
Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

Aap Kl Khatiritbci tl)harme\h l)ar\han. India. 200m .-\k\ha}e Khanna. l’ri}anka (‘hopra 150mm Big budget lloll}nood remake ol popular 1077 laiiiil} romance ol the \ame name ()(ll'll’l :l! Illt‘ Quin. (i/uiemi. (h/(Wll l-nrl Kinnuml. l‘,(/lIl/)llI'L‘/l Adrift i l5i 0.. illanx llorn. (ieriiian). 200m Sthtlll Ma) l’ratt. 80min. See :\l\o Releaxed. page 27 (it'm’l'u/ rt'li'uu'. African Film Screenings: Short Film Project 2004 i l 'i (Varioux. South Alrica. 2001i (ilriiiin. South .-\lrican \ltorh on \ttrltllh theme» l'lllll\ include. .lliixikunu ill/lieu. Kilrii/iim. Ii’lmu/ .S'Iuiic'i. (i/n'm'r I’mlun't and lIm/mru. (‘( Ll. (ilrixeuii. Akeelah and the Bee 1 IBM 00. tl)oug Atchixoir l'S. zoom Kekc l’almer. Laurence l'l\lllilll'llL‘. Angela liaxxett.

I llrmii. (‘areltill} treading the line beln een leel-good lairiil) \aluex and loi‘intilaic \cliiiiiiltl. llil\ ymth drama ltillti\\\ I l-}c';ir- old Akeelali tl’alnieri tr} mg to make good in l.o\ .-\ngele\' South (‘entral \ ia a national \pelling bee. .st'lf't'lt'tl I't'lt'ilu'.

Alice t l5i O... iJan Sxankniaier. (‘Iechoxlmakia/ Sn it/ei‘land/l 'K/Wext (ieririain. 1083i 84min. Hyper-real puppet and \top l'raine animation \er\iolt ol' the ('arroll t'l;l\\lL‘ b) brilliant ('Iecli lilmmaker Sxankniaier. in n hicli Alice make\ her n ay through a harxh dreainxcape. ('rtiel. childlike and lantaxtical. l)l\llC}' it delinitel) ixn't. “twill” link. Iz‘i/iIi/iureli.

Alien Adventure 30 it‘i 000. (Ben Sti'axxen. Japan. 200! i \‘oice ol' John llo} le. liouli l.anner\. 37min. An alien race looking lot a planet to L'tiltillht' liltd earth and unlortuiiatel} enter a theme park n here the} (tune much amusing nia_\hem. [MAX I‘llt'tlll't'. (flux L'Uii.

The Ant Bully t l 'i C. (John A l)a\i\. [8. 2006) Julia Robertx. Nicholax ('age. .\1er'\| Streep. 80min. Yet another (‘(i| animation beston ing lil‘e lC\\Ull\ on the nation'\ )otiiig. 'l‘en _\ear-old |.uca\ likex to torment antx. until rexident ant n i/ard L/.oc


30 THE LIST 24 Aug—T Sep 2006

iNicolm ('agei \hrinkx him to their \l/L‘ and teaches him to ll\L' ax part ot the communit} rather than an indi\ idual Predictable _\arn St'lt't lt't/ I‘t'lt'uu'

Aquamarine l l’(ii .0. llali/abeth Allen. (’5. 2006i limma Robertx. Jolo. Sara Paxton. Jake Mcl)ortiian. Arielle Kebbcl 101mm Stirprixingl} \neet adaptation ol Alice llollmann‘x popular book aimed \qtiarel} at an Ulltll\c‘rlllllliullllg audience ol pre-teens. When tno 12-}ear-old g'll'l\ dth“ er a mermaid on their t'axourite beach. their lroublex haie onl} iu~t begun. Splash meetx The LIN/e .Wt'l‘lmut/ tor .’i \av} nen generation. (iliiiemi l-i/ni 'I'Iimirc. (i/tiieoii Ask the Dusti ISi 000 (Robert Ton ne. {'8}. 2006i (’olin l'arrell. Salina lla}ek. Donald Sutherland. 1 17min. .-\n adaptation ol John l'ante\ l)epre\\ion-era no\el depicting the deliance. ambition and dexperation that \lelll lroin lloll) nood dixencliantment (iltixeim l-‘ilni l'limrre. (i/uwuii.

