Voicebeat Multicultural Singing Group 1:\er} Thu '1 he .v\nne\e. ()il Siemxrttille Stieei. 1’iii‘tiek. WW4" 7‘7137. 7 15 9pm 23511 Voigex ol the \Hll1t1lllillt'dl 11ll\ \lllg'llig' group \xith .in interimtioiiiil l1;i\our 1:iii;ii1

\oieelwut‘” filllitl1 L'Hlll loi detail»


ActiVItieS <3 Events

Behind the Scenes of the Botanics Ro};i1 litllttlllt' (iiirden. leu 1ll\L'l'1L'111l Rim. 552 7171. 4pm. 1-ree l1|lllliL'(1\p.'lt'L‘\l. Behind the \eenex ol the 11erhuriuin. the l‘loizinu~ (kirdenK pluiit hhi‘ur} o1 H\L'l 2 iiiilhoii \pL‘L'Iiiicih.


Theatre Training .\'oi'th 12dinhurgh .‘\1'1\(.L'1111t'. |5.'i 1’enn_x\\e11('oui't. 315 3151. 7 H511lilll.‘e~1lfl £2.5llif1‘ruining \L‘\\lt)ll 1UI'11IU\L'\\1111 the iieting hug. loeuxing on till ;l\PL't'1\ti1 perloriniinee.

Activities & Events

Amor 1'l'llllllltll'1xt'1 (killer). 45 Market Street. (17335 '7 {11733. L'Zh.('1i;iiiip;igne. i;i//. iiiodern ill! and romance .it ihix \lll}.'1L‘N night iii the 1"i'uitniiii'ket.


3D/2D Art, Craft and Design Fair Amenihl} Roonix. 54 (ieorge Sireei.(i(i1 Milli). 111.311uiii 4. 511ml]. [1 (Tllp; under— llx li‘eel. See (iltixgou. Sad 14.


A Puzzle from the Past: Why the Scottish Enlightenment Happened Mel-luau 11:111. 1111\10 Square. (6114381. \tiiin. 1'l‘L‘L‘. 11t'1\L‘1C(1. 1‘.llllllL‘lll 1li\ltil'l;lll 1’l'ti1t‘\\t)l"1tllll i)L'\i11L‘UPC11\ the thitii‘ (H1 Scotluiid'x major contribution to philosoph} tlllt1 urtixtie ;i\\;ikening. 14o|1o\\ ed h} it pginel t1l\L'll\\lUll.


Music Production Workshop \Ul‘lh 1idinhurgh .‘\rt\ ('entre. l5;i Penn)“ e11 ('ourt. 315 3151. 1 3pm. to it'3.5l) £4i. .loin \ongu i‘ilei/producer 1:1”) '1‘reiinor in .\'1{.\("\ \lillt‘ ol' the art \tudio illlt1 learn the lute“ in lllll\lt‘ production. 1{\perieneed iiiuxieiiinx illlt1 heginnerx \\e1eome. .-\ge\ 1(i upu tll‘t1\.

Wednesday 1 1

Activities & Events

The Impact of Citizen Journalism on the Control and Distribution of Visual Media \Vexluii link. 11;i\\thornden Lecture ’l'heutre. .\';ition;i1 (1&111L‘l’). the Mound. (i24 (i560.

12.45 1.311pin. (‘olin .|;ieoh\on look ;it the grou ing phenomena ot‘ ‘iunuteur‘ iniuger} heing uth in the inedizi tind the ixxuex ihix l‘tlI\L'\ tor the press.


China and Globalisation Open Door. 4211Morningxide Road. 447 0757.

111.3117 1 1..51);llll. L'l donation. Juxtiee ;ind PCHCL‘ (ii‘oup dixeuxxion. gi\ en h} 1)r Ling l.iu ol‘ the lino-rot} of Edinburgh's Mungigeineni School.

Food & Drink

Pasta Master Class \‘ulxonu tk ('rollti. 1‘) 1iliii Rim. 55o oooo.

7.311 l)._‘~llpm. £31). Demonxtriuionx or him to intike puxtgi from the \in ('ut‘l’e 1IL‘tlt1 ehet'. You \\ ill need _\our ou n puxiti muehine tor hit} one from \'&(‘i.


