Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to sport® for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Rachael Street.


Activities & Events

Summer Jam Festival Ko|\ Ill llall lntoi'national Sports :\i‘ona. I-l-l5 My) lo Stroot. {57 3535. 5pm. £3.50 N. Soo panol. l'llell,

Saturday 26

Activities & Events

CCA Open Day ( ‘(':\. l5” Sauohiohall Stioot. i53 -l‘)l)ll. Noon. liind out moro ahout tho lll‘ll\l\ and lll'l\ organisations uho \Htl'lk u ith tho ('(‘:\; tako a guidod tour. ltt'o\\\o tho hook lair and on_jo_\ \tllllt' lnml Ill “to into


Bobath Bicycle Bonanza Sli(‘('. l-inmoxton Qua}. ()870 (Ht) .llltlt). llam. [.5 ([5 l. .-\ 3U lllllo L‘_\t‘lt‘ dltlltf.‘ lllt‘ \CClllC routo to l.ooh l.ontond to l';ll\L‘ t'nndx tor liohath Sootland.


Pedal for Scotland (ionl'go Squaro. 33‘) 5354. “am. {Hi {l5 it'5l. .-\nnua|

dixpla} ol' podal po\\ or ax partioijxmtx

o_\olo tho 5“ milox hotnoon (ilasgoxx to tho linithg hno in lidinhurgh.

Monday 28


Glasgow Grand Prix (loot-go Squaro. "pm. l'i'oo. l‘or tho last and t'nrioux ourtam l';ll\L‘l’ to tho 'l‘our ot Britain o}olo i'aoo. top l'ltlL‘l‘\ trom tho l'K'x ('i‘itorium \oriox attompt to oapturo tho oo\otod (ilaxgou (irand l’ri\ ohampionship titlo.

Tuesday 29

Activities & Events

Pamper Night ’l'ho Btixh} llotol. l l-‘iold Road. ('larkxton. 0-1-1 3601. "rpm. [3. llolp raixo mono) tor .\lao.\lillan (‘anoor (‘aro \xhilo mining in tho handx ot‘ Iooal thorapixtx. \\ ho \\ ill ho ottoring taxtor \t‘\\ltlll\ Ul~ l'L‘llL‘Mtlng}. aromathorap}. i‘oiki. lndian hoad maxxago and moro.

Film Quiz (Kilo ('mmo. (ilmgon l-‘ilm 'l‘hoatro. l3 Roso Sll‘L‘Cl. .553 3l33. 8.45pm. £1.50. l-"ilm hut‘t'or} galoro at thix monthl} quix. ('hin stroking optional.

And Then There Were Ten . . . ? (ilaxgon Solonoo (iolltto. .5” l’aoltit Qua}. ~13ll 5lltlll “pm {-105 .-\~ .l\llillltllllt‘l\ plL'pdlc lit tlL‘l‘dlL' tho talo lll l’ltlli' .l\ .l [llllllL‘L .ltltl tlL'L'ltlL' \xhothoi lllL‘lC \lllllllkl i‘t' ought. nino oi o\on ton lll our galaxy Stow ()nonx .lllill}\L'\ u hat lll;ll\C\ a planot .i planot.

Food & Drink

Kelvinbridge Summer Wine Fair (illixgow .-\t‘.ttlt'lll}. (llllt‘l‘l'lllllx Sll'L'L'l. .i-ll 0505. (l 0pm. t l 3. .-\ ohanoo to \ainplo

in or 50 u lllL‘\ trom tho ()ddhim oollootion. plus a \ariot} ot uhixkiox. ports. \horriox. pudding \\ mo\ and ohooxo trom .\lolli\.

(D C



Scotland v Faroe Islands ('oltio l’gll'lx. Kt‘l'l'}tlillt‘ Sti'oot. l’arkhoad. 5.5l 8(t55 iplll. £10 £35 it'5l. l'ho homo toam pla} thoir northorn noighhonrx lll llll\ liuro 3”th qtialilting gamo.

Activities & Events

Charity Bridal Show 'lho Boardnioro llotol. Boardmoro Stroot. (’lylohank. tll7.\'(i 450335. l3.3() 4.50pm. £5. .\ll\\ Sootland 3le5 uill ho oponing: this chant} ltixltion \hou in aid ol .-\horlour ('hild (’aro ll'llxl.

When the Moon was Overhead llunlorian .-\rt (iallor'). l'nitorxit} ol (ilaxgou. X3 llillhoad Stroot. Bil 545i

3 3.30pm. l‘roo. .-\ jm'lormanoo ot'Allan Radolil'lo'x dramatic monologuo. \xhioh l‘octhox on \ltlt‘klllttt\ll\ \ixlCt'dll-llN l‘ranoox Maodonald. an :lltl\l in hot own right \\ ho ox ontuall} oommittod \uioido. Booking rooommondod. Part of rho .llui'kam/i l'i'\lll’(l/ (ll/“l.


