Around Town



Perfect for unique and individual Christmas gifts to suit all tastes. Think gift cards, artwork, ceramics, design, textiles, jewellery and accessories.

30/20 Art, Craft and Design Fair Sat 16 Sun I7 Dee. Ro}al (‘oneert Hall. 3 Sauehiehall Slt‘L‘L‘l. (ilaxgou. (i(il ()(iilll. Sat Iliam 5pm; Sun 11am 5pm. £I.3II (90p; L‘IIIItIl‘L‘tI IIL‘L‘I. Also Sill

to Sat 33 Dee. Axxemhl) Rooms. 54 (ieorge Street. Iidinhurgh. 338 I I55. Ili.3liam 5pm. lilip lolip; ehildren treei. Arts & Crafts Christmas Market Sat 3 Dee. I’oriohello ('ommunit} ('entre. 3 Adelphi (iro\ e. l’ortohello. Iidinhurgh. (vol) 3375. 1.30 4pm. 5lip lehildren tree i.

Christmas Art and Craft l'niil Wed 30 Dee. .-\uId Kirk .\queum. (‘ou gate. Kirkintilloeh. (ilaxgou, 5780144.

'I"ue Sat Iliam lpm it 3 5pm. Free. Christmas Arts 8: Craft Fair Sat 16 Dec. I'.t‘IL‘ l.ItItIL‘II (‘L‘tilt'Lfi I5 .\Iorningxide Road. Iidinhurgh. -I-I(i 333I. I 4pm. Free.

Creative Crafts & Gifts for Christmas I'i'i I Sun 3 Dee. RQ‘HI IIighIand ('entre. Inglixton. Iidinhurgh. 335 (i310. lifiliam 5pm. £6 (£5: aeeompanied under- I (ix tree i.

Miso Funky Market Sat Io l)ee. IIillhead l.ihrar}. 34S B}re\ Road. (ilaxgou. 33‘) 7333. Iliam 4pm. I-‘ree. Open Weekend Sat 3 it Sun 3 Dee. (‘ohtlt'g Ilottxe Slttdlox. l5 ('ohurg Street. Iidinhurgh. 554 (i883.

I Iani (ipm. l'i‘ee.

Open Weekend Sat 3 Dee. I)e\ign (’oIIeeti\ e Studio. S47 (iman Road. (ilttxgim, 445 5077. Iliam (ililll. I’ree. Ricefield Winter Holiday Bazaar l’nlil [ii 33 Iiee. Rieet'ield (iaIIer). (’hinexe .\rtx and ('uIturaI ('entre. 4I (iraham Street. (ilaxgou. 33 Hill). I'it‘L'C.


Bits and Bobs Christmas Open Night IIIIIL‘ .5 I)L‘L‘. lilh ck BliITS Serap Store. l'nit I5 \eu I.aird\hip Yardx. Broomliouw Road. Iidinhurgh. 443 l)4l)li. Iliam Spm. I‘ree. Shop and make (‘hrixtmax eardx \\ ith ree} eIed materials. Christmas Wreath Workshop .\Ion 4 Dee. lleart Buchanan. 3Sli By‘ex Road. (ilaxgou. 334 7036. (i .\‘pm. {40. 'l‘uilion t'roni Ruh} I‘Iouerx. “ith materialx

pt'm ided.

Gifted: Artists in Action Sun Ili it Sun I“ Iiee. Ro)al .\queum Main Hall. 3 ('hamherx Street. Iidinhurgh. 347 431‘). I lam Ipm. I‘ree. Raeliel Ila/ell makex hookx tl\lllf_' traditional teehniquex I III liee i. and Shaeron .«\\erhueh ereatex ttill‘lt‘ult‘ gttt‘litlith l I7 I)L‘Cl.

Ethical Christmas Craft Workshop Thu 7 Dee. I‘orext ('al'e. 3 Brixto I’Iaee. Iidinhurgh. 330 453K. 4 (apm. I‘ree. .\Ialte imprexxn e texti\ e eraltx Irom

I'L'L‘) t‘IL‘tI materialx.

Hand-Made Paper Christmas Workshop I‘ri I tk I'i'i S I)ee. I.auri\ton ('axtle. 3a ('ramond Road South. Iidinhurgh. 336 3060. Ili.3liani 3.3lipm. E I .5 I'or both (In) \. (‘reate the Ii;t\I\ I‘lit' eardx. ('Iirixtmax pieturex or gilt tagx. Book on III .3I 53‘) 390.3.


Christmas Shopping Thu 14 Iiee. l'iii\ei\it} ol(i|a\go\\ \‘ixitor Centre. oII I‘ni\ei\it_\ .'\\enue. l).3liam 5pm. I‘ree. Sip mulled \\ ine and purehaxe unnerxit} —themed merehandise. Christmas Show t‘niil Sat 33 Dee. the \omadx 'I‘ent. 3l St I.eonard\ I.ane. Iidinhurgh. (363 Ilil3. .\Ion Sal

Iliam 5pm; Sun noon 4pm. Ii\otie eral'tx lor \ale: Vietnamexe teapot» Rajaxthani hookendx. Indian hedxpreadx and more.

