Name Deborah Francois.

Born Liege. Belgium. 1987. Background As a 16-year-old schoolgirl, Francois attended an open casting for the Dardenne Brothers film The Child in her Belgian hometown. Ahead of 150 other hopefuls. she was given the role of Sonia, the beleaguered teenage mother whose new baby is sold by her boyfriend. Having attended the Cannes festival. where the film won the Palme D'Or. Francois returned to school to complete her Bacalaureat. What’s she up to now? She stars in Denis Dercourt's revenge thriller The Page Turner. playing Melanie. a young woman who insinuates herself into the household of a married concert pianist (played by Catherine Frot). Francois has also completed shooting two other films. Alan Raoust's Indian Summer and Stephan Carpiaux's The Red Ants.

What she says about the Dardenne Brothers ‘They insist on twenty or thirty takes for each scene. They are very precise and meticulous. And they‘re very serious on the set they don't tell you if they liked what you did. I remember for my casting they asked me to sit on a bench and do nothing.‘

What she says about The Page firmer 'It was a completely different part to Sonia in The Child. I like disappearing into roles and Melanie is not like me at all. She has this carapace. this mask that is so interesting for an actress. I spent a month before the shoot practising the way Melanie holds her body and how she smiles without moving her face.’

What she says about working in French films ‘In Belgium we have lots of ideas for films. but we don‘t have much money. It's much harder to make a film there than it is in France.

I find that French actors tend to take themselves very seriously

I find us Belgian actors have a different attitude and that we don’t take ourselves so seriously.‘ Interesting Fact Her favourite Woody Allen film is Manhattan.

I The Page Turner is at Cameo, Edinburgh and selected cinemas from Fri 3 Nov. See review. page 4 7.

48 THE LIST 2 Ti; Nf)‘. 730‘.)

The Big Laws” Certain films benefit from repeated viewings and the Coen Brothers’ most enduring

comedy was built for cultish appreciation, such is its endless streams of collectable one-liners and set pieces, lined up like so many bowling pins ready to fall. This welcome screening will remind us of how The Dude (Jeff Bridges), Walter (John Goodman) and the ever-misunderstood Donny (Steve Buscemi) try to make something out of a micturated-upon rug and a lopped off pinky toe. Genius.

I Gl/more/i/l/GIQ. Glasgow. Sat I 1 Nov on/y.

If I Should Fall from Grace: The Shane McGowan Story 1 mm

.0. (Sarah Share. Ireland. 2001 l Ulmin. .\ poignant and eandid look at the energetie. ol'lllodotltieall) ehallenged. aleohol dependent lane of folk/punk band The l’oguex through inter\ ieu x. inuxie

\ ideox and arehn e lootage. l-i/m/muu'. lit/I'llblll‘g’ll.

An Inconvenient Truth tt'l 000 tl)a\ ix (iuggenheim. l‘S. Zilflhl .’\| (iot‘e. ()(lllllll. The former ne\t prexident ol‘ the l'nited Statex bringx hix global \\ arming ‘xlidexhou’ to the big xereen. (iore prexentx a eotnpelling l’ou erl’oint prexentalion ol' the planet‘x impending em ironmental eataxtrophe in \\ hat ix a xometimex manipulth e btit generall) xober and intelligent lilln. I'i/Iil/inuw, [film/Hugh. Into The Westll’m 0... (Mike Ne“ ell. lreland/l‘K. 1993i (iabriel ll}rne. lillen Barkin. ('iaran l‘it/gerald. Ruaidhri ('onro}. llllmin. l-'ollo\\ing the death ol hix \\ tie. a l‘ormer tra\el|er I ll} rnel xetx up home with hix l\\tt\t)ll\ ma Dublin xlum. But “hen a m) xtieal \xliite horxe appearx and the ho} x head off. into the Ii'ixh L‘t)tlltlt‘_\xitle “ilh it. he ix l‘ol’eetl to eoltle to termx \t. llll hix prexent lite and paxt eulture. .\ wonderful pieee ol' l'amil} xtor) telling. blending aneient and modern unthx. Part of Reel 2000. I'i/m/touxt'. Ift/iii/itu'u/t.

