The timeless criticism in which people are implored to act their age could never be more apt when directed at Jason Manford. Yet, in his case, it’s more likely that he’d be accused of acting way beyond his years; when he started his career in stand-up (as a fresh-faced 17-year-old in the rough and tumble clubs of Manchester) there were some punters who took offence at being made to sit and listen to one so young. ‘My age is a bit against me because people make an immediate assumption about whether you're funny or not,’ Manford reckons. ‘l’m actually a bit of an old man in a young guy’s body, always moaning about the Post Office and going down to my allotment.‘ While all that may not be strictly true, it’s clear that the comic who appeared on small screens with Johnny Vegas (Ideal) and Bill Nighy (Gideon ’s Daughter) before nabbing himself a spot on the 2005 Perrier shortlist with his debut show, Urban Legend, has an affinity with the elders in our community. Modern Worries is the name of the show he recently recorded as a pilot for E4. ‘Modern men aren’t real men compared to our dads and our granddads,’ he opines. ‘My granddad comes round to fix the boiler and he’s 82 and I wonder, why am I not doing it? As we get more and more dependent on technology, things aren’t built properly so they break down as soon as the warranty runs out. My gran had the same fridge for 25 years and I’ve had one for 18 months and it’s gone.’ And they don’t make comics like Jason Manford

the way they used to. (Brian Donaldson) I Jong/eurs. G/asgonc Fri 29 8 Sat 30 Set).

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to comedy@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Sian Bevan.


Stand Up Drink Up! 13th .\'ote Cate. 5060 King Street. 0870 0l.3 3653. 7.30pm. £7 tt‘5t. Join tlte puh cra\\| that'\ become an integral part ol‘ the l'exthal. .-\Ian Anderson and Des (‘larke guide you through a selection ot‘ bars with a top comedian itt each one. Free dancin' after it you're still standing. Part (ffl/lt’ .Ut’t‘t‘lltltl! (31.1)“ Ft'allt‘tt/ 2006.

40 THE LIST .21 Seo—S Oct 2006

Big Yin Revisited .-\rta. 'l'tte ( )ld (‘heexetnarkeL l.3 l‘) Wallx Street. 02370 0| 3 3653. .S'pnt. L'S’ tl.'6t. Former Stun in their lit'm \t'inner (iar) .\loir tells the stor} of Bill) (‘onnolh '\ he)da_\. I’urt u/ the Merchant (in I't‘U/ltl/ 300/).

The Thursday Show The Stand. 333 Woodlantlx Road. 0S70 600 6055. 8.30pm. £6 03593.3 ntetnhcrxt. Bruce

l)e\ lin contperex the 'l‘hut'xda} Shott. .-\ct\ inclttde l)a\ e Fultott. John (iillick attd Barr} llall. You kntm _\ou “am it. Big Bluu Gong Show Bluu. 5t) Trongate. Merchant ('it}. 0870 013 3653. l0pnt. Free. The harxhext coined} night tit Scotland. Bra\ e comedians \acril'tee their dignit) to the ‘Bitch in The Bo\' tor the chance to \\ in t.‘ I00. I’ul't u; the Merchant ('t'tt' l't’xlll'tl/ 300/).


The Thursday Show lhe Stand. 5 \tttk l’lace. 55S ~3-3 “pm 16 «L513 tnetttherw I Mel} .loe llcettan lttt\t\ _\out 'l lltlt‘Stla} Shim. \ttth lan \ltmtc. Hat} l.tttle. Sally \nne lla_\\tatd .tttd Hill} Kttktttwd

The Snatch Social llte l tttutd Room. ‘lc \ tctotta Sheet. 335 3564 llpttt 3am L5 (tinted) capetx ltotn llal'l} \ltt\\\t\t'lll and lon.\ ('at'tet .tt llll\ cheekx cahatet-cuttt dt\co


Jongleurs Comedy Club .lttllgletIH. l’(i(‘ Building. Renltett Stteet. 05"“~ S3030“ “put L l0 ltK tlte \teekend \o clteet )tttll’St'll up tit tlte contpan} ot llatxe) (Mum and (ieotl Hot / ()ttce tlte.\‘\e lllll\llt'tl ntaktng )ott laugh. dance Ill tlte clul‘ lllllll 3am

The Don Quixote Appreciation Society: Jokes & Stuff lilat'klttah. 36 lit'll Sllk'k'l. llx—Tll lll 5 3‘53 _ -15pnt Ll tl..3t. lhe lllt‘t'Sl guy Ill Scottish coined} hrtng _\ou an e\entng ol \ketchex. ~hott liltttx and \tatltl-ttp lit/t «It the 3/4 It hunt (in I't'\lllt1/ 300/).