Matt Sewell l'nul Sal Io I)ee. Analogue. lli3 \Vext Him. Iidinhurgh. 33li(i(i(il. .\Ion Sat Iliam 5.3(ipm. (iraIIiti-inIIueneed eamaxex. eardx and 'lehirtx eelehrating \\ inter.


Antique & Collectors Fair Sun 3 I)CL‘. .\It‘udouliatilx Spot'tx ('entre. I5” London Road. Iidinhurgh. .-\I\o Sun l7 Dee. Kehin lIaII International Sporlx .-\l’Ctt;t. I445 .\I‘g} IL‘ SII‘L‘CI. (ilthgim. lil7o4 054555. Iliam 4.3lipm. {I ll'reei. .IL‘“ L‘IIL‘I‘). (with. IIIICII. ttiL‘tItlI\ illltl tllllltltlt‘x.

Antiques 8: Decorative Art Fair Sat ‘) & Sun Ili I)ee. Royd lIighIand (‘entre. Inglixion. Iidinhurgh. 335 (i3lli. ‘iam 5pm. £5. ()\ er 5lili \tallx.

PBFA Book Fair Sat 2 Dee. .-\\\emhl} Rlililtix. 54 (ieorge Street. Iidinhurgh. 33S II55. Iliam 5pm. L'I. Rare and out-ol—print hookx. map\ and pt‘ltllx.

Poetry Pamphlet Party and Fair \Ved l3 Dee. National I.ihrar_\ ol' Seolland. 33 Salixhur} I’Iaee. Iidinhnrgh. 033 3S45. (3 8.30pm. l’ree. \Vine. minee piex. reading\ and poetr) paraphernalia.


FashionWlTHpassion Sun 3 liee. (iilniorehill(il3. ‘) l'ni\er\it} .v\\enue. (ilaxgoxx. 330 5533. 7.3lipm. U3 1938i. St} Iiin lair trade and organie laxliion \Illi\\.

Frocking Around the Christmas Tree Thu 30 .\'o\. I’t'ltteex Square. 48 Ilnehanan Street. (ilaxgou. 33I li334. 5.30 8.30pm. I‘ree. (‘hrixtniax \urprixex. ol'l'erx and shopping dixeounlx. (‘aiualk \lioux at opm. (i.-Ill[illl. 7.30pm and Spin. Hibernation Sat 3. Sun 3 tk Sat ‘) I)CL'. (‘IIL‘ (Iillilillk‘. I45 ()\Iot‘tl Sll'L‘L‘l. (iIa\go\\. ()7803 73li3l5. llam (ipni. I‘ree. Shopperx are in\ ited into artixtx‘ and dexignerx‘ Iietlt‘oonh.


Traditional arts, crafts, toys, food and drink from Scotland and Germany. Free entry.

Scottish Christmas Market I'niil Sat (i .Ian lL‘llithI .\Ion 35 Dew. l’rineex Street (iardenx liaxt. Iidinhurgh.

Iliam Ilipm.

German Christmas Markets l'niil

Sat 33 Dee. St linoeh Square. (ilaxgtm. 3li4 3lilili. 'I’imex \ar}. .-\l\o until Sun 34 Dee. .\Iound Square. oII I’i'ineex Street.

Iidinhurgh. 473 3800. .\Ion Sat

Iliam Spin. Sun noon Spin.


Local, quality comestibles some organic, most produced with ethical consideration - direct from the makers. Free entry.

Edinburgh Farmers’ Market Ii\ei‘} Sat. ('axtle 'I‘erraee. (53 5040.

‘iam 3pm.

Queen’s Park Farmers’ Market Sat 3 «k Sat to liee. Queen'x I’arlx. 53li langxide I’ark. (ilihgou. 3ST "37‘ Iliam 3pm.

Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market Sat 0 & Sat 33 Dee. .\Ianxlield l’ark. oll Iiumharton Road. (ilaxgou. 34I liS-l-I. Iliam 3pm.


More top-notch foodstuffs and beverages.

Bespoke Hamper Evening 'I‘ue 5 .\ 'I'ue I3 Iiee. Ileart Iiuehanan. 3Sli I%}re\ Road. (ilaxgou. 33-4 3030. (i Spin. I'ree. I;th \\ IIIL' :ltitI t‘l't'alt‘ it \lit‘t‘lal glilitl} haxket.

Christmas Feasts Workshop \\’etl (i I)et‘. Ileart Huehanan. 3Sli Il}re\ Road. (ilaxgou. 334 "olo. (i .\‘pm. [35. Ilou to eruixe throuin ('hrixtmm \\ ith Iilte\\e.

