Nick Mohammed coo

Mohamiiied presents a series of inventive characters including a dead personality analyst hp synchiiig to his own pre- recorded voice and a children‘s presenter holding a conversation w itli two naked sock puppets. l’aicliy btit promising. (Marissa Burgess) I’li'iisuni r ('uurtvurd. 556 6550. until 38 Aug. 6pm. [8 [9.50 (£6.50 [8).

The Murder Show coo night a different guest comedian dies


(quite literally ) on stage and its tip to the audience to deduce who did it: the drunken lush'.’ The Vegas big sliot'.’ ()r the mild mannered janitor'.’ (.‘ylai'issa Burgess) [iii/iv Ii’i'llv, 087!) 745 ,v’t)8.i’_ until 37Aue. //.40/))n. [‘l [/0 ([8 [9). Ole! .0. complete with an ‘old one. a pretty one

The l.atinn thrcesniiic.

and the fatty‘.‘ are rich in musical ability but the laughs are slow to arrive. 'l'hey spend much of the first half plucking and slapping their guitars btit events ftiiiiiy tip when ‘fatty‘ begins to goof about in the background. (Marissa Burgess) George Square Theatre. 663 8740. until 37Aug. 7.30pm. [[3 ([9).

Mark Olver DO. ()lver has a great story to tell (about freakishly damaging his leg during a show btit carrying on in between bouts of unciinsciousness) btit he takes an age to get there. There are some whimsical flights of fancy in his set but he is ultimately drawn (on far into audience chit chat. (Brian Donaldson) I’li'iisunt‘i' (‘nurtviird 556 6550. until 38 Aug. 8.35pm. [8.50 [9.50 ([7 [8). Pegabovine 0.. An enjoyable play centres on a crumbling ptiblisliiiig giant whose success solely depends on the printing and reprinting of l)tigdale ('aiining‘s lltt' Rll't'l' Slut/low. A gently humourous piece. (Marissa Burgess) Pll‘ll.\'(lll('(' Home. 556 6550. until 38 Aug. 5pm. [7.50 [8. 50 ( [6 [7.50).

Plastic Cowboys coo 't‘his twistedly jolly linglish sketch trio may resemble a low-budget League of (ientlemen. bill the cheaply-realised scenarios don‘t disguise their deliciously twisted comic potential. l)isfigui'ed schoolboys and slea/y sci-ft authors run amok. (David Pollock) I’li'usuni‘e (‘nurtvunl 556 6550. until 38 Aug. 4.40pm. [9 [9.50 i [7.50 [8).

Adrian Poynton coo .-\ppai‘ently. the new cool is not being cool. This well- meaning message gets lost amongst tales of stolen trousers. religious tat shops and the Disney empire btit the laughs keep rolling iii. (Rachael Street) (ii/dud Balloon li’l‘lttl. 668 [633. until 38 Aug. 7pm. [8.50 [9. 50 I [7. 50 [8. 50).

Sue Perkins coo great script and. by jingo. she's going to stick to it. Material on her upbringing at the hands of vicious iitiiis and her mother's hysterical reaction to her coming out allows her to show off her sharp timing and invention. (Allan Radcliffe) I’leusiinci' ('nurty'urd. 556 6550. until 37Aug. 7.40pm. [(1- [[0

l {8-1.9}.

Will CC. Smith‘s sweet. square. middle-class sehtick has served him well iii recent years and provides a fertile basis for quality material. But while he is as funny. likeable and slick as ever

Perkins has a

for see non-Festival magazine

here. a little more ambition could be handy. (Ashley Davies) Am'mlilv Rooms, 336 3438. until 37Aue. 8. 55pm.

[//.50 [l3.50([/II.50 [H.50).

Tom Stade coo cotnedy. Stade has decided he will now

After l7 years iii

chat about whatever wanders into his 'cnmedy garden.’ The result is a supremely laid back affair with some killer lines while reviewing the audience reaction and deconstructng the an of stand-tip. (Marissa Burgess) lllt' Stand II. 558 73 73. until 37Aue. ll.55/nn. [8 ( [7). Watson & Oliver .0. Lorna and Ingrid are too reminiscent of lirench and Saunders. but they possess a slyer chemistry. lti their most original sketches. a forgetful costume shop owner abuses a customer. and an architect passes off a kids' game as a new design. (Robin Lee) I’li'iisiini‘i' ('nurtvurd. 556 6550. until 38 Aug. 4.45pm. [9 [9.50 ([7.50 [8).