3|: Adam Hillst‘tt} u..tt\. tautttt-ttggx. 35.3 S000. Spin. 9; l 3. l.attl hack. tltttck

\\ tltctl atttl laltttlttu» tlte \llSlltllldll \\ llll the heart ttl gttltl [\l't‘at‘lIL'S ltt\ e and underxtandtng. I’tttt u/ the llt'lt lltllll t in Int/ml 3mm.

The Stand lllt‘ Sittlltl. 5.53 \\'tttttll;llltl\ RtiutL (LS-ill (till) (tll55. S. 3llptll. LS thL'5 ntcntherxt. .\la\tet‘ ol tlte ttttc liruce

l)e\ lin releaxex hix acid \\ tt on tlte audience ax .\l('. l)a\e l'tlllttll. .loltn (iilltck and Hair} llall \ettle ttt tot tlte

\\ L'L'kt‘lltl Stand-\t} lt'.

Des McLean ('it} llallx. (XtIttllet'tggx 0.\‘70 0| 3 3653. ‘lplll. Ulltt'5t. ('outcdtan'x la\ourile l)e\ .\lcl.ean t‘tdex lllt‘ \\;t\ t‘ Ul lll\ t't't‘t‘lll ltl't‘aklgtxl ltttlttt \ttceexx. \\ ttlt a \ltou itt it\\ttt'ltlllttll \\ ttlt ('l_\tle l. l’url trt l/lt' .‘Il'lt lltHl/ ('/I\ l-twm-u/ 3mm,


Jongleurs Comedy Club .lttttglt‘tlt'x. ()ntni ('etttt'e. (ireenxide I’lacc. 0x707 370707. 7pnt. U0. ()nce agattt. l'uele .longleut'x pro\ ltlt'S a night ol t'llttl‘llt'SS entertainment. Roger Mottkltottxe. Ste\e \Villiantx. l’aul ('hottdr} and low Stade pro\ ide the lattgltter euex.

The Stand The Stand. 5 York l’lace. 553 7373. ‘tpnt. L'S tL'7L'5 lllt'llllk‘l‘xl. l'eixt} \llxll't‘Sx til the .\llL' Sllxttll \lttl'l'lxtttt lttt\l\ the Stand \xcekend. She's joined h} Ian Moore. (iar) little. Sall} e.’\tttte lla} “aid and Stanlc} .\lcllale; an Illlpl‘L'SSlH‘l} \artctl litte-ttp to get _\ou gotttg.


Make them Laugh Workshops lilttcklll'lttl‘x. .50 lit‘ll Slt't‘t‘l. “37” (ll 5 3653. Ill30ani. £30. All e\pert teatn ol prolexxional perl'ot'nterx ltelp ht‘ing ottt the inner-cttntedian in )ttll. 'l‘he \xeekend courxc L‘lltlS iii a \hotteaxe itt lrottt ol a \pcciall) im iletl audience. I’ul'l «it the .llt'rt'hu/tl (‘ilt I't'\lll'tl/ 300/).

Comedy Bus Tour ( )tllxltlt‘ lilttcklt'lat‘x. .36 Bell Street. 0870 (ll .3 3653. 3.30pm. £7 ttllt. .-\ tttagieal in} xter} tour tltrottgh Merchant (it). \t tth comedians e\plaining the paxt and prexent ol' the area. including _)tl\l \th} \Veegtu are better than Burgherx. I’url u/ the .llt'rt‘lttmt ('ttt l'i'xttt‘u/ 300/).

Jongleurs Comedy Club Jttttgleut‘x. l'(i(' Building. Renl'reu Street. 08707 870707. 7pm. t'l3. See Fri 33.

Des Clarke Blackt‘riarx. 36 Bell Street. 087” (ll .3 3053. Split. U). (iolden l‘tt} ('larke returns to hix home-cit) to perform lllx award-“inning xtand up. I’urt ('l the .llert'hmtt ('itt I'i'tlit't1/3INI/t.

* Frank Sidebottom Ana. the ( )ld ('hcesentarket. l.3 1‘) Walls Street. 0870 0L3 3653. Spin. £l0t£St The stimuli!) of Frank Sidehottont and ltlx \ongx return to (ilasgtm. scar} head \llll itt place. I’urt ut the Merchant (’itt' [twin-«121m.

