


lsaw you

Fill in the free postcards available from the following venues: The Basement, City Cafe, Fllmhouse, Fopp Bar, The Street. Traverse Bar (Edinburgh), or The Arches. Brel, GFT, King Tuts Wah Wah Hut, Moskito, 13th Note, Tinderbox (Glasgow).

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Allyouliavetodoissentl yourletberto:

mun-mu. "

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110 ‘I’IIE LIST 21 Sop—5 Oct 2006

V I Saw You Indic hoy walk mg pthl [Mill \[t't‘L‘I l‘th \lut‘ l‘l't lxt Sept 9pm. \lc-xmall with dark lIlII‘flC You \dlyl I was lookIng \ycllditto' \Vould I‘C grcat to mL-L't up' l'x559’li

O I Saw You in ()rkncy 35.71%). Shot you .I[ .\Ith\llU\\L' [lIL'II madc hasty rctrcat with L‘l;t[l\[TUpliUl‘l\' L‘IIIIIPJIIIUII\' Would like to capture you again hclorc thc \yintcr xtilstit‘t'. Your camcra or mmc" [7559/H

V I Saw You Ilmlc ()pttttlo girlic. I really low things a lot‘ I rcmcmhcr your name though. and your \upcr hram. \Yondcr why. . l'd lIkL' to sue you In the tlttyllltiL‘l YL'\ yL'x. [7559”.5

V I Saw You PI'L'\\lllg_‘ thc wrong button and gcttmg hoocd (II 'IilIC (‘iI\L‘\ (HI 50/3/06 hut you had all Mic but \ong\ and l’ccl would'yc dclinitcly approycd. [7559/lo

V I Saw You thL' gccky L‘)L‘ll\[ \yaltlng to cross at [lIC bottom ol Quccn .‘ylargarct |)ri\c on \chx at 5:31). You caught me looking. I Saw You smile? I want to set“ you do that \UIIIL‘ ttlot'c. [7559M 7


OI Saw You in (‘(‘\ in a \tI‘IpL'd black and “lint top. ClllC smile and nice cy L'\. I was w caring striped \llll'l. XXX [7559/l3

V I Saw You 'l‘amxin: I met you in a tunnel. You gay'c mc 'l'm Totally Wircd' on 7" and every body danced. You w crc \‘cry l‘unny. but the lasers had destroy cd my mind and I had become mulc. [7559/l9

V I Saw You In The Villager. Sat 3nd. daytimc. You were by yourself at tho bar. I was the red hat girl. You \IIIllCtl at me when we spotch 'my' green \hUL‘ on the shell. Take the out I'll wear them both? .\ [7559/30

V I Saw You running for thc No 33 bux. morning ol (ith Sept. You: curyy girl with black hair Ly skirt with brown \liuc\. Mu: guy sitting opposite you. You're gor- gcoux - got in touchf [7559/3l 0| Saw You .‘yliL-hcllc. at lidcn Angels on Sat 3 September. (iorgcoux and slum- mcring with thc most hcautilul smile and thc \L'XIL‘\[ dance not. You hay c inyadcd my [litillghlx girl. Please contact IIIL‘. [7559/33 V I Saw You working in STA tray'cl on Forrest Road...rcd hair. think your name begins with SI"? l)'_\a think you can lly me to the moon‘.‘ [7559/33

VI Saw You Sunday night in The \Vttxh Up\[;tlr\. You wch with your l‘riL‘nds. l was with mine and “C glanced at each other a low [lliiL‘\. Would be nice to do that again. [7559/34 V I Saw You Maria In the ND'I' tickctx qucuc: loycly chat- ting Itiirting'.’l... until my ex bargcd in INUI’T} I l. [7559/35

V I Saw You performing a lowly TCIIdIIlUII oi 'I‘winklc Twinklc Little Star on the Royal Mile on 38th :\ugu\t. Your nursery rhyme was cute. you were men cutcr. From an AUSSIC Festival Loycr. [7559/36


VI Saw You In the l lt'pliant IIU[I\L' and l’It'kt'IIngx hook \hop he won you around I ' I I- I tind you l.l\t’lll.lllll_*,' lainy goIng lot .I gollt‘t' .Il I’Illlt‘\l (YIIL‘ \HlllL‘IllllL‘ [i <5" :3

V I Saw You \ItllIL‘tldY \.tl\[' 1 17 you lust might [mm to l‘ClI.I\k' I 'A Y I 1" ' II. [‘ntIlllit'Ii.1II\tl\IIy Inc a kIt

ten and l m” lot you away with It .\lioyy \\[' 559 3.\

V I Saw You .\I.III.I. you It‘ lowly. my sound ol lllll\l\‘. [lit' .tll\\\L‘I’ to my [‘Il‘l‘lt'lll (lot in IoIIL'h' [7559/39





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