I Mytunes at l’ircyyatcr. 0pm 3am. l‘rcc hclorc £ lll.3(lpm: £3 (£3) al'tcr. \\'cckl_\. 'l‘hc puntcr pl;t_\\ at hcing D] a\ Xl-‘.\1\ l-‘raxcr ‘l'homxon and l‘anhoy axk all to hring tyyo ol' thcir layouritc track on ('l) which thcy \\ ill play at \omc point during thc night.

I Obscenester at ('laxxic (hand.

I lpm 3am. £3. \Vcckly. .\'c\\ Sunday nightcr \\ ith a play lixt that cncoinpaxxcx indic. poxt punk. clcctro and (i()\ trcatx. I Optimo (Espacio) at tlic Suh ('luh. llpm 3am. £o (£5). \\'cckly. l.ct'\ gct thix party \tartcd: muxic. dancing. lightx and liyc actx. Say ‘ycx' to anothcr night ol' c\cc\\. prcxcntcd hy .ll) Tyy itch and .l(i \Vilkcx \\ ith a \cry \pccial datc lor your calcndar. llcll'axt lnduxtrial group .v\lloy .\lcntal play liy c I ll) l)cc).

I Sound Sundays at thc :\l'L‘llL‘\.

0pm 3am. l’rcc. \Vcckly. .-\ ncyy night lot" thc .-\rchc\ ('alc Bar yy ith 'l‘hc .‘ylanhattan l’rojcct playing all [liltlg\ clcctronic.

Glasgow Mondays


I Burn at thc Bull. l lpm 3am. £5 (l'rcc \yith tradc \yagc \lip). \Vcckly. Monday night carnagc \\ ith .\'orin\ki. /.cu\ and .\la\h playing a \cry mi\cd hag ol tuncx at thix lcgcndary .\londay night \hindig. I Funked Up at (iuru. l lpm 3am. £4 (£2 ). \Vcckly. liuan and Day c ol' Killcr Kihch rock lllix nc\\ \cnuc.

I Happy Mondays at l-‘ii'cxxatcr.

9pm 3am. l-‘rcc hclot'c £lll.3llpin: £3 l£3l :ll'lL‘l'. \VCL‘H). l'ill’C\\illL‘l' l\ noyy (ipL‘li \cycn night\ a \ycck \\ ith a cluh cach and c\ cry night. .\londay\ arc indic. punk and rock-inxpircd \\ ith rcxidcnt l’ircyyatcr l).l\ and drink\ pi'oiiim.

I Monday Night Misery Club at ()uccnx ('luh. Spin midnight. £5. \Vcckly. 'l'ayy dry. dixmal. poiiitlc\~ and grim \\ ith a dixc iockcy callcd l)ii‘gc and a liouw hand callcd l5utilc.

I Mondays at Bamhoo, ltlpni 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckly. Soul and l'uiik \\ ith Rohin B. \tudcnt laycx with load (c\-Shack). 'l‘hct‘c\ alxo Rtkll \\ ith Scottic [3.

I Passionality at (‘uhc.

ll.3(lpni 3am. £3. \Vcckly. l’lcaxing chartiytry lrom l).l Shaun Rohcrtx. rcxuxcitating thc \ycckcnd lor thc gay/ini\cd ct'oyy d.

I Poptimism/Rocktimism at thc (iaragc. l lpm 3am. £4 (li'cc). \Vcckly. l)oc\ c\actly \yhat it my on thc tin. .-\ hcalthy doxc ol' pop and rock tor inid- \ycck party pcoplc.

I Why Don’t you Like Mondays Bob? at Blankct. llpm 3am. l-‘rcc £l. \\'cckly. ’l'radc \tal'l' and \tudcnt night with DJ l.il. Rich playing anything that coincx to hand. (’hcap. chccrlul and l‘lhy.

Glasgow Tuesdays


I All Mod Cons at l‘ircyyatct‘.

“Din 3am. l‘rcc hclorc ll).3lll)m: £3 (£2) altcr. \Vcckly. l).l l)a\c Stonc \pinx .\lo\\lo\\tl and .\'orthcrn \oul plux a licyy cury c hallx llll‘t)\\ll in tor good lliL‘ilSlll‘C. I All Star Tuesdays at Bamboo. lllpin 3am. £4 (lrcc). \Vcckly. ln thc main rooln K;t\l1[il£t)\ Rtkll and hip pop \yhilc ,v\ndy \\'il\on (lt'()p\ all tiinc claxxicx drix/lcd \\ ith a littlc rock and indic in thc loungc.

I Dub’n’Grub al thc (ilaxgoyy School ol.’\rt, 5pm midnight. l‘rcc. \Vcckly. lt \l;tt'l\ at lcatitnc and cndx in tinic l'or \(Hllt‘ \hut cyc. \lungo'x lli l'i proyidc thc ragga. dancchall and duh \oundx “llllt' lllL‘ l'lltltl l\ pt'()\ idcd l‘y lliL‘ \lic‘.

