Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Sian Bevan.

Thursday 24


Raymond Mearns Pick of the Fringe 'lhc Stand. 333 \Voodlanth Road. llS—‘ll (illll (i055 Uplii {if 11]) ltlt'llll‘t‘hl. R;i_\iiioiid .\learn\ gnex _\ou )t't another night ol top l't'\ll\;il tun. hiought expcciall} H\L‘l troni Izdinhurgh. 'l'onight. the laugh\ conic lroni .-\lun ('ochiane. |)ie ('lattei'xchenltentieterinaiix. Keith l‘arnan and Rii\\ Baillie


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcurx. l'( i(‘ Building. Rentreu Street. llS'x'll-F VH7”? 7pm. l‘l'illll £lll. Sand} Nelson picxentx lllS good \ell. \\llll \ongx and |Hi\L'S galitt't‘. “me a \\ L‘L‘ \UltlL‘lltlng to eat and a hoogie attcruardx it it \iill lloat _\oiii‘ boat to happinexx.

Raymond Mearns Pick of the Fringe il‘llk' Slillltl. 3.3.3 \Viiiitllttlltk Road. own (ion (loss. ‘lpttt. £In let; {x incinherxi. linio} the heat ot' the l’ringe. cout'tc\_\ ol .\leai'n\. who tonight presents .\lichae| \lclnty‘e. 'l'on) l.a\\. Nelson and Phil Hitler.

Saturday 26


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleuix. l’( i(' Building. Renlreu Street. 08707 8‘07”? 7pm. l'l‘itlll £l3. See Fri 35. Raymond Mearns Pick of the Fringe The Stand. 333 Woodland\ Road. (LS-N) (illll (ill55, ‘lpin. £lll. liextnal anticx. \\ itli a (ilaxgou mist. Joining .\leai‘ii\) llti\ e\ening are Jell' lnnocent. Ke\ in Bridges. Stew l)a} and .-\nton_\ Murra}.


Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service The Stand. 333 \Voodlandx Roatl. om» non noSS. S.3l)pni. £5

(£1 £l ineinherxi, Re\ Redmond hail\ the neck closed. \\ ith the rather iinprexxne line-up ol' Simon Miiiiiic‘i‘}. .\lae\e Higgins. 'l‘err} Saunderx and Bill) Kirluxood.

Tuesday 29


Red Raw llL‘ Stand. 333 \\ni\\ll.ilttl\ Rudd. “hall (ill) bliss .\ ‘sl lPH] L: IL] ltiL‘ttth'rSl 'lhe} We all got to \tan \iitttc\\ltcic. and Red Ra“ I\ [lie l‘cxl breeding ground tor new talent in Scotland \‘ince l‘lulxe \hepherds the poor uee ldltll‘x along

Wednesday 30


Benefit for Southern General Children's Ward 'l'he Stand. 333 \Viiiiillgmik [{(lgul. (LS—ll (\l Kl (it

S. 30pm. £(i i£~li. l,o\el_\. gent-roux L‘Hltlt'tltiilh \uch as Scott ,'\gnc\\ and 'ledd} gix e up their tune to help\t‘ tundx to gne the “did a hit ot a spruce up. Ain't that nice .’

Don Quixote Comedy Nite lhe liquid Ship. l"l I75 (ireai Western Road. 331 Will. S3llpin, £3 Hill) Kirluiood returns to lioxt (ilaxgou \ ta\ourite cult coined) night. 'l'his one teaturex a rogue\ galler) ot \[K‘clttl guests. including .la} l.atlert_\ ('olin lztluardx and headliner ‘l)_\nainite' l)a\id Barr.

Thursday 31


The Thursday Show lliL‘ Siantl. 33‘s \Voiidlandx Road. (lS7l) (will) (M55. S.3l)pin. £(i i£5 £3 lilt'lttlk‘t'Sl. Sand} Nelson and his leather Jacket coinpere the exening \xith \t} le. bringing together (’i'aig ('ainphell. Sick Hood} and Phil l)i l'l'er.


The Thursday Show The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7373. 9pm. £(i (£5 £3 ttlL‘lttl‘L‘t‘Sl. Bruce l)e\ lin hoxtx the tirxt \ltii\\ alter the l’ringe. linjo} the lack ol thering “ith Rudi l.icl\\\ood. Kenn lti'idgcx. Vince l’lulxe and Rick} Sparkles.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcuH. l'(i(' Building. Renl'i'e“ Street. “3707 S7070? 7pm. From £ It). The longleuix door\ suing open again to usher )iiii in to laugh. eat. dance and tall asleep in the cah on the nu} home. 'l‘onight. Michael legge. |)oin ('arroll and Joe lleeiian do their hex! to make )ou giggle.