Mount Everest: North and South George Square '1‘heziire. l'ni\er\ii} oi iidinhurgh. (ieorge Square. 7.30pm. to: tree to \tudents and R808 members. See (iltisgtm. Wed 1 1.

Mycorrhizas and Trees Rtlktl1 Botanic (Lirdenx 11.eeture 1he.iiie 1. Ro}.i1 Bilidiilk (Lirdenx. 1n\ei1eith Rod. 55: “1'1.” 511Plll L'— iL5 iiieinheiw 1)i 1’hi1ip .\1d\llll tlll\\\t'1'\ the t]llk"111l11 do \Hl1 iniei'ohex deteiiiune \xhut tieex grim \ihei‘e. oi I\ it \iee \eim'

Saturday 14

Activities <3 Events

Gardening for Biodiversity Rt‘k.l1 liiii.iiiie(i.iii1eii. 31kt 1ii\ei1eiih Row. 55: “1" 1. 111. 511.1111 4pm .\ one-dd} xioi‘kxhop guide to tlltt1t'l\1.lllt1lll:_' hiodnerxit} in )oiu‘ garden. In eoniunetion \kll11111t'Sitl1.'\\\t|el.tllttll

Food <3 Drink

The Wines of Antinori \'.il\oii.i tk ('i’ollti. 1‘1121iii Row55hh11Ni

11;iili 4pm. (t1111}t'tii'\;iiit1 3h generiitionx ol .'\llllllttl‘l\1ltl\t' in.ide thexe 1t;i|i;in \\lllL‘\ '11ixte the ii.idition. ]‘.l\\lHll .ind lli\llllL‘1,


Puppetry Workshop (‘oliiiiieille (‘entie. 2 \t'\\1‘;1111t'l1L'll'ilL‘t‘. 44" "4114, “hi!” 4pm. £25 it'llli. .\1.ike puppetx lroiii nuturul niiiterigilx \\l[1l S\\;llli|t' Siehke ill 11H\ \kiil'ixNhUP tor tu1ti1l\.

Activities & Events

Holyrood’s Harvest 11H|_\I'Ht>t1 Pink. 052 81511. 1 3pm. .»\ Ranger-led llltK1L‘l‘;liC\\;l11\()1 111L‘P1il111\lll 11(11}l‘i)t)t1. Hooking L'\\L‘lll1;l1.

Monday 16

Activities & Events Poetry Book Group Seoiiixh 1’oeti‘}

.5. ,. '. .v v“ -.. .v I. u i. «A '. v;-


ii 1i 73. u.

11*; 1.3 ir-

i5; it:

31 l




r1 f - D": 59 @5552! I .


l ihi.ii\. 5 (‘iithton'x (hue. (Linongate. 55— jh‘fi (\ zll \ :lipm {5.1M lil\\[|\\ \i: ii'l'ii my; h} Ri‘i‘lll Roheitwn undei the 1iiei.ite e)e ol .1ll1lt‘.1\'1lll\1t‘ll


Climate Change Begins at Home Ro}.i1 iiilldlllt (i.iiden\i1t\tuie

111C.l11t' I. 1{ii_\.i1 lit‘i.1111\ (i.iit1elt\. 1n\ei|eith1{o\\.5535151 5pm 1‘ Hell (‘hiii.iio1ogi~t 1)i 1).i\e Rea) e\p1oie\ the \1llll.tIL' lllll‘del oi houxing. gaideiiing. liiiit1. \\iti1\. Il.lli\[‘ttl't .l11t1t'\k'11k1k'.l111. toieing ll\litlt'11tll11\ ‘doing oui hit'

Wednesday 18

ActIVIties <3 Events

Highland Wildlife Park Tour \leel .ii 12duihuigh/oo.('oixtorphine 1\’o.id. ‘14 ‘11"1.X§tl.iiii {311it151{/S\ lllt‘lll1‘L'l\l 'Iour the iii.iin ie~ei\e oi .-\\ieiiioie\ iilfl1111111k1\\411\1111C 1’.u'k \\ll1l .i guide .iiid “nigh l1lt';tllllll.l1t1t't'l i‘ut “Milk ()(l 11


Maretlwane Bush School 1(0).” .\1u\euiii 1.eetuie 1|ie'.itre. 3 (‘hiiinheix Street. 34" 431‘) 2.15pm to; liee loi \lllt1t‘lll\.tllt1 RS( 18 lllL‘llli‘t‘l'\. See (i1.i\go\\. 11m 1‘).


