
Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

Accepted i 12m 00 :Sicxc l’mk.

l S. Ilium liixliii l ung. x\tl;llll Hcixchinan. Illakc l iwl} ‘) iiiiin Sec .\|xu Rclcaxcd. page J” (i: Ill'lll/ n It uw

Alien Adventure 3D it'i COO.

illeii \iraxxeii. Japan. lelll l Vuice ul ,luhn Huxlc. lluiili l.amieix Winin ,'\ll alien iacc qukiiij: lui .i planet iu culumxe lind eaith and tiiiluitiinatel} enlei a theme park “llch the} caiixc lllllLll ainiixiiij: iiia}hciii /.ll.l.\' Illi (II/i, (l/lI\L'l‘ll

All About Eve i I’m .000 lJl'\L'Pll ll \l.llllxlt'\\lc/.l S, I‘lilli Bette |)a\ix. :\llllt' Bauer (it-uiyc Saiideix. \laiihn \lumuc

l ‘Hinin l).i\l\ and lla\lei aic un [up luiiii in thix talc ul hack xtage hack biting! and

cumin my. .iiid a )uiiiif.‘ \laiil}n inakcx a his eiiliancc in a xiiiall pail '\ \iitt} and intelligent liliii \I lilii/i"\ (t Illli'. [din/Hugh The Ant Bully il i O. Ilitllll .-\ I).i\ ix. ['8‘ 31mm .Iiilia Ruhei‘tx. \iculax (aye. \lei'}l Slit-cit. Nliiiin Yet aiiulhei'

H il aiiiinatiun hexiuxxiiig: lilc Iexxuiix un the iiatiuii'x )UlllljJ leii )eai uld lticax likex tu iuiniciit amx. until icxident am \xi/ard /.uc i\'iculax ('agei xlii'iiikx him In their xi/e and lt‘.ltllt'\ him tu ll\ e ax part ul the cuimmimt) iatlici than an llltll\ltlll;ll Piedictahle 'xarn (illhfiitii II/IH y’lll'lllH', (illhfiifli. Aquamarine l l’( ; l 0.0 ll‘,lI/;ll\cllt [\llen. l'S. ltlllm lamina Ruhei‘tx. lulu. Sara |’a\lun. Jake .\1cl)ui'iiian. Arielle Kehhel, Illiimn Surprixingl) x\\eet adaptatiun ul .-\|ice llullniann‘x pupnlar huuk aimed xqiiaiel) at an midixci’iiiimalin; audience ul' pie tecnx \Vheii txiu II )eai uld gii‘lx dixcu\ er a iiieiinaid un their laxum‘itc heach. theii ti'uuhlex haw unl} |iixt hegiin. ~\li/m/i ineetx l/ll' liii/i' tilt’I'Hltllil lui' a xaxx} llL‘\\ genei'aiiun. Izni/iin' ('lu/i-lniiik

l/‘Hl'llli i/\ (1 .ll. (Yule/mule

Arena: Robert Mapplethorpe iihci iNigel l'lllc'll . l'K. 103M ‘lllinin, .-\ xcicemng ul l'inch'x IUXX duciiinentar} charting the cai‘eci ul' phutugrapher Ruhert \lapplethurpe. \\ ith an iiitruductiun h} \u'mi xei'icx editur. ;\ntun_\ \Vall ll'niuii link. [xi/iii/iiu‘g/i.

The Aryan Couple l I2.-\i O

ilulm l)al_\, l'K/l'S, 2005i Martin landau. .lud} Parlitt. Kenn} Dwight} llllllllll. See in ic“, pagc ~10. ('im'iwrli/ It’i'Ii/n'ii Street. (i/iixeim .' ('iiii'iim'lil. IaliIi/iiujg'li. Barnyard il’(ii (Stmc ()edckci'k. l‘S. Jtlllh) \uiccx ul Ke\ in .lamex_ (‘uurtene) ('u\. Sam lilliuti, tx‘lmm. (’hildren'x animated cumed} ahuul a hunch ul~ talkatn e


42 THE LIST 5—19 Oct 2006

larin aiiiinalx and the lun the} haxe \\ hen the lariner'x .ma}. \\ ith inure than a texx iukex thiuu ii in tui the gruun-upx See reneu. ne\t ixxue (inn ni.’ n'lum Between The Lines: India’s Third Gender ithci i'l‘huinax \Vartmami. Herman}. 3005i 05mm The Iii/rm are India‘x eunuchx \luxt are hiulugicall} men. but the) diexx ax uumen and identit} \Kllll neither gendei human 'I humax \Vartiiiaiin and phutugrapher Anita Khemka captiirex their hidden lixex.

