ix Catlses&Ttiition


Thistle IMusic. Calling all solo/group classical musicians. ceilidh/big bands. Would you like to be considered Are you keen to develop a career in arts marketing? for paid work'.’ Contact us at our

Full-time Charity Fundraiser“ Edinburgh a: Glasgow

£7.50 - £12.50 ph paid weekly . It takes something special to make people stop and chat in

the street. espeCiaIIY if You cam impress "2:"; Wiiii - ~ ' 't.8ut.asy0U'V690 95 . . .. . . . ~b. . . geriatric acmbat'cs "'5 . - - - This IS an excutin and creative role, Ideal for develo in V' W“ "W "‘WL détnty With Id 500“ be help'ng ra'se mullons for g p g ' your full details.

personality. you cou charities including N The rewards are good. an. when you're not stuck in5i

SPCC, Mind and Friends of the Earth. skills and abilities in this field. You Will have a fantastic thistlcmusicqflhoumilwuk d work's far more interestlng opportunity to get involved in all aspects of marketing l Alexa 01351 810 480 de - every street lund'a'se' ends the world‘s leading Book Festival and to make a

- . . . 3

Up With a few stories to tell the gram“? Eat”? °n our valuable contribution to Its success. i Private Tuition . S. 24 hour hotline 0141 332 3594. WWWQ ;—- . : : :- »- - 2::

. I Singing lessons from

': E-i {wirité ? total beginners to professional singers. Rock. pop. jazz. blues l etc. Qualified and experienced ' tutor. Fun and supportive environment. Edinburgh based. Tel. 07764 850 420.

I Auditioning for drama school? Friendly.

ACTIVITIES ‘BANDS & MUSIC 3 WANTED I BUY & SELL straightforward acting coach GENERAL SERVICES .3 MISC ,. pRQJECTS with overl() years professional experience inc. film. TV, NT. West-End & Broadway offers one-to-one assistance & advice on monologues & presentation. Do your best on the big day! Call Paulie on 078 l 2 ()39 532.

\ i; 5 a. Edinburgh based. ;\ \. ' \vl, -. l I Personality Type. l ' ., a ,‘ .. - Understand personality ‘2‘): . g ' L - better for relationships and learn . ‘5‘" 7 :‘Et building. Individuals. couples. r , . __<_ f _ . " businesses. Experienced HM... I _ ._ . ' . qualified tutor. The Lonach ' ' ' - ' ' ' r ' ' . Consultancy 0131 225 4I73 l _ f or uilleimCaiaolcom . ~ . . . www.taiKGdojo.com VISIDIe Fictions is a leading young people's theatre company " ~ with an international reputation for producing high quality and A very specim opportunity to learn this accessible work. We are currently seeking the following . . . individual to join our small and dedicated team. energet'c & dynam'c form 0f drumm'ng pERSONAL MWENT O O O I Head of PartICIpation and Education mm the UK? t°p “We” 8‘ member," THERAPY HEALTH The post will suit a dynamic individual with a commitment to and perform '" a senes Of concerts In and vision for participatory and educational arts experiences central Scotland. for oun le. Closin date: Frida 17th November F yf g pimp g Thanks to funding, the project is completely free up: cOAcumc . if there’s Higgirssz':3'.a“:283;:5:zszzti‘agszais2:231? orchareetoparticipants.althoushawtcants ' y ' must first pass an audition for the limited places. ifitsOttéSh .l Visible Fictions is :10 equal gpportunity employer A good sense of rhythm is essentiaL and Mark 0797 660 or visit n tt'sh h ' : SCO2172 Web , o” C' o ' an” "0 applicants should be young, fit, energetic and m'ma '°° "k committed to the 3 month project. DEADLINE: TUESDAY 14th NOVEMBER j M“ "5'- More info: Lesley 01357 522 008 ' P9APANhF$§lr§$§fil°fi mmm- mail@talkodojo.com ;':frr§ydf,d"-".L. ("‘1‘ j)“ p f? mama! . L. up tissue tcc niques. mam Qualified Tantric therapists (“H.311”) (Shidoshi. (‘RM. Isl degree Fumwm'm peek ~ i ' Reiki. member of WWRO). ' (‘hoose from: Meditation . I Mum”) mmmmuwm‘ I | m ,8 bfmdln.” . “flame: me: hm “Wing? . cleansing. Meridian therapy. . mammalian Ph"“Tg"‘PP°.’ "’“k'F‘S '0’ Then we want you! Come ' Full body cleansing. Half body scwoflandslorermstprmgmeatre mmmm bands/musicians Willing to 31mg to Glasgow WC Cleansing. Crown and Rum smewed med am 8595 I“ m“ phomgrdph mgm‘ . ACIIVIIICS imd SOCiilI CIUb- Chakra cleansing. Book by DevelopmentOtticertoworitcloselywitti I mostly photograph live gigs. , . ., ' . , - . .i O i , . 3 -

. . WWW-EI‘lSeOW'VL-‘lre-Uk emailing whitelotusrvu(a blin- ttieOeveiopmemMmagertohuildomhe mun-'2“ but can also do promo shots or tel. 07050 248 154 . , . .. I] 0-}749 in 1!dedede “Yum if required. Visit ' {WILme mum . ) mtegy.memlewilbetoltmoseimm WWII“ www.myspace.com/ . . h 413}.1 (Iii/[calls‘to mmmmmm W...“ - ~ “1 imiccuaayphmogwphy Causessr'l‘tlhon i if?!“ 9‘7? fit.“ mmmmemm&Pmflm ' w n r I m phone 079“) 669 933. _ cstiinonia s rom rcgu ar ‘eus- m m "www.mam. mtésh 1 tomers available on request.

g °“"" Ladies only please,

no male callers. I Scottish band an" hag, urgent” seeks gynumic p c I THE WORKS' Semi-per- fernale rock vocalist. Previous English for Foreigners "nan ,md gpccial’mczmun gigging experience essential. Qualified experienced native lnzlkcup: Fun waxing $651“, for Major-venue UK support tour tutor (speaks some Spanish) men ,md wmncm The work“ in starts November. If you know Individuals/small groups/adults. the C:)lnf(,n 0f yum own ham, you have what it takes. The Lonach (‘onsultancy Rem ,md ,anhcmpy scar ' email: greatmanageinent ()I3l 225 4l73 [h ,r. . ":1 m ,}. (rim 6mm“ @hotmail.com or ullleimfiaolsom t ‘lpy ( L' l on 07788 595 49l

108 THE LIST 2—16 Nov 2006