The Italian Job mm 0.0. tt’ett-r ('ollinxon. l‘K. l‘lb‘h .\liehael (‘aine. Benn} llill. .\'oel ('otxard. Ral‘ \'allone. 00min. Seminal (allx eaper heixt mo\ ie. Jailbird (‘aine lakex ltix xell-prexer\ation xoeiet} ol‘ eriniinalx to Rome to rob the plaee xi||_\. .v\ltU1—'etherno\x: ‘You \\ ere onl) \lll‘l‘oxed to blo“ the hltNltl) tltmt'x tilll‘ (ireat ttL‘llUll. great tunex. a L‘lttxxle tkind til-l. l’al'l ol' lleixl Altniglit}? l’i/Ill/IHHH'. lat/iil/iru'g/i. Jaaneman (Let’s Fall in Love . . . Again) ll’(il (Shirixh Kunder. lndia. Zflflfil Salman Khan. .v\kxha'\ Kumar. l’reit} /.inta. I7 l min. Sum e roek xinger Suhaan Kapoor tKhanl and xtudioux nerd .'\gaxt_\a Rao (Kumarl both \ ie lor the attention ol' the beautiful. xmart and \\ ealth} l’i)a (ioin t/.intal. ()(/('Ull I'in'l Kiiiiirtml. l'jtliil/mrg/t. John McGahern: Private World tl’(;i ll’at ('ollinx. lreland. 2005i 55min. .-\ look into the lite and ereatix e proeexx ol' the l)ub|in~born author olllmmigxl lliiim'ii \\ ho died in .\lareh

Zflflb. l’lux xhol't It/lr I)/tti X/ltml. l’al't ol' Reel Zilllb. I'l/Hl/IUHH'. lat/I/t/tu/‘g/i.

Keane t l5l O... (l.odge ll Kerrigan. l‘S. Zflfl-ll Damian l.e\\ ix. Abigail llrexlin. :\m_\ l{_\an. 04min. Keane tl.e\\ ixl ix a xell' medieating xehi/ophrenie uandering the xtreetx in thix inlenxe and outxtanding ehat'aeter \llltl}. .-\x xelli-ttl‘lhe ttlltl tlL'gL‘llL‘l'ttlL‘ \e\ gi\e \\;t_\ [H L‘H‘t' lltttl'e deranged behax iour he lindx xome redemption in a triendxhip \\ ith equall} dixplaeed mum Kira ll{};tltl and her daughter tltrexlin l. thotigh xome xa\ iourx arri\ e iuxt too late in the da}. (i/tixeim l'i/m I'ltt'ulrt'. (i/merm.

* Kekexili (Mountain Patrol) t l5: 0... ill! (‘huan. ('hina/llong Kong. 3005) l)uobuji. [hang let. ()i l.iang. 85min. :\n epie real-lite drama about ’l'ibetan \olunteerx attempting to proteet the indigenoux antelope l'rom e\tinetton b} ('hinexe poaeherx. l’itted agaian treaeheroux nature. the moral ambiguit} ol both xldex xhinex through in thrilling aetion xetlueneex and xtriking imagex. I‘i/HI/Irrllu'. Izt/iii/iiii'g/i. * Krisana (Fallen) t i2..\ . oooo tl‘red Kelemen. (iermany’lah ia. IllllSl ligonx l)ombro\ xktx. Nikolai Korobox. .-\l|a l)/er\ e. .\’.\'min. See ret l\'\\. page lit and inter\ ie\\. page 43. (i/meun /Vi/iii l’ltt’tilit‘. (i/uwmi.

