
I Sunday Afternoon Concerts: Chamonix Beitli ('oiiiiiitiiiit} ('entre. 0I505 502mm 230 4 5UP”) L5 «L5; (IIIIIlIIL'Il LII .I (inmi/ liIlH' H] ‘,('/l’(/\ Ix .i IIfJIll IIt'dlIL’tI Illxltil'} HI tipL'l'L'Iltt


I The Rose Street Quartet: Shostakovich Birthday Party Concertt‘anongaie Kirk. l5i ('aiioiigate. “"5" 40737 i. 7.10pm. U) ibti 'I Iie \ Iaxxital ehaiiiher quartet pa) tiihtile to the gieal eoiiipoxei' on the |00tIi aiiiiixeixai} oi Iiix hirtli. \HIII a [it'lltll'llldlltL' ol Iiix (tint urn Inr /’iiinu tl/It/ liinn/n'l Ill (KI/Him; 0/) i5. and ('litini/n'i Sunni/rum in ( Mirror; 0/) Him .iIoiigxide pieeex Ii} Seliiiittke and \Io/ai't. I’ioeeedx to the Seottixh \xxotiatioii loi \IeiitaI Health.

Tuesday 26

G asgow

I Ramshorn Lunchtime Concert Raiiixhoi'ii 'I Iieatre. ‘lh Ingram Street. 553 i-ltx“) l.I5 3pm, t' i. I’iaiiixt ('Iii‘ixtophei' I..iiigdo\\ii kit'kx oil the Raiiixhoi'ii'x Iiiiielitiiiie eoiieei't xeaxon \\ ilIi pi'eIiidex tioiii Raeliiiiaiiiiim and I)ehtixx_\.


I Get Organised! - Organ and Trumpet I'xhet' IIaII. I.otIiiaii Road. 328 I I55. |.I0 |.50piii. £3. 'I‘Iiix time around orgaiiixt .Ioliii lx'itehen ix ioiiied h} ti'tiiiipeter .Iaek I)a\ ix Ior aii e\eiting IiiiieIiliiiie pi'ograiiiiiie ol‘('Iai'ke. I’tireeII .iiid (‘harpeiitieix

I The Edinburgh Quartet and the Scottish Stradivari Edinburgh Quartet St ('eeilia'x IIaII. \iddi')

Street. 005' 30“). (rpm. £3.50 11.5). The tpiailetx perloi‘iii Kell} 'x Quintet in .-I. Inlgai ‘x I: .lli'nur Qimrlel. 0/) N3. .\IeI'.\\eii'x Quin/e! .\'u N. [hunt and Iil'lllt'lhx String Quit/tel Nu .i'. (ll) (/4. plaxiiig iiixti'umeiitx made Ii} laiiiotix Seottixh iiiakerx. .\Iatthe\\ and ’I'homax IIaI‘die.

Wednesday 27


I The Merchant Voices ('it_\ llallx. (‘;iiitllei‘iggx. 35‘s 8000. 7pm. I5i'ee. .\'e\\ eoiiimiinit) ehoir eo\eriiig a broad \oeal repertoire. Ied Ii} tenor atid eondtietoi' I)oiiiinie I’eelxhaiii. ()pen to adiiItx ol’ all agex. no pi'e\ iotix muxieal expei'ieiiee ix required itixt Iotx ot' entIitixiaxiii7

Thursday 28


I Edinburgh Quartet (ilaxgoxx l’iii\erxit_\ (‘oiieert IIaII. l'nixerxit_\' .-\\eiitie. 330-1002. I.l0 2pm. The quartet perform Beethmeii'x String Quarter Up I.\ .\'u (i in I)’ Hill atid (il'uxu' I‘iieiu’.


I The Edinburgh Quartet and The Auld Alliance Iiixtitut l-‘raneaix d'Iieoxxe. l3 Randolph (‘i'exeenL 23.5 5300. opiii. I’ree. 'I‘he Iidiiihtirgh Quartet and t'i‘ieiidx introduee their 3000/3007 xettxtin til lIitx L‘\Cltlxt\c e\eiit. [k‘l’lttl'llllllg and dixetixxing a \L‘IL‘t‘llUtt t‘l. e\eerptx I‘l‘tillt lItL‘lt‘ t'ortheoiiiing I-reiieh and Seottixh pieeex.


at: Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Mahler’s Resurrection l'xher IIaII. I.othian Road. 338 I I55. 730pm. £10 [2%. I)eiie\e getx the xeaxon oil. to a thrilling xtart \x ith (‘tilmexxolt'x Super/turd and .\I;tItIL‘t".x might} Sini/i/iuni' .Vu 3. I/lt' Rexurreeii'mi. featuring the \oeaI taIentx ot‘ xoprano Inger Dam-Jeiixen and iiie/zo-xopraiio I’atrieia Bardon.

