The latest club news

m We've been on a break through August to make room for the festival so here’s some clubs news to catch up on. There are two new venues opening in Glasgow: Karbon, 74 Buchanan Street, which opens on 25 Aug with nights like Electro Ball featuring Salon Boris and Karbon Saturdays with the likes of Kevin MacFarlane (M8 Magazine) check www.myspace/karbonuk for more info and invites. Boho at 59 Dumbarton Road opened a few weeks back bringing more clubbing options to Glasgow's West End. Currently home to Music Saves Sundays with a host of XFM DJs manning the decks. Again, check the net ( for more info.

tilt Finally ABC in Glasgow are not only hosting the third stage at indian Summer in Victoria Park. 2 & 3 September (featuring the likes of Cansei de Ser Sexy. Bill Brewster (spoken word. pictured). Aliens. Errors and My Latest Novel). they are also holding the ofiiCial alter show party on the Sunday night. Entry is free With Indian Summer ticket stubs/wristbands. Space will be tight. but we have to guaranteed places on the guest list. To win one for you and a mate. just send your name on an email marked ‘INDIAN CLUB'. with your name and address. to promotions(a) by 30 Aug.

I Hobo at lleiir) \ ('ellar liar. midnight 5am. £5. 2-1 & 3| Aug. ‘l.i\e iiiiixie and alteriiatn e dixeo t'oi~ juxtiiied \llllik‘l'\. ;t\ lllL‘ Seiillhli lliiltii Soeiet) mo\ e name and night lor the l-'exti\al. l't‘ltltll'llig‘ ilie likex oi Abner) .luiee and Abdominal Shim men i24 Augi and l)o\\ii the llli} Stepx ifil Augi.

I Karnival at ('abaret Voltaire.

llpiii 5am. £tbe. .‘~l Aug. .\'e\\ night lor the ('ab \\ hieh promixex to indulge ‘e\ei‘_\ pleaxiire. e\ er} xiii'. The main room ix a xiiiooth blend ol ['8 and iii houxe ti‘om Martin Valentine and Stexeii \Vanlexx. leaturing the Scottiin debut ol Digitalixm “till a liie xet ol l)alt l’uiik- exque eleetro. Ainthing goex in room [no \\ itli B-Sidex pliix magieianx. hoxtx and hoxlewex

I The Snatch Social at the liquid Room. I Ipm 3am. £5. \Veekl}. (Mined) eaperx li‘om llarr} Ainxuoi'th and ion} (‘arter at thix eheek} eaharet-eum-dixeo. Babex and 'l'i‘eiid} \Vend} imoiithl}

rexideiiti .xuppl} hip hop and i‘unk} tunex.

.-\.x per uxual the Cuban Brotherx are back tor their annual i‘exti\al xhou iZ-l Aug. please note £9 eiitr) lor tliix date onl_\ i.

22 THE LIST _‘-‘- Ana—7 See 3306

I Spank! at l iideilwlh

iiiidnight Jain £tbe 3-1 \ti.’ .laziiex

\\ ten and l eon l‘lt'tll} bring their \pank' e\periene e tip iioiii l ondon blurring tlte line between elul‘. eonied} and eabaiet l‘\peet line niuxie. xtand tip. l).lx. xiirieahxni and plent} oi othei iiiielaxxitiable e\tiax

I Spies in The Wires at ('alwaiei \iillallc llpiii 5am £5 vein 2-; \iig .\ " Sep loitnightl} \piex in the \\nex eontintiex \iith thiintleioux iiilx iioiii

'l he .\tiite and iolk ioek iioiii l)e Roxa tZJ Aiigi pliix giiext |).lx l)oex it ()iiend You. Yeah and \iieoke an giiitai killlll‘ hoxted b_\ liloi'n 'l uiotiiie iZHll5 \ii ('iintar (‘hanipioni l'ollou ed b} daik. tliiobbiiig eleetioiiiea iioiii Shine} l‘;t\L'tl tlllit ll llk' l’lL'\t'l\ .lllil llttllt‘ [‘Hl‘ iioiii l'oal t" \epi l’i‘odiieed in eoniiinetioii \iith Illt /.l\l

