I Gratis Ouo Rotten. l-i \ltdiand Street. 331 “~30 ‘Ipm l‘tee Statth Utro trzhnte hand

I Brady Cole, My Shotgun Sister, Baby Strange, Skarsoles, Sleepmode, Meeklejohn and The Arguments \Hllltilllath. 1“ ll}«lt‘[‘.tll. \llt‘t'l. :3] W5" 9 illplll L; I‘L‘IHIL'

I Ipm. LN alter Roel. \l}hng\ ltom Brad} (ole who wunt l)a\e (irohl among then Iallx, '.‘~llll \npport ltom lltHlHlI hand llaltk Strange

:11 Rolling Stones and The Charlatans llampden Park. I etherh} l)lt\e. (do moo Loo Ll5ll \liek and the Imp hrmg then 301 lo 'x\ lhgger llang‘ Into tout land a whole hmt ol elaxxte

rot I. and wine ho hum neu lll.llt'll.tl| to (ilaxgou.

I The Ronelles and The Revivals l'lt\'\\.tIL'l. HI Sauehiehall Street. ‘5-1 “‘50 l'ieehelore Ill ‘Hpm. L~1tL5ialter \Iamxlream roekrng trom hoth handx


I Raff, Lee Paterson and Blue Vintage City \Vluxtlehmkiex. 4 (l South lliidge. 55“ 5| H lpm l'ree helote nndntght. L-l alter (ion-ix and originalx. I James Winter, Bobby King 8 The Kingfishers, The Trans World Orchestra and The Flavours The Jam Home. 5 Queen Street. 33o -I iStl ()plll. (‘oxerx aeothtte. lunk and \torld muxie liom lhrx htg line up

I Milford Cubicle, Mix Master General and Elysium Sulma} (‘ongatu (it) ('ougate. 335 (Who " 3llpm. L5 iLllr. |'.\|winnental roek.

I Nick Fells ( 'ltal 'lealtottSe. \VL'SI lx’iehmond Street, (m3 00‘)”. 3pm. l'it'ee. Inleetro aeouxtre eompoxer and perl'ormer. I Orange Street featuring Max Romeo Studio 31. 34 3h (allot) Road. 55S V5S S. I0pm 5am, L|3.5ll helore

I Ipm. L5 alter. 'l’he reggae legend hehind the elaxxte '( )utta Spare tax \ampled h}

‘I he l’iodig} l putx Ill a lull Ine \ltou haeked up It} the ('harma\ l’lgi}er'\. Iolltmetl h_\ the Orange Street |).I\ \prnning reggae. \ka and duh into the night

I Degrassi and The Last Great Wilderness Itinnerman'x. \iddr‘} Street. 550 i354. S-I5pm. L‘the. IaItnhurgh eomho mmng poxt—punk and poxt-roek lrom l)egra\\I. plux epre indie lrom I.a\t (il'L‘dI \Vlltlt‘l'llt'SS.

I Adriana Heanxeene. 0‘) \Ieholxon Street. N)" 50‘)". ‘lpm. l‘ree. l~oIk} \mger/xong“riter.

I Open Mic llttltlL‘ SII'L‘L‘I littl‘. (4‘) Home Street. ‘lpm. l'ree. ()pen mie night. \\illt drink [HUIIIUIIUIIS axailahle.

I Alan Emslie St Mar} \ Iipixeopal Cathedral. 3‘ l’almerxton l’Iaee. 335 (i303. Illfillpm. (the. Dark matter roek and drilled out \oundxeapex It'om thix prog goth metal duo.

I Boogaloo Bothy Ilenr) '\ (‘ellar Bar. S Iha \lot't‘txon Street. 33S 050.“.

Ilpm 5am. Lthe. Iloogaloo Both} eaterx lor man} taxtex mth itx hig. htihhling pot ol lllllSlL‘ and heat\ \\ ith Ii\ e aetx the.

Saturday 26


I Open Stage llte llalt Bar. tho \\'oodland\ Road. 353 00%. 4 Spin. l-ree. \Veekl} \L'SSIUII t'or IoeaI muxieianx.

I Havock Road Rockerx. 14 Midland Street. 33] 0‘34». 5 Split. l-‘ree. ('o\er\.

I Bert Jansch .-\ll(‘. 330 Saueluehall Street. 553 3333. 3pm. Llo tL‘IJI, See t-‘n

I The Towers :\B(’3. 550 Sauehiehall Street. 553 3353, 7pm. £0. ()\L‘l‘- l-lS \hou. l-ieleette l'uture roek.

I Brass Monkeys The Old l-‘rtntmarket. (Imdlerrggx. 355 Stllltl. “.Stlpm. illl. (lld\:_‘\‘\\ -l\;l\L‘d. lipieee lllgll L‘ltL‘l‘g} latin. \oul. \\\tll:_' and trunk enxemhle. perl'ornung elaxxie from the like\ of Nina Snnone. Frank Sinatra. Stexre \Vonder. Sam Broun. SIurIe\ Baxxex and Marlena Shaw ' i

I Horse 'I'ron Theatre. (43 'I‘rongate. 553 43th. "fillpm. US. l.o_\aII) patronhed \rnger/xong“riter \\ ho \\ ill no doubt he crooning to a lull home.

