Classified Personal



VI Saw You Rohcrt liom (‘lydchank at lhc \Vickcrman l'c\ti\al .,lcl\ dancc \omc morc [7555/]

VI Saw You iit ll.\l\' Sauchtchall Sliccl. loo ll’lgllli cttcd to \yyalloyy a tahlct and trcating thc ollicc likc a lrtdgc. .\layhc ll you \larl \ycartng clotlicx lrom .\lackay\ you'll gct a managch iohl [7555/2 VI Saw You at tltc (iomp altcrparty. yycaring a gt‘ccn polo aitd cutc grut on thc dancclltmr. You saw mc hcmg. umm. kinda stupid. I could makc cycuxcx. in ct collcc. ,. [7555/3

VI Saw You. lltc l.iltlc .r\ngcl u itlt lhc picrccd lip and grccn ltcad hand in thc Bhuta 'l'cnt yyhcn lltc l’lump l).l\ \ycrc In lull \yying. Shc\ lrom Nottingham and \\;l\ \\ itlt a guy iii a tall hat and \ittokiug iackct. llanyonc kuoyyx \yho that ama/mg \yontalt yyax. gct in touch. [7555/4

VI Saw You \yhcn you \cry c mc \yhcn I‘m buying tny layouritc llclgian [X‘ct'\ mod c\cuing\ llt ()ddhinx on llyudland Road. I am thc guy \y ith tlic dark curly hair \yho you \ccttt to likc.. hut I can't hc \urc‘.’ l,ct inc kuoyy il you'rc intcrcxtcdl [7555/5

V I Saw You (‘hrix and your ctno dcxirc l'or stars and a girl

yy ith a goldcn touch lol. Yoti inakc tttc smilc. lcc ()uccn \\ [7555/0

V I Saw You hlondc. \c\y harmaid in 'l'utx. You can ()Idham l'or l'rcc it" I can ‘old yours too. [7555/7

V I Saw You pcrl'orming at 'l'hc Stand. with your yycc littlc lch kickiitg ax high ttx thcy cottld. l‘ll \harc tny Star Wary collcctiott \yith you it you'll lct mc pick yott up'.’ [7555/8

V I Saw You \yak‘c mc tip on tltc (llaxgoyy train. I must hayc carried on drcaming - I couldn't think ol anything to say. Yoti \ycrc rcading 'l‘hc ('unning Man [7554/l

VI Saw You...l‘m thc gccky cyclist \ylio \ayy yott waiting to L‘l‘o\\ at thc hottom ol‘ Quccn .\largarct l)ri\ c. You caught mc looking. l \a\\ you smile? I “am to \cc yott do that \omc morc. [7554/2

V I Saw You arottnd. l loy c you hccatixc you'rc capital

ayy cxomc. [7.5.54/5

V I Saw You itt Roots and I:l‘tllt\ yyorking too hard on hun- goycr Saturday mornings. Scyy S. Kutc K attd llot H. l low it \yth you throw yottr mclonx round. [7554/4

V I Saw You. cutc gtty at .\laryhill guidcd walk on Sunday 24/7. (th l \cc thmc show again‘.’ [7554/5

V I Saw You on thc dancc- lloor at thc Blit/krcig Bop. l-‘ri l-Ith til the .-\rchc.\. “c thlllcctl. \yc klsxcd then I left? chrct that now. should hay c stay cd and got to knoyy you hcttct‘l [7554/6

V I Saw You ruhhing a nttn up thc yyrong \yay your majcsty. I'm gonna come round your houxc and cat all yottr pctx. no“ get outta my le‘hIl [75.54/77 '

44 THE LIST 10- l 7 Aug 2006

V I Saw You through youi kcyholc. thc I’th tlnnk thcrc\ somctlung \yt‘ong \yith that and arc holding mc iit cuxtody I only hayc l call so \yhal'x your numhcr" [7554/3

V I Saw You and you \ycrc hot' .\laircad \\\ [7554“

VI Saw You your toothy oraugc pccl \lllllL‘ capturcd my ltcart. cycn lll your lruity ladicx shirt. I lound you altogcthcr a- pccl-ing. [7554/Io

VI Saw You sippm‘ on a Ruhicon. \uckin‘ on a [It‘llxolt chp a mm in' It] your oyyn yyay. .\lookic [7554/l I

V I Saw You it yyax lunny thc lirxt timc and likc a linc \y inc it gctx hcttcr \\ ith agc. Raxphcrt'y lilondc in :\rchc\ Boy ()l'licc. Stop pouting. PS: hyc all. (iarcth. [7554/l2

V I Saw You and not for thc lirxt timc on \lySpaccf .-\ll ol' l.illchohttRockct arc ama/ing. \Vc kucyy you could do it. .\Iorc prool that Scotlanth music ROCKS. [llllllk\. [7553/l

V I Saw You Sunday 0/7 in .\lorri\on\. .-\nnic\land. You \ycrc drop dcad got'gcoth iit rcd t-shirt. Think you may hayc hccn stalking inc? Samc timc/placc ncyt Sunday. gor- gcouxl [7553/2

V I Saw You l’ccj. at thc l’iano Room al‘tcr thc .\lina Agoxxi gig. (ltltl. l \yixh lid gonc homc iuxtcad ol tnaking such an ;t\\ ol my \cll'l :\rgh. I'm my own \Hlt'xl cnctnyl Do you think you could dcyclop \clcctiyc amncxia'.’ (‘ ;-l [7553/3