\\ here the Hindu religiuii caxtx them ax hringcrx ul lertilit}. xiiriugate lamiliex and delicate relatiuiixlupx piu\ide xiippui'i. and e\ei'_\da) lile un the xtieetx caiixex them tu rel} uii chant} and pruxtiiuiiun ’uii u/ (i/mum ' 31)!!!) (1 ll. (rl(1\L'I’l\

Beyond Reasonable Doubt l Ix» l.\llll;l \‘ltlillxln lL‘. \ethei‘laiide‘ruatia/Serhia. ZlNDSi 53min .-\ii iiithigaiiun mm the maxxacie at Sehremca. \klllt'll \xax ruled in he genucide. pi‘exenting the upiiiiunx ul \ ictimx and perpetratuix alike Part ul Hucumem 4. (i/iiwmi l'l/Hl I/ii'iilri'. (i/muim. The Black Dahlia l lXi .0. De Palma. l'K/( ierinan}. 3mm Juxh llai'tncll. Scarlett Juhanxxun. Aai'uli lickhai‘l. llilar} Snank. Mia Kirxhncr. Ileimn. .-\ true llull}\\uud crime lictiunalixcd in Jainex lzlli‘u} 'x nu\ el “llll hagx ul putential ax a inune} making; mm ie. Add an uhxccncl) glainuruux caxl and. xui'el). xuccexx'.’ \Vell. nu The rexult underlinex Dc Palina‘x luihlex ax a dii‘ectur. “hile the adaplaliun ul

lllll'ti} 'x xuui‘ce huuk ix perplningl} luuxc


and alariiiingl} trite in itx cuncluxiun. .-\ hall

lll’\L‘tl riddle. Si'li'i'li'i/ I‘i'li‘ilu'.

Bluebird iP(ii (Mike |)c Junge. Netherlandx, lelHi h’lliiiin. A charming tilm ahutll a girl \xliu lm ex xmniining and her little lH‘UlllL‘l’. Part til the l)ixcu\ er) liiteriiatiunal l'ilni l5extixal l‘ur ('hildren and Yuung Peuple. l‘l/lll/ll’llu’. Iii/iiiliure/i.

Boy Culture tthci (Q Allan Brucka. ['8. 2mm Patrick Bauchan. Derek Haggai. l)lll'l'_\l Stephenx. 85min. |)irectur Brucka‘x lullim —up In Ifuliiiu ()ii! ix a tale ul~ iiienagc a ll‘t)l\. ‘X‘ (Hagar) ix a tliirt}xuiiiethiiig lmxtler “lit! hax a thing l'ur hix ruuimnate. Andre“ (Stepheiixi. _\et it'x the third amigu. the yuung. xeuial animal Jue} lJunalhuu 'l‘i'eiill. \xhu hax the hutx l‘ui‘ Meamxhile. an elderl} trick l‘urcex the litixtler tu recunxider \\ hat he uaiilx lrum relatiunxhipx h) relaxing in ha\ e ,xe\ \\ ith him until he l'eelx the attractiun ix mutual and it'x thix that leachex ‘.\" what he \iantx l'ruin Andre“. l’uri n/ (i/iiseiii‘.’ III/)0. (i/uwmi' I'ilm 'I'Iii'uin'. (i/(H‘QUH'.

The Break-Up l 12m 00 ll’c}tun Reed. l'S. 2mm Jennil'er .-\mxtun. Vince Vaughn. Jue} Lauren Adamx. (‘ule llauxei'. Jun liavreau. l lllmin. Alter [\ui )eai‘x ul

marriage. cit} iuiir guide (iar_\ tlelgllltl and art galler} axxixtant Hruukc t -\mxtuni haxe had eiiuugh ul each uther. but cant him; theinxehex In gne ul‘ their cmeted ('hicat—‘u cundu The iexlrained cuimc xt)le -\mxiun relined during; hei tenure un [iii In.“ itixi duexn't tit \kllll \.iti:liii'x lrecuhecling. xu it'x lelt lu the xuppurting caxt tu piuxide the laughx. including; lliuuke'x hitch} huxx and all-xiiiging hruihei and (iar) 'x hext hudd}. Juhnn} () lilni/iuiiu. ItI'iIi/iiugli

Bridge on The River Kwai il’t‘u C... il)a\id lean. l K. WSW -\|cc (iumiiexx. Jack ll.l\\l\lll\. \\i|liain llulden lhlinin ('laxxic PU“ xaga. in which (\lec aclx ax luieinan in the building ul a laigc raihxa} bridge I ean'x e\tia\a:_'ant xtud} ut lli'itixh \\.ii'tiiiie grit ix iiiuxi iiieinui’ahlc tui (imiinexx' detailed pui'ti'.i_\al ul the Ul‘xcxxnc (‘iihincl Nlcliulxnn 'l‘hc lilllt ale min a xiring ul Academ} :\\\.lltl\. .\i uiumiii \‘t ri'i'ni/i: Rimm. Ia/in/iiiruli