Writers’ Group North 1‘.t1lll1‘lll}_‘1l.\l'1\ ('entre. 15;i1’enn}\\e11('ouri. ;15 3151 0.45 3.15pm. £4 it: £3.5lli. ('iet together \\ith lellou \erihhleix. led h} Seotihh [‘1:t}\\l'l:_'111 lxiihel Wright.

Thursday 19

Food & Drink

An Evening with Tom Parker Bowles \‘iii(‘;ill'e. l l \lulireex \Vulk.





i.- .i'.’ i-fis' '4‘


1 Vi is: a... ". i, £3 3

i‘z‘ '71.‘i~‘:’. 3}. i."

:ni-J: (if:

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Parents with put-upon purses will welcome Historic Scotland’s October initiative: under-16$ are welcome

- gratis - to their sites across Scotland, if accompanied by a paying adult. Edinburgh Castle also hosts Ghostfest, noon-4pm all month, where wizards and puppets mix with tales of owls, ravens and the Grim Reaper. In addition, many properties will be open later than usual as part

of the Autumn Gold promotion.

I Historic Scotland attractio'is. .‘ti.r0tig/7o;i: chooer. For more ,rifor'nation visit

".1112 historic—scotiano’. gov. ck;

Around Town

55‘1Nl\\ h 111 " 5111‘”! :5 lllt1llx1llig' g1.i\\ oi nine .1l‘111111t'1\‘«‘\1\11[1\ .ind \on oi ('.iiiiill.t .i\ he intiodiitex 1ll\ neu hook on glolml t'll1lll.il_\ \'\11\'111k‘\. liri 1i..I Ion/r; l)i.".'\‘( ’I‘.‘4\.“t


Exploring Eco-Tourism lx‘ovil Hot.iiiie(i.iideii.311.11ii\ei1eith|{o\\. 55.‘ ~151 “pin to i 14' \1i\e1\ deimte 1‘t'1\\t't‘11111\‘\\‘1H1 .tllt1.t‘j.tlll\1t'\i‘ 1i‘llll\lll..i1iillg' \kli1l t‘\[‘1.tll.111i‘ll\ on him not holida} 11.11‘II\.111\\1I1lt‘\\i‘l1\1 in:

i" mi ( .iN.'..'.’i ( tin/zen i


The Many Voices of the John Murray Archive 11ie \ii_~.'ii\tine (11lllt‘1l. 41 -1§(ieoigt' 1\ Hiidge. h.“ “45 5 15pm \.it |\1\\.l1\1\.11i111k'111\1 \llltll.t1.1it1ill .\1iiii.i_\ \1x111\\'1\'\1111\'. \\|111.l11\.t1‘itlli 11lt‘.11\111\t‘\\111\11 intludex \xiitiiig1i_\ eiiiiiient \ i.toii.iii\


ACIWIIIOS & txciits;

Filmosophy 1 \t'i\ \ttii \ lll(..l11t'. 11 \11111lg'g'\ 55hh11hh ii Hutu] {Iii .1llll .\1oone\ 11H\1\111t'\t‘il1lll.tllt1 [‘1ll1iixiip11} ewningx. .111 \\.l\11t'\1\1tl\\11 \\ll11.tj_‘1.l\\i*11‘t'll.ll111ltll

