’l'hcatrc. (i3 'l‘rongatc. 552 42(i7, Spin. LN it." I‘ll. Stand—up \hovi lroni tlic politicall} iinpassttincd citinlc \\ ho \\ ill alxtt hc talking about ltlS latcsi book. an lltng'lll into thc arms iradc.

Red Raw 'l'hc Stand. 333 \Vimdlanth Road. 037i) not) ()055. HRiipin. £3 it‘l lllL'llllk'l'Sl. Ncu L'UlllctllaltS takc to lhc \tagc undcr thc \xatchtul c}c\ ot ch in Bridges and Kcir McAllixtcr,


398‘ 0' Scottish 'l‘lit‘ Stand. .5 \ltll-k l’lacc. 558 7272. H.30pin. L5. ('clchraic lhc hcxi ot Scotland'x ihrn trig coincd} \ccnc \tith xialuari lirticc Morton and prodigal \on (ircg Mcllugh.

L881 Laugh Comedy lhc .-\rcadc Bar. 48 ('ockhurn Sircci. 220 I297.

Wednesday 27


* Mark Thomas: As Used on the Famous Nelson Mandela ’l‘i-on 'l‘hcalrc. (i3 'l'rongaic. 552 4207. Spin. 9; I4 if llll. Scc 'ltlc 20.

* Best 0! Irish 'nit- Stand. 333 \Vtmtllandx Rtiad. “87H 0le 005.5. 8.30pm. £7 (£6). The hcxt ol‘ conicd} trout in cr lhc \xatcr coincx to (ilaxgoxt. including Andre“ .\la\\\c|| and hoxt Michacl Rcdinond.

Don Quixote Comedy Nite The Liquid Ship. I71 I75 (ircai \chlcrn Road. 33| l‘)0|. S30pin. £3. (itlL‘Sl .\l(' Sian chan “clconicx >01] to (ilasgou '\ l'avotirilc cttlt coincd) night. This month lt‘attti'cx hci'ciic Rick Molland. l’aul (‘oxicllo. l’ctcr :\iichi\on and man} inorc l‘roin thc Scottish conicd) sccnc.


Best of Scottish The Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £5. Scc 'l‘ttc 20.

Last Laugh Comedy Night 'l‘hc Arcadc Bar. 48 (‘ockhtn‘n Sircct. 0| 3| 227 I297. 9pm. £3. M(‘ Kcara Murph) prcscnix hcr “cc-id) linc-tip ol‘ top conicdians tor a bargain pricc iii otic ol' thc cosicsi venues in Edinburgh.

Thursday 28


The Thursday Show The Stand. 333 “'tititllands Road. 0870 (100 0055. 8.30pm. [(3 (E5923 tncnthcrsl. Bi‘ttcc Morton hosts lhc 'l'hursda)‘ cxtraxagan/a. l'caitiring Dan Atkinson. Mich;th Mcc. (ins 'l‘awxc and thc lahttlotix (iax in Wchsict' with his tikttlclc.


John Laurie, Frazer and I Iii-union 'l'hcairc. l.ad_\'\\'c|l Wat). Mtissclhttrgh. no.5 2240. 7.30pm. L'l l.50 (£9). lan Watt offers a irihtiic to John Latiric. l-‘ra/cr from TV Slit)“ ‘Dad's Ann) '. on ihc 25th annixcrsar) ol. the actor'x death. The Thursday Show The Stand. 5 York Placc. 558 7272. 0pm. to (£593 tncmhcrs). 'l'hc conttiscd l)a\ id Kay. 'Magic' Mandy Mudcn and Simon

()'chtlc attcinpi to bring to) to 'I‘hurxday \xiih .\l(‘ Brucc l)c\ hit

The Snatch Social lhc Liquid Ronni. ‘)c \ilctttrla Strcct. 225 250-1

llpin 3am. 1.5. Scc lhu 2|


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlctiix. l‘(i(' Budding. chlrcu Sircci. 0370-7 S70707. 7pm. U0. lznio} _\our \xcckcnd with Jason .\tanlord hctng loincd b} l’airick Rollink. Km in (iildca atid thc ti\\L‘\tililL‘l) \trong \toild ot ihc chcrcnd ()hadiah Stcppcnuoltc lll. Scc prc\ icxx tor Mantord.

