Music Rock & Pop

I Glasgow Songwriters Blacklriars. 36 Bell Street. 552 5924. 9pm. l-‘ree. l-ortnightly gathering ol the musicians' collectiye with featured artists. open mic and a strict original material policy.

I Stewart Traquair Beansceiie. l9 Skirying Street. Shawlands. (r32 8090. 9pm. lree. Songwriter described as the missing link between Belle & Sebastian and Billy Joel.

I The Long Blondes and The 19908 ()ran Mor. 73l 735 (ireat Western Road. 357 63le. £8. Sultry indie rock and attitude than the chic Long Blondes with support l‘rom the punch}. glammy liran/ l~erdinand-endorsed trio The l‘)9l)s.

Edinburgh I Eddie Felson The Jam llotlse. 5 Queen Street. 33o 4380. 7pm. l’ree.


1 You get one famous dude That's right. because the American supergroup features none other than the famous daft clowning buftoon and outrageous singer and guitarist Jack Black . . . oh, hang on a minute . . . sorry. what? . . . oh yeah. our mistake. It's Jack White from some band called The White Stripes. Actually, that initial description still mostly fits.

2 And you get another quality indie singer songwriter Brendan Benson has long lived in the shadow of his more famous mate White. which is a pity. because his solo stuff has included some of the most moving Io-ti indie songsmithery in years. Needless to say. he's still getting overshadowed. but at least he's getting a slice of the pie. eh?

3 And you get two other geeky looking blokes Members of The Greenhornes. apparently. Don't ask us. They only play bass and drums anyway. Who really cares?

4 You'll get kllts When the band last played Glasgow. Jack White turned up not only in a kilt. but in full Highland regalia. How he got that sgian dubh through security at the airport. we'll never know.

5 And you'll get some great hoary old blues, including that rip-oft tune The band‘s debut single ‘Steady As She Goes' was a dead ringer for Joe Jackson‘s ‘Is She Really Going Out With Him?'. That aside. they do a great line in bluesy old bloke rock. thundering rhythms and big solos and everything. Rock on. (Doug Johnstone)

I Carling Academy, Glasgow, Sat 14 Oct.

68 THE LIST 5—19 Oct 2006

I Eileen Rose (‘abarei Voltaire. 3o 3s Blair Street. 22“ (it"(i. "pm. £7 Haunting pow cr-pop.


I Illegal Eagles Albert Halls. Dumharton Road. ill 73o 473544. Spin. £lb. 'l‘rihute to the laaglcs.

Wednesday 1 1


I The Exploited, The Repeaters, Auslander and 4 Past Midnight 'l‘lie ('athouse. l5 l'nion Street. 34% noon. 7pm. £lll. ()u'r-l-ls sllow. Old school ol sounds lrom the politically outspoken lidinburgh-hased punkers.

I Peaches and Herm .t\l%(‘. 33o Sauchiehall Street. 333 3233. "pm. £l2. See prey iew. page 59.

I Journey South Sl-'.('(‘: (‘lyde Auditorium. l'innieston Quay. os7o H40 4000. 7.30pm. £20. Sec Sun S.

I Air Traffic, Kowalski and The Child Echo Barfly. 2N) ('lyde Street. 0870 907 ()999. Spin. £o. Indie rock quartet lrom Bournemouth.

I Michael Simons leltai ()xna. IN) Deanston l)ri\e. (>49 7358. 8pm. £2. (ilasgow-based guitarist playing folk. blues and beyond.

I Sikth and Architects Kiiig 'l‘ut's Wait Wait lltit. 372a St Vincent Street. 22l 5379. 3pm. £8.5(l. ()ter- l4s show. l’rogi‘essiye death iiielal l'i‘om this linglish band.

I The Songs of Nick Drake (ilasgow l‘iillll 'l'hcatre. l2 Rose Street. 332 SI3S. Spin. the. Songwriter and music producer Keith James presents a musical tribute to the sublime Nick Drake. which w ill also include a screening of" the Drake documentary I'riu'l 'Ii‘t'r'.

I The Long Walk Home, New Day Rising, Gdansk and Captain Kate .\'ice'ii'Slea/y. 43| Sauchiehall Street. 333 0900. 8.30pm. £5. Indie and ptiiik hill.

I No Bra and Dolby-Anol (ilasgow Seltool ol':\rt. l(i7 Reillrew Street. .353 4531. I lpm. £4 (£3 students/£2 (iSAl. 'l‘he .-\rt of Parties cltih night presents 'l‘hrohhing (iristle-sty le performance art from .\'o Bra and an electro side-project l'rom l-‘lying Matchstick Men.


I Kim Edgar The Jam House. 5 Queen Street. 226 4380. 5.30pm. l‘ree. Acoustic pop. jal/ and original compositions on piano. guitar and mice from local musician Kim lidgar.