I Juicy Tuesdays at Kllxllltm.

llpin 3am. £5 (£3). \Vcckly. .\ \tudcnt night to cntcrlain tlic lllll\\t‘\ :tCl‘()\\ tyyo l't)Ulll\. Room onc lcaturcx indic pop and cliccxc \yhilc rooni tyyo playx Rkli and hip hop.

I Kaleidoscope at .\l3(‘_‘. llpin 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckly. Rctro inu\ic policy digging clawic rock'n'roll. \oul. l'unk. punk and pxychcdclia li'oin thc cratcx ol' (illx to thc prcxcnt day u. ith rcxidcnt l’aul \Ct‘tllk'\.

Colours continue to bring the big names to the table as they secure the talents of Paul Oakenfold

to kick off December’s club calendar. He’s helped shape the world of clubbing, hugely popular as a DJ and for his Perfecto record label, he’s crossed over to a position in pop culture beyond most DJs. From supporting U2 on their 200 Nation tour to his recent single featuring Hollywood star Brittany Murphy on vocals.

Colours; a! the Arc/ms. Glasgow. 8:1? 2 DOC.

I Killer Kitsch at thc Bull.

l().3()pni 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckly. liuan and Day c play all your layouritc clcctro miycd in \yith \oltlL‘ Stlx \y nth. hip hop and anything clxc thcy lancy. l)o\\n\lait‘\. Ro“ play\ will. lunk and dixco.

I Remedy at ()ran .\lor. lllpni 2am. £3 (£3). 5 “cc. (ict rcady to hcar \onic hip hop. funk and \oul. Spinning claxxic trackx li'oin thc likcx ol :\ 'l‘rihc (‘allcd (‘)llt'\l and Souls ol Mixchicl to at'ltxlx \uch ax l.upc l‘iaxco and R()()l\ .\lanuya. I Revolution at Quccn .\largarct l'nion. lllpm 2am. £3 (£l ). \Vcckly. \Vith l).l .\lartin Batc (XI-"M ).

I Spanked at ()ran .\lor. lllpin 2.15am. l'iliL‘L‘. \Vcckly. .'\ lilglll (lL‘tllL‘itlL‘tl it) anything and cycrything. lixpcct dixco punk. calculator lunk. indic and clcctronica to hip hop. hrcakhcat. ll).\l and old \kool.

Glasgow Wednesdays


I Art of Parties at lhc (ilaxgoyy School olx\t'l. llpm 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckly. .\'c\\ night yyith liyc muxic and UL.

I Deliverance at tlic ('aihoiixc.

llpm 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckly. l.atc\t night l'i‘om 'l'lic ('athouxc. .\lorc rock and hardcorc iron) Hm:

I Disko Box at (‘lasxic (irand.

llpm 3am. £(i (£5). (i l)cc. .\lonthly. l)i\ko Box play a mix of clcctro inluxcd disco tingcd mania. ('hicks on Spccd arc on \pinning dutics. Nicc.

I Gin N Juice at ('uhc. l lpm 3am. £4 (£3 l. \Vcckly. Ills \tlL‘L‘m & Skctch gct ('uhc houncing \\ ith thcir (mn indiy'idual mix of laidhack soul. funk. hip hop. R&B and dancchall. With \pccial gucxts. including an al‘tcr party for 'l‘hc (iamc l() l)cc) and 1. Hot .\lan liyc ( l3 l)cc).

I Octopussy at thc :\t‘L‘llL‘\.

0.30pm 3am. £4. chkly. Jacu/Iis. houncy' caxtlcx and a ('hapcl ol' low at thc :\rchc.\ rcgular studcnt night.

I Substance at (iuru. \Vcckly. A night of claxxic and hang up-to-datc indic with Brian .\lc.\la.stcr.

I Tongue in Cheek at Bainhoo. lt).3()pm 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckly. l)J .\ligucl pltty'x R&B in thc main room. 1)] 'l’oaxt playx chart in thc loungc and .-\ndy \Vilxon plays rock in thc rcd

it: White l-leat ttl (‘laxxic (irand.

l lpm 3am. £5. l3 l)cc. Shitdisco curatc l)CL‘L‘lnhL‘t".\ Whitc llL‘ill L‘L‘lcht'ulion oi indicdottl. l.i\c acts includc SililtllSt‘U. llauntcd llotlxc and (Say Against You. with [)1\ Many and ()lly.


Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days before publication to clubs@list.co.uk. Edinburgh listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.

