

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.

Thursday 30


Gordon Smith \\';irci\ioiic\. 38 inc .'\\cnuc. .\'c\\lon .\lcarn\. (ilo 3933. 7pm. l'il'L‘L‘. l)L‘l'L‘l\ :\c‘ol';lll\ \llL'CL‘xxol‘ oll .l/rnl l/urmm/ talks about lll\ ncu hook. .S'rurn'x li'n/II I/Ir' ()I/Ir'l‘ Sir/r2

Harry Morris \\'alcr\lonc\ rl-‘orincrl.\ (hiakarh. l‘nil (i. Buchanan (iallcricx. 353 I500. .\'oon lPin. l‘rcc. 'l’hc c\- coppcr lurncd aulhor \hou \ lhc \ol'lcr‘ \idc ot‘ local lau cnl'orccrncnl \\ ilh lhc lalcxt in hix \cricx ol lilllllUl‘Utlx ot'lcrinfb. lii‘r'n I/u' 1.1m un' li'llr‘.


One O’Clock Gun St Andrew’s Night Fundraising Benefit Extravaganza \‘i'cc Rctl Bar. titlinhurgh ('ollcgc ot‘.r\rl. l.auri\lon l’lacc. 32‘) NJ). Spin iain. Lll iL'fir. .-\n cxcning ol \lor}lclling. pocu') and lltll\lL‘ calculach lo mcll lhc col‘tcrx ol' lhc lilcrar} pamphch \\ ilh \Villiain l)ougla\. :\li\lair .\lclirlain and l.c\\ l\ (iibxon. arnong otllL‘l'x.


Reading the Leaves lclttll ()\ na. lo‘) l)can\lon l)ri\ c. oil) "258. 5pm. L'l. .loiii :JllL‘sl \xrilcrx tor an cxcning ol' poclr} and crcali\c \xriling. l’rc\ lltlh rcarlcrx ha\ c includcd Louixc \‘iclxh. /.oc Slrachan and .-\nnc l)ono\an. l-‘or turlhcr int'orrnalion contact \alini Paul at

rcailingthclcmcw! holrnailcoin.


Ron Ferguson Boi'ilci'x Boolxx. 0X Buchanan Slrccl. 333 "till.

I 1.30am l:.5(lpltl. l‘rcc. lhc Scollixh journalist \ignx llc/r'mprr'r “INHIle 'l’lir Qru'xr furl/1c l/u/\ (ir'rrr'l. about a rollcrcoaucr \caxon in lhc lil'c ol

('rm tlL‘ltlk‘tllll l'-(‘.

Bards in the Park 'l‘ollci'oxx \Vinicr (iardcm. 'lollcroxx l’ark. \Vcllxhol Road. (M‘) IXI‘). | Spin. l'rcc. .\ lllollllll} rnccling ol' poclx. xx rilcrx and Ihcir tricndx. rcading l'roni lhcir oun and orhcr poclx' \xork. .\'c\\ lllL‘lltl‘L‘H al\\a_\\

\\ L‘lc‘olltL‘.


Harry Morris Bol'tlch Boolw. ()3 Buchanan Strch 33: “till.

I350 l..‘~(lpin. l’rcc. lhc c\-coppcl' lur‘ncd aulhor signs hix anccdolal llarr} lhc l’olix no\cI\_


Four Continents Poetry Slam 'l'lic Bongo ('Iuh. .\lora_\ llouxc. 37 llol\rood Road. 558 Toll-1.7.3llpni. to l [-1.5(li. 'l‘ouring inlcrnalional \lani tcaluring pcrtorincrx l'roni :\lrica. \or‘lll x\|llL‘l'l\'£l. liur‘opc and .'\u\lrala\ia. lloxlctl b} .lcnin l.ind\a} and Slcw‘kin. '

Monday 4


Words and Music Sarnucl l)o\\ \_

()7 7| Nilhsdalc Road. ~123Mb“. 7.30pm. l'rcc. ()pcn \lagc poclr} and lllll\lL‘ night t'oi' all lhc £l(l\k‘llllll'ltll\ loll“ out lhcrc.


SPL Monthly Reading Group Scottish l’oclr} librar). 5 (‘richlon‘x ('lmc. (‘anongalcz 557 287d (i Hprn. l‘rcc 1U tor lca and ltl\c‘llll\l. .\ poclr} rcading group opcn to all. l‘or~ inorc dclailx plcasc L‘ollltlc‘l l.lll;l\ l'l';l\c'l' on (ll ,il 55—7 3377) or lt‘raxcrm \plorguk.

32THE LIST '-'-T,-',- '

Tuesday 5


* Billy Bragg \i‘;iici-\iuiic«. 15.: 157 Sauchichall Sn"ch 333 ‘)|()5. (Lillprn. £3. 'l‘hc ‘Bard ot‘ Barking' dixcuxxcx his lalcxl lllL‘l'tll') \L‘ltlllt‘L‘. Ali/Ir' I’I‘Ug’l‘r'sul‘r’ I’rlll'l'ul. COIil‘I Prior ( ilaxgo“ SL‘lL‘llL‘L‘ (l‘ltll‘L‘. 5U l’acitic(‘)ria}.~12()5l)()(). 7.30pm. £0.05. ’l’hc landscapc photographcr talks about lhc panoramic iinagcx hc ll;l\ \liol mcr lhc last lcn )carx. llc \\ ill also sign his book ‘/'/Ir' llin'lr/‘x llr/r/ l’lrrr'm. Booking cxxcnlial on ()87l 540 ltlllt).


