 3.30am. I‘rientll}.

tltm ll 10 Cttl’lll lltlL‘-lllglll tll\L‘U \L'llllL' r'eeentl} reltrrhixhetl and rixing from the axhex alter a major tire.

I The Polo Lounge 34 Wilma Street. 553 1331. Mon 'l‘hu 5pm lattt. l'ri Sun 5pm 3am. Sptlcltrtlx. wank}. ga}/tni\ed Merehant (‘it_\ eltrh. \\ ith xexeral l'UUllls and a tlou llNIillH tlaneelloor open at the weekend tL'5 after i lpntr.


I CC Blooms (‘(' Bloolttx. 23 24 (it‘L‘L‘ltsltlL‘ l’ltlL‘L‘. 5.56 9.5.5 l. .\lon Sat 4pm 5am: Sun 3pm -5am. The CAN eoaxt \eene queen pttrttpx ottt danee and eheese delightx exer} night. With DJ ('illa Slaek on l‘t'ida) night and Stintla} afternoon. I “Mist 3613 Dublin Street. 538 7775. Mon 'l'htt ttoonwlttltl: l‘ri Sat

noon 3am: Sun 13.30pm lam. l-‘orrnerh the .\'e\\to\\n Bar. and mm reopened alter a \t} le rexatttp. 'l'\\ ixt leatttrex a (ll\L‘U hat‘ don nxtairx e\er_\ Filth} and Saturda} night.


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Various venues, Glasgow, from Mon 16 Oct until Sun 12 Nov.

A first Scottish production of Alan Bennett’s Talking Heads monologues is the highlight of 2006’s Glasgay! programme, details of which were revealed at the end of July. The festival will be running at double the budget of last year’s event thanks to several successes in securing funding, bringing this year’s turnover to just under £200,000, and allowing producer Steven Thomson to commission several pieces of original theatre.

Thomson says the money will support the desire ‘to shift Glasgay! from being a ‘presentation’ festival and into an arts production company, where we’re commissioning work made by artists living and working in Scotland. That’s not to the exclusion of working with international artists, and bringing the best into Scotland: the programme we put before the Arts Council is a mixed programme of drama and contemporary work.’

As well as Talking Heads, which Thomson explains is not overtly gay but deals with issues of loneliness, fear and isolation - ‘written through with a gay underscore by a writer who came out later in life’ - Glasgay! has commissioned New York drag king Diane Torr to dramatise her and her brother’s teenage fascination with Dusty Springfield in Donald Does Dusty, and Citizens’ Theatre stalwart Laurance Rudic to explore his life and its journeys in And God Created. . .

A re-staging of Louise Welsh’s acclaimed The Importance of Being Alfred, a tribute to dance luminary Martha Graham by Richard Move titled Martha, Split Britches’ Lois Weaver as the country and western lesbian performance artist Tammy WhyNot, and an appearance by Neil Bartlett complete the main theatre programme. In addition, the Q! Gallery’s studio space will host RUSH, a series of boutique drama performances from Ian Nulty (pictured), Martin O’Connor and Adrian Howells.

Comedy is served by Funny Women competition winner Zoe Lyons, camp entertainer Jason Wood, and suburban housewife Mrs Barbara Nice, while visual art features urban flair in Graffiti Brasil and mainstream teasing in Hey hetero! The latter will see posters on the Glasgow Underground inviting straight society to consider its privileged position. Utter Gutter, an Arches 15th birthday Death Disco, and a “queer punk meets neighbourhood dance’ ceilidh bash extend the festival into the night. (Robin Lee)

—' A .3 THE LIST 29