Lady of Musashino tl’( it t Kenll .\li/oguehi. .lapan. IUSI l Kmu)o ‘l‘anaka. .\laxa} tiki .\lori. Yuktko 'l‘odoroki. .'\lxlllll\tt Kala)attta. hh’mm. ('aught tip ill the moral deeadenee and emotional bi'lttlenexx ol poxt \xar .lapan. a )oung \\ il'e ma lo\ elexx marriage beeomex entangled tn a dextrttetn e al'lair \\ hen xhe turnx to her eouxln l'or alleetion. l'ltilnatel) let doun b_\ both men and trapped betxxeen her on n xtoie and moral beliel'x. xhe draxtieall} takex her late into her own handx. .-\ dramatie lot e xtor} that e\plorex the di\ lde bettxeen traditional \alttex and pet'xonal liberation in a elimale ol' national xoeial and eeononlie tranxitlon. lat/iit/mre/t I’ll/i1 (int/ti. [Jilin/Hugh.

The Lake House 1 l’(i) O.

(Alejandro :\grexti. l'S. Itllltil Keanu

Ree\ ex. Sandra llulloek. ltlSmin. l-lorid. xtilted. boring. banal btlt oeeaxionall} poetie xttpet'natural romaneer xtarring .S'ln't't/ lreakx Sandra Bulloek and Keanu Ree\ ex. \llt' I'fr/irl/mre/i ()(‘t'tlIL lat/lit/Hu'g/l.

The Last Kiss 1 l5» 0. (Ton) (iolduyl. l'S. leflfil /.aeh Bral'l'. .laeinda Barrett. (the) .-\llleek. Rilk‘llL‘l lillxttll.

I ISmin. .S't i'u/n‘ lirall' pla}x a )oung prolexxional \\ ho dealx \\ ith hix earl) -mid— lil'e erixix b) ha\ ing a fling \\ ith a gorgeoux and dim )otmg eo-ed (Bilxonl. ’l'hix retxorking ol the _‘lllll Italian lilm I.'( 'ltiniu li'ut'io ix a xmug tll'ullt‘l’ttlil-Cttlll that Ixn‘t nearl} ax xmart. original or true to life ax itx makerx “ould e\ identl) like to think it ix. .St‘lt't’lt't/ I‘t'lt'ttu'.

* Little Children . is. oooo t'l'odd I-it-ltl, l'S, jtlflol Kate \Vinxlet. l’atriek \\'ilxon. .lennller ("onnelly lltlmin. See

I‘L‘\ ie\\. page 43. Sir/u [HI I'( lt’rlu'.

Little Miss Sunshine l Isl O... lJonathan l)a}toll. Valerie l‘arix. l‘S. leflol Abigail llrexlin. (ireg Kinnear. l’aul l)ano. :\lan .'\rkm. 'l‘oni ('ollette. llllmin. l’robabl} the planet'x moxt d_\ xl‘unetional lami|_\ embark on a road trip to that totem ol' .»\meriean axpirationx: a ehildren'x beaut) eontext in (‘alil'orma .v\n amuxing xerlpt. imprexxn e aeting and memorable lantax} xeqtleneex round otit the el'ithue ol the pre\ailing \\ in--at all<eoxtx eulture. (ti/rim. lit/lit/mre/t.

Live and Let Die ll’( it C... l( in} Hamilton. l’K. I‘l'il Roger Moore. Yaphet Kotto. latte Seynour. l: l min. Voodoo. heroin and plent} ol' eheex} humour ax \lttttl'e ltllx lltx \ll'ttle ttx liolltl. lilt’ l‘.t/lll/’Ill';’/l ()iiinl. l'ft/iii/rii/‘g/l. Loneliness of The Long Distance Runneri Ill 0... lion) Riehardxon. l'K. I‘lfill .\liehael Redgrm e. 'l‘om (‘ourtena_\. .v\lee .\le('o\\ ell. IIJmm. Adapted b_\ .~\lan Sillitoe lrom hix o\\ n xtor_\. thix ix a line e\ample of (ill\ Brillin einema II) the xoeial realixt \etn. (‘ourtena_\ e\eelx ax the l‘ebellioux )outh \\ho ix xend a ho} ‘x retorm xehool al'tet‘ robbing a baker) aild puxhex himxell to turn hix lile around. I’l'lni/totm'. lat/til/nii'g/l.