I Step it Up .il \Vt‘t' Rt‘il lial

lll. itlpiii iain. £11 i£ii ll \iig \laik 0: and ('ediie \lniel pla_\ oiit eonxeioux rootx reggae \kllli a peppeiing oi xka and Alto-beat

I Synthetic at lierlin liieihaiix.

llpiii iaiii. l'iee beioie midnight; £5 alter. il \ug. 'leeh and ditiiii tk baxx night ax Kid Ill and ('obald are ioiiied b_\ \liii'plim How and l’atiiek \\alker i.\\ioiii\i

I Vaudeville at the Bongo ('lub llpiii 4am. £ It) i £5 i. 2.1 Aug lainbraeing dixxideiit eabaret \\llli a daxh oi lieilin glaiiioui'. l’ai'ix ltilllli.iL‘_\ and ('hieago speakeaxiex. ('ii'eiix. theatre. iiitixie. and burlexiiiie all eonibme ioi‘ _\oiir entei'taiiiiiieni \\llli plent_\ oi 'daiieiiig and i'iim'.

Edinburgh Fridays


I Badaboom at \ltixxa. lllpin .lttlii. £5. \\'eekl_\. 'l‘he bext in eoniiiiereial Rkli and urban liekx \\llli giiextx lt‘oiii |.\tra and Radio | thing lll iortnightl}. I Big Toe’s Hi-Fi at \\'ee Red liar. lllfillpm 4am. l-ree belore l|.3llpni; £5 alter i U l. 25 Aug. Reggae. daneehall. Iiip hop and other dtibb} grooi ex iroiii Barba l’oppa ('hoppa. ('-l)igglex and .loekaxx. phix xiiigiiig \eiixationx l)add} Seolt) and Rax lxta .lamaiea.

I Blaze at Iago. llpiii 3am. £5. I Sep. l-‘ortnightly l).l .laiiiex l.0lig\\til‘lli ignitex the g;i_\ ixeekeiid \\ ith a ehai't and lunk} houxe xoiiiidtraek.

I Boogaloo Bothy at llenr) ‘x ('ellai‘ liar. llpiii 5am. £tbe. 35 Aug. lioogaloo Both} eaters lor man} taxtex \xith itx big. bubbling pot oi muxie and lk‘;tl\ \\ itli ll\L‘ tiL‘l\ llk‘.

I Cult at l’o .\’a .\'a. Illpni 3am. £2.50 belore I lpiii'. £5 alter. \Veekl}. l).l Nikki and lrieiidx dig up the \er_\ bext in ltiiik. dixeo. Rtkli. houxe. kitxeh elaxxiex and part} jaiiix at thix eool daneelloor mash- up.

I de que at lludxon ('Iub. llpiii 3am. £3. \Veekl}. l‘imk} liouxe irom i'exideiitx l)a\ e Bernardi and l‘raxer Shim.

I Evol at the liquid Room.

llidllpm 3am. £5. \Veekl}. lidinburgh‘x longext running indie night. With the uxual mi\ ot' the bext eurreiit and elaxxie alternatn e. eroxxox er tuiiex. it'x an inxtittitioii.

I Fish Fry at the .la// liar.

ll..‘~llpm 5am. £5. 25 Aug. Seottixh

tan. liiiik. xoul and |.atin bandx ioiii

l).lx lii'ik l)'\'iking and Axtrobo}. ineluding roeking tau and liiiik ii'oin (iromenik i25 Aug i.

I Free Party at the Bongo ('lub. llpiii 5am. l’ree. 1 Sep. \Vith the l5exti\al all but ox er and all _\our nioiie_\ xpent. the Bongo ihrou x open itx doorx litt' ti lree Pttl'l} llll\lL‘kl it} l),lRL‘tl(i l(it\L‘ lt Some/lllti'i 1)}namitei. lt'x part} \ibex all the \xa}. with a muxie polie} ranging lrotii earl} dixeo to old \eliool hip hop \ ia lunk. xoul and reggae.