Be Here to Love Me: A Film About Townes Van Zandti IS i 0.00 tMargaret lironn. l'S. 200-1i\\'illie .\'e|\on. l.)le l.o\ett. Kl‘h Krixtoll'erxon. liinnnlou llarrix. Stexe lzarle. 90min. Van /.andt. arguabl} one of the greatext land certainl} the most torturedi \tllig\\rllc'r\ n ho ex er

|i\ ed the n ttx knonn ttx the muxicianx’ \ongnriteri ix loxingl} praixed b} a panel ol' more comiiierciall} \uccevl'til purx e_\'orx ol the country genre. (ilmeoii l-i'lm 'I'limrre. (i/usemi;

Black Orpheus t Ixi COO. (Marcel (‘amun France/Portugal. l95‘)! Breno .\lello. Marpexsa l)ann. Lea (iarcia. 98min. An ()scar n inner ax the hex! l'oreign Film of itx year. lltlx l\ an imaginatiVe. poetic updating ol. the legend of ()rpheth and litirydice in n hich a \lreetear conductor and a country girl tall in love during the Rio de Janeiro carniuil. (iltisgoii' I‘llm 'I'limrre. (iluigunz

Born into Brothels ( ISi COO (Zana Briski. Roxx Kaullinan. ['8. 2004) 85min. ()xcar n'inning documentary looking at the children ol~ prostitutex in (’alcutta and teaching the children to look anen through art. (ilmgmi' I'i/m 'I'lieulre. (Human;

The Break-Up t IZAi O. (Peyton Reed. l'S. 200m Jennifer .-\ni\ton. Vince

Vaughn. Joe} lauren \damx. ('ole llauxer, Jon l-aweau 110mm -\tter tno Math oi marriage. cit} tour guide ('iar) i\'atighnn and an galler} .l\\l\l.llil Brooke i -\lll\ti\lil lia\ e had enough ol each other. but can‘t bring themxebex to gixe up their co\ eted ('hicago condo 'l‘lie rextrained comic \t_\le -\ni\ton relined during her tenure on lriurd'x lthl doexn't lit nith Vaughn'x treenheeling. \o it\ lett to the \tipporting cm! to pro\ ide the laughx. including Brooke'x bitch} boxx and all-\inging brother and (iar_\ \ be~t btidd). Jitllllll} () (it'llt'l‘il/ It'lt'tlu'

Cars l l’(ii 0.. iJohn l.a\\eter. 18. zoom \oicex ot ()n en \Vilxon. l’aul

\en man. Bonnie Hunt. l.arr} ’l‘he (‘able (in) lllmin Racecar Lightning .\1c(‘)tleell

l(l\C\ lllx n a} en route lit the linal race Ul the

\L‘;l\ttli and lind\ himxell iriarooned in the \leep} ton ii ol Radiator Springx. n hich l\ populated b} an arra) ot’ lilhlll carx l)e~pite the man} (\U\lll\e\. (‘arx doexn't quite make the highext grade mainl} becauxe it\ the leaxt original l’i\;ir lilin )et. (it'm‘m/ I't'lt‘uu'.

The Cave of the Yellow Dog (Die Hoehle Des Gelben Hundes) 1 NH 0.. tl3}aiiiba\tiren l)a\aa. Mongolia/(ierinan}. 3004i 03min. Si\-}c‘;ii'- old Nanxal encounter\ an abandoned ptipp} in Mongolian nioiintainx but her nomadic laiiiil} rel-the to keep it until it proxex ll\ north n hen the} are in dire need. I’i/nr/iuuw. Iii/inlmreli.