Jim Carruth Scotlixh l’oclr) librar}. 5 ('richlon‘x ('loxc. ('anongalc. 557 237d 7pm. l’rcc. 'l‘hc Scolx pocl launchcx Ilia/i :lllr'llr’llwl/U. lhc nc\r part ol his \cqucntial collcclion on lhc topic ot' rural dcclinc. Booking rcquircd.

Wednesday 6


* Addicted to Brightness with John Burnside Scottixh l’oclr} Librar}. 5 (‘richlon'x ('loxc. (ariorigalc. 557 2870. o 8pm. £5 rUl. Burnsidc inlroduccx lhc lirxt publication l'rorn lhc ncu lunch l’rcxx. a collcclion ot‘ poclr} h} ncu and cxlahlixhcd ti;llllL‘\.


Anna Crowe lhc l’octr} ('lub l( ilaxgon School ol'.-\rtl. l(i".' chl'rcxx Slrccl. lll5lt5 (illoh’o. 7pm. l‘rcc. St .\Iungo\ \lir‘r'orhall Voiccx prcxcnl rcadingx troni l’rrnk n'rr/r Hrr/cinrcr'. lhc r‘cccnt collcclion l'roin lhc pocl. translator and pm ions artistic dircclor tor Sl.v\n/a.


The Play’s the Thing National librar} ol' Scotland. (icor‘gc l\‘ Bridgc. (L35 53-15. lpin. l‘rcc. .\ talk ahonl carl} L'kllllUll\ ot' Shakcxrwarc's pla) \ \\ irh lhc chancc to

\ ic\\ \onlc ol' lhc carlicxl \urx i\ ing copicx.

Saturday 9


Shayne Ward \VllSnlltll. 55 55 .-\r'g_\ lc Sll'k‘k'l. Ill-l onto ~l Spill. l'Il'L'L'. ‘l-llL' .\‘ /'ilr'i’ur \\ inncr and ohiccl ol. \olllc loll\\ tlc\ir‘c signx .Ver/lr‘ Him/j _l/\' .X'lurr.


Poetry Book Group Scottixh l’octr) librar). 5 (’r‘ichton'x (low. (‘anongalca 557 2370. (Lil) 8.30pm. [5 rL'.‘~i. l'p tor tlixcuxxion lltl\ month is /.ll('/\\' /)u\' b} Richard l’ricc. in a \cxxion ch h} .lulic .lolmxtonc. l’lcasc hook in ad\ancc.

Wednesday 13


Creative Writing in Gaelic (‘( ‘.v\. 350 Sauchichall Slrccl. 352 -.l‘)llll. 7.3tlpin. l‘rcc. .-\n llllill'llltll torlnighll} \cxxion \xilh .\lartin \laclnl_\rc. (iaclic \xrilcr in rcxidcncc at (ila\go\\ l'niwnih. tor an)on inxpirctl h} a (iaclic inuxc.


Poetry Pamphlet Party and Fair National lilir‘ar} ot~ Scotland. 33 Salisbur} l’lacc. oZS 38-151» Xfillpin. l‘rcc. \Vinc. rnincc picx. rcadingx and lolx ol pocll‘} paraphcrnalia to purchaxc. M8” Contini llot‘tlch lioolw. l'llll 20. l’orl Kinnaird Rclail Park. (57 ~ltl4l. 7pm. l'rcc r'l'ickclcdi. 'l'hc Scot» llalian lrax cl

\\ rilcr and aulhor or NH” ()lri'rir signx hcr liookx. (icl llllo lhc l‘L'\ll\ c l‘oodic \[tll'll

\\ ilh inincc pics and a glaxx ol \\ inc.

Thursday 14


Ian Rankin llaulhorrulcn l.ccturc 'l'hcalrc. \alional (iallcr') ol~ Scotland. lhc Mound. (£4 (ilell. 7pm. l‘rcc‘. liL‘lxclL‘rl. lhc lkNl—xclllltg L‘l'lltlL‘ “I‘llCl' l't';l(l\ l'i‘oin hix \llol'l \IUI'} ‘Sinncr: .luxlilictl‘. \pcciall} corurnixxioncrl tor lhc l)ollf_'l;l\ (iol'rloll calaloguc.