The Great Scottish Run (ioorgo Squaro. 343 Will). 9am. lllam & 1.30pm. £30 £35 (£3.50 £5l. Around l3.()()(l L‘llll';llll\ aro o\pootod to sign up Mr tho higgoxt jxutioipatix o \ptlltx oxont in Scotland. \\ hioh inoludox a halt marathon. a lllk and tho Junior (iroat Soottnh Run.

Monday 4 Talks

Cafe Scientifique: Acupuncture and Neuro-lmaging 'l‘ron ’l'hoatro. (>3 'l‘rongato. 553 43(17. 7pm. Aoupunoturixt and \oiontixt Hugh Maol’horwn o\ploro\ hon oaxtorn approaohox to hoalth tit \xith \\ oxtorn modioino.


Hazelwood - A First for Europe Sootland Stroot Sohool .\lu\oum. 33.5 Sootland Stroot. 3X." (l5llt). l —3pin. liroo. .-\rohitoot Alan l)un|op gnox this intrtkluotion to tho tirst \pooiall}-do\ignod \ohool tor ohildron \xith sight. hoaring and inohilit} nnpairmont in liuropo. Booking rooommondod. I’m! at .lIl-I

Wednesday 6


Rediscovering Mackintosh’s Ingram Street Tearooms Kolx ingrmo .-\n (iallor) ck Muxoum. .-\rg_\|o Stroot.

suiiiiivlen'aim FESTIVAL Kelvin Hall. Fri 25 Aug, 5pm.

Wht sOn

The yoof of today. eh? All they do is hang around street corners. drinking cider and getting up to no good. right? Well. that's what you might think if you believed everything that was splashed across the front page of the tabloids. Thankfully, the reality is far more diverse and innovative. Last year‘s inaugural Summer Jam Festival - a celebration of the very best in urban street culture was positive proof of this. showing off the skills of Scotland‘s brightest break dancing. basketball and cheerleading stars. This may sound like a contradiction in terms; after all. everybody knows that white men can‘t jump. But according to organiser Damola Akinyemi. the Summer Jam Fest is all about dispelling such stereotypes. 'People say street ball [a more dramatic style of basketball] is a game for black people. but the guy who won the slam dunk competition last year was a Scottish dude. a white guy, who jumped so high he broke the ring. So we‘re breaking down all preconceptions and bringing cultures together.‘ What the event also aims to show is that the most talented young people out there aren't necessarily playing traditional sports like rugby or tennis; they could be skateboarders. freestyle BMX riders or juggling bottles in a sport known as flair motion. ‘These are people who do their thing on the street but don‘t have an avenue for showcasing what they do - so we‘re letting people know that there's much more going on in the world of sport than just football. and putting their talents on the map.‘ Alongside the athletic action, there will also be DJ battles, graffiti art work and capoeira demonstrations at what promises to be one of the hottest urban sport events of the summer. (Rachael Street)

I ‘.‘./l.‘.’L‘.’. Stunning/iirirfiésf to 11%

376 950‘). 3.3%) 3.30pm. l'roo. .-\ tll\L‘U\\lUll \\ ith tho toaroomx' roxtoration projoot loam. Booking rootunmondod. l’url will/V.


Psychic Criminology t'nnorxit} ol (ilaxgou. 'l‘ho Bo} d On Budding. 3‘“) 8855. 7.30pm. £4. .-\ talk on this taxoinating \uh'joot h} .llml Humm'tl'x l)r (‘iaran ()' Koot‘o.

Activities & Events

West End Walks li\or} Sat .& Sun. \Ilrlotlx Vonuox. \le land. 5 5‘) 0433*. 3pm. £6.50, lixploro tho hiddon arolutootural. lll\lUTlL‘;ll and moral dopthx of tho \xoxt ond on thoxo uookond walks. load h} local guidox. Dopanuro point lx gix on on purohaso ot tioltot.

Glasgow Scrabble Club l'.\ol_\ \‘ml Rontiold St Stophon'x ('hinoh (‘ontio 3N) BathSnot-1.3300170 (i, ll) ‘) lop”. Brush up on )oui \Mil'tl \lxlll\ and loain him to ll\L‘ thoxo posit} ‘/‘x and ‘_x \ Ill }Htll' gamo or lll\l haxo \omo tun at llll\ \xookl} Sorahhlo \L‘\\lllll.

Food & Drink

Gourmet Glasgow l 'ntil 'l hu ‘1 .-\u:: Various \onuox. 317 3Vl 'l‘honiod and tixod prioo monux. v. mo l;l\llllj_'\ and tlL‘llllllhlrlllllllh all itt'llHN tho Lll}.l'lll tlL’lllll\ ol panioipating ro\taurant\ go to

\\ Vi \I. .gi lurlnolglaxgi m oi )[ll

Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market Sat 36 Aug. Manxtiold l’ark. olt l)umharton Road. HI 0844, anm 3pm. Who noodx \lle'l'lllul'lkol limit \ihon yarn- got ltapp} produoo trom happ} plaoos' 'laxto tho dittoronoo.

Queen’s Park Farmers’ Market Sat 2 Sop. ()uoon'x Park. 530 Langxido Park. 337 7373. Ilium 3pm.

5 30:, THE LIST 15

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