
The Night Listener I ISI oo

II’atrIcII; Stcttncr. l'S. ZIIWII RIIhIn Williatnx. 'IIInI ('IIIIctIc. Sandra ()h HlInIn RIIhIn Williainx Ix hack IIcIIInd thc InicrIIpIIIInc but much luxx Iun than III (I'IIIII/ Mummy. III'mum. In thix adapIatIIIn III Arinixtcad \Iaupin'x nmcl. \Villiainx Ix a rcprcxxcd. IIIIIrIIxc authIIr and hrIIadcaxtcr rcccn Ing [IIIIInc callx and tIInurcd lItcrar} inanuxcriptx IrIIni ahuxcd child I’ctc :\ taut hut pIIInIchx IlIllI. \IlIIcII addrcxxcx thc currcnt \IIguc IIIr lItcrar} IIIIaxcx \IIIIIIIIII xullicicnt Intcrcxt Ill thc nuanccx III IIx ccnlral cliaractcrx. .SIIIIIII IIH' ('Im'mu.

( lull/H‘u/uiz (i/uwnn.

Nina’s Heavenly Delights I l’( il

0.. II’ratIIIlIa I’arinar. l'K. ZlIlIIII Slicllc} (‘IInn. Ilaura I‘raxcr. RIInn} JIIuttI. ‘I-innn In cIInthanIrar} (ilangm a ScIIttIxII Axian lcxlIIan. tlIc IIlaclx xIIccp III hcr Iannl}. rcturnx IIIIInc III run Iicr dcccaxcd Iathcr‘x Indian rcxtaurant. \VIIII culturc claxhcx. IIIrlIIddcn IIII c and happ} cndnigx. tIIIx Ix light“ chIIt xttill IIIr tlic Iiucct' tccnagc IIIIIt'kL‘l. Sl’ll'l II'I/ II‘II'IIuh

Odd Man Out II’UI ooooo I(‘arIII Rccd. I'K. l‘)-I7I Jailch .\IaxIIn. RIIIIct‘t NI'IIIIIn. RIIIIcI’t IIcaIt} I I(IllIIlII ()nc III tIic Iiiicxt IIrIIleI IIIIxt-IIaI llltH ch litIle .\laxIIn ax a \HIllIltIt'tI IRA Inan IIII IIIc run. xtaggcring through a IIIIIrIII}. c\prcxxIIInixtic \HIrItI. Haunting and l}rical. IIIIII a IIIIir-ixlI NM and an Inxpircd ccnlt‘al pcrlnrmancc. ('IIIIII'H. Izzlmliuruli.

Odessa Odessa I IZAI I.\IIchaIc Hui—'aniin. Ixracl/I’rancc. ZINI-II ‘)(Iinin. .-\n cxaIIIinatiIIn III Ilic cIIntinucd pcrxccutiIIn III qux III lIlI‘L‘c dIIIcrL'Ill IIICIIIIIInx: IIIL‘

prcx iIIIIxI} IIcctIpicd ()dcxxa in Ihc l‘krainc; Littlc ()dcxxa in N'ch YIIrII (‘ityz .-\xhdIId in Ixracl \Ilicrc ()dcxxa'x chxx Inadc their pilgrimagc. Part III I)IIcuIncnt 4. (Human [VI/m T/II'IIII‘I'. (Mutant.

100% Human (100% Menneske) IIIIcI I'I‘rIInd Wintcrkjacr. Jan I)aIclIII\I. Norway. ZIIIISI Michacl JtixtiIIIanII. l’atI'IcII MarkIIIIIni. .\lIInica \'IIi|ax MIRIcIIIIxI. 73min. MIInica \\ ax lIIIrn MIIrthI. but at agc 22 xhc Iiad xurgcr) III IllilkC IIcr lIIId} III