V I Saw You Siohhan. ()opx \yax l'olloyying. dal‘tly though I could \litl‘t chatting hut lookctl likc ll crccpy stttlkcl'l Itlxt

loy cxick and \lltpltll Mayhc timc I forgot coppcr lockx. tttclodic acccnt. hroyyn cyml’] \ [7553/4 V I Saw YOU and chattcd

\y hllxt thc (‘osta col'lcc machinc yyax hcing rcpaircd at 'I‘ in thc park on Sat. You on your own. mc \y ith li'icnd. \Vould hc good to mcct [or drink. [7553/5

V I Saw You ()uccn ol' liycrything. giying makc up tipx to a tropical \pidcr. Too many (ick'l‘x'f You'll hc coming to work in a kimono nc\t...l think I'm turning Japancw? [7553/h VI Saw You giy ing mc thc look olidcath in “MY Sauchichall Strcct. You'rc gonna hc ‘hard to hcat' in that tnilc raccl I might run away with your gcl pcns. l)o|mio or Ragu l‘or )ou’.’ [7553/7

V I Saw You llugo Him. Bristol. l knoyy it yyax you as I'yc \ccn you in llugo Bth \hop\ in othcr cltlcx too. Would low to gct thoxc Hugo Bosx clothes oil of you...\ [7553/8 V I Saw YOU outsidc thc ncyysagcutx in Byrcx Road on Sunday 2nd July. you \ycrc on crutchcx... l axkcd il‘ you kttcyy of any othcr \hop yy indoyy s'.’ You hay c loy cly cy cs. (’all mc. [7553/0

V I Saw You on lhc train to l)uml'ric.\. hclping mc otit yyith thc olil'lclolts ticket collcctor. l‘ancy mccting up for a drink‘.’ I'll pay with my rcl‘undl [7552/l

VI Saw You tn [ah 24l making Rmyi compctcnt ccllx. you gorgcoux thang' Your \imlc gctx tttc through thc day .. can I lt'cal you to a 'l‘ittdcrl‘o\ cap- puccino’ ;- l [7552/2

V I Saw You .\ at thc chlrcyy l'crry Slam cycnt. .\ly lttck \yould had II that l lo\t my phottc hclorc \y c po\l— poncd that datc. gct in touch? .\'at\\\ [7552/3 V I Saw You (‘ai-lcy. Butt ('luh .\lon 2o/o. \Vc hoogicd. had l'ly lag. thcn you gay c mc your numhcr iyyhich my phonc lmtl l. (ict in touch. I'd \llll loy c to takc you out? [7552/4 V I Saw You in thc .-\l§(' on 'l‘hurx. l lct you cxcapc \Hlll- ottt mc lor stupid. stupid rca- \ottx. I'm an idiot. 'l‘cyl mc hclorc you dixappcai‘ to llK.’ [7552/5

V I Saw You \yorkittg in 500 ('luh in (ilaxgoyy. hcst hird cycr. think yyc‘yc mct hcl‘orc'.’ Any \yay. ltopc you rcad this...\\\ [7552/o

V I Saw You Bastillc l-‘ri lo/o/o. You got‘gcoux hlottdc ilt hacklcxx [II'L‘\\ \ll'oklttg prcgnant pal'x tummy. mc coyyhoy in grccn shirt in a httrry. \Vixh I could hay c \tttyctl littl‘ thc BBQ & hcalh. [7552/7

V I Saw You \i//ling ('lairc lltc BA air hoxtcxs. arc u c \lllP\ Ptlxxlllg in thc night or do you “an! tojct into my lil’c'.’ lirom pixxcd-up hcxpanglcd 'comcdi— an' in Suhhic. X [7552/8

V I Saw You sitting on thc yyindoyy lcdgc and rcalixcd l lancicd you rottcn. You'rc thc onc. l lo\ c you to thc sun and hack and hack again my gor- gcottx girl. X [7552/0

V I Saw YOU \itliltg nc\t to inc at (il-‘l‘. You bought mc a postcr - \y c yy ill alyy 1t_\\ hayc Marakami. [7552/ll)

V I Saw You yyorking in 'l‘hc .-\rchc\ cztlc bar. you littlc l‘rcnch lancyl ()oh la la? What loy cly l-l‘og\ lcg\ you hay c. [7552/l l

V I Saw You Ricky- (icryaix-a-likc yyorking in tltc Archcx ('alc har. l.oy c thoxc gt'ayclly toncxl [7552” 2

V I Saw You Bonsai (iallaghcr propping up 'l'hc llalt Bar ax U\ll£ll. .»\rc you still croxx-drcxxing kinky hoot» I'm going to spank you hairy littlc tl\\. [7552/l3

V I Saw You in 'l'indcrhoyz you tall with stripcy top and fringe. .\lc huxty hlondc with bright hluc cy L‘\. You \milcd. hut yyill you rcply'.’ [7552/l4 V I Saw YOU in lhc \Voody dancing to thc Smiths. l hcar you arc famous for \omcthing and its not hcing Irish. I hear you arc big in (‘ork‘l [7552/l5 V I Saw You Scan l’cnn lookalikc l knoyy that you arc a l‘ainoux yyritcr. I sayy your intcryicyy in thc llcrald. Why don't yyc makc crotic liction crotic l‘act. [7552/lo

V I Saw You working in Rooh and l5rllit\ on Byrcx Road... .\'oyy lyyill be smiling all yycck long? I like your "I am Spartacus" T-xhirt? [7552/t7

Fill in the free postcards available from the following venues: The Basement, City Cafe, Filmhouse, Fopp Bar, The Street, Traverse Bar (Edinburgh), or The Arches, Bret, GFT, King Tuts Wah Wah Hut, Moskito, 13th Note, Tinderbox (Glasgow).

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