10th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair \\t-tl ll \iiii l5 ()t‘i ()tit (11 lhe Blue |)ii11 11.i11. ill iii 1).i1iiieii\ Stieel. leith.iih_“l11.‘ 1llllt'\ \.tl}. \\111l.l1tit\1tt1 .tll11litl\. [‘111‘1lx’ \Pk'.11\L'1\.\'\1111\111l‘11\.111\11511111 \t'lt't'11111}_‘\.111t‘111R“1\.l1111|t|l|t‘ p1.itloi‘iii (il‘k‘llt‘t111ll\}t'.ll 1i} etologixt. .ietixixt.et1itoi .uid .itithoi \.ll1t1.lll.l.\1ll\.l WASPS Artists Studios Open Weekend \‘ui " tk Sim .\ i M \\ \\l’\ Studiox. '\11‘ltlll lill\111\'\\(.t‘1111\'. "3 .'\11\ltlllRtl.lt1.h(\1 "Nil". 3 “ext 1’.iik 1’1;it‘e. 1);i1l’§ Road. ‘1 i 3454. 1’.iliioth.i11 Studiox45 11ttllll1ltill1’1.ttt‘.Sltk’hhlltg‘t'. 325 1:8". 11.iiii 5pm. noon 5pm \ee (i1;l\_‘_'tl\\ ongoing


folio / series // book / series l “111 11111 ill \ox inoi hunt. Scottiin I’oeti} 1.1131411}. .5 ('lle1iliiii'\('1ii\t‘. (‘.|11H11_‘,‘.l1k'. 55“ 287i. ll;uii (min. 1 5pm 1:\1iihitioii e\p1oiing the \t‘ll.l1 puhlixhing 01.'\1L't'1‘lll1.l_\. Hooking exxentml


Scottish Home Improvement 8. Self Build Show Sat 5 .\ Sun .\' ()t'l Ro}.i1Highland('entre.1ng1ixion. “5 02111. Illuiii 5pm. (55“ Ill .lt1\.111\\'. [H.SH1k-1111t11t'1111‘t‘L'1.()11t'H1 11lL'1.tlj_‘t'\l ttllt1llltt\lL’\t'1l1\l\t'\t'11 huild. ieiio\.itioii and home inipi‘oxeiiieni \11H\\\ in Seot14ind. .-\t1\.iiu'e tit’ket hoiline. 115511 (11311225.

Food & Drink

Edinburgh Farmers’ Market l.\t-i~_\ Sui. ('gixtle ’1ei'r;iee. (i5: 50411 ()illll 2pm. More 1HL'1I1.t11111111}.t'1111t';l1 [Hilt1llt't' [11.111 )oii could \hiike .i \tiek All.


Dance Base Classes Dante Him: 14 lo (ii';i\\iii;ii'ket. 335 5535 1‘HI iiiloi'iii.itioii on it iii}ri.id dance and I'L‘1;l\itlltlllL'1;l\\L'\. lroin 1.11L'1ll to \ogtieiiig xiii 1llP-1ltlpdllt1 tango. \l\11 u\xu.duneehuxeui.uk

Salsa Dance Classes 1‘.\L'l} \lon. 7pm Run. Medina. 45 47 1.othi.'in Street. her} '1ue. 5 Upiii. :\pe\ 1niern.ition.i1 Hotel. ‘1 (iriixxiimrket. (175734 455554. L51L4i. Learn the 1;ile\l \;I1\;l Ill()\L'\;11 thexe popular t'1£l\\L'\. Beginnei'x eun leiu‘n lroiii "’pni; posi- heginnerx lroiii «\pin. '1’he :\pe\ 11ote1 \\ cleuitiex l111 'zgex. .\1et1iii;ii\o\er»13\ onl}. .\1Ct1lll;l il1\(l1l(l1t1\;111 iiiiproxerx \L'\\ltill troni (min. and ii tree xtilm gluh “11111)JJ£llllL'\1l'tilll ltlpin 5;llll.1'.lllitl1 L';I\It'titl\1\tl1\it(”)il1ltiti.ctl.ll1\ 1t)l't1L'1£il1\. Theatre Class 1'.\ei'_\ \Ved. l<o_\.il

1.} eetiin '1hegitre. (il'lllt11il) Street. 243 4843. lll_311;iiii 12.3llpni. £5. A \L'I'IL'\ ol [2111\\ on the \euxon'x current plu} with Mike Riding»

:9’.’ .9 THE LIST 25