V I Saw You in .-\rm\trong\ trying on the purple \kljJS. l’erxonally I thought your ‘natu- ral' hlonde yyas better. l‘aney (II'CSHHg' up together Xxy [7555/0

V I Saw You lar ayyay on an iyland playing your guitar. We llirted lor a \\I11IL' but 1 had to go. \Yax mee lo we you again. Keep playing and milling. [7555/10

VI Saw You looking \o \ad ax yy e bi'uxhed our teeth in the mirror. \Yherey er \y e both are m the luture. you litltxl try to remember there 1\ \omeone out there \y ho yyill alyyayx loye you. .'\nd \y e u ill lH‘llSIl our teeth together many ttmex in the year\ to eome. Yourx. (1(1 \ [7555/1 1

O I Saw You in l’lanet Hill. a l'eyy yyeeks baek one l'riday night ~ yyearing jeans. uhite top and leather jacket. You yy ere \haking your \tul'l' “ith a hlonde lady. eome haek \o l ean \ay hi7 [7555/12 '

V I Saw You reading the metro eyery morning in ('hoeolate Soup. IIlllllL‘l'\ Square. You're a beautiful brunette. I'm the hexpeeta- eled man yyith the light ol loye in hiy ruekxaek. [7555/13

VI Saw You all the girls l'rom (’olintonation Street. IIi\ llighnesxl Pugh. Tia and Robbie. l.l. Bad Saudyyieh Dan and The lneredible llull hiding in the dark at The 1.i\t l’arty'. (lot a eonl‘exxion to make-1 yyent home yy ith the \y me. \orry. [7555/14

0 I Saw You...the \ltot'l hlonde Seotti\h \\;ti[l'L‘\\ trom the Abaehuaeh rextaurant. it you're reading thix yyould you like to meet me'.’ Oh yeah. niee burger? [7554/13

V I Saw You yyorkittg in l’eekhamx in Bruntxlield. but hayen't seen you in agex. You are \o eluxiyel l. yyith the .-\merieau aeeent. get in toueh yyith me'.’l [7554/14

V I Saw You in Siiiltxhltt‘yx on St Andreyy \ Square. You kept looking round \yhile I \yax unloekiug my bike. 1'” do your \hopping anytime \.\\ [7554/15 V I Saw You leay ing and knoyy I am going to mix.\ you. The laughx \y e'\ e had the time\ yy e'\ e \hared. 1 hope eireum- staneex ehange and make thiugx easier. (‘ioodbye tor tioyy my (iinger (itKlle‘SS. [7554/16

0 I Saw You at the

(irey hound :\\y areuexs League dog shoyy! Your mum yyax judging. \Vas hoping to go for a yyalk... yyithout any dogs! [7554/17

V I Saw You on Friday 31.xt July on the 33 bus going from l.eith to eity eeutre: tall bloke. long dark hair. blaek T- shirt and black jCilllx. mp3 player and hook. .\le: blonde yyith red shoes. red stripey yest and mp3 player. I noticed that 1 made you take your eyes from the page... [7554/18

V I Saw You hoyermg around the eity oi (iranada. looking loxt. \\1\Illlt:_' you had \omeone to help you tranxlate. You thought you might eome haek here again ax ll yyax \ueh a labuloux. romantie. ltl_\\lL'l'l- ottx plaee...but you'ye

ltoyy here to \lay‘l'.’ I \[III hay e my i'ooittx ayailable torrent tilttl they 'll only L‘thl you 3” liurox per mghtY'. And they are 111 the eentre ol the eity.

yy here your heart liex. (io on. you knoyy yott “ant to. [7554/19

9 I Saw You Michelle. l‘iona. lid. John. Ronald. .lohn— Auguy. :\rehie. Dorothy. Jaekie. \Varren. Sandra. ('hrix Mike. (lordon. Jim. l)uneau. .\lolly. (‘1aire. l)ay e. Nigel and ('hrixxie. yyhile hitehing around the Outer IIL‘I‘I‘ILIL‘S. .Iltly 3Ill 1(i. Thankx lor all the lil'txl Brian and Jim. [7554/311

V I Saw You in your red tv \hirt yy ith your lloyyeh and ean~ dlelighl eating my L'ltip\ and eheexe. You thouglit l yyax eute. thought you yy ere joking. do me an intery ieyy'.’ bee \ [7554/31 V I Saw You at 'l‘ in the Park. in the beer youeherx queue. .\le ('orky. you ('harlie. didn't realixe it \\11\ you until alter you'd gone? [7554/33

V I Saw You and left you at Yieyy lorth Square on Sunday. (iot the tomatoe\ but not your number. [7554/33

V I Saw You Hannah tyour lriend Iit'ie‘ ltiltl met. You \\ L't'L‘ “eating a lmeklexx/lrontlexx top \y ith \yhite tr'otixerx. l'y e noyy seen )ou 3 time\ in a ton - (‘al‘e Rouge. ()pal and Liquid Roomx... 1 think you're \lltll- ning. (‘all me. X [7554/34