I Fur Burger at in ixi. lopni 2am. £4. 25 Aug. The night ior girlx u ho like girlx mo\ ex to a weekend and a he“ \enue. \xith the xame eeleetie muxie pitlie‘}. BU} \ llL‘L'Ll a lemale exeort litr entr).

I Fusion at lleni} ‘x ('ellai Hat llpiii 5ani £5 l \ep line iiitik. xoul and hip hop pliix a like xet iioiii (lli‘l"-k'\l.llk' I A Hard Days .tl \\ L'k' l\)L'\l llal llpiii ‘Nilli £5 t£-1i 1 \ep \ou the \\ee Red'x neu ext alteinatixe night oi indie. xoiil .iiid ll‘\l\.ll'l\‘ll I JakN at \ttidio 11 I” zllpiii 5ain l iee l \ep lhe .lak\ eieu liiing ton a teehno onxlaiighi ax the} ino\e \eniie_ teatiiiiiig .laniie Hall. I le\\ and |)i\eixe lieiitieneiex lliinkx pioinox all night. iiee (‘l )x .iiid tiee enti} I Misfits at \iilma} (\iiigate llpiii 5.1!” £3 \\eekl} liidie. eleetio. punk. ioek and ietio \kllli baigaiii drinkx. a (.l) xuap bo\ and iegiilai gig tieket gi\e.i\\.i} x ('heek iiiixiitxoiiline eo iik tot iiioie iiiio I Modern Lovers at i go l lpiii iani £1 £5 1 \ep \ poxt inodeinixt iiii\ oi xoiil and iiiiik. ia/x. xka. gaiage and px)ehe pio\ ided b_\ iexidentx (‘iaig .iiid \lr Do me I oi more into eheek niodeinloxeix eo iik I Nightstrike & Michigan at lx’l i) ll) llll‘lll 5tllli l-i'ee beioie l lpiii. £§ altei. :5 \iig leehno. eleetio and hi tek liiiik li'oiii l’olaiix. lhe \iibteiianiaii. ;l ‘. .lainex l‘honiax and \Ian (iiaiit Orange Street featuring Max Romeo at Studio 2-1. x :iipni 5am U ‘51! belore llpiii. £5 attei :5 \iig ll llC l’t‘g‘g‘dt' lL‘g‘t‘lltl l‘k'llllltl llit‘ L'l.i\\le '( )utta Spaee' lax xanipled b_\ 'l he l’i‘odig} i putx in a in” In e \liim baeked tip b_\ the (‘hai'iiia\ l’la_\ei‘x. lollim ed b_\ the ()range Street I).lx \[tllilillig' ieggae. xka and dub into the night. I Planet Earth at (‘itrux ('Iiib. llifillpin 3am. £5. \Veekl}. \liixie iioiii l‘l7h through to l‘lH‘). lii otliei \xot'dx. a health} doxe oi punk. neu “aw. neu roiiiaiitie and eleetro pop. I Spank! at l'iiderbelli. iiiidiiight ~laiii. £tbe. 35 Aug. See ’I liii I Sugarbeat at ('abarei Voltaire llpiii 5am. £7. 25 Aug. You iie\ er kilo“ \xhal to e\peet \lti\\li Sugarbeat \kllli inn and .le/ il'tah Saiiitxi. ’l liix month the} are ioined b_\ the man iioiii l'.\'l\'l.l-. and \lo' \Va\ niaxtei' .lainex l,il\L‘llk'. I 33/45 at (Xihai'et Voltaire. llpiii 3am. £4 belore midnight; £7 alter i £4 nienibei'xi. I Sep. \ight built around a xet lroni .\l_\ \late’x ()dd. laimehing their |i\ e houxe xoundx on the lzdiiiburgh elub xeeiie \iith l),l xeix iroiii l.eon liaxter. Ro} .\l. the lilonde l’laxh tilitl .lU Xi} lL‘\. I Tokyo Blu at lago. llpiii 3am. £" belore midnight; £.\' alter l £7i. 35 Aug The the House Sexxionx return to then original home. with a lull li\e band xer\ iiig tip the liiiext hoiixe and deep grooiex ax the} hit their lourth birthda}. I Welcome to the Latin Quarter at lil Harrio. ‘lpiii 3am, £3 £5 i£3i \Veekl}. l.atin. Rtkli. ehart and part} traekx direet irom Spain and South Ainei‘iea. ‘“ Xplicit at the liongo ('lub. llpiii 5am. £l3. 25 Aug. l)riiin tk baxx iiiaxtei'x Xplieit are baek \iith one oi the hottext namex on the xeeiie right nou. ax the Pendulum eolleetne return hit another ripped tip xet oi tough iiingle lroiii the iiiiiidx behind ‘Slani'.

