Shcphcard. Spicrx and \Valxon. (icorgc l’apa\gcri\. \‘ikki Swan and Jonn} D) cr. Stixan .\lc(’lurc. .\lac\c \lacKinnou and .\lick \\'c\t. 2pm: 'I'orchlighl l’roccxxion. 5pm. li\cning (’onccrt \(ith Shcphcard. Spcir\ and Watxon and (icorgc l’apa\gcri\. 7pm. .’\l| da_\ tickct £8. lind ol' thc I’tl/‘Iri'k I’m/k l'i'xlri‘u/

I Moishe’s Bagel (‘atc ('osxachok. Ruxxian ('ultural ('cntrc. King Strcct. 55.307.53.91301. £0 Scc l'il‘l l.


I Tarneybackle \Vcc l‘olk (‘luh Roxal ()ak. lnlirniar} Strcct. 55.7 2‘)7(i. 8.30pm. £3. l’crthxhirc lolk group pct‘ltit‘lti Scottixh \ottgx in cloxc harmon}. \xith guitar. mandolin. hou/ouki. octa\ c mandola. l'lutc. \\lll\llL‘\ and pcrcusxion.

Monday 4 Stirling I Old Blind Dogs Stirling l‘olk ('luh. Stirling Count} Rugh) l-‘oothall (’luh. llridgchaugh l’ark. (‘auxc\\a}hcad Road. lll25‘) 2l852 l. 8pm. l.atc\t incarnation ol thc long-liwd \ot'th liaxt hand.

Tuesday 5


I Koshka (‘alc (‘ovachok Rttxxian (’ultural ('cntrc. King Strcct. 553 0733. ‘lpin. £(i. (i)px_\ muxic. \piccd \xith

\ irtuoxo clcincntx ol'ia/I. rock and l'lanicnco. \Vith acclaiincd \ iolin/guitar trio l.c\ .-\tla\. ()lcg l’onomarm and .\'igcl (‘lark

I Folk It! lhc .\li\ing Room\. “at chcnt Strcct. 22l 736‘). 8.30pm. l‘rcc. Scottixh/lrixh \cxxion \(ith l-‘iona Young.


I Shepheard, Spiers and Watson l.cith liolk ('luh. 'l’hc Villagc. South l"orl Strcct. 478 "810. 7.30pm. £5. (ircal. authcntic traditional Scotx \ong. \\ ith \\lti\llc. mclodcon and liddlc.

I Daytime Session Si (‘olm‘x ('hurch. l)alr_\ Road. 1 3pm. £l. .-\ltcrnoon \ingaround and \L‘SSltlll.

I Ceilidh Club 'l'hc I.ot. 4/(i (il‘;t\\lll;ll‘l\L‘l. 225 22‘)”. 8pm. £0. ('cilidh dancing. l'urioux liddlcrx and callcrx to lcad _\ott through thc \tcp\ l'caturing :\n 'l‘alla llan (5 l)cc| and llcclicgolccric ( l2 l)cc I.

Wednesday 6


I Michael Simons 'l‘chai ()\na. l)can\ton l)ri\c. (4) 7258. 8pm. £2. (ilmgrm haxcd guitarixt pl;i}iiig lolk/hlucx.


I Andy M Stewart lidinhurgh l‘olk ('luli. ('aharct llar. 'l‘hc l’lc;t\;iiicc. (50 2458. 8pm. £0 (£4 £5I. Scottixh and lrixh \ongx lroin thc talcntcd \ingcr/xong“ritcl‘. c\-lcad \ingcr in Sill} \Vi/ard.

I Flamenco Session 'l‘lic Jal/ liar. ('hanihcrx Strccl. 220 4200 7pm. l‘rcc. Spanixh lllllxlc \cxxion.


I Gaberlunzie St .'\lltll'L‘\\ \ in lllc Squarc. St .r\ndrc\\ \ Squarc. 55‘) 5002. 8pm. £7 (£5 i. 'l'hc cnduring all-round l'olk t'lllL‘l'ltllllt'l'S.

Friday 8


I Fred Eaglesmith ('alial‘cl \‘oltairc. Blair Strcct. 220 M70 7pm. £l0. (‘anadiari \ingcr/xong“ritcr/criincdian (ll'tl\\\ on call} ~cra countr} and l'()(il\_ and chuck\ in thc odd onc lincr hctuccn tightl) crallcd (uncx.