WitTank 0.. Six students present sketches of which some are just too close to the classroom or TV. thntigli others transcend. Why else would a man with a suspiciously bushy beard fly to the l'S. other than to buy Samsonite luggage'.’ (Robin Lee) Demim‘n Rmv Art House. 087/ 750 0077. until 38 Aug. 4.50pm. [7 ([6).

A British Guide to World Religions 0. Toby Mitchell and his companion guide its through the world's major religions plus a few minority ones. While laughs are thin on the ground. you may be iii danger of learning something with the wealth of research on show. (Marissa Burgess) (' i‘i'ntrul. 0870 70/ 5/05. 37 d‘ 38 Aug. 5.55pm. [7. 50 ( [6.50).

Allen and Wrigglesworth 00 Two Toms. Two sets. ()ne boy affable and clever like a grown-up megalomaiiiac Stewie from Family (iuv alter a stint working in a call centre. The other disagreeable with an uninspired flailing routine punctuated by his high- pitched nervous titter. (Sn/anne Black) (ii/di'd Balloon li'i'int. 668 I633. until 38 Aug. 8. I 5pm. [8. 507-1“). 50

((75618. 50).

Hils Barker 0. A perfectly likeable btit ultimately flaccid routine and hackneyed delivery are raised by surely being the only l‘ringe show tn nainecheck The West ll'i'ng‘s Toby Ziegler. (Brian Donaldson) (ii/(led liiillnnn 'Ii'i'int. 668 1633, until 38 Aug. 7 pm. [8. 50--[‘). 50 ( [7— [8).

The Bird Flu Diaries 00 This show about British panic and eccentricity is intelligently written. and this duo promise much. Sadly their delivery is let down by gags much too few and far between. A bit of a turkey. (Malcolm Jack) l’leiisiini'e Dome. 556 6550. 34. 37 d‘ 38 Aug. 8.10pm. [8.5()~[9.50 ([7). Pete Gain .0 Angry men can change the world. and Cain wants to kill people. Weed otit the morons. he says. and life will improve. Dark humour is Usually delicious. but there's too much empty misanthropy here. (Robin Lee) Plt’tl.\‘tlll(‘(’ (‘nurtvurd 556 6550. until 38 Aug. 8. 3! )pm. [8. 50—[9. 5( ) ([7 —[8).

Dan Clark D. Loosely themed around the day Clark lost his iPod. his routine is a scattered mix of observational humour. comedy songs and audience pestering. He's no natural. and some punchlines miss their mark


altogether. (Malcolm Jack) l’li'ttvitnt‘i' (‘ourtvitld 556 6550. until 38 Aug. 8./5/nn. [9 [950([750 [8).

Tim Clark D. This ('lark tackles well-worn subjects: the difference between men and women. family . . family. It's tempting to let the mind wander as the photos from the inaiitelpiece

pop tip on his multimedia computer projection device thingy. (Robin l,ee) l’li'iisiini‘i' ('nurtvurd. 556 6550. until 38 Aug. 7.10pm. [I0 [II ([9 [l0).

Did Priya Pathak Ever Get l-ler Wallet Back? co A great idea (statistically measuring jtist how nice the police really are) is let down by sub- (iorman itieanderings and a gag-lite script. (Brian Donaldson) I’ll'U‘lHll'l' Dome. 556 6550. until 38 Aug. 3.30pm. [8 [‘l

([6 [7).

Doing Nothing Greatly Benefits Creativity .0 Paul l.yall.s hasn‘t exactly been doing nothing: he's made a flag with the title of the show iiiai'ker- penned across a big yellow triangle iii the middle. What follows is a sweet btit unfunny journey iiiio l‘)7(ls liast Yorkshire through anecdote. joke and verse. (Rnbiii Lee) I’li’uvuni'i' Home. 556 6550, until 38 Aug. 3.45pm. [8 [9([6.5() [7.50).

Tim FitzHigham 00 Having Neil Morrissey as a celebrity pal is hardly a stamp of comic approval btit liit/lligham is keen to hammer home his connections ((‘laire Sweeney is dragged into the act too) in this meandering tale of his l)oii QuiXote obsession. (Brian Donaldson) l’lt'usiint't' ('nurtvurd. 556 6550. until 38 Aug. 6pm. [7.50 [8.50 ([6 ([7).

Kim Hope .0 llope's iiianiacally physical delivery and occasionally edgy material are the attributes of a performer with potential. btit the rangy Aussie needs to ditch some or all of her dated gender- division stuff. (Sam llealy) (ii/(led Balloon 'Ii't'int. 668 I633. until 38 Aug. 7.45pm. [()-—[l() ([8 {[9).