\\ hat xhc Iclt inxidc. IixplIIring IIcr background and [M xti'cngtli III Iicr


cIIIIIIctIIIn. IIiIx NIIrIIchan IIIIcunIcnIar} dcpictx tlic mIInIhx thIIrc and alth xutgcr} and cIInIIIIncx InIcrI Icu x. I IchI diar} IIIIIIagc. rucnactmcntx and mm IzurIIIIIIII tIl\.l Inuxical pcrIIIrnIanccx III! III (I/l1\L’(l\ ' 301)!) (I 1‘. (I/(1\L'I'I1

Open Season II’I‘II oo IRIIgt-r .-\|lcrx/JIIl (‘tIItIIII,.-\ntliIIn_\ SIachII. I'S. ZIIIIIII \Inccx III Martin I.a\I rcncc. '\~IllIIll Kutclicr. I)chia .\ICxxIng XIIIIIIII Scc .»\IxII RL‘IL'IIxL‘d. pagc JII (iI‘III‘rIII I'I‘II‘IIII

The Passion of Joan of Arc II’( ‘.I I('arI I)rc_\cr. I'rancc. I‘IZHI \IarIa I‘ilIL'IIlIL'lll. Iiugcnc SIIIaIn. \Iatiricc SclIuI/ HIIIIIIII. .-\n acclaInch Inaxtcrpiccc. a landmark Ill cincniatic InxtIIr} and IInc III tIic InIIxI Intcnxc Iiltiix cxcr niadc I)c.IIIng IInl} \IIIII IIIc Iaxt da}x III licr trial and lici xIIlIxcqucnt c\ccuttIIn. tIIc paxxIIIn and Intcnxit} Ix cIItninunIcatcd .IIIIIIIxI c\I.'quI\cl_\ tIII'IIugli cIIIxc-tipx III cIIIxxcx. IIarx. I'IIlch and IIIL'L'\. Part III thc InIrIIdtIcIIIIn III IiurIIpcan ("IncnIa cIItirxc l’l/Nl/IUHH'. Ilem/Iuru/I

Perfume De Violetas I ISI l.\I;lr_\\L‘ Sixtach. .\Ic\IcII. ZINNII Xiincna .-\}a|a. Nanc} (iuIIcrrc/. .-\t‘cclia Rannrw. ‘Illllllllv I)ranI.'ItIxaIIIIn IIaxcd IIII a Iruc xtIII'} and tIIc ngIIIIng [II'IIIIIcIII III xcxual axxault In .\Ic\IcII (’It}. RclIcIIIIItIx tIIIIIlIII} chxica Ix rapcd II} lIcr nIIItIIcr'x ncII IIII} It‘icnd and hix xIIn. altcr \IIIIcII xlIc aIIandIInx th' lIIIIIIc and HM“ cx III \\ IIII a I'rIcnd. .-\lItIlIlL'l' \\ Innci' II‘IInI cIInthanIrar} .\Ic\Ican cincnia. Part III .\IC\IL‘IIII (‘incma xcaxIIn. l‘l/HI/IHIHI'. IiI/III/Iurq/I.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest I I2.-\I oo I( IUI'L' \crIIinxki. ['8. 300m JIIIInn} I)cpp. KcIra Knightlc). ()rIandII IllIIIIIn. Bill Nighy ltIllinin. 'I'IIc liaplcxx gang arc illl'lI\\lI hack IntII anIIIlIcr adxcntui'c. II ith IllIIIInI'x clcan ctII 'I‘urncr and Knightlc} ‘x InandatIIr} girl Snann attcinpting tII xaI c l)cpp'x xtaggcring SparI'Im IrIIIII I)a\} JIIncx. RulIlIixlI xcqncl. .VI’II‘I'II'I/ I‘I'II'IIII'.