Continental Market I‘ri l3 .\Ion l.\ Iiee. I‘exti\aI Square. I.othian Road. Iidinhurgh. Iliam (ipm. I-ree. 'l'he Iiext produee lrom eight dil't'erent Iiuropean eounti'iex.

Dewar Rattray Whisky Tasting Sat ‘) Iiee. \'al\ona tk (iolla. I‘i lilni Ron. lidinhurgh. 55o oooo. I Iain 4pm. I'i‘ee. 'I'axte line. eaxk \trength inth troni the IIItICPL‘IItICIlI lililllt‘t’\.

Easy Cocktails and Simple Canapés .\Ion I I liee. Ileart Iluelianan. 3Sli Il}re\ Road. (ilmgon. 33- 7o2o. (3 Spin. £30. Strexx tree entertaining o\ er the I'exti\ e period. Eating Place ’l'liu 3o \o\ & Thu 3.\ Ike. (‘iISIIC .Sll't‘t‘l. I'.iIIlllit|I'f_‘Ii.

Iliam Spin. I’ree. I-ood and drink lrom around the IR.

Fine Food and Wine Tasting Sat ‘i N Sun Ili I)ee. IIeart Buehanan. 3.\'li

I§}re\ Road. (ilaxgou. 334 "030.

‘iam ‘).3lipm. l‘ree. Sup \xinex and \\III\I\IL‘\ iIlItI taxte Setillldl goodiex. Niepoort Port Tasting Sat 2 Dee. \'aI\ona .& ('rolla. I‘) Iilni Ron. lidinhnrgh. 55o (itioo. I lam 4pm. I‘ree. I’ortilied \\ ine I'rom I’ortugal'x upper I)ouro \aIle}.

Polish Market ‘I’hu I4 liee. ('axile

Street. Iidinhurgh. _ Spin. l'ree.


A Dress to Dye For l‘nnl Sun I5 .\lil'. I’L‘lililt'S I);II;IL‘L‘ tk \VIIIIL‘I' (ittl'tlt‘lix (ilaxgou (ireen. 3ql 3‘i5l. .\Ion 'I‘Iiu tk Sat Iliam 5pm: I‘ri & Sun Ilaiii 5pm, I'ree. 'I‘lie impaet ol Iaxhionahle dre“ on elite eonxumerx and people in the te\tiIe induxtr}.

Christmas Art Show tmn 'l'hu 31 Dee. I.iIIie .'\rt (iaIler). Station Road. .\Iilngaxie. (ilaxgoxx. 51S SS4". 'I'ue Sat Iliam lpm K 3 5pm. I-ree. I’ainting. printmaking. eeramiex and ieoeller}. and a loan on \niaII «eale \equture. Exquisite Jewels: The Art of Garnet by Michelle Ong I‘niil Sun III I)t‘t'. Iitll'l't‘ll (.lilICCIIllIl. 3IIIiII l’oIlokxhgnu lx’oatl. (ilaxgou. 3S“ 355li. .\Ion 'I'hu i\ Sat Iliam 5pm; l'ri & Sun I lam 5pm. I'ree. (ine hundred pieeex ol the \torld'x Illli\l tlexirahle jewellery Gifted I'ntil Sun 3I .lan. I{o_\al .\lll\t‘tllll ('ral't (ialIet'). 3 (‘hamherx Street. Izdinliurgh. 34~ 43l‘). .\Ion.

\\'ed Sat Iliam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm; 'I'ue Iliam Spin. I'ree. .\ \Iioueaxe ol' eontemporar} Seottixh eraltx.

Keeping Christmas l'niil 3 Ian. I’ollok Ilouxe. I’ollok ('ountr} I’ark. 3li(ili l)liIIllI\\lI;I\\\ Road. (ilaxgou. lilli (i-Illi. Iliam 5pm. L4 lEI National 'Iruxt Seotland memherxi. the home ix deeorated tor ('In'i\tnia\ in dillerent I‘L‘t‘lliil \I}It‘\.

Seventeenth Century Samplers I'ntil Sat 3] Mar. liurrell (‘oIIeetioiL 3lilili I’oIIoI\\ha\\ \ Road. (ilaxgou. 3o" 355li. .\Ion ‘l'hu tk Sat Iliam 5pm: I-ri .& Sun I Iain 5pm. I‘ree. :\ \eIeetion lroin Sir William Ilnrrell‘x eolIeetion ol Britiin embroider} \ampleix.

Strands l'nul Sun I I l-eh. ('n} .\t‘l (‘entre. 3 .\IarReI Street. Izdinhurgli. 53‘) 3003. .\Ion Sat Iliam 5pm; Sun

noon 5pm I I‘ue 5 Iiee I 5me. tree. I'.\llII‘lIllilI looking at not low allan \\lIIi laln‘iex.

28 THE LIST "1 :J'lrf IW'J;