BRIAN K VAUGHAN & NIKO HENRICHON Pride of Baghdad iVortigo Titani COO

altim'i'E-‘firiifliféiiifilf _

Mm Refinicnm

létklllg inspiration from tho r'oal t'ato of tho animals at Baghdad Zoo during tho r‘ocont US ltl\."£lfSl()tt isoirg ‘tiboration'i of Iraq. a prido oi iions oscapo attor‘ a round of boriibing dostrogs much of tho /oo. 'l‘hoy sot off across tho rnaii-iiiado ‘~.'.'astoland that usod to bo Baghdad. hungry. Iost ilt‘.(l(1(>".it.53(3(l. all initial dosiros to" froodon: (iuollod by foar. lf's an adinirabto but arthriiatoli, simplistic attornpt to put across a '\.'.iar is holl' talo from an unusual por'spocti\.'o, Oi courso it's bloody. sornotirnos brutal and packod ‘.‘.’ill‘ stai‘k r'oalitios but it can't holp but too! liko ‘Disiioi.’ tho Gull \‘Jar yoar‘s' duo to tho cutosy anthror)ornorpttisrn. Howoi. or. Niko Horir‘icl‘-<)ri's art throughout is incr‘odibl\,/ oiiticing. tho rich dotails and scratchy odgos giving tho char‘actor‘s bito bo‘cond thoir‘ tooth and clax'xs. it lonn, Northrnoioi

Stll’l litlE HO


llX} Titan: .00.

lho croatoi's of [Lari/i. Unrvorso and Par‘adxso X rounito lwith Br'aithi'xaito t)'()‘.'l(llll§] poncil baso tor lioss' glorious paintod pariolsi tor anothor hoaxily i‘oligious. wholly (ll)()(2£ll\,'l)ll(l adx'ontur‘o involving [)(I's groatost tior‘oos and Villains. l'his hardback collocts tho first four issuos of tho inaXi sorios and soos tho .Justico t oaguo ot Arnoiica plaguod \"Jllll

nightmaros in which thoy fail to savo tho world from a rnanrnado Arinagoddon. whilo in waking lilo thoir‘ VllléllllOtlfS countorparts. iod by tho corobral LOX Luthor'. Brainiac and Gorilla Gr'odd. sot about tho surprisingh: philanthropic businoss o‘ ridding th 2 planot of starvation. disoaso. otc.

'lhoro aro at toast two intriguing roadings of tho story so far. A thoological ono suggosts tho human i'aco has turnod its back suporiioroos. much as tho socuiar world has with God. Moro ll‘ii(}t'(?8ltt‘.gi\,'. a political roading rnight i‘otloct tho US arl'iiinistration's rnisanthropic. oinpiro building for’oign policy. Altor‘iiativoly. you can simply onioy Ross' rnarvollous r'o-irnaginnig of tho DC panthoon. iMilos Fioldori

BIOGHAl’l lY MARJANE SATRAPI Chicken With Plums lJonathan Capoo 0...

CHICKEN Wll‘ll riiiiiir

lili’iltli‘ili’l. Sill'lt‘ill'l

ltavrng rocountod tho ston,’ ot hor' own trio in l’orsopoi'is. Iranian cartoonrst Mariano Sati‘api horo tolls tho talo ()i ill(} tatrzirigiri rlrizifii ()t hor groat uriclo. Nassor Ali Khan. By all accounts Khan was a \.'.'or|d><:3ass musician. and in Satrapi's ho ‘.'.'as a lovrng lathor. so-so husband and rnolancholy artist. l-‘otlowrng a row Wllll his wito that concludod \‘Jilll hor br'oaking his bolo\od tar‘ la Stradivarius duality

stringod instrumontl Khan docidod ho didn't want to ll'l.’(} anymore. and so wont to bod wrth tho intontion of dying. which ho did oight days lator.

Willi hor sparo stylo. unflinching ()l)8()t\’€lll()l‘. and dark sonso of humour. Satrapi's portrait of an artist as a moody buggor is astuto and attocting. And. whilo Chic/(on With P/unis is a loss ambitious graphic novol than its Iranian llistory-sr)annrng prodocossor. Satrapi's storytolling skill has rno‘xod on in loaps and bounds. lMilos Fioldorl

COl ll ()llON

WILL EISNER New York: Life in the Big City

lWW Nortoni 0000

a» lMIMIlOMph I g

Tho r'odiscovory of tho mighty Will Eisnor' continuos with this lovrngly bound colioction oi rnoro Now York storios. Out of tho four soctions. thoro aro actually only two graphic novols horo Tho Bur/ding and /rivisir)/o Poop/o. Tho for‘rnoi’. is a viittior-ng and maxing account of tho lnos of past occupants of a landmark building. ‘.“.’ltll(} tho lattor' is Eisnoi's tirst \onturo down Dropsio Ax'onuo ia lolloxar up. which bocarno part ot' tho A Contract ii’ifii ('viou' trilogy toilowod two yoars |ator:.

Nor. York: 7 / io Big Citi' and Citi’ Poop/o [\loi‘obook aro l)£i8l()£tll\, skotch and \lgfl‘OilU work. But l'isnor oar‘ say rnoro on human traitti, arid litllllfllll‘,’ :ii oiio frarno than most. As Noil Cairnar‘. points out in his introduction. on this o\./idonco. thoro (id-"I bo no doubt that £.lf§.’l(‘,l' .s 'an Anioricari storflotlor‘. liko Ray Bradbury. liko O Honry. unashariiodly populist wiiilo croatirig stor‘ios for a populaco who Vi'or‘o not thor'o to road thorn not yol.‘ iPaul [)aloi