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe tl’(ii O iAndren .-\dain\on. l'S. 2005i (ieorgie llenle}. William .\lo\ele_\. Skandar Ke}iiex. James .\lc.-\\o_\. Ra} Winstonc. l)ann l-‘rench. 'l'ilda Sninton. IZSmin. 'l‘hix. the lirxt ol' xex en proposed children liiiitzix} blockbuxterx baxed on ('S Lenix' much lo\ ed allegorical no\ elx. ix an absolute \tinker. and one made all the more unpalatable b} the fact that the \er} llllc‘llrlNIlttli greed ol itx producer\ I\ \o utterl) palpable o\ er ll\ \eemingl} L'lltllc'xx running time. l’rool that great book\ can make truly appalling lilmx. Iz'nipi're ('luleliuiik Il-ormerli' l’( l). (Yule/Mink; ()(lt‘llll I’or! Kilinuinl. Iz'ili'nlmreli.

The Da Vinci Code i 13m 00

(Ron llonard. l'S. Zoom 'l‘om lltllll'u.

Jason Reitman’s lightweight but occasionally very amusing spin doctor satire centres around the changing fortunes of big tobacco corporation spokesman Nick Naylor (Aaron Eckhardt). The huge, excitable cast includes Maria Bello, Sam Elliott (pictured), Rob Lowe, Katie Holmes and Robert Duvall. This is the modern media industry equivalent of Ken Annakin’s 1965 chase comedy Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines. I Film/rouse. Edinburgh from Tue 29 Sun—Sat 2 Sep.