* Brothers of the Head l Isi O... iKeith l'ultun. l.uiiix Pepe. l'K. ZlNlSi Hair} 'l‘ieadaua}. luke 'l‘i‘eadaxxa}. lli}an Dick

‘) illllll. See inter\ lt‘\\. page ‘7 and in It'“. PilgL‘ 33V Xi'li'i [(‘i/ I‘i'li'uu

Camcorder Guerilla Cinema: The Fog of the Media llai i\'ai‘iuux. Variuux. 2mm lh4imn Mure undeicmei. puliticall} minded l'ilmmakmg lrum the (iiiei'illax. The ewmiig leatui'ex a prexentatiuii ll‘i‘lll the priinalcx. [Ill/"(lillli‘llnll in l-uiiiu‘i' I-ilni h} Andi‘ex Inguglia. the 2mm lealtire lilin un media and ma i h} Raphael I._\un and lnguglia. and a ()tkA xexxiuii un Suutli .»\inerica. |nd_\media and the l'm\erxal ()uextiun ul' ('iiimmimcatiunx. Part ul I)ucuinent J. (ti-i. (i/iisumi.

Canoa t |5l 0.. tl'elipc (‘a/alx. .\li‘\icu. l‘)7(ii Sahadui‘ Saiichel. Sciqu ('alderuii. lznriqne l.iiceru. l 15min. A ducti- drama critique ul the l}llL'lllllf_' ul l'uui' lllll\L‘l'\ll_\ emplu} eex in San Miguel de ('anua in I‘llih’ hecauxe ul their alleged pulitical uriematiun ax ('uiiimunixix. Part ul .\1e\ican ('inema xeaxun. [Vi/iiiliuim'. I'fi/iii/iiuje/i.

Cars ll’(il ... lliihn l.;ixxclcl‘. [8. 200m \'uicex ul' ()u en \Vilxun. Paul Nexiinan. Bunnie Hunt. l.arr) The ("able (in). Illinin. Racecar Lightning McQueen luxex hix \\a_\ en ruuie tn the final race ul the xeaxun and lindx hiinxell' maruuned in the xleep} tuun ul‘ Radiatur Springx. \ihich ix pupulated h) an arm} ul’ iiiixlit carx. l)expile the man) puxiliVex. (tin tlULNlhl quite make the highext grade inaml) hecauxe it'x the leaxt ui'iginal Pi\ar lilm _\et. St'lt'lilt’t/ I'¢'/i'u.\i‘.

Chicken Little Wt 00. (Mark Diiidal. [3. 3005) \'uicex ul‘ Zach Bi'al'l'. Patrick Ste“ art. Juan (’iixack. (Ear) Marxhall. tx’llmin. l-‘ullim ing the death ul hix

Last chance to see Douglas Gordon and Philippe Parreno’s dizzying, inspired film-come-artwork following the great French footballer’s every move using 17 synchronised cameras over the 92 minutes of the Real Madrid v Wllarreal on April 23, 2005. Is it art, is it footie? Who cares, it's great! I GFT. Glasgow and selected cinemas uni/l Thu 72 Oct.

muthei. ('hic ken l itile ixuiced h) V. min xtai liralli xti'ugglex tu cuimnunicate \\ ith a hutch lathei \xhu'x ‘nexei theie tui hiiii'. then xendx the 1mm imu cliaux atiei iiiixdiagnuxing that the xk_\ ix tailing l‘he l\\u hccuiiie the laughing; xtuck tu all hut a te“ equall} uxtiacixed uddhall liiendx laxt paced. lun and a little cuin_\ hut \\llll itx heait in the right plat c \iu [din/midi

()t iii/I. It/Ul/‘ll/‘(ll

* Children of Men I 15. 0000 t'\ll\lll\\‘ (‘mairl k. .‘Htlm (‘liw ( )\\clt. Julianne \luuic. \lichael (Lune. (‘hiuetel liiului ll~1nuii It‘x 203". and nu tlllltllt'll haw been built \xuilduide lui neaih l\\u decadex in thix iaic maniple ut big: budget xci ti \\ ith intelligence and heait l)llt'tlt\l (‘uaiuii hax i\l.i_\ed du\\ii the Pl) laiucx' nuwl'x icligiuux allegun in la\uui ul haid hitting; pulitical lllllllt‘tlldt). in the xpiiit ut luicriiiineix [In (hm eii Him and .\4'\/( iii (ili i ll (ii'lli'lil/ lili (IN