I People under The Stairs and Giant Panda (‘aharet Voltaire. 3b 38 Blair Street. 330 ol7o. 7pm. £7.50. See Tue It).

I Hollow Heart Parlour lleni'y ‘s (‘ellar Bar. 8 lba Morrison Street. 228 9393. 8pm. £5. Acoustic night featuring Amy Duncan. Lindsay \Vest. Rob St John and Lindsay Sugden.


I An Evening with Charlie Landsborough .-\lbert Halls. Dumharton Road. (ll 78b 473544. 7.30pm. £ l4. An opportunity to spend a Very entertaining exciting with (‘harlie Landsborough. the highly acclaimed chart topping international and TV singer/songw riter. liasy listening ballads and country music.


I The Handsome Family .~\B(‘2. 33l) Sauchiehall Street. 333 2232. 7pm. £l(l. Mordant w it from the Addams tamin of country rock. Rennie w rites the lyrics about killing small mammals and husband Brett delixers them in his dry baritone.

I Patty Hurst Shifter and The Mars Patrol The (‘athouse. l5 L'nion Street. 248 6606. 7pm. £7. ()yer-l4s show. Rootsy garage rockers from Raleigh. North Carolina.

I The Selecter Renlrcw l-erry. .-\llderslotl Quas. l‘he Broomielaw. lllb9.\' Risoiis‘i' “pm £ltl £l2. Ska \eterans trom the 'l‘wo 'l‘oiie era tronted by Pauline Black.

I Raspberry Badger, Silver Bullet, Kung Fu, Nemesis Theory, The Epic and Give Halt to the Monkey l‘ury Murry 's. 9o Ma\w ell Street. 22l o5|l ".3llpm. £4. l-ury's King ol Bands heat.

I (Hed) PE, 0PM and Weapons Barfly. Zoo ('Iyde Sim-i, osTo no“ 0999. Hpm. £lll. ()range ('ounty punks who ill” with hip-hop and ltiiik inl‘luences too.

I Carson, No Kilter atid Min Atlantic (lipitol. 4oS Sauchiehall Street. 33! lll4ll. Spin. £4. .-\lt rock bill. including its in .-\tlantic who hase been compared to Billy ('lyro and Dinosaur Jr.

I The Curtains and The Royal We Mono. I2 Kings ('ourt. King Street. 552 9458. 8pm. £b. lis-l)eei'hoot member (‘hris (‘ohen brings his oll-kiltei' indie pop sensibilities to the Curtains. supported by local indie hipsters The Royal \Ve.

I Endor, Frightened Rabbit and Ross Clark Brel. 39 43 .-\shton Lane. 343 49(io. Spin. l"ree. lindoi‘. a (ilaswegian quartet comparable to a more melodic Arab Strap. headline this (hit to Play night.

I Jetpack Penguins and Machine Ready MacSorley 's. 42 Jamaica Street. 348 S5b’l. b’pm. lii'ee. Arctic Monkey s- stylc indie and Slls synth prog respectixely.

I Maple Thieves The Arches. 353 Mg} le Street. 0S7“ 24D 752S. Spill. £(i. Access night leaturing a tour—piece influenced by all the big this the \Vhti/Beatles/Stones/l)ylan/Marley (and Ocean (‘olotlr Scencl.

I Reverend & the Makers Barfly ltlpslttit‘sl. 3M) ('lyde Street. 0370 907 ()999. Spin. £(i. Reyerend and the Makers is the musical alias of Arctic Monkeys guru Jon Mc(‘ltire. His brother graces the co\ er ol' the Monkeys‘ album.

I Wing and a Prayer 'l'cliai ()\ na. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4534. 3pm. £2. l‘olk/hlucs duo.

I Motion Gallery, James Hara and Paul Sneddon The Hall Bar. l(i(l \Voodlands Road. 353 9996. 8.30pm. l’rec. Acoustic performances at the Standard Lamp Sessions.

I Sandi Thom King Tut's Wait Wait lltit. 372a St Vincent Street. 32] 5379. 8.30pm. S()l.l) ()t'l. London-based Scottish songstress who harnessed the marketing power of the w ebcast on her rise to popularity.

I Free Diamonds, The Campaign for Real Time and We are the Physics Bar Bloc. I 17 Bath Street. 574 (illoo. 9pm. l-‘ree. l-i'ee Diamonds are a quirky trio from Newcastle. 'l’he Deyo/Bis-Iike sounds of \VATl’ play er later as part ol' ('luh ()lum.

I Edan, Dooley-O, Andrew Thompson and Dagha The Sub (lab. 33 Jamaica Street. 348 4600. £8. Psychedelic hip hop. lulled otit guitars and old skool rap l‘rom Boston's lidan and (‘onnectictitt's l)ooley-() pltis classically-trained multi-instrumentalist Andrew 'l‘hoiiipson and DJ sets from Mikey Mike and Boom Monk Ben.