Edinburgh Thursdays


I Alter Ego at l’o Na Na. 1 lpm 3am. £5 (£3). \Vcckly. 'l‘hursday night mash-up from 1)] l)i\'cr\c. playing a gcnrc splitting sclcction ()l' inodcrn and L‘l;t\\iL‘ indic. rock. disco. RLQB. hip hop. hootlcgs and funky hotth.

I Auto at ligo. l lpm 3am. £2 hcl‘orc midnight; £3 al'tcr. 7 l)cc. .\ mix of thc hcst currcnt and classic art rock. indic pop. post punk and anti-l'olk ax Auto lind thcmxclycs a ncyy homc at ligo.

I A Basement Boogie at lltltl\()tl (’luh. l lpm 3am. l’rcc. \Vcckly. lntimatc rcsidcncy' t'i‘om thc 'l‘rouhlc l)J\. playing out cluh claxsics. clcctro. p-ltltik’. \oul. hip hop. hrcaks. \y'nth pop and mom.

I Black Tape at ligo. l lpm 3am. £3. 14 Dec. :\ mix of indic. classic pop. rock. \oul. punk. clcctronica and hip hop. liarly tracks and classic alhum cut\ from thc hands you love.

I Class! at Suhyyay ('oyy'gatc.

l lpm 3am. l-‘rcc before midnight: £2 al'tcr (£l ). \Vcckly. Ncyy \llltlL‘ltl night from [M Lucky Luciano (Big ('hccsc/Shag'l’ag ).

I Espionage at lixpionagc. l lpm 3am. l-‘rcc. \Vcckly. 1)] (i-l‘unk and Marta llari prcscnt llic smooth \ottnds of R&B.

I The GOuLaG BeAt at ligo.

I lpm 3am. £3. 3() Nov Punk. garagc. ncyy yy'ayc and good. hoticsl rock'n'roll cat'c ol Syly'ia (ioulag and .\'ick.

I l Fly Spitfires at ('aharct Voltairc.

l lpm 3am. £5. 7 l)cc. .\lorc liyc indic action l‘caturing litlinhut‘ghKilasgoyy' liyc- piccc. l)ancc l.a/aru.\ Dancc. maxhing up sylilllS. guitarx. laptops and (iamchoyzx. I Karnival at (’aharct Voltairc.

llpm 3am. £5 (£3). 3() Soy. A night which promixcs to indulgc ‘cy'cry plcayurc. cy'cry sin'. lidinhurgh houxc had hoy lluggy juilh residcnts .\likc l’inkcrton and Ryan lillis in thc main room. Anything gocx in room [no with B- Sidcx plus magicianx. li()\l\ and hostcxscx. I Lulu at l.ulu. .S'pm 3am. l-‘rcc hclorc l()pni; £4 altcr. chkly. :\.\lt‘ohoy. Sidcyyindcr. Kctch and Monkcyhoy for thc hcxt in mashcd up \ottl. l'unk. dixco. inn and clcctronica.

I Red Star Institute at Rlil).

l lpm 3am. l-i'cc. 7 l)cc. l’ortnightly. 'l'hc hc\t up-and-coming local [Us and \'J\ giying amatcurx thc chancc to \pin in front ot‘ thcir pccrx.

I Shit Trinket at \Vcc Rcd Bar.

8pm 3am. £4 (£3). 7 l)cc. :\.\ L‘L‘lL‘L‘ltc us it gctx with cycrything from .'\hha to thc Ycah Ycah Ycahy and Zappa. courtcyy ol‘ Sam a Bcn \y'ith thrcc live act\ thc.

I The Snatch Social at thc Liquid Room. I lpm 3am. £5. \Vcckly. ('onicdy capcrx from Harry :\in\\\orlh and Tony ('artcr at this chccky caharct-cum-dixco. Bahcy and 'l‘rcndy Wendy (monthly t‘cyidcnt) supply hip hop and funky lllllL‘x. I Souled Out at ()pal l.oungc.

lllpin 3am. £3. \Vcckly. l-‘roin .\loto\\n to Northcrn Soul. Icon liaxtcr. .\'ick Watson and Maytcr ('aird (on rotation) lullil your nccds. adding a dash ol~ llUllSL‘ ax thc night goL‘s on.

I Surgical Steel at ()pium.

lllpm 3am. l’rcc. \\'cckly. liull on inctal asxault.

1’31 White Heat at (‘aharct \‘oltairc. llpni 3am. £3 £5. l4 l)cc. l.ondon\ inllucntial indic cluh rcturnx and thix timc around (ilaxgac ncyy ray c typcy Shitdixco arc in chargc. playing liy‘c and curating thc night with llauntcd Holth and (lay Againxt You (all liy'c). Spicx in thc \Vircx yy ill alxo hc appcai'ing. \\ ith an Cytra spccial liy'c gucxt thc.

ill) Noy L's Doc l’lfilti THE LIST 37