80 THE LIST :7 Sep—:5 Oct 3006

"la >4 r4,. ~. y y—v-x

sec sconISR sympnouv ORCHESTRA (The New Babylon) City Halls. Glasgow. Thu 21 Sep; (Andromeda) City

Halls. Glasgow. Sun 24 Sep

It may last less than a week, but Glasgow's Merchant City Festival is packing more than 300 events into its five-day run from 20-24 September. Now in its fourth year, the Festival will utilise over 70 venues in this vibrant area of Glasgow, from shops and bars to the recently revamped City Halls complex. “We were interested in creating a Festival where people can experience what’s going on in Scottish arts and culture,‘ says Neil Butler, artistic director. ‘There are some great festivals going on in this fantastic country, especially, for example, the Edinburgh International Festival, but they are international and not necessarily celebrating what‘s great about Scottish arts. When you come to the Merchant City Festival, there‘s a sense that it is almost a festival of festivals.’

Partnership is high on the programming agenda, with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra - whose new home is the City Halls - and Scottish Opera now firmly established collaborators. One of the most exciting events is the rare screening of the classic silent movie The New Babylon, set in the Paris Commune at the end of the Franco-Prussian war, with the BBC SSO performing the Shostakovich score, his first ever film commission, live alongside it. ‘As long as you put on high quality, people enjoy being challenged,‘ says Butler. ‘And it‘s wonderful to find an audience who wouldn’t normally have come across this pairing.‘

Two days later, the BBC $80 and conductor Ilan Volkov are back on stage for the Scottish premiere of James Dillon‘s piano concerto Andromeda, while elsewhere, as Butler says, ‘music is spilling out from venues onto the streets. Scottish Opera are in gardens and courtyards. We‘ve captured the imagination of people in Merchant City. I live and work here, so it‘s a great pleasure to put it on.‘ (Carol Main)

Saturday 30


* Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Mahler’s Resurrection Ro}aI ('oiieert Hall. 3 Sauehiehall Street. 3.53 8000. 7.30pm. £10 £30 ieoiieexxioiix amilahlel. See Hi 3‘).

I Caledon: On a Beautiful Scottish Evening (‘iix IIaIIx. (‘andleriggx. 3.53 8000. 8pm. £l2.50. Rouxing tunex from the he-kilted trio of tenorx.


I Flute Trios Sioekhridge l’arixh (‘hureIL Saxe ('ohurg Street. 316 4726. 7.30pm. Programmex L' I0 idoiiationx to the .-\l(‘Ri. (‘hamher muxie from (iauhert. Htl}tIll. Martina and Weber. performed h) l)a\ id \ieholxon ttIutei. (iiIIian 'l‘homax-MeKen/ie teeIIoi and Stuart Hope tpianoi. In xupport of the

The New Babylon '

.-\xxoeialion Ior International (’aneer Rexeareh. Wine xerx ed atteruardx.

I Kevin Bowyer: Organ X-plosion. Reid Memorial ('Iiiireh. I82 \Vext Sax ille 'I‘erraee. (in: I303. 7.30pm. U». The internationth renouiied organ \ii'tuoxo prexeiitx a programme of popular eIaxxiex on Reid .\leiiitii'i;il'x taiiioux pipe organ including ('oIoneI Boge). Bill} .\Ia}er|'x .Uurienltl and muxie from ,llixxmn [III/NiHl/llt'.


I Neil Wilson and Anka Nite HolGC for an Art I.o\ er: Muxie Room. BeIIahouxton Park. I0 I)umhreek Road. 353-1770. 1.30» 3.30pm. £3.50 i£3.50i. Skilled eIaxxieaI and \xorId guitarixt \Vilxon \\ ill be aeeompanied h} talented pianixt Anita .\'ite fora performanee of Rodrigo’x (WIIt‘l’I'IU (lt' strait/lief.


I Edinburgh Quartet \IaeRol‘ett. I lll\t‘l\ll_\ ot \tiiliiig. 0| "Mt .tooooo .‘xpiii :10”;- 50.1 rider 35x t5~ \ pei‘toriiiaiiee ol II.i_\dii‘x Qua-Ia .' 1'.‘ 1’ Upm “4 \u .5 Int lurk .I‘iokotiex'x (JIM/Ii .‘ \u _‘. (Max V.‘ .lII\I

IeIi.iiko\ xk} 'x Quart. .' :it /. (lynx 3:

Tuesday 3


I Ramshorn Lunchtime Concert Raiiixlioiii IIieatie. ‘i.\ Iiigiaiii \tieet. 55.‘ UV) I l5 3pm ti ('Iaiiiiettixt I exIex Bell and piaiiixt I ioiia \Iatl eodi \Ix \ the I lion} I)tioi plax Bialiiiix' Mina-3.. H.‘ l flu: and other \xoikx tioiii tIie I.\"0x