The Stand lhc Stand. 55.“ \Vtttidlantk Road. 0870 000 0055. S30pin. L'S (lg-1'5 lltL‘llilX‘l'Sl. Brticc Morton littltl\ thc

\\ cckcnd \litm tttgclltcl‘. ax lic Inti‘ttdiic t‘\ (iann \Vchxtcr. Mich;th Mcc. l)an .-\tkiii\ttii and Ahcrdonian (ith 'ltm \c.


=l< The Stand the Stand. 5 \m-t Place. 553 7272. 0pm. L'S i£7£5 lliL‘tlilK‘l'Sl. ('hicl l-ullinoonct'Andrc“ Mawcll \ct\ up camp tor ihc “cckcnd. as Bruce "lhc Hitch' |)c\|in contpcrcx. 'Magic' Stand} Mttdcn. Simon U'chltc and Mikc \cxtall prm idc lhc \ttppttl‘l.

Saturday 30


Jongleurs Comedy Club .ltinglclli‘\. l'(i(‘ Building. chlrcxt Sircct. 08707 S70707. 7pm. L'l2. Scc Fri 2‘).

The Stand 'l'lit' Stand. .55.“ “'tittdlalldx Rtiatl. (LS-7U (tilt) (i055. 8.5(lplli. f it) St't‘ Hi 2‘).

Edinburgh >i< The Stand the Stand. 5 \‘ni-t Hat-c. 558 7272. 0pm. U0. Scc Hi 2‘).


Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service 'l'lic Stand. 33} \Vtitidlantlx Road. 0870 (i00 (i055. 8.30pm. £4 (£3L‘l ltlL‘llth‘l‘Si. Mr Rcdniond prcachcs coincd) to the com cricd \\ ith lhc hclp ol Michacl Mcc.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? The Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 553 7272. lpni. lii'cc. Scc Still 24.

>i< Andrew Maxwell Special! nit- Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 7.30pm. £3 (£7 incinhcrsl. 'l‘hc ol‘licial King ol' (\Hiic‘d} i'L‘ttli'n\ t0 Sc‘titlantl til‘lcl' a htigcl) \tlL‘L‘L‘xxltll l-‘i‘ingc run. disguised as a chcck) Irish \Citlltp \\ ith lltipp) hair and a penchant l‘or “ci'cnolwx.


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance 'l‘hc Stand. 53.3 \Voodlandx Road. 0870 (100 0055. 8.30pm. £4. Scc Mon 25.

Win Virgin bolloon flights wor


Red Raw [liliL‘ Sittllkl. 2 \l‘lk l’lacc. "2-2 .\ ‘ltpin Ll Hill} Kniuxood. Bill) Kiikuood'x hair and (ircg \icllugh lcnd a hand in llc‘\\l‘lc'\ lacing lhc inic Your chancc to xpoi lhc \l.il\ cllllllll.il\ oi

Tuesday 3


“Gd Raw lllc‘ \ldlltl. 55‘ \\tN‘tlltilitl\ RtimL HSth (\l Ni (M55 .\ it it‘ll] L: iL'l nicnihcixi Scc \ion 2


llt‘ \ltllltl. 2 \t‘lh l’lilt'C. .223 “2.22 ‘5 llll‘lli U) tic-1L“ \hlch tlt‘ it in! lllL‘lll\t‘l\L'\ in llll\ all tcnialc coincd} linc-tip. chtilai hmi Stixan '(‘alnianaioi' (Kilnian l\ ioincd h) \land) ‘Xlagn' \ltldL'n and .\l. 'ttttrt‘iitil ltil .i~lil\l nainc' Kcnncd}.