The Stand The Stand. 3.33 \Voodlandx Road, 0870 MK) (1055. S.3(lpin. [S

(£7 £5 members). The gorgeous. musical and \llSPlClUUSl} \hort Sand} .\'el\on coinperex the exeiung. \\ ilh lttllglix coining li'Utti \iildinan ('i‘aig (‘ainphell and Nick Hood}.

Edinburgh The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7333. 0pm. £8 i£7 £5 incinherxl.

.( a: 4' k . ' comet" mma‘

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by Friday 8th September.

While religion was one of the major themes at this year's

Festival, few comics were able to muster up the kind of hilarious venom which was produced by this mild-mannered chap. Come and praise him at this triptych of shows.

Bruce l)e\ liii and lll\ heautitull) \t_\ led hair lord o\ ei‘ e\ent\. Rudi l.ic'k\iood. Vince l'ilulxc. Ke\in lti'idgex and Sull} ()‘Sullixan take to the mic and caxe _\oui piixl—l't‘xtntil liltlL'S.


Jongleurs Comedy Club longlctlh. l‘(i(' Budding. Renlreu Street. llSWl" S7070? 7pm. l'i'oin £l 3. See l'l't l

The Stand lltL‘ Stand. 3.3 3 \VHiidlaliih Road, tlS’tl ()lll) (M55, ‘lplll. £ It) See ii! I

Edinburgh The Stand lliL‘ Stand. .5 \htll'h l’ltict'. 55S ~3'73. 0pm. £10. See ill I.

G asgow

Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service The Stand. 33.3 \Voodlanth Road. 03"” (will) (3055. S._3llpin. £11

i£3 £l nieinherxi. Praise the Redmond. it\ Sunday l’inixhing )Htlt’ \xeek \iith aploinh are And} Sir and Vince l‘llllxt'. Ross Noble: Fizzy Logic Kingk 'l‘heaire. 2‘)“ Bath Street. 24o l l l l L l " i£l5i. li\er.\one\ tawunte luxtroux haired comedian returns \\ ith lll\ hi'and neu stand-up \liou tor more iinpim lw‘tl iapm


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? 'l he Stand. 5 York Place. 553 "3‘3. lpni. l'ree. Regular treext} le coined} u i/ardx l’aul Graham and Stuart \lurpli} lire up the imagination \\llll another \licc ot unprox action.

The Sunday Night Laugh-In ’l he Stand. 5 York l’lace. 55S “3‘3. S. 3llpni. £4 i£3 £1 iiicinhei'xi, 'l‘he inagnilicentl} c‘iinlcnttiilh \lc‘k Hood}. hot oil the l:L'Sll\Lll. licltk to end _\our \t. eel. Hit a high.

Tuesday 5


Red Raw lllt' Stand, Hi \hittttllJlIth Roml oVo (loo ooh \ «will, 9) ii] ineinhei‘xi lhll_\ lxulsumod and \ndx Sn .itt' lllxt' l’.illl l).illlc'l\ .illil l)i'l\l‘lt' \l\( ii't‘ pi'cxeiinng thc niagit and «l.ill‘_':‘l ot hiand ne\\ citlllt‘illdlh lllal. and thc\ iii.i_\ hc t‘\t'l'ct\lll_‘._' an inappioiiiiaiu lt'l.illiill\lll[‘ lli hiightl} tilltllllt'tl t lotlunL' \\ ho lnov. \'


SiStars! lhc Stand, 5 \oil. l’latix 55‘ “3‘3 S 3lliiin Hut-l £3 lllt‘llll‘t‘hI \loi'c ocxtiogcn laden tun lioni the ladie\. \kllll itldc \llxall ( 'alinan. \t at} /.oc l )iilh and viunipj. \l henna-d} llit}\ can citlllt' lint ll lltt'} l".'ll.t‘.t‘ .illil hriiig l‘l\\llll\

Wednesday 6


llL' Slallil. 3 i 3 \\1Nttll.llltl\ Road. llSEIl ()llll (iii;3 x <in”. u. i 9.; L: lllt'llllk‘l\l lt‘x l..iillt'\ \i;3hi and Small ('alnian. Aw I j.on\ and lllcl lcani ‘.‘.lll

he doing it lot the :lll\ ll] llll» all lcinalc line-up


Shamwagon lllc Stand 5 \oil. l’latc, 55S “3—33. S, 3llpln £132_3 13 iiiciiiliciw 'l he l’enn} l)i'cadtul\ l.l.illilt' \llilt'lxiilL lluinphic} Keri. l)a\.id Reed and Mimi. luck i are pulled h} tclli rs. l'mllain alumni ldil and l’etei ( aineion tor a night ol iinpio‘. hell llllllll'c'x

Check out the

on page 13