
The Departed t tin 0.. t.\1artin Wextrnoreland. l'S. :‘l‘NH l',tltll} Rim. Jeve Sheen ltl‘min \ \unn} Spring da} in ot lll~ llllll. llama t....\\.'-.-. l..~: Seorxcsea l'S. 3006i Leonardo l)r('aprro_ (iareia. ('halo (iott/ale/ Vttniin .l Irflt't or ('hteago i~ tar too good to \pend lot ked iii a [in ...‘n (rate. m Matt Damon. Jaek Nieholxon. Martin Honet IS the Ithplrdllttn tor tht~ teenage el.t\\roottt \o the lrlt‘l‘lt‘\~ll‘le l‘t‘llh litiellet Hayat rl wt iholarn Rexa lx'ainexatii. lran. Sheen. Mark Wahlherg l5lniin See retieu. dratna. Magdalena thoxt IS preparing lor lL‘lg'th a malad}. eut~ \l.l\\k'\ and l‘lt‘llll\t'\ SIN I‘v \lohariiinad \a'eetl lial‘akhanlo. page W (ienem/ release. her ()tiineeanera t l5th hmltda} l. u hen \he hi~ ttxo lte~t lilt'lltl\ a da} to remember \lehtdad ll.t\\.tlll. tiliaraleh l'atxtlat * The Devil Wears Prada tl’(ii lallx pregnant and l\ loreed to ll\L' with her (‘liaraeterhtieallt lltighe\ teen tomed} that “unit tin inathe the lllt‘\l important tlax O... tl)a\td l'ranlxel. l'S. Zoom .\ler}l great-great unele t(ion/ale/i and \Ull\lll \tttrex \titli ltt'xll dialogue .iitd appealing ot her lite, l.‘ \ear old ll.t\.tt \tingele 1o Streep. Anne llathaua}. liitiil} liluitt t(iareiai. a _\oting \treet kid \trugglmg \tith (littldtlt‘tl\.tllittt\ htit lta\ the tliautiae k ot it\t‘ttt‘ttl\' tnant oluta. lex to get to an e\.tt‘.t lti‘)iriin See renew page its, (ieiieur/ lll\ \L‘\Udlll} Shot \tith learlexx it'allxttt \ttlllL' laboured tarte and the need to make on titite l’att oi the ltmoterx International re/eme. l1r/iu ’rrrL l-"l lindx htitttotir. [‘.t\\ltttl arid itieanitigtul \l.tlt'tttt'ttl\ ( rm mum." l'tllit l t‘\ll\.tl tor t liiltlien and \ouiie Dirty Sanchez: The Movie t lHi tenxe drama in hard-hitting \tot‘) line\ lat/trilurlgit, [Jim/mun l’eople line-1;, .‘rt, [.;;.;~.,.\-.. 0. thin lltelxe}. l'K. loom (‘uretmrld Ren/ren Sir-eer. (ilrrwuu, Flowers Don’t Grow Here i t‘~ Here we Are t.‘ \r « law \ottek. l)aintoti. l)an Jo}ee. Kihllllll Kttano. l‘l/Hl/ltlllu‘. Iir/tIr/riu'qlr. Q... tshrm l’mwrr I lie joo<i Smut Mount jooi. “rim”; \HK-I mm m;- in“; ltltlinm. Dirt} Sariehe/ are a hunch ol Enough Man tthei tl.tll\L' \Vooduatd. l'S. 'l'he realit} ot the ll.tll\llltttl tioin to their original home in \loxakia ttorn the Welsh hotx uho hate had their own 2005i (iltttin The bod} iitiage. \L'\ et‘llllllllllhltl to ttll‘lldllSlll lot the people ot l ktaine. tlte l\tlt.t\ tannlx teel tttt\;‘l\ tor JitL‘h1I\\—\l}lt‘ 'l'\' \hott. 'l'hix leattire length praetiee and perxonal relationxhtp~ ot titne l:a\tern l utope l\ riiade elear lll llll\ their tertipoiau plate ot ie\rtlente l‘art ol itimie \eex the boy hit the \torld \tage to leinale-to-tttale tranveuralx are ititextigated dixtuihirig dottitnentai}. \Kllltll depith a Hoetitiieiit -1 (Aimee-2 l:.~: It's. art. eoinplete \lllllh haxed around the \CH'H in lll|\ edg} dtwutnentar}. lnxtead ol troubling erinitnal tinderuoild e teated lit (irate. w. deadl} SIMS, Sill}. ol'lenxne. ohxeeiie arid ltK‘lhlng on their otituard ehange ol gender. tlL'\[‘t't.tllttll atid pint”) l’art ot l)o\ttiiient Hermitage Dwellers rl’t or \ltotta \an weaxionall} \er) l'unn}. Se/eererl I'e/euu'. the lilm de|\e\ itito their iritiriiate thoughtx. J. (i/rrwon lr/m I/n iHH. tile-won der llotxt. \etltt‘tlattih. .‘ttttir "\rnin \n Document 4 The International and \lltt\|.\ them being dextred and e\plieit|) Garfield: A Tale of No Kitties tl t e\.ninnation ot lx'ttxxtatt lite tltal \eeh otit lltimaii Rightx l)tK’lllllL‘lll£lr} l‘ilm l'e\tt\al eiiio)iiig xex “llll their partner» I’mr u! t'l’rni lllll. l S. Stilton lirukrn \le_\et. intorrnatton tioiii the \Ktttkt'h. tatliei than rollx itito town with attotlter great Ulrisgrit.’ SUN/i. ('(Zl, (i/meon Jeiitnter l,ti\ e llL'\\lll. lilll} ('oiinoll}. lirll the\. .it the great l\'tt\\t.tit nnneurn. prograniitie ol eutting edge tltK‘lllllL‘lllilrlCS An Evening with Ryan Leech tl’(ii \ltiria}. latt ,-\l\eieiomhre. Roger Reex the Hermitage in St l’t'lt'hl‘ttth \ dot \pate and lilmx dealing with rxxue\ that range lllSItllll. A ()rkA “Hit the uorld-reiitmried Httniiri. lti lllS rettnri to the big \eteen. the t‘tt‘\t'ltl.tltittt (nu-won ln’m In. an. lrom filth!" and llll\L‘;trrlitgL‘\ ol |ll\llL‘L‘ to hie}ele trtal\ rider. pllh a \t‘l‘L'L‘lllllg' ot hrx eletei ginger teliiie t\oteed h} \ltitra_\ i. tn'mem: ln'nriruiru l./rr:i».-rr.:r'r pm erty attd heymd. l-‘or‘ lurther tiiloritiatioii doeumentar} .llunr/esro. l’an ol the take\ a trip to lilrght}. arid through a \.l\k' ot Hiroshima Mon Amour t M it 0000 attd lull pl'ttgl‘ullllllc go to (ilasgott International Bike l-‘rlm l‘extnal. lil|\l;tl\L‘ll identit} erid~ tip ruling o\er a i \lain l(t‘\\. l-tante. WW» I niinantielle u. u u.doclilmlcxl.( ((24. (Hawaii. (i/rrwoii l'r'lni 'I’lierilre. (ilmuoii. rather lla\lt_\ eouittr} pile lhe ltt'ldllttllS Rixa. l l|l t )kada ltNtnnn llie roriiaritn Driving Lessons 1 ISI 0. tJerein} Failure to Launch t l3.-\i 0. land l)argi\ t( ‘oiittoll} i hax other idea\\ttlt hetxxeen a l tent h at ltexx txorkiiig iri liroelt. l'K. Zoom Rupert (iririt. Julie t'l‘oiti De). l'S. Ztltloi Matthetx though Se!“ in] It'lt‘rlu llltti\ltlttt.t and a lapattew art lntett .i\\.tl\ett\ Walterx. Laura l.inne_\. ‘Mitttti. Viear‘x \on .\le('onatighe_\. Sarah Jewtea l’arker. Kath} Glasgow International Bike Film the glioxh oi her \tartrnie telattottxliip \\ rtli lien L'\L';tPC\ a \llltllllcr of brittle elaxxes h} Bates. ‘)7min. Anodth arid tittl-llttll-th- Festival't‘he inaugural (ilaxgou Bike l‘lllll a ( ierinan \tiltllt'l l tt\l inator unit. in a hitting the road with retired aetrexx line. art interextiiig-a\-it-\otind\ roitiaiitie eomed} l'extnal ltL'e\\llt'cl\ itito touii. arrriiiig to \lllk'\lt'l \\llt\ ltax altered the l‘t'ltt'l‘llttll ol eeeetitrie. drinking. wearing spinxter. about a thirt)\oitiethiiig \laelter \\ ho I\ \et hrtttg together \orne ol the tiiiext lllllldlxt'lS t itteriiatn time. here llltt\ tn;- ettortlexxlt [Hiring l.('\\lIll\ xteerx a eoxil) predictable tip h) lllS parentx “llli \(Il'ltilh girlx \o he at \Ktil'lx toda} arid eaptuie the L‘\tllt'lllt‘ltl through the ll.l\lll‘.l\ l\\ and ll.t\ltlttt\\.tttl\ ot eourxe. a\ eliehed ax an} ‘the \uminer that “ill \‘aeate the lamtl) home. l)ireeted h} arid \peetaele ol all axpeetx ot the genre \larguerite litiiax' eritotn e \klll‘l (timer-n ehanged Ill} lil'e' drama. although. the man behind Shanghai Nomi atid li‘oni dounhill i'aettig through the lteetide Irlni lln rim. (ri'rrxeon admittedly the ()'l'l‘ perlormaneex ol' \Valterx Short-lime. need we go on'.’ lire larlrit/rirrelr tnmeiiieiit to “MN and trail\ l'riixetxall} The History Boys t lit .0. and Linne) prove eampl} etitertainittg. ()eerm. Edinburgh. aektiouledged ax the hext ll'léll\ rider iii the t\lt'llttl.t\ Hunt-r. l k. Ititioi Rn ltatd (i/utgoit [Vi/m Theatre. (iluieoit'. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off t l5i world toda}. Ryiit l.eeeh. \xrll he making a (irrllithx. (‘ltt e \lerriwn. Stephen ('anipltell Echo Park, LA (Quinceafiera) t l5) 0.. tJohii llughex. l'S. l‘moi pet‘xottal appearariee and gt\ mg a Home ltl‘lmin See tex lt‘\\. page lit 0... tRiehard (ilat/er/Wash Matthe“ Broderiek. Jenniler (ire). (’harlie tlt‘lllttlhll'ullttll. eottieidmg \\ ttli a \L‘lt't'tllllg' (ierieru/ rel. (Mt

Reed: Mexko Paul Leduc’s fascinating 1971 dramatisation of US Communist Party founder and reporter John Reed’s adventures in revolutionary Mexico in 1913 gets a rare outing as part of a new Mexican Cinema season. If you’ve 599" warren Beattv’s Reed biopic Reds. this film, based on Reed’s own newspaper reports, provides an even more detailed and complex portrait of

this fascinating American radical. I FI/mhouse. Edinburgh on Sat 14 Oct on/y: GFT. Glasgow on Tue 77 Oct on/y.

44 THE LIST 5—19 Oct 2006