Edinburgh Saturdays


I Afterdark at ('abai'et Voltaire. lll.3llpiii 3am. £3 belore midnight; £lll alter i £tx‘i. I Sep. Rexidentx .\'ei| liai'tle} and Janim} are ioined b} Martin Valentine and Stexen \Vanlexx tl~'i‘ixeol)ixeoi pla_\iiig out the bext lunk} eleetro beatx.

I Edenangels at the Vaultx ienier \ ia \ieitl litlwttrtlxi. lllplti Stilt]. £5 belore lam; £(i alter. 2 Sep. l‘eaturing the bext in dirt}. luiik}. xex}. tribal. teeh} houxe brought to )ou b} xpeeial guext Brian l)enipxter i.\lingin' i and rexidentx l)a\e .\l_\erx. Sandrax Rodrigue/. MKNY. Little .\lixx .\li\-lt and Barrie .\lillar.

I The Egg .z'i \\ Ree. llaf

llpiii 5.1!l‘i :1 l‘etore tindiiight. :5 attei \\eekl\ \tiil thel‘ext :iii\o1 :tidie. le northern \i‘lll. xka. le punk and ne\\ \\.:\e tot: ie likel\ to xtaggei .t\l\‘\\ \ \kell lined ll‘i\lllll'.li‘ll that tefiixex to


I Fever at l :iieiiibeixi .Tti \ii:' laxte iiiaiiixla\x lixliei t\ l‘iite arid \l.ill!l‘i \alentine aie on the main ilooi. \xhile the \ ixitoi and K.itit\iixx take ati an\thiii;~ z'i‘\‘\ attitude into the ('otteaii | oiiityxe l :xa ( ieiiiiaii ix the giiext oi thone. pieked ax a ‘xhooting xtai' bx Ill linen. :ist and ix an integral pait oi the l ieite \ngel Ill team

I Fish Fry at the l.i// liar

ll ‘Hpiii 5aiii £5 \\eel.l\ \ottixli t.i// tinik. xoiil and l atiii l‘aliilx it‘lli lilx l iik l\'\ iking and \xtiobot. izit hiding l’iagiie baxeil ii I \I Ch \iigi lot .i lllt‘lllli‘.‘ pot oi hotixe. iiiiik xoiil and l.l//. lollo\\ ed in lhe \oienxoii \oiil \\oikoiit i.‘ \epI

I Give it Some! at the lioiieo ( 'liili

l lpiii 5ain t 1 l‘t'li‘lt' niidiiis'hl. .ittei Iii \iig (ioiiig iioiii xtiength to xlieiigtli. lllReilti'x daining t llll‘ tx bat k \ktlli the iixiial xelettion oi iiink. \iltll. ia// .lllil

lll‘lil Iain t't' ‘\

iaie gtoo\e ax the} teleltiate then ioiiitli l‘llllltltlA Reggae. toolx. xka and \llll‘ iipxtaiix iioiii lletot Roi