VI Saw You super-last qiider eateher \ay‘ing my lite! \Yhat \yould 1 do yy ithout y‘ou...thank you mueh- 1y...lor ey'etythiug...\\\ [7554/35 VI Saw You Bird. \uiiliug at me [lti\ morning and eyety morn- ing or \ometimex alternoouxf low you to the tuoon and \tars and back again ['/553/l.\’

VI Saw You Alister. yy ho et‘ashed on Slatelord Road Sunday - me the girl running to we you

\y ere okay. hope thiugx got \UIIt'tI. yyanted to ask but yyaxn't right time: laney a dnnk'.’ [7553/10

V I Saw You l.ou l.ou at The Street. yyorking the bar like a Trojan. Do you e\'er get a day oil"? 1"aney a drink'.’ [7553/30 V I Saw You beautiful lady

\\ ill] [11C I‘L‘tl bra tilltl the Itie‘e‘lll“. I dream ol your red lipx. [7553/31 VI Saw You loye‘ly. loyer ladiex - looking hotter than ey er in the Tray bar. Hope l we you won. [75.53/33

V I Saw You l)ay id the gor- geoux barman at The Street. \hoyy'iug off your pttlth.

They ’re nae black? [7553/33 VI Saw You platmiug your \eeret beaeh party in a \eeret plaee...heh heh heh... Happy Birthday (lol.ightly! The (iirlx \\\ [75.53/39

0 I Saw You...uell. aetual- 1y. I didn't we you on your birthday haying a good time? So sorry Sttsiel But 1 yyill make it up to you? \\'eel.ee \x [7553/18

V I Saw YOU;\[1\\IL‘ I‘M}. yyatehmg the game againxt ('roatia. l ehallenge you to a re~mateh. though I‘m \ot'l'y you guy\ \y ere gubhed by llaly.oleour\e lam. [7552/19

V I Saw You and your penlhothe. (iiaham lrom the I‘L‘\Il\tll 'l'ayern. l eould blame the ehampagne. or your .\1onlro\e ‘lt'iend' hut in truth 1 behay ed appallmgly' No hard lCL‘llllgN.’ _lo \ [75.53/30 V I Saw You leading '(‘i\ ll War" on 3o bux. You are \yay [no gorgeoux [H be a eonne geek. luney eotning \\lII1 me to l’rexltmpandemtmtutn’ [75.53/31

V I Saw You put In a notiee 111 l Sayy You but l mu your noliee did not appear. 1 any your duappointment and gin- ger tearx. [7553/33

V I Saw You at the l~ore\t (‘ale on the 33/7. Northern aeeent and wearing a \tripy

jumper. You \y ere \\III1 your

hrtither/lriend. You axked me tor a napkin and l blu\hed. [7553/33

V I Saw You .Itlllte‘x. lor the laxt time. the outxider. ('ome .»\ugu\t'.’ Satne party. [llllt'l'e‘tll meat ballx'.’ \Ye'll mixx your

jigxayy t'aee in the landxeape ol'

my lidinburgh mind'x eye. l.oye (alum. [7553/34

V I Saw You yy ith your neat laeial hair in The Street. 1 took your “arm \eat and you let! \yith your leggy hlonde ‘girll‘rieud.’ You looked \mart in a grey \hirt. l)rink \ome- time'.’ [7553/35

V I Saw You \e\y boy in a white jumper. and head to toe Armani. You roek my yyorld. \\ [7553/3o

V I Saw You \eeond elaxx. ltiyy er [liy l\it)11 llllixll‘ttltit‘ \\ illt [almlotix taxte in pearl\. 1 mid 'mundum pro (’hrixto \ inea— inus' and you and ‘_just don't get eaught. [75.53/37

V I Saw You my beatty haired \ugar daddy piek me up at the airport. :\ \yeekend \pent in the paxt and all i want ix a lulure yy ith you. 1 hope yy e ean make it yyork. In the \\Ul'[l\ oi l)u\ty Springfield... [7553/3‘)

V I Saw You l’riday

night. You left lirxt & later I got to thinkin'... \yixllL‘tl you‘d \tay ed inxtead. Seemx yye'y e got a lot in eommon... hmmm...i\ that thunder in the [li\l;tttL‘C'.’ I7553/5ll

V I Saw You Aloha at Pride 7 years ago. I \pent eyery day yyith you \inee then. noyy you’re making me the happiext girl in the

yyorld by marrying me. [7553/31

V I Saw You. you tell at my tea. 1 pieked you up. You \\ ere beautil‘ul. . .hope

V I Saw You l‘emale Irish aeeountant from Dublin. liy- ing in ('lapham. on the Stanxted lixprexx. 4/6 at 9pm ixl]. You yy ere eoming baek from a yyedding in \Yateryille. [7553/33

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