I Jonathan Richman ()raii Mot. 73l -735 (ireat Western Road. 357 (i300. £l5. The original geekhoy with the sell-deprecating humour and instinctive. DIY mUsical ethic is now a respected elder statesman w ho retains all his gauche charm. Shout out for lesbian Bar'.


I The Rapture and The Presets The Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Street. 325 25M. 7pm. £l I. See preview. page hi.

I Willy Clay Band Cabaret Voltaire. 3o~38 Blair Street. 23() (1176. 7.30pm. £9. Swedish outfit who do a fair imitation of the classic country rock

sounds ol Neil Young. the Byrds et al I Fresh Air John Peel Day the Bongo Club. Mora) llouse. 3" llolyrood Road. 55S "oil-t Spin 3am. £4 i£3t the annual John Peel Day celebrations and l5i'esh .-\ii are putting on Just one of the many mum to celebrate the legend that was the erstwhile DJ l we acts include the \cedles. l'he Dials. (hanger and the 48. While the l-‘iesh .‘\ll' Dis keep things mos igii until 3am. all to be broadcast on the student iadio station I The Mending Hearts llenry ‘s ('cllar Bar. S lba Morrison Street. 228 9 393, Spin. £tbc Rockabilly toui piece with a good time swing \ the

I The Handsome Family ('abaiet Voltaire. 3b 38 Blair Street. 23” ol“o Spin £ltl. See l‘hu I2.

I Gregg Weiss, Emily Scott and My Kappa Roots (‘ate Royal llisiio Bar. I7 \Vest Register Street. 557 4792 S3llpm. £4. Bluegrass. acoustic and alt.lo|k.

I The Hedrons and Rocketfox llei'iot-Watt t'nixei'sity l'nion. Riccarton. 45l 53 3 3. 9pm. l~iee llie lledrons are singer/songwritei 'l'ippi's attitudinous all giil band.

I Kiddo and The Sphygs \Vhistlebinkies. 4 o South Bridge. 557 5i l4. ‘lpltl. l'ree. l'asl [‘ttcetl. clttsslc rock'n'i‘oll ll‘Ulll 'l'he Sphygs.

I Spies in The Wires (‘abaiet Voltaire. 3b 38 Blair Street. 22l) (it “o llpiii 3am. £5 t£4i. Spies in the \Vii'es continues with solo (though he might be accompanied by his hand) electronica trom druinmei Joseph Mount as Metrononiy and recent Dance to the Radio signees Napoleon lll. Produced in coniunctioii with Illt' /.l\l


I Halfcut :\B('2. 33l) Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232. 7pm. £5. ()xci' l-ts show.

I lnstal The Arches. 253 Argy le Street. ()870 240 753’. 7pm. £ l 2 (LS). three-day pass. £35 l£2Si; twoday pass. £3(i i£2fli. Long-running testisal oie\periniental music famous lor being the site ol' the reclusixe Jalltlek's lirst ex er the performance. 'l‘oiiight's acts are underground noise duo Blood Stereo playing with perl'ormance artist Ludo Mich. minimalist musicians lillen li'ullman and Sean Meehan. lree ia//ei's .\'mperign collaborating with sotiiid manipulator Jason l.escal|eet and Japanese noise-punk kids ()shii‘i l’enpenx.

I Orson Barrow land. 244 (iallowgate. 552 4(illl. 7pm. £l5. ()\et'- l-ls show. The recently charttopping l..'\ quintet perform their commercial power pop. I Trio VD, Tattie Toes, 7 Hertz, Mucky Sailor, Bjerga/lverson and Dananananackroyd Nicc'n'Slea/y. 431 Sauchiehall Street. 333 0909. 7pm. £5. liclectic itnproyisation ll‘ollt members oi the l.ecds llllpt'o\ isetl Music Association and kindred spirits t'rom (ilasgow and Norway. blending ja/I. folk and punk influences. .\'ote early stait.

I Milburn Queen Margaret l'nion. 22 l'nixersity (iardens. 339 9784. 7.30pm. £ If). Shel-field upstaits who are mates with number one stars Arctic Monkeys land sound like them in places tool.

I Paul Rodgers Sli(‘(': ('lyde Auditorium. l‘innieston Quay. 0870 040 4000. 7.30pm. £25. Blues rock lrom the former li‘ree trontman with the still impressiye lungs. who recently also did a stint as the \‘(llCC of Queen.

I Akala, Marvin the Martian, Simba and Nafees Barlly. Zoo (‘lyde Street. 0870 907 0999. Split. £5. Akala AKA Kingslee Daley. brother to Ms Dynamite. steps up to the hip-hop plate in his own right.

I Codeen, Glider, The Human Value and Iamchemist The Vale. 5 [)undas Street. 3.32 4928. 8pm. £4. Experimental indie.