China Blue i ll.-\i .0. l\ll\ ha \ l’clcd. l S. .‘lNiSi Ntllllll lhe human iealirx behind the \\ext‘x iiiixtuppahle dexiie lui cheap \lL‘l‘llll ix icu‘aled in .i mm in; purtiait ul )uuii}: latturx \xuikeix iii Suiilhein ('hina (iltixgun li/ni Iliuiiu (illhg’rflt

Clerks ll 1 l5i C. ikex in Smith. l'S. Itlllm lliian (l'llalluiaii lell \ndeixun. Ruxaiiu l)a\\xun ‘l—‘llllll Hexpitc xuiiic xupp} iuiiiancc \Kllll huxx Heck} illau xuiii and a \xcll chureugiaphed imixical xetliicncc \t'l In “N .lllckxiill l'l\c\ '.-\ll( (ill Ikx II ix xti'uiigcxt “hell it imnex Simih'x mm laimliai rich xeain ul lilth Split in] u lum' Cliclull-M.’ il-iaiik (‘uiaci. l8. 2mm Adam Sandlei. Kate Ileckmxale. (‘hrixtuphei' “alkcn llljllllll Slit-xxed uni architect \lichael (Saiidlei l duexn't haw ciiuiigh humx in the da} iu meet all hix man} cuiiimitiiientx 'l‘heii hc ineclx a “end cleclrumcx xalexiiian ultii gnex him a unnei'xal icinute cuntiul \nuthei imldl} plcaxant. xcheinalic Sandlei cuined} “fill the i‘cquixitc aiiiuunt ul laiigghx (ii'iiuiil I'i’lt'ilu'.

The Collective + Roam ll’lil COO il)aic§ \Vittenheig. ('anada. ZlNlSi 05min I/Il' ('ullu Ill'i' uun a xleu ul .'l\\;lltl\ and ix cunceriied inainl} \Kllll muiinlain hikex. \Vitleiiherg‘x xecund lilin alxu cunlainx xuiiic til the hexl llL't'rlllHllllltllll hikeix in the uurld and ix heautilnll) xhut. lcaturin}; xume aixexuine actiuii. Part ul the (ilaxguu Internaiiunal llike l‘lllll l-exiixal (i/meuu I‘ll/N 'Ilii'uiri'. (ill/semi,

Cyberworld 3D iP(ii i\'ariuiix. l'S. Illlllli Jenna lllllllltll. Matt l'i'euer. \Vuud} Allen. 44mm. Jenna lullinan ix the cilia» huxt \xhu inti‘uducex tix tu \ai'iuiix unrelated xegmenlx ul c}hei aniiiiatiuii. 'llii' Sim/mun and .‘llllj. make 3|) appearancex III a xpcctacular tll\pl£l} Hl ludti) Ix lilttxl iinprexxiw graphic techiiulug}. /.\I.vt.\' Hutu/1', (i/uu'uii,

Danger: Diabolik ll’( il 0... (Mann liilHl. ltah/l‘rance. I‘Hifii Juhn Phillip l.a\x. .\1arixa Hell. Michel Picculi ‘l‘limn. Italian hurrur maextru lltlHl turnx hix hand tu cuimc xtrip actiun \\ ith llll\ \xunderlull} hi/arre. xuh-llund parudy l‘.llll\L'llL'tl h} the directur'x e} e lur uutlandixh \ ixualx and xume umixual laiitax} xequeiicex Part ul Px_\chutrumc ('inema. l'l/Hl/ltlllw'. lat/iiilmruli.

De la Calle (Streeters) l ISi l(iL'f&lftlti 'l'urt. Meucu. lelll i |,uix l'ernandu Pena. Mina Zapata. .-\rinaiidu lleriiaiidel. tx'himii A lirxt leature ahuut dnig dealing. udd liihx and duing u hat it takex tu \lln l\ e (iii the xlreetx ul Meucu ('it}. Part ul Mexican ('inema xeaxuii. (iluwmi I'll/ll IIH‘llll'l'. (iliiwmi ,' I'l/Nl/HIUH’. Izili/iliiu'u/i.

Dead Man l lh‘i 0... (Jim Jarimixch. l'S. l‘)‘)5i JUllllll} l)epp, Gar} l-‘armer. Lance Henriekxen. IZImm. Alter heading uut \\ ext fur a Jtlh \acanc} tliat'x alread} been filled. accuuiitanl Bill Blake il)eppl lindx a puxxe un hix tail alter the xhuuting ul hix nuuld-he einplu) er'x xuii. With a bullet in hix t)‘.\l] ehexl. Blake huukx up with an Indian called Nuhud} il‘arineri. vihu reckuiix thix ix the xpirit (it the puet Blake and xu preparex a proper lnneral. (iluriuuxl) xhnl in black and “hite. meticulouny paced and imbued with a xpiritual tranxcendence. Jamiuxeh'x existential Wextern is innovative and unexpected. (’umm, Edinburgh.