-\udre_\ l'autou. lait \lc l\elleii. l‘aul liettanx IJMiim llonaidk tno and a hall hour }.i\\ri text doplah the \\i‘l\l ll.tlllll.ill\\ ol a lliill}\\timl itixlriob. lt'ltl\‘l\t'lt'\\l\ ca~hing in on a popular lad llexpite nice li\.llli‘ll\. n hat \\a\ a decent page turner eiiieigex a\ a l‘tllli'lttlllll‘lllg‘ melodrama ot little interext in lc‘fllh ol either \ inema oi tabloid lltei‘log\ “Hum-r: [in am Iain/"met: V Edinburgh International Film Festival 2006-\ii e\ti.i xpecial celebration ol cinema. including gala premierex. guext .li‘]\'.ll.tllct'\. l.ilk\ and iien \ll\cit\t‘rlt‘\. ax the l'll'l ltlllix o0 tho )eai \t l't'i It i1, H'lt tin Eleven Men Out (Strakarnir Okkar) ilM iRobeit Douglax. Iceland. 300“ liyoiii lll}iitii ll.ll.lltl\\i\ll. l ll|.t \ott l )raiinxdottii .R-liiiiii ('omed} about a pro tootballei nho cttlilt‘\ out oi the cloxel and end\ up tindiiig \tlc‘c'e\\ nith a liliNll) queer team. but oiil_\ becatiw the il(‘p\t\lllitll ltlll\ the other na)’ in! of {In SUI/r [within ll \linirr rim/(rm li/ni li'xiiitil on [our (i/tixeon Ii/ni I}l('(1“(, (I-ll1\'\'l’\\ Forty Shades of Blue « 1* i O... llla Sachx [8. 300m Rip loin. l>iiia Koi/un. l).tllL'll lllllliiux lll‘lllilll loit_\ Shadex loctixex on a lo\ e triangle beln em a doiiiineeiing \Ulllllt‘l'li record producer -\|an lttlllt'\. lll\ much )Utlllg‘t‘l giilliieiid l aiiia. and the patiiaich\ gion ii tip wn \lichael. \Klliixt' onii nile l\ pregnant Sachx l;I\ottl'\ a Ion ke}. llll(‘lt'\\ltllil\llc approach to lll\ diiectioii. ober mg the credibl} llan ed cliaiacteix n itliiii their dail} t‘llHl'tilllltt‘llh. \tibtl} ie\ea|iiig the churning leeliiigx ol \olitude. liagilit} and hurt beneath l..iuia\ ice-queen lacade. and making tl\ care tor \iilllt‘litttl) ne might initiall} tll\llll\\ ax uiinoi'th} ol otii \}iripath_\. Ill/ll/ll’llu’. [allll/llllgll Garfield: A Tale of No Kitties t t 'i i'l'im lllll. [8, 200m liieckiii \lt‘}t‘l. .leiiiiiler l.o\e llenitt. llill} (‘oiiiiolly liill .\ltiri‘a}. lan .-\bcicioinbie. Roger Reex 80min. In ll|\ return to the big \cieen. the den er ginger leline noiced b_\ \ltiiia} i. takex a trip to Blight). and through a caxe ol mixtaken identil} end\ up ruling ox er a rather llaxh} cotintr} pile. 'l'he nelaiioux l.ord l)argi\ t( ’onnoll} i hax otliei ltlL';l\ lliotigh. (ii'Iit'm/ I‘i'lt'uu'. * Harsh Times l is. 0000 tl)a\id .-\}c‘r. l‘S. 2005i (‘hri\tiaii liale. l-iedd} Rtitlrlgtlel. l'.\a l.ongoria ll‘liiiin (‘hrixtian Bale tll\c()\ erx that it‘x pi'elt} totigli loi .iii unxtable (illll \Var \eteraii to get a iob in l..-\. landing tip in emotional tiiiiiioil nhen axked to chooxe beln een |o\ e and a lob btixting drug cartel. lhe .\le\icaii landxcape prox idex a \harp contraxt to the urban metropolix. btit it'x liale'x emotional e\treme\ that are lllthl intriguing iii .'\'\t'l‘\ llllpl'C\\l\C debut, (ii'iieni/ It‘ll'tlu' How to Eat Fried Worms ll’(il .0. iliob l)o|iiian. l'S. 300m Luke Bernard. llalle Kate laixenbei‘g. See .-\l\o RL‘lL’ihL‘tl. page 3". (ii'rieml I'i'luiu'. Ice Age 2: The Meltdown 1 ti 0.. t('arlm Saldaiiha. [8. 300m Voicex ol Ra} Romano. John l.egui/airio. l)L'lll\ Lear}. Seaiiii William Scott ‘Nlllilll lznio} able lollon -up to the ('aiiadiaii 3003 animated lealtire. [urn Bum/(rs and Sim/mini \L‘lllk‘ Jon \'itti pickx tip the n riting rc'llh nith aplomb ax Manlred. Sid and Diego lace their biggext challenge to date the end (ll tlte Ice Age ('tm'iinl'ltl Park/rem]. (i/iiwim ; ('ini-imr/i/ Izi/in/iiu'e/i, Izilin/rure/i. Imagine Me and you i 13m 00 (0] Parker. l'S/l 'K/(ieriiian). 2005i l’iper l’erabo. l.cna lleade). Matthen (ioode. ‘Hmin, (iltlllntithl) (lc‘L'L'\\Illle Sapphic romantic coined} wt in London. Imagine KIHIIIL’ chm'u Stein made b} the I'IIHI' Hedi/trim and u l‘llllt’l'tll team. Dreadltil (inmuim: (i/(iwnn Innocent Voices (Voces lnocentes) 1 11M... ll.tll\ Mandoki. Mexico. 200-1i Leonor \'arela. (‘arlox l’adilla. ()lclia Medina. 120mm. 'l‘he stor} ol a )oung bo} in poxertyxtricken l‘Mlix lzl Salxador. ciin nar rages and man} ol lil\ l’riendx are prexx ganged into the gmernment arm}. With 300.000 children currentl} xerxing in (trllilc‘\ throughout the norld. it'x a pertinent reminder of their plight. Shot through nith authenticit}. the film is full of detail both