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Farcical academia 000



Lose your inhibitions O.

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:~ l.’ :' . " : . ' i'v ' ' : v .: v z . vi: :" :ri'."....::':': .. ,. .. ,, .. ,o , . .. . A BRIEF HISTORY OF SCOTLAND-WE DONE .,.,,¢,,, W.L.J LOADS , 1, I, . W. M I? , , Under-rehearsed and excruciating

O l‘."l".'.ll':l fit-w ,v't 'r. ‘ilr [ lilll'll 'IT " .'." §'-:" l’.l,i',’..".: "" ..”"" 3..) .:‘>"-' :"2" l: ‘2 l" I THE UNATTENDED .. .. , .. ,. ,,,, . Security firm philosophy... ,4 ., (l H , . I'if""l‘\l:||¢l.'l"" " :H‘-.‘. :‘llv "' .lT. "it"i'n‘ ' 1"‘l' ' ifllii".rl;‘.lzillw:l. .'.' -r- '..i .l..."}.“"{ ; o'llwuiltttlvtwfliNumilr' i'l.{'~'t."-'l7'm ()'=i‘°.l“".l'.»":‘ "I z', 2"” i’wv‘llt'll'fttil'Y'n'mli'fit .- inky.» '.:.-’~'”T‘: «2' ' 1 MoviesgomadOOOO .iruiirriltlii-H. Hli‘.|‘ .i.'..:r'i "".i"_"l “iron-Nun? ' lllil“ lILl“ w illl'".lii '.|.'l l t' s- I '3' (in: ' . .5' ATC's smart and ultimately very moving black comedy deals with our (illlll mmiilw .zl 'irl.ll1 ' we .’ . ' ; i -- 1 ~ : ' .~ a imagination and its sequestration by forms of violent conformism that .li-milu .tllll Ill" l in 'r l ’uu» manifest themselves through a profit hungry world. ll (ll in; lli. nix! 'li' CARBON FEVER In it, we meet Ralph (Matthew Home) a young man whose overdeveloped, I ( .1 um: Hm ‘l‘. -. 8'9 'ssue' few laughs .. neurotic but ultimately harmless fantasy of love and redemption has been ' ' l”? deemed fit, by some unseen executive, to turn into a movie. He attends

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some backlot room, where scriptwriter Manny (Peter Polycarpou) helps form his pitch into a commercially viable narrative. This entails some pain, but not nearly as much as is experienced at the arrival of Max and Thomas (Paul M Meston, Samuel Roukin) a pair of shady overseers working for the big man. The telephone rings, and the pressure mounts it can only end in violence.

Matt Wilde‘s production of John Kolvenbach‘s play is driven by fast talking humour and rapid transitions to its finale, and on the way, there’s a good deal to reflect on. perhaps most of all, the nature of storytelling and who owns a story. Whether such narratives should ever be owned by multinational interests is very much in question. Ralph‘s box of carefully made toys, each lovingly created to sustain his fantasy, becomes the arch enemy of the reifying telephone, yet this troubled young man is not a simple victim. Neither are the characters around him, all brilliantly created by the actors. Perhaps the pick of these in a strong field is Polycarpou's fast talking scriptwriter, but whichever way you look, this is a pearl of


Rural Racism in apartheid Britain? 0..

. l a limii' Tl‘w .:i . .z w entertainment. (Steve Cramer) r :‘p . ' IV! :‘Ok‘ y :\ i v il l 1. » ' i r 1 y y ' f H i i r 1 T r I \‘tl‘ile newi .ltl:§i"lfl‘..l :xz. :. ix» .1 " : .:' . xv 1 ~ : : : ; ' 1. :~ ' ' lt‘Stllt‘It‘d IO lllltii BUICK" 1h "1'. f"'.‘:%t' 1‘1t\,."‘1'."{ I 1,..}' ," 2' 1" sew-H (inlets t=\.1'm":= a." ..":¥{ «w‘ xxx: : ,z' :T' -~ :.2' ' ' ' ' DttSSl‘A‘ .U‘ttlillt‘fld :‘\i:3'_li"§l H" 1"" two" " 2.. .lt"'. Q't'v' 2”. ' I ' \‘t‘LlllIlMHtlt‘ Somy— A’ Ives». . . '_ {/3} tr“. .‘ ., " 3 ' monologuestaliich 001W." .‘JX‘lt' twat " The List Onlme SLAP! I I 805 musical: Mullet over 000 -.. For full coverage of the Festival 1 I 1 7v .. iv "l'°‘p."‘ « ; "'-- :’ ' 'l and event: across Scotland 7.x.- Hs "l '\’~ <l' ‘lv \ a =.- I / I ' z- 0 ,\ \ i ,i ,\ 0" ,. , 0 ‘,. r ' /~ ' l .w H.ll'Rf/LIlV/f‘ffil‘lill ‘~""'~ d 5 -:a- ~- » 1' ~ I I f H I / I 1/ eriqgw‘tvs i'l 3'» « a: * 56 /