Hairy Watt Comedy 'I lit" t'nioii. llcrioi\\’.iii l'nixcixit}. Riccaiion. -15|

5 3 33. ‘lpin. L 3. :\lttitllt'l night ol tun. coinpcicd h} R.i_\inond .\lc.nn\. lhc man Bill} (‘onnoll_\ \dltl 'kncn how to mcai ptopct'ly' l'caittrtng \cil \lt‘l'arlanc and Sand} \ClSttll .\/!ltlt'lll\ and finish l‘lt'l IN iiii/i.

Wednesday 4


SiStars! lhc Stand. 333 \Voodlandx Rtiad. “370 (till) 0055. H.5llplii. l 9.3“...5 tncnthcrxi. Scc inc 3.


Shamwagon lhc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 553 7272. S30pni. [J tL'3L'2 Illt‘lltl‘t‘hl. lhc l’cnn} l)l't';idltll\ ilainic .-\ndcr\on. lhnnphrc} Kci‘r. |)a\id Rccd and 'I'hotn 'l‘ticki arc ioincd h} lcllim licdlain altinini ldil Sukan and l’cicr ('anict‘on lot a itighi ol' iinprm ixcd l'tinnicx.

Last Laugh Comedy Night The Arcadc Bar. 4S (‘ockhui'n Strcci. 0i 3| 227 I207. ‘lpin. £3. Scc \Vcd 27.


The Thursday Show llit‘ Stand. “3 \Vtiiitllandx Rtigitl, 0870 (till) 0055. S.30pnt. [n l £5L'3 incinhcrxi. licatitiltil \xcc Sand} .\'cl\on ix lhc .\l(' \\lllt attitudc and is ioincd h} \Vclxh \\ i/ai‘d Rhod (iilhcrt. .lainic :\ndci'\ttn. (‘hrix .\lc('ati\|and ictiri‘cnll} hcing \ccn Ill kids 'l'\' \hou .ili'. lim’i and \ttindcr—kid Kc\in liridgcx.


The Thursday Show the Stand. 5 Milk l’laCL'. .553 7272. 0pm. U) th5£5 ItiL‘lltlTL'l’Sl. BBC Radio Scotland laxouriic l-‘rcd .\lac.-\ti|;t) pl'tllltlSL‘\ to hc a charming hoxt as ihc nighix \tari tlld“ ing in. ('arc} .\lar\. .lttxli Hon ic and Bill} Kii‘lmood join him on \tagc.

The Snatch Social lhc l.lt|tlid Rtittlli. ()c Victoria Sirccl. 225 2504. l Ipin 3am. £5. Scc 'l‘hti 2|.




* Adam Hills The kindest Australian on the planet (you wouldn't catch him chopping the tails oft stingiays) charms the community With lllOTG tales ot whimsy. City Hal/s, Glasgow. Fri 22 Sep.

* Frank Sidebottom A right blast trom the past here as the papier-mache Timperley Superstar confuses and bainboozles all around him. Alta. Glasgow. Sat 23 Sep.

* Jason Byrne The venue may well be renamed the Old Sweatbucket alter tonight's frenetic endeavours trom this hyper Irishman. The Old Fruit/market, Glasgow. Sat 23 Sep.

* Mark Thomas The arms trade get the bittSlT‘Oii from the estimable Thoinino (pictured) as he continues to spread the word. Tron Theatre. Glasgow. Tue 26 8 Wed 27 Sep.

* Andrew Maxwell Another of Ireland's favourite comedy sons rouses from his post- Festival hibernation to assault our senses wrth more Joyous iaoery. The Stand, Glasgow. Wed 27 88;); the Stand. Edinburgh, Fri 29—Sun 7 Oct.

* Jason Mantord The young chat) who came our way wrth his Urban Legend in August 2005 Will once again show a fresh- faced ability to unite. not divide. a room. See preView. Jong/eurs, Glasgow, Fri 29 8 Sat 30 Sep.

2'1 Sen—5 Oct 2006 THE LIST 41