Wednesday 4


* Scottish Opera: Der Rosenkavalier llieaiie Ix'o\.iI. 3x3 Hope: Sue-cl. llhfill (Ihtl (“Ml—5 it itllim

IItlx e\t|tiixite I.t|l} xtoi) ix not to he iiiixxed Rieliaid Stratixx' ‘I let Ix’oxeiikmaliei' teIIx the xtoi} ot tIixxaited Io\e iii I.\th \eiittiix Vienna

I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: A Portrait of Steve Martland (it) IIaIIx. ('aiidleiiggx. {5“ 5000. ".Rtlpiii L I0 i.\tiideiitx and piipilx t5i. (‘Iialleiigmg the Biitiin lltll\l\ xeeiie Ior o\ei :0 team \\llIl Iiix original and arrextiiig \xoi'kx. .\I.iitI.iiid\ \tillllll‘lllltill\ .tlt' ttt‘lxltti“ IL‘tIgt‘tI lll Ililx \ItitlI‘It‘ t'\t'ltl .iI \xhieh the BB(‘ 880 pei'toiiii Iiix Iiext kiromi xeoi'e. li’nlii In; iindei the dii'eetioii ol .Itirien IIeiiipeI In the xetoiid hall oi the exeiiiiig. the Stex e .\'lI.tlltI Baiid gi\e (ilaxgmx atidieiieex a rare t.ixte ol their unique iiiiiiiiiialixt ioek. |.|// and \‘I;t\\lt‘tll xtitllltI.

I Andrea Bocelli Slxt‘t '. I‘llllllt‘xltilt Qua}, (IS-Ill (I-Itl JIIINI q -l.5|illl [-lll UNI .\ unique \oiee llll\llt" opera and eIaxxieaI \\llIl pop.

(".50 L-H ieoiieexxioiix a\.iiI.iI\Iei


I Scottish Ensemble: Souvenir Matt) at Hall. ('it} Square. ill {XI 4340“. Mn 0. 5lell. H.150

(U U050». 'I‘Iie eiixeiiihle latiiieli tlieii iie\\ xeaxoii \\ ith a peitoi'iiiaiiee oi old latotii'ilex and Hen pieeex. iiieliiding IS Hitt'll.\ Rn en (in arid li’mnt/i'n/u‘ig (-Ullt i'I'lii .Vu /) .‘ttltI 'I'eItttlIun xIx_\ ‘x .Xrlllti'llll' i/i' Iii/(Hi i‘ Ilt'} \\ III I‘L' joined Ii} \xoi'Id reiioxtiied \ ioIa pla}er I.;t\\ t‘L'ltL‘L‘ I’tm L'l'.

Thursday 5


I Miwako Abe and Scott Mitchell (iltixgtm l'iiixerxit} ('oiieei't IIaII. I'iiixei‘xit} :\\L‘llllc. “0,1003. I I0 3pm. I‘ree. 'I‘he \ ioIiii and piano duo peitoiiii I)eIitixx} 'x Sir/lulu In (1' Ini/im In; tItI/III uni/ pnnru. (ieorge .-\iitheiI‘x .Suniim .\'u 3 [or tin/in. [mum (ll/(l (IIHHI .iiid I't'aliek‘x .Suntilii in .I nut/w In; tin/Iii and piano.

I Scottish Ensemble: Souvenir ('it} IIaIIx. ('aiidlei'iggx. 5% 3000

7.30 0.30pm. 9;] I50 {I5 iU LIZ». See \VL‘tI 4.


I Live Music Now: Phil Gault and Claire Haslin National (illIIL'I'} ol Setillatitl. 'I‘Iie Mound. 02-1 (i200.

(i (i._‘~0piii. I'ree. Baritone I’Iiil (iaiilt pertoriiix Vaughan Williamx' 'Soiigx oi ‘I'raxel' \HII] piano aee<riiipaiiiiiieiil lroiii ('Iaire IIainn.

I Scottish Opera: Die Fledermaus Brtinton Theatre.}ueII \Va}. .\Itixxelhtirgh. ()(i5 2340. 7.30 10pm. LIZ it; I0i. Seottixh ()pera prexeiitx a new. produetion of Die I’Iederiiiaux. which \inI delight atidieiieex old and next aIiIxe. I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Opening Concert t'xher IIaII. I.t)lI]t;in Road. 228 I I55. 7.30pm. Ux‘ L34. 'I'Iie S('() xtartx the xeaxon \th Ila}dn‘x

jo} l‘uI ehoral maxterpieee 'I‘lii' ('reuiiun eondueted h} Sir ('harlex Maekerrax.