Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to tor sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Rachael Street.

Glasgow EME—


Furnishing Holmwood House lloltnvvtxid llotise. 6| ()3 Netherlec Road. ('athcart. 330-1206, 7 9pm. £5. IIIUstratcd talk by Ian (iovv from the National Trust for Scotland looking back at the decoration ol' the property. I’ur! n] (/H' Murkmlm/i l‘i'Slll'(l/.

Stories, Songs & Stovies (‘ate (iramolori. 7 King Street. 552 7l77. 7.30pm. £12. An evening oi music. storytelling and eastern litiropean tood.


Mackintosh’s Decorative Designs For Scotland Street School Scotland Street School Mtiseum. Mtisetini ol' liducation. 225 Scotland Street. 287 0500. l 2pm. Free. Alison Brovvii looks at the detail on this building. I’urr oft/iv illuckrlilmli I'i'.\lll'(l/.

Activities & Events

When the Moon Was Overhead llunteriari An (iallery. University of (ilasgovv. 82 llillhead Street. 330 543 l. 3 3.20pm. Free. A performance ol‘ Us! stal'l‘er Allan Radclil'l'e's dramatic riionologue. which focuses on Mackintosh's sister-iii-lavv Frances Macdonald. an artist in her ovvn right. who eventually committed stricide. Booking recommended. I’url oft/iv Mackintosh [vision].

at: The Royal Exchange Square Ball (Me Up. 29 Royal lixchange Square. 204 5l5l. l0pm 5am. £20. See llitlist.


Morning Talks House For art Art Lover. Bellaltouston Park. H) l)umbreck Road. 330 4206. llam-~l2.30pm. £3.50 (£2.50). Two more talks on the subject ol‘ CRM. starting with Graham Roxburgh's lecture on the creation of the House For art Art Lover. For the second talk l’rol'essor Andy MaeMillan gives an architectural perspective. I’url oft/iv llhickinlm/t I'i's‘lit‘ul.

Tuesday 26


Hunterian Ten-Minute Talks: And the Tombs Came Tumbling Down lltirtteriart Art (iallery. l’niversity of Glasgow. 82 llillliead Street. 330 5-13 I. l2.-i5pni. Free. A short talk on the excavations at Jericho. as pan of Archaeology Month.

Discovering Dowanhill: Murals ot the Montessori School Scotland Street School Museum. Museum of lidueation. 225 Scotland Street. 287 0500. l~2pni. Free. Author Mark ()xbrovv gives this talk. I’urt oft/re AIUCkiIUUSh I'i's'livul. Guangdong People’s Friendship Association 50th Anniversary (iamethill Community Centre. 2l Rose Street, 332 9765. 7.30pm. £l .50 t£l ). Slideshovv and talk by liuan l’etrie about his recent trip to (iuang/hou. vvhere he represented the Scotland China :‘sssociation.

Wednesday 27


Mackintosh it. His Contemporaries Alliance Francaise de Glasgow. 3 Park Circus. 429 6760. 6.30pm. £5. A series ol’ lectures about the lives and vvorks ol‘ Talvvin Mon‘is‘ and William Leiper. and

30 THE LIST 21 890—5 Oct 2006

Frank l.loy d Wright and .-\rata l‘.lido in Japan. I’url of the .llm kutluv/i I'c'vliiu/

Activities & Events

Creatures O? The Night Queen's Park. 520 l.angsidc Park. 632 9299. Discover the creatures vvlio come out alter dark \sttli a park ranger Bring a torclt and midge repellant and be prepared tor

vs et/cold vv eather.

Saturday 30

Activities & Events

Glasgow lntemational Highland Cattle Show & Scottish Food Event l’ollok ('ountry l’ark. l’olloksltavv s Road. 632 9299. l0ain 4pm. Free. The largest gathering ol' the big ginger hairy beasts iii the ysorld. Scotland's oldest breed ol cattle. Moool For the lit‘sl time the Scottish Food livent. vs ith stalls and demonstrations. vvill be part ol the ltiii. Autumn Raqs Hafla ('entral llolel. Central Station. (iordon Street. 07870 4707-12. 7.30pm. A belly -daiicirig extravagan/a. a banana packed vv itli esotic vsares and a chance to dance to Middle liasterti-inspired 1)] times.


Exploring the Victorian 8. World War II Classroom Experience Scollattd Street School Mttsetttn. 225 Scotland Street. 287 0500. I 2pm. Free. Find otit vvhat ye olde classroome vvotild have been like at this interactive talk. I’ur/ oft/tr .lluckinluv/i l-i'vri'i'ul.

Activities & Events Big Bird Day llogganlield Loch. l lam 4pm. Free. Bring your binoculars

is: .9


along and see liovv many dilleieiit birds you can spot


Scottish Rocks v Guildtord Heat Braeliead -\ieii.t. Kings Incli Road. 5M llJtl 5pm £8 t£5i Scotland‘s successlul basketball teaiii rctiirii tor anotliei BBI season. kicking oll vv llll a game against (itiildlord lleat


Cate Scientifique: The Unexpected Appearance of Numbers in Nature lt'olt 'l‘liealre. (ti ltongate. 552 42(i7 7pm. Matlieriiatics lecturer 'lom leiristei looks at vsliy pr is associated vsitli circles. and vvlietlier rabbits relate to the square root ol live.