I Liquid Soul al l’o \a \a

ltlpni ‘aiii £ i beioie llpiii. to attei “t't'lxlk (lk'l iliiull k'.lllA ltil llilx tonxixtentlt tapat it} ietio dixto and ltlllR\ lioiixe night. lt‘dlllllll‘.‘ l’o'x oxin \l.tll\ ll till lllt' \lk'\l\\ lllxlllg' \ l.i\\l\ .tliil hang up to date iiiiik} hoiixe ioi thoxe iii llit' lxllitu

I Luvely .it lleilin llieiliaiix

ltlpiii \iiii £l3 itltl ineinbeixi .‘\ep \ xaiie_\ xoiieeol iiill outlining hoiixe niiixie. \\llli iexideiitx loiiiin_\ l\a\ llean .\e\\toii. (iltllli \tone and Ion l il\\.tlil\ lt‘x a “N” lznieigenev in \ep. mm a poliee. iiieiiiaii and paiaiiiedn x diexx (itth

I Obscene at I go It) llll‘lll \ini i.i beloie midnight. £5 .iltei .‘, \ep ()bxi'eiie ix baek to l‘llllj.’ _\oii the bext in diiiiii tk baxx. iiiiigle. old xkool and haideoie Speeial giiextx the to ioiiiiiig iexiileiitx. \laie l'l’. l)l (Lilxiii. l).i\e l.ti\\t'. ill .ilitl \l(- lll

I 100% Dynamite at the lloiigo ( 'luh l lpiii 5am. £~l l‘t'lttlt' midnight. to aitei Shep. 'l he \oiil .la// Reeoiilx \oiind S}\lt‘lli ix baek onee again \iith \l(' ()\iiian il)ub \t'liiltil i and Pete Reill} at the ettllllttl\ tot anothei t'\\lll\li|ll tliioiigli ieggae. xoiil. xka. iiink. daneeliall. hip hop. iootx and iiiiigle Support iioiii lleeo} Rot and lHRedli in the main room \iitli the ( liange \t liiitx taking eaie oi iooiii t\\o

I Progression at the litlllltl Room llHllpin 5am. LN 3o \ug Seeoiid iioiii laxt night ioi l’iogiexxion at the l.ltl'.lltl Room and iexidentx l)eiek_ (ia\ and Alan \klll be digging deep into then ei'atex lot the elaxxit ti'at kx that lia\e iiiade l’iogrexxion xo xpeeial H‘.t'l the laxt xi\ _\eai'x

I Retribution at Studio 31

llpiii iani. £5 ibli \Veekl} Retribution takex the plaee oi the \lixxion but xti|| pla_\x the bext in “K k. nietal. alteinatiie and traekx ironi the daik xide all night long.

I Reverend Funk at lago, llpiii ltilli. £0 £3. 2 Sep. A xei‘nioii oi tunk L'lit\\IL\. xoaring trumpet and Hammond organ geiiix and iiiodeiii artixtx in \‘-Hl\lll[) oi the predixeo “lix xtilllitl (heel. re\ tor tiioie iiiio

I Spank! at l‘nderbell}. midnight Jain. £lbe. 3!) Aug. See 'I liii

3:3 Stereotype at llerlni liieihaux. llpiii 5am. £3 U”. 3!» Aug lliiggy'x top noteh houxe xhov.eaxe v. itli prodiieei ‘loin \e\ ille on the deekx and liix blend oi hoiixe. eleetroniea and nu-dixko.

I Tease Age at ('iirux ('lub.

llpiii 3am. l‘ree belore lllllplll'. Li alter. “eekly ll lil\ ilitlle \ltil\|.;irt tll\llC\ tip eier}thing irom xiiingiiig (ilix hitx to bagg} \ianehexter la\e\ ax \\ ell ti\ a liiixl oi' eurrent All/l: ehart bothererx uith l)J Monkee \iiekee. lzdmburgh'x longext eontinuall} running indie night.