Jefl Innocent co lnnocent's demeanour is endearing and his theme - trying to lead an ecologically compassionate life ~ ethically tinitnpeachable but ultimately it‘s not particularly funny nor thought-provoking. Yet his one-liners would. in other contexts. be pretty punchy. (Sam llealy) The Stand II. 558 7373. until 37Aug, 4.30pm, [7 ([6).

Omar Marzouk & Mette Lisby co With the recent cartoon crisis Danish comedians are not short of topical material especially if you happen to be Danish and MUslim. However despite having two different comedians it becomes clear that what the Danes presumably find funny is not going to work over here. (Gordon Eldrett) l’lt'usuni'i' Dome. 556 6550. until 38 Aug. [0pm. [9.50— [10.50 ( £8-- £9 ).

No One Has Ever Complained Before 00 An amiable and energetic Teresa Jennings plays to her strengths in this old-fashioned. pun-crazy show about a gender-swapping Cinderella tale. (Brian Donaldson) Gilded Bit/1mm Tevint. 668 [633. until 38 Aug. 3.15pm. [8—[9If7—[8L

Paul Sinha co the comic version spcaks ()nly more vehemently .

l’aul Siiiha is .of’l‘ony lilall llL‘ in short. sharp. sentences than the l’\l on racism. homophobia and apathy, .-\nd he is tough

He is tough on the causes of racism. homophobia and apathy. But not as tunny as it should be (Rachael Street) I’li'iiviini i" ('niutviiid. 55’) 6550. until 38 Aue. 7 l5jnn.

18' [950(1650 is)

Songs of the Unhinged oo

l’addy l.aniiigan covers the [lit \l’lt 1 ('nd. terrorism and lllatr with Ian Paisley singing .‘ylai'vm (iaye's 'Se\ual llealmg' the highlight. But he detracts trom the satire with his bodily functions tisation. Nice voice though. (Marissa lliiigcss) lite/(1.1~ li’ur. 330 4308. until 35 Aue. 5..i’0pm. [5 ([i' ).

Kevin Tomlinson 00 A relentless series of unscripted ptop based improvisational sketches. most of which fall balefiilly flat. 'l‘omhnson relies too heavily on crowd participation and seems unconcerned that his characterisations are unpardonably weak. (Sam llealy ) I’ll'llHlllel’ ('nurtvunl. 556 6550. until 38 Aug. ll/mi. [ 7. 50 [8. 50 ( [6 [7).

VHS: Death to DVD co

Listening to a film bore rant from his high horse for the best part of an liotii is many people's idea of hell. It's not quite that bad btit the finger pniiitiiig and anal details become tedious very quickly. (Brian Donaldson) (ii/c Royal. 556 354‘). until 37 Aug. 4pm. [5.

Bite Me 0 liideotis caricatures of female flatmates (prim posh royalist. thick northern thespian atid rebellious ti'ustalarian slam poet). this is l.ondon-centric humour intended only for a l.oiidon-ceiitric

Featuring three

audience. Bi‘evity is its only i‘cdeeiiiiiig characteristic. (Malcolm Jack) l'ndi'rlu'llv. 0870 745 3’08}. until 37 Aug. /0.05/)m. [7.50 [8.50![6.50 [7.50).

A Can 01‘ Worms 0 Jack return from mater's funeral and silt through the attic with their sinister nanny. Joan. Vignettes from childhood

Joe and

intersperse. btit it's tedious stutf. Ingenious set. however. (Robin Lee) (ii/(led “(ll/HUI! 'Ii'i'iut. 668 /6.i’.)’. until 38Aug. 3.45pm. [9 [I0([8 [9). Michael Piper o Wild-eyed l’iper is a young amateur at the pro's table. Student life. annoying girls and fistfuls of iiiasttirbation flesh ntit a line in gratuitously offensive humour. (Robin l.L‘Cl (illilt'tl Hill/(um li't'iid, 6618' [055. until 38 Aug. /3.45p)n. [7.50 [8.50 ([650 [7.50).

Police Emergency 0 liew shows this month (or century) will be as mind bogglingly awful as this foray iiitn the world of Australia's 99‘) service. lts avaiit garde approach (screen projections of eyes and aii old woman for minutes at a time) and decision to have a live trumpeter drown otit the dialogue is beneath contempt. (Brian Donaldson) Edinburgh ('nllt'gi' an rt. 0870 24/ 0/36. until 37Aut3. l0. l5pni. [7 ([6). Shamwagon o This half— baked improvised sketch show ptits a paying public through something close to an hour of mindless. charinless and frankly unfunny role-play. only occasionally amUsing one another. (Mark Edmundson) I’lt'usum't' Courtyard. 556 6550. until 28 Aug. llpm. [7—[8 ([5.50—[6.5()).