Tuesday 3


Joan Bakewell: The View From Here Royal ('ortccrt Hall. 2 Saucliieltall Street. 35% 8000. l2.30pm. £4 £5 .loaii Bakcvvcll reflects on ltcr illtisti‘ious career arid vvliat ll iiicaits lo be British.

Wednesday 4


Antiques Roadshow ls'clv iiigt-ovc :\l'l (iallery & .\ltiscum. Argyle Street. 276 9599. See picture caption.


Healing in a Post-Industrial Age Emerging From 20th Century Medicine Stratliclyde l'niverstty. John Anderson Building. l07 Rotten Rovv liast. 5-18 344-1. 7.30pm. .-\ lecture by members of the Royal Philosophical Society ol (ilasgovv.

Raid the attic and dust off your priceless heirlooms, the BBC’s antique experts are in town! You won’t be allowed

in unless you have something to be valued. And no, taking your granny along just because she fancies Michael Aspel, doesn’t count. I Ke/vlngrove Art Gallery 8 Museum, Argyle Street. Wed 4 Oct.


Civic Republicanism 8. Citizenship: The Challenge For Today l’iiivcisiry ol (ilasgoys. “ll 2”“ f‘ “pill lree lillC liist in a series ol ten public lectures. to be chaired by l’rolessoi Sir Bernard Crick Making Sense of the Paranormal l'riivcisity ol (ilasgovs. llic Boyd (in Building. “9 8855 7 illpiii Ll tlreei Roy Sterimaii gives this talk on the other vvoildly side ol lilc

Ongoing Glasgow

Activates 8. Events

Charles Rennie Mackintosh Festival l'ntil Sat ‘0 Sep \aiious \cnties. limes vary \ city vvidc celebration ol Rennie \ldv'lslllltlleS lllllvll copied biaiid ol design. vvitli evliibitroiis. talks and activities lot all the lamily Meandering With Mackintosh llie \Villovv lca Rooms. 2|“ Saucliieliall Street. H2 ll52l Sal 2it\ ill Sep

Illaiii lpm. Stiii 24 Sep l2 i0 i illpttt

£7 :\ \valkiitg tour around (ilasgovv. esploi'tng the lite and vvork ol tlte lantotis architect

West End Walks \‘arrotis \ciiues. \\est liiid. “9 0488 2pm. £6 50 (in Sat 2‘ David \lartm reveals the evotic inspiration tor the West lirtd‘s buildings. vvlitle Sun 21 secs Roger (iutliric locus on the lamous architect :\lc\andcr ‘(ireek‘ I‘ltoiiison 'l'lien. :\llll latid looks at the ltdvvardian suburb ol llyndland tSat i0i vslitle Ronnie Scott c\plotcs llic \Vcsl lllld's \yaletttlg lioles (Sun |. £5 surcharge loi drinkst. Tchai Ovna Games Society l'.\cl_\ 'l‘ue. 'l'cliar ()vna. I69 l)earistori l)rivc. M9 7258. 8pm. Retriembei. tlirovvriig the board tip ll you lose is childish.

Glasgow Scrabble Club lav cry \vcd. Reiilield St Stephen's ('litiicli ('entte. 260 llallt Street. 889 9l79. (i, *0 9. itlpitt Brusli tip on your vvord skills and learn liovv to use those pesky ‘/’s arid ‘y 's at this vs eekly Scrabble session.


Birds Of America l'iitil Sat in Sep. Mitchell Library. 20] North Street. 287 2999, Mon \Ved |0am (ipiii; lliii

lllam 8pm; l‘l’l Sat l0am 5pm. l-i‘ee. A chalice to \\ Itness a volume ol one oi lltc vvorld‘s most valuable books in tlie llesli tor paper‘i’i.

Blue Antelope l‘iittl l‘l'l 24 Nov. Zoology .\ltisetrrii. (iraliarii Kerr Btiildiiig. l'iiiversily ol (ilasgovv. 330 4772

Mon Fri 9am 5pm. l'rcc. .-\ii exhibition lcaturing the rare sktill ol the blue antelope and collaborative vvoik by Kate l'ostcr and Hayden l.oriiiier

A Scottish Celebration: Contemporary Textiles tor the Centenary of the Embroiderers’ Guild l'rilil Wed 27 Sep. l.illie .-\rt (iallcry. Station Road. Militgavic. 578 8847. Tue Sal lllam lprii it 2 5pm Free More than I00 vvoi'ks lrom (ititld members across Scotland.

Warm Rain in 29 Sep Sat 23 ()ct. Ricelicld (iallery. (’liinesc .-\rts and Cultural Centre. -ll (iraliaiii Street. Hl l0l9. 'l‘tie Sat l0.30am 5pm. A selection ol Japanese-sty le vvoodblock prints depicting topical lccundity by Ralph



The Best Scottish Weddings Exhibition Sat 23 2k Sun 24 Sep. Braelicad Arena. Kings Iricli Road. 886 8300. Want 5pm. £6; under l2s lree; lamin ticket £20, Inspiration and advice l’or planning your big day.

Books at the Botanics Sat 23 Mon 25 Sep. (ilasgovv Botatiie (iardens. 730 (ircat Western Road. 33-1 2422. l0am 5pm. A popular book market in the llopkrrk Butldirtg.

Food & Drink

Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market Sat 23 Sep. Mansfield Park. oil Dumbarton Road. 3-H 084-1. 10am; 2pm. Who needs