Janey Godley Blog: Live! ttlttu. <0 ltongate. \letthant t'tty 0S3” 0! 3 3653 Spin 1 l3 tt\' (iodle) ptexentx the hext .tt het ltlog \‘l l‘t/atte .ttlllcS hunt a hloxt up doll tll \lllSIt‘ttlaltt to little I .m ttt the (itouclto ("lul‘ l'..r' Int llt r. taunt I, can“. SIN”)

The Stand llte Stand. 333\\oodland\ Rinul. ll\‘ll tttltl (\il55 \ 3UP”) 1 Ill Spy lit 33

* Jason Byrne lllt‘ t till I tntttnatket. (attdlettggx. “\"lllll 3 365 ‘l 30pm

L l _ lltgh t'llt'thk antt. \ ttottt liktllt‘ \tlto ne\et l.tll\ to t'\ll.ltl\l tlte .tlltllt'lltt' tttto \tll‘llll\\lt‘ll \ll\\ llllll at kt‘ttt )‘t‘lll l'..‘r' fin lit 1. inurtt I.’\ It ma... .‘tltl’t

Etltttl tttt'gtlt

Jongleurs Comedy Club lttttgleme (lllllll ('etttte. ( iteenxtde l’late. tt\"tt“ "\W'I‘HN ‘l‘lll ll: \‘e l H 33

The Stand llte Stand. 5 \tttk l’l.t.e_ Rag

"3-3 “pm tltl See I ll 33


Make them Laugh Workshops lil.lt'klll.tl\. 30 Hell Street. 0S3” 0| 3 3053 I” 3llattt L3H See \at 33 Comedy Bus Tour t )ttl\ltlt‘ ltlaektttatx. :6 Hell Stteet. ll-Sqll HI 3 3053 3 30pm {'3 tt-lt See Sat 33

Scottish Comedian of the Year Final 06 llte ( )ld l‘ltlllltlalkt'l. (‘attdlettggx 0S3“ ill 3 3653 3 ~l5put

L3 l0 l)e\ ('Iatke llllllltllltt'S the etgltt contettdet’x lot the tttle ol Scotttxlt (‘ttlllt‘tlldll ttl lllt' \it‘dl. .llltl lllt‘ t'tt\ t‘lt'tl [lllllll [\tl/t'. ’tt/t tit [/14 llt‘lt lit/Ill ( 'It\

It \Illtl/ 31m!»

Martin Soan ltott l'lteatte. (t3 ltttttgate. 0S70 0| 3 3653 Spin L“ It“) ()tte ol tlte llltt\l tll\t'llll\t' gag .llll\l\ on the ctttutt. Soatt takex the uttagtnatton to a “hole llt'\\ le\ cl. I’m! til the lien hunt ( 'ttt It‘tllttt/ .3000.

Raymond Mearns ( 'tt_\ lltlllx. (‘attdlet'tggx 0S7” 0| 3 3653 Spin L'S. ()tte ol the lllt|\l ttt dentatttl cotnedtanx ttt Scotland \lltt\\\ oll lll\ tttttttttahle xttlt' that\ ttnptmthle to tgttote ’tut u/ I/tt' .llt'n lit/III ( ‘Ilt It'tllttt/ 31””)

Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service 'l‘lte Stand. 333 \\tNltll.tlltl\ Rttutl. (LS—ill (till) (tll55_ .S, 30pm Li-l IL 3L] tttetuhet'xt l’tepat‘e to lace _\ttlll \lttnda} tlt‘lllttll\ \tttlt the ltelp ol .\lt Redntotttl. \tho'll L‘lltlt‘;l\ttttl to ettd )tttll \teek oil a lttglt. lle\ touted h} (tat) little and Hart} llall,


Whose Lunch is it Anywar.’ 'I lie Stand. 5 York l’lace. 5533 3373. lplll, l't'ee Hatttxh that morning altet leeltttg \\ ttlt a time ttl ltee tlottut laughter ltont tntpim \ltll\ l’aul (itahattt attd Stuart \lutph}.

The Sunday Night Laugh-In 'l'he Stand. 5 York Place. 555 7373. S.5llllttt. L31 tL'3Ll tttetttherxt. latltnhttrglt ho} (it‘eg \lcllugh l't'llll'll\ to lll\ ltottte t'll} to lllllSll olt )our \teekend. \\|lll the help ol the deltglttlttl .\l\ Sall} .-\nne lla_\\tattl.


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance The Stand. .3 3.3 \Voodlantlx Road. 03370 600 6055. 3.30pm. £4. 'leattt \lottke} thettet' knottn as Sand} .\'cl\on. Allen (‘haltnerm l’aul Pine and Rtt}lltttlltl .\learn\t SPIL‘L' up a dull tteeknight \tith tttore \pontaneoux \ketchex. tllUSIL‘ and gags.


Red Raw The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7373. X30pnt. Ll. (lo and \tlppttrl up- and-cotntng L‘tllllL‘tllilllS at the triendliext new talent night itt Scotland. Kier .\le:\|li\ter and (ittx 'laxtxe add the mice ot' experience to the proceedings.

Tuesday 26

Glasgow * Mark Thomas: As Used on the Famous Nelson Mandela Tron