WED Neclaces on Sale. I hate spelling mistakes. I

found this one in Argyle Street. sharing a window

THURS Great Western Road. I liked the contrast with a sign advertising cheap ‘earings'.

of the trees and the threatening sky. If I’d had

FRI Important News. It seems newspapers don’t sell themselves these days. In retaliation, the longer I‘d have experimented with the composition. Evening Times is giving away free Walkers crisps.

WED ACME Shop Sign. A fairly inspired sign THU 3x3. Three different eras of signage right next FRI The Edinburgh Rat Race. And I wouldn't have outside an insurance company. to each other.

it any other way.

WED Building being demolished.

WED Butts. Life imitates art in death-stick formation.

THU 900 KG ‘. . . of Pure Scottish Hobo' Stealth

FRI Wet. For once a timely taxi light. club promotion straddles fly-pestering and graffiti?

.7 16 Nov (2006 THE LIST 19