I The Law l‘lartoxxland 3. :44 (ialloxxgate. 553 JNII ' ~15t‘m U‘ err l~lx \lttm.

I The Phantom Band, Call to Mind and The Stars aren’t Silver Rant). 30” (dee Street. HSWI on" owm Spin

Ll lIL' llL‘dtllllIL'I‘S ttIL' ,1 lL'IIIlL'ltl link It‘lll'l‘IkKL'

I Ian McKinnon, Pat Monaghan, Dochan MacMillan and Porchsong Anthology Repertoire. I5" 15” North Street. 33I II4~1 S 10pm liee \ar_\ing aeouxtrt \et\ at tho l-ree (and) Sewtonx night

I Miss the Occupier, Red Strike, Private Jackson and John Irvine \ree'ri'SleaI}. ~13I Sauehiehall Street. “‘ lltltlll S. 3llpm l’uneh} indie punk roekmg lrom \llSS the ()eeuprer.

I Our Lunar Activities, Sad Colossus and Gamble Gamble 8. Drever King 'I‘ut'x \\ ah “ah Ilut. 353a St \tneent Street. 33I 53“). S. zllpm :5 Dark indie \HIII eehoex ol l’\}L‘Iit-tle'lte' l'llfS and lllaek Sahhath

I Tons of Slobs Samuel Him \_ (4“ “t \rtlixdale Road. 433 lllll" .S illpm. I-ree l-ree/liad (‘ompam trrhute.

I Bad Medicine Roekerx. 14 Midland SII‘CL‘I. 33l 0’30. ‘lplll. l'il'L‘L', Rth L’HH'I'S. I Carpathia, Maelstrom and Dionysus l3tli Note ('ale. SH 00 King Street. 553 [MS ‘lpm. L3. I’iogg} hlaek metal lrom (’mentr‘}. \upported It} ('eItie llamured doom metal and lantax} irnxpired death metal hand»

I The Zips il‘llL' llttll lidl. lltll “tuttlldlhlS Road. 553 0900. ‘lpm. l'ree. Seunnered are a \a\-emhelh\hed punk eomho. leaturing e\-memher\ ol I:\r(‘athedra

I Winter, Kayes Lavelle and The Beggar’s Lake g3. 400 Saueluehall SII'L‘L‘I. 555 .il l l. LN. (Mel? l»l\ \hou. I.oeal hand lineup.


I Lee Paterson, Blackjack Blues Band, Dakota and The Hustlers \Vluxtlehinkiex. 4 (\ South llrrdge. 557

5| I—l. 3pm. l-ree helore midnight; L11 alter. Bluex roek form the lilaekiaek llluex hand \xith roek'n'roll “ith a eountr} \ihe l'rom Dakota.

I Heftor Medboe, Athens and Das Contras 'l’he .Iarn Home. 5 Queen Street. 330 JRSU. 5pm. .Ia// guitarixt .\Iedhoe ix

joined h} \oealixt Am} .\Iae. lollou ed h}

\emi-aeouxtie pop eoxerx from .-\then\ and liuxion l'rom l)a\ ('ontrax.

I The Revivals Sulma} ('ougate. (N ('o\\ gate. 335 (4706. 7.30pm. £5 tL'Jl. Stonex} \outltet'tt roekerx promoting debut album Hie/r in l-rn'mlx I’luu's.

I David Gibson BeztllSL‘L‘llL‘. 3 (il‘tt\\L‘llUl' Street. 34(4 Sit-13. 7.30pm. l-‘ree. Aeouxtie guitarist.

21: Joe Viterbo, Dick Dangerous 8. the Love Bastards and The Des Moines Riot Bannerman'x. \iddr} Street. 550 3354. S45pm. Lthe. li\- .\'e\\to\\n (irunt \'iterho\ lllllSlL‘ itunpx lrom roek. \ka. punk and _ia// to \ottl.

I Sub-Opt, Gecko 3 and Magic Moio Jam Session llenr} \ ('ellar Bar. S Ma .\Iorri\on Street. 33S 03%. I Ipm. Lthe. l’rogrexxix e funk and tan.


I The Wee Chill Part 5 Queen'\ l’at'k (il;t\\l10tl\c\. l.;lttg\ttlc Road. 33-? SIMS. 4.30pm midnight. LI5. .-\ da_\-Iong unru- rm ol' great danee and eIuII out aetx like Metro .-\rea. Shmell. I)omenie (’apello. .\Ia\h. Bill} \Voodx. Bull International RL‘L‘UI‘LIS. l'll‘ChlllL'llUtfi L'r\. SL‘IIIJII pltlS man} more.

I Eagles of Death Metal and The Haze The (iarage. 400 Sauehiehall Street. 333 ID”. 7pm. LS5” ()xer-I-h \hoxx. QtlL‘L‘lh OI lllL' Stone Age- at‘liliated \Iea/_\ roek'n'roIIerx liaglex ol‘ Death Metal.

I Big Blues Jam Studio One. (iroxxenor ’l'erraee. 3-H (i516. ".Bllpm. l5ree, llmted h} the .\'e\\ Bluex Surlerx \\ ith eontrihutionx l‘rom Studio One regularx \ueh ax Re\ Doe and the .\'immo Brother\.


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. ' 2 27:, THE LIST 43