I Greenman Bluegrass Band, Little Tito 8. the Wolves and The Tom Griffiths Band Old St l’aul'x (‘hurclL .lcl'lrc} Strch. 550 3332. (i.3llpni. £l3 (£7i; £8 (£5i l’or onl_\. lllucgraxx. .\incrrtana and l'olk \ong. \tarting “till a

\lidcxhou and \llllplc organic dinncr. t'olloiicd at 9pm h} thc li\c music. liund- raiscr for thc A} nilla \Voincu's \Vorkcrs’ (‘oopcrath c in l’cru.

I Assembly Rooms Ceilidh Dance Axxcmhl} Rooms. (icorgc Strcct. 33‘) 5374. 8pm. £8 £l0. (‘cilidh hand 10.1 and L‘tlllcl‘ Kcn (iourla) lcad thc lt‘Sll\ illL‘\.

I Salsa Friday 'l‘hc .\lcrlin. Morningxidc Road. 447 432‘). 0pm lam. l’our li()ttl'\ ol' stomping hot \alxa alhuim guarautccd.


I The Big Seat By The Fire St (icorgc'x \cht ('hurch. Shandu ick l’lacc. 225 7001. 8pm. £2. .-\I.l’ Scots .\lu\ic (iroup'x rcgular traditional folk night. BYOB.


I Tom Spiers \Vcc l-‘olk ('luh. Roin ()ak. lnlirmar} Strcct. 557 2976. 8.30pm. £3. l'iddlc and \ong from .\'oth liaxt Scotland. li‘om thc cx-(iaugcr.

I Christmas Concerts R0);tl Museum lla\\thorndcn ('ourt. (’hamhcrx Strcct. 247 42l‘). l.45pm. 2.45pm ck 3.45pm. l-‘rcc. l'cxtn c tuncx pcrt'ormcd h} choirx llarmon} 21. Sangxtrcam. Rll(l\;lllll‘L‘C. thc l)alkcith Singcrx. thc lidinhurgh l'ni\cr\it} chaixxancc Singcrx and thc lidinhurgh Saltirc (iaclic ('hoir.

I James Murray and Simon McKerrell Scotx (illill‘tlx ('luh. ('lii'ton 'l‘crracc. 337 1084. £10 inc mcal (£5 l. .-\nothcr round in thc Scots (iuardx ('luh Knockout llighland piping (‘ompctitioir


I The Pogues (‘arling .-\cadcni}‘ (ilaxgou. liglinton Strcct. 0870 77| 2000. 7pm. £27.50. Shanc .\lc(io\\an ioillx thc lull original linc-up for anothcr ('lirixtmas tour ol' \harnholic ('cltic l'olk/rock.


I Diwan, The Dias Quartet and Aaron Jones lidinhurgh Rcl‘ugcc ('cntrc. St (icorgc'x \cht. Shanduick’ l’lacc. (i.3()piii. l-‘rcc (donationx “ClL'UlllL'l. .-\l'ro-Scotti\h \oumix and l.atin l'unk li'om thix l'undraixcr lor thc lidinhurgh Rcl'ugcc (it‘llll'C.

Tuesday 12


I The Pogues (‘arling .v\cadcm) (iltlxg‘tm, liglllilnll Strcct. 0370 77l 2000. 7pm. £27.50. Scc .\lon ll.


I Pipedown l.cith l-‘olk (’luh. 'l‘hc Villagc. South l"orl Stt'cct. 478 78l0. 7.30pm. £5. .\lcrging Sctitlixli and ll‘l\li traditionx. lcd h} |.iain .\loorc. onc ol' lrcland‘x llltlSI dixtinguixhcd )ourig pipcrx. I Ceilidh Club 'l'hc I.ot. 4/(i (it‘;t\\llitll'l\cl. 225 220‘). 8pm. £(i. Scc ’l'uc

Wednesday 13


I La Chorale de I’Alliance :\lliancc l-iangriw dc (ilaxgoxx. l’ark ('ircux. 33‘) 428l. l.30pni. £5. 'l'hc chancc to \ing _\our hcart out in l-