The Pit and the Pendulum I III 0... (RIIgcr (‘IIrnIaiL l'S. I‘)(Il I \'inccnt I’ricc. JIIIIn Kcrr. Barbara Stcclc. XIIIIIIII. Iidgar Allan l’IIc'x gIItlIic IIIII'rIIr talc III dcccitl'ul dIIctIIrx. lIcing huricd aII\ c and

xucctimhing III Icar ItchI (amp. \l\lII. IIIIrrII'Ic and IitIItc \xIInIlct'ItII [din/nun: III'm (I'm/II. I‘II'IIIMIILII'I

The Queen I I: \I oooo ISIcpIIt-n I'rcarx. l K/I'rancc Ital}. IIWII Ilclcn \lIrIcII. \Iichacl Slit-cit. Janicx ('IIIInucll Illltmn -\ lIcIiInd tIIc xccncx glinipxc IntII tlic rcIatIIInxlIIp hctchn II\I IilI/aIIcIII II and I’riinc \linixtcr 'l‘IIn} Illair during tlicir xIrttggIc. aIIcr tlic dcatII III I)I.Ill.l. III rcacli .I cIIInIIrIIIIIIxc I‘CI\\L‘L'II \IlIat \xax a prixatc lragcd} and thc [IIIlIlIc'x Ilcinand IIII an IIIcn Ilixpla) III IIIIItIrnIng Iicautilull) \II‘Ittcn and pcrIIIrnch II} .III. IIIIx Ix tIIc xchIIId part III IIIIchIII' I'rcarx' lllan IrIlIIg} (II III‘III/ H [I'IIH'

Queens (Reinas) I ISI ooo

I.\I.Inucl (iIInic/ I’crcii‘a. Spain. ZINISI \Iarixa I’arcdcx. \cIIInIca l-IIrthc. ('aI'Incn Maura. III—‘Inin. ('IIIncd} IIranIa IIaxcd IIIIIxcl} IIn Spain'x Iii‘xt niaxx ga} \\ cddIng 'I‘hc 'Iiuccnx' III thc IItlc arc Ihc III c IIIIItIIcrx l[‘I;l}CtI II} \IIIIIL' III I’L‘IIrtI ,-\IIIIII\III\.II"\ IaIIIurItc acti'cxxcxI III xI\ xIInx “IIU Intcnd III g‘L‘l IIIlc‘IlL‘d III IIIL' L'\CIII. and .Ix lIlL' Ila) appIIIacIch. cIIInIIlIcatIIInx IIch ItalIl} at'Ixc 'Icarx. dixappIIIntnIcnt and plcnl} III laughx cIiaracIcrIxc tIIc cIIIIIpIIcatcd rcIaIIIIanIIpx lIctuccn IIIIItIIcI‘x and xIIIIx. IIIIIIlIcrx and litleIaIIdx. and IIIIItth'x and IIIIcrx ax \Icll ax III-III ccn Ihc Inai'r}Ing Inalcx. I’II/‘I III (i/Il\t'tl\ I JUNO (IIIHQUII I‘ll/II I‘llt’llll'l. (i/IIwIIII‘

Reed: Insurgent Mexico (Reed, Mexico Insurgente) I ISI II’aIII I.cdtic. .\lc\icII. W7] I ('latIdIII ()III'chIn. IiracliII ZcIcha. 105mm. :\ lictIIInalixcd IIIIIgrapII} III Anicrican radical and ['8 ('IIInmunIxt I’an} IIItIndci JIIlIn Rccd. l.I-Iltic"x indcpcndcnll} Inadc Iier Icaturc clIarIx tlIc man'x iIIuI‘nc) IrIIIn IIIurnalixt tII I‘cIIIltItiIInai'y. Part III .\lc\Ican ('Incnia \L‘IthIll. (i/Ihg'uit l'I/m VII/II‘IIII‘I'. (I‘lll\k'U\\ .' I’IlnI/IIIIIII'. IiIIIIIIIurg/I.