Look Both Ways 1 13m .0 tsarali \Vatt. .-\tlxtraha. lellbt William \lelnnex. Jtixtme ('lark. :\nthon} lla)ex. l.ixa l'lanagan. ltlllmm. :\n uneomentional eomed) blending animation and ll\ e aetion ax .\'iek l.\lelnnexl and .\let')l ((‘larkel xhare their mutual obxexxion \\ ith their on if death in thix gentle .v\uxlra|ian drama that xurprixingl} eaxtx itxell ax a romantie eomed}. (ti/nu). lat/iriliui'e/i.

M tl’( il 0... tl‘rit/ lang. (ierman). l‘lil l l’eter l.orre. l'.llen \Vidmann. lnge |.andgu. ()tto \Vernleke. llllmm. l.;ing\ maxterpieee ix a l'axeinating and intriguing lilm \xhieh tollott x the manhunt tor a l)tlxxeldorl'ehiId-murderer ln highlighting the proeedta'alx ol poliee orgamxationx thix \\;ix tneredtbl} inlluential. (i/tixgmt Iii/m Ill/It'tl/H. (I/rtwim.

Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 30 it'i O. t.\lark (‘tm ell. l‘S. SUNS l 'l‘om llankx lnarratorl. Brand} lilaekledge. (iarrixon llel'xhberger. .-\ndre\\ llll\lll;llll1..'\;tl'ttll \Vhite. -lllmin. l‘om llankx narratex thix homage to the II men \\ ho \talked on the moon betueen l‘lb‘) and I‘VE. 'l‘htx xpeetaeular doeumentar} re enaetx the landingx m an merbearmgl} dl'anlatie laxhion. ll/.l.\' Hit-tint; (i/tixgmi. * Man Push Cartt isl oooo

tlx’amm llahram. l'S. Illllbl .\hmad Ran I. ('hat'lex l)anie| Sandmal. l.etlela l)olera. 80mm. See re\ re“. page l I. (i/tlwim ll/Iii I/lt till't'. (l/(1\‘\’('\\.

Marie Antoinette l3.\i COO

(Sofia (hppola. l'S. llltlol Klrxten l)tmxt. .laxon Selmart/man. Rip 'l'orn. l_‘_‘mm. ('oppola .li' lolltm x her mueh lauded l.ox/ III 'li'tiim’tition \\llll a punk} biograph) ol the illixundei'xtood Queen ol l'ranee. adapted lrom .4\ntoma l'raxer'x book on the xubleet. .\ daring and bold altentpt to re\\ork l‘ormtilate xtaid eoxtttme dramax or a feature- length pop promo that reaehex neu depthx ol' \ll;tllt)\\ llL‘\\ .) it‘ll tlt‘x'ltlt'. hilt t It 4/ Hit tIH'. Milano Calibre 9 t l5. 0... ll‘ernando l)i l.eo. ltal}. l‘)"_‘i (iaxtone .\loxehin. Barbara Ilouehel. .\lario .-\dorl. l-rank \Volll. ‘Vnim. .'\lll|‘L‘\l tip "tlx gangxtet' mm ie \xliete e\ eon l‘go l’iax/a l.\loxehml getx ottt ol‘ iail and meetx \\ lth all the genre requlxttex: the malia. \ iolenee and a px}eho baddj. ealled Roeeo. .\lurderoux ettlt gent. l’art ol' \londo ltalla' (iltixetm li/m Hiram.
