
BADLY DRAWN BOY King Tut’s. Glasgow. Sat 9 Sep 0...

(i‘lfr’)(/f/. ,’)‘.(:": "‘: {/‘t‘f it .’I‘r "J: .‘.":'l«'1‘.":i‘«'1’i Ir ,ea'u“ 5)", [MW/ill (burgh, h't, Diff, rifafifl i"ld’hi”)ii‘v'i(,'1riltf')/,‘f"(,‘1 A“ ' (r g t)‘:‘:lr a uucceua‘a ring ‘u' la‘a': , {J'awr‘ Ho; Such l‘, the imp i‘a'rt, o‘ T“: tia' t that King hit", hurl“: 'raxr: 'xivt o .T at leaut thrice 0.0'. tart a corririabt n'i’i-J.’ has tic-err clone-n to allow ft“: Werrw a? ginger ‘i’fll’i‘fl'rf‘f' to fshozvcaxe rriaterral from torthcornrnr; altrur" Horr‘ rrr the UK A', ‘.‘.’Yt‘ it

xterm :ritr, the main. of the '=r:.'..

1,? atmut all terrtatifl: yr:

uucuesf, and failure are large , ’,()llt|tl(}(,"li on ar/trenrr: pat:e"r;e or good‘ml' lucky, then that tt‘rfr ’i";‘.‘.’(t hat, hotl‘ in f,t)r’lfii:i). £1t)fi(J'kJii‘(; neu'xref) like 'l’rornrfirfi and Nothing“; ( it)"‘() to Change Your Mrnd’ with respect, However, when (tough roketg: 'l)or‘.’f worry, there's only a few rrxrire new ones to get through.’ rt heraldt; a iaunt through some of the moist hegurlrng and well crafted guitar 'llllfilti of the last decade. lJohnny Regan

l or K DEVENDRA BANHART ABC. Glasgow. Sat 2 Sep 0000

The reasons; you loved a Irve show don't always; match the reasons you went along in the trrst place. Those who dropped hy to sample the artful folk ot

0,. . :v ' v " J. 'i | ‘4‘ rr<.. 1‘ 31‘ Y r o o. " 1 {A ’t A I . l t .)(.‘r"‘(1l’va : ,1. 1 . 4 ‘, LA “A ox: ,r‘ t 4" 1i hilt/[H ]\l_ ‘,(: ..> ‘, '1 A '\ 4' trill,” E)t1 ./ (:. )

’itiit‘ i’t f’vt THE VIOLETS Fast at the Bongo Club. Edinburgh,

Fri 8 Sep 000

(‘ic 5)l‘ 7M: Vrrr'T‘C 'v‘rpfim 2- .~ _~: t. . you'l ti'xri the. dimm'itir’ '."v'"t,e .eu potswrrig. riarar "'m‘fl'") _;'.;r'-;. rex;ei.'.rer or ’rtt‘e' an a liu‘. or r (: fSrr>er:,re and We Hanuheer, rune" tiar‘rt' \"Jell. it it?» good (flit/litiir t'r' t'r- hand it}; good errougn ‘or m; r' in“ arr/i you won't find as a'gur"g.

While ther' one rnarr‘ rntluerrrm '5; pretty ()t)\’i()llt$. though. that's; not to my they're not urgent and contemporary Therr convert;er hrrstlrng hut tunerea: sound on scr‘gs like ‘Hush Away" anr: 'Car'nrval' inspires twrtchy shoulder dancing on the dancetloor. and their Singer Alexn; has a :3rrnrlarli' (ili$illt(li!‘.r: twoitone elegance rr‘. her style, Ito M,"

voice that give:; the game away though.

an ethereal Siouxsre—lrke thing that floats; over the mussrc. whooping and rrsrng rn all the wrong places yet sounding so oddly right.

Apparently The Violets think :sucn comparisons; fall into that trrne worr‘ 'Ia/y r()urnalr:;rn' category. hut perhapt; they're rust hlrndrng themselves; to the utterly obvious Whatever. they're n )t a bad hand. lDayId Pollock.

_ .

5- 2.. -

the; , ‘5»; “Ta-J EXPOSURE

/ )"l(i l.2 F~ " ,.f Iii. Although Peter (Moren). Bjorn (Yttling) and John (Eriksson) are recognised in their native Sweden and have been labouring away in comfortable obscurity everywhere else for some years now. it's taken a collaboration wrth a more internationally noted Swedish singer to bring them to our attention.

How did that come about, then?

My 91(i()i\;lt(tlitl'.'.lf."T'lzn' "-:' ’: .rnt ' :E‘lw' ;~ " m ' pro‘«.rdef,:>nehaltot T’h"t M .w rrw. '~ ,' z? .- f ' moat warming {viii Norma \' ‘rrw .r-rr', ‘2' ;" ° " ' r: ' 2 z' 2' ' 2 {gtrl'l<;f;. (t‘.‘.'illfiil(:(i:.fl< rrrutr" t" " '1" r' - " ' . ' 2" ever rrrr‘r‘rrte’l the; .'.’<i‘il!t" ' v . ' 1"; '

So is it the only song they recorded?

(loungerlrit. theretrruqritxwm' ".' T' 'w-r ‘zt-: : ' .t' . (:iioriyrnoui;deputarrdL‘iIi-l'm‘tr/ "v.")af. rl’.’ in”; " .- lx'rhrch (; )lllitlltf; 'Yorurr; i olie; in I'm '2 out .‘.-:a r' errr r' :: (:ltKitHrllltiétttllHl‘l()'\:ilfi'2T"llurr'r" rl'rr;":--tr ta ' .' r-i z" ': PhilSpe'itor arrrttr'axor‘.Prw'rueft‘-~ rm f” » r: ~' 1’.' ' i: " : rorriantrc heart. Yttlrrrg it; (Mr a " ifw tr" W " "z z .r' Yttlirnga/Xrarrztthr::;'rrrrrfr”o::r' 't. r“! f 5.1-! re "~ .’ .‘r .: i.'.'hriea!: three share ‘.'Trr,.rr u,- r“, f'w 2.1,.7' " ~:, an; i' " r z r' r:- otcharrrranrttatent.armif'r‘. 'V‘r~".':' :w: frag)" r IAIKIJ’, (3"t'ifit'}tf.'.'. fiat :/ “4w:



Arches, Glasgow. Thu 5 Oct

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