New York and LA may have spawned the majority of the big hitters in hip hop but it’s the city of brotherly love, Philadelphia, that is the place where the truly strange are born, and this is where Spank Rock now call home. The pair deal in garrulous, chunky, booty bass-driven electro-lunk that is as much UK Grime or N‘E'R'D as it is Gang Starr. The album Yoyoyoyoyo could be the soundtrack for your local pole dancer it she had her head replaced by a Commodore ‘64. Live, they are suitably unhinged; look out for their now infamous move, the “Air, Cock, Thrust’ which is as ‘crotch’ety’ as it sounds and must be seen to be believed.

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While their contemporaries U2 are adored, Simple Minds remain woefully under appreciated at home, which makes this show such an event. Jim Kerr remains unfazed as ever.

They represented Scotland at the World Cup : :\-..wzé%~'\ ’. - '

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They’ve got staying power z :' : w- t ' w :.. They’re not political, they just write songs

(' t. t: ' 3.1t1"_}t-:~ t. .1, 3"." . i . , hey’re not a museum piece

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‘Without musnc life would be a mistake.‘ Friedrich Nietzsche

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For venue addresses see index page 112

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