Renaissance I ISI ooo It‘hrixIIan \'IIchIInan. l5rancc/l'K/I.uxcnIIIurg. IIIIIIII Danicl ('raig. RIIIIIIIIa (iaraI. JIInaIIIan I’r_\cc. IIISIIIIII. IllIPrL‘\\l\C lIIIIIIing til) Iuturixtic tIII‘iIIcI' u IIlI a black and \Ihitc rcndcr \xhicli ncwr quitc gctx gIIing. l’arIx 205-1. lIIIna 'I‘axxucix I(iaraI I. a )IIIIng and

One of the cinema treats of the fortnight has got to be this late night screening of Jim Jarmusch’s weird and wonderful 1995 anti-western about an accountant called William Blake

(Johnny Depp) and his bizarre adventures in an American frontier town in the second half of the 19th century. It’s an absolute gem that’s well worth staying out late for. I Cameo. Edinburgh on Fri 6 and Sat 7 Oct only.

48 THE LIST 5—19 Oct 2006

brilliant rcxcatclicr Ix \ IIIlcntI} kidnappcd .-\\.IIIIn. a giant multinational cIIqIIIraIIIIn and licr L‘llll‘Il‘) cr. \Iantx III-r IIIunIl DclIcnlIaclI Il’r) ch. -\\.IlIIn‘x (‘I-(II hax rcIiticxtcd that ()lIicct Karax It‘raig I. a liIIxIagc rctricxal xpcctalixl and thc InIIxt cIInIIIII ctxial cup In tlic IIIrcc. l‘c In chaigc IIl lIlL‘ ctth‘ (‘It‘IIII) IIIlIUL‘IIc‘L‘d I‘} IIIL‘ gtapliic IIIII clx III I'rank \lillcr. thix Ix an Intcrcxting IIddIt} (‘IIIIII‘II lI/IIIIIIIIu/I Scythian Suite I IZ.-\I I >\lc\andct' (itItnIan. RtIxxIa. .‘lIlIlII 40min -\ portrait III \IIIIIlaI (’IIIIkrIII IIIII’II In a camp III Ilic (IIIlag. lIc lIax IIII paxt. Iuttirc III ptn’pIIxc Part III I)IIctInIcIII J (i/IIII'IIII III/II HII'IIIII'. (I/IHL'IIII The Sentinel I I_‘-\I oo It'laIk JIIIIanIII. I'S. IINNII \lIclIacl I)IIIIg|ax. Klt‘lt‘f ~\‘utliciland. l-xa | IIngIII’Ia. Kim Ilaxingcr lllh'nnn Hull and Iatlici .IctIIInlcxx Ilick xtarring Micliacl l)IIuglax ax .I ['8 Sccrct Scrucc .Igcnt \\lIIl a III-IIIIc paxt. \\Ii\‘ nIm hcadx Ilic I'lr\l lad} 'x dctail (ir.IdtIa|I_\ Iic Ix Iliaggcd mm a xci'tcx III xtiangci and inangcr cIInprt’acch Shunt 11H ('Im'mu. (‘IIIII/IItI/gc; (i/IIwIIII .' .VIIIIII IIII‘ ('uu'mti. ,(ll\/¢'\, ’IH\/('\ Shorts for Wee Ones II’I I\';IIIIIIIx. \‘aIIIIIIxI 95min. .-\ cIIllcctIIIn III xlIIInx cxpchall} IIIr IIIung clnldi'cn “llIl IIrIgIII \ IinaIx and minimal dIaIIIguc .-\gcx II l-IlnIIIIqu'. liI/lIl/Illl'u/l The Songs of Nick Drake I ISI IZIIIIIIn. Sung“ rum and tnuxic [IIIIIItIch' Kcitli JatnI'x prcxcntx a nItIxIcal tIIIIntc to thc quIIIIIIc Nick Drakc. \\IIIL'II \IIII .IIxII Includc a xct'ccning III tIic Drakc dIIcuIIIcntar} I-I'IIII I‘rI'Ih (IIU\Q(’H I'll/II IIII'IIII'I'. (i/(I\QIHL A Special One I ISI I( iaIIna SInlIIna. Rtixxia. llIlISI 43min. IIIL‘ xtIIr} III Izkatcrina K()\III}II\;I. a talcntcd \II'IIcr \IIIII Inurdcicd IicI IiuxlIand IIicn tricd tII rcttn’n III IaII III III- with a \IIIInan xlic had IaIIcn III III\ c with Part III I)IIctIIncIIt J (ilIIIuIIII l'l/HI IIImn-I'. (i/Itwmi. Stick It tI’(iI O. IchxIca Ilcndingci‘. (it'l'lll;lll}‘/I 'S. ZlIlIIII JcII Ilridgcx. .\Il\\} I’crch‘IIn. Vaanxa IcngII'x Illinnn. Scc .-\lxII Rclcaxcd. p;th JII. (I'I'm'm/ I'I'II'IIII' The Story of Xiaoyan lI’(iI II-‘ang (iangliang. ('IIIna. ZIXHI H‘IIIIIII. I‘IIIIIm tlic adI cnturcx III XIIIII} an ax xlic Irch III xcrapc tIIchIIcr cnIIugh IIIIIIIL') IIIr IIcI~ tIIItIIIn Iccx. Part III thc I)IchI\cr} lntcrnatiIInal I'Ilm I-cxtiIal I'IIr ("Iiildrcn and YIIung I’cIIpIc I'IlnI/IIIIIII'. I'fI/IIi/Iuru/I, Suburban Train I IZAI (Mayrain \‘IIxIIpIIx'a. Ruxxia. ZIIII-II 30min. A tapcxtry III rcgular IIlc. IrIInI cIInI crxatiIInx rchIrdcd IIn Irainx arIIund .‘IIIIchm mm mm )car Part III |)IIcunIcnt 4‘ (Human I‘ll"! 'I'III'utn'. (i/uwmi. Superman Returns I IZAI oooo (Br) an Singcr. l'S. ZIIIIIII IlrandIIn RIIIIIII. Katc IIIwaIIrth. Kcvin Spacc}. Janch Marxdcn. MarlIIn IlrandII. ISJIIIIII. 'I‘hc SIIII III KrIIIIIIII liax lIccn alIxcnt IrIIIII lianh IIII a qucxt III I'IiId qu'I iIing Iragincntx III liix lIIng xIncc dcxtrnycd IIIInIc \IIIrld .-\rchcncni} I.c,\ I.tIIhIIr ix IIut III prIxIIII and hatching anIIIhcr InurdcrIIIIx. InIIncanalIIIng xclicinc. But. nIIIxt IrIIuhlIng III all. I(I\C III hix IiIc I.IIix I.anc ix Inarricd with a child. 'I‘hc Man III Stccl might hc thc InIIxt phyxicall)‘ pIIwcrIuI hcing IIn Ihc planct. hut IUVC. IIIIpc and dcxpair arc cnIIIIIIIIIx that can‘t he ignIIrcd. (ilmmm I'Ilm 'I'III'uIrI'. (i/usyun'. * Suspiria t IXI C... (I)ariII ArgcntII, Ital}. I‘)7(II chxica Ilarpcr. Stcl'ania ('axini. l’lax iII Bucci. ‘Hnnn. I’crhapx ArgcntII‘x mIIxt xucchquI and hext anIwn IilIII xcl in a ultchcx' cmcn hiddcn within a ballet xchIIIIl 7 Iiiidx the Italian xlaxhnicixtcr at the hcight III hix pIIuc-r. ’Iltc licart-xtIIpping xct picch rcniain ax thIcking tIIda} ax Ihcy did dccadCx ago, and thrIIughIIut Ihcrc'x gIIIId ch III cIIIIIur. Iratning and dCxign. I’an III nychIItrIInic (‘incina I'llmlmuw. Edinburgh. Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby l IZAI COO IAdam .\1cKa_\. l'S. 200m Will Fcrrcll. JIIhn (' Rcill}. Sacha Baron Cohen. lll7min. Fcrrc'l and Cohen (Ali (iI team up for thix xilly but very funny comedy xct in thc rcdncck world III racctrack driving. Thix ix I5crrcll'x mIIxt cIInxixtcnt and cntcnaining xlapxtick/xatirc Ichiclc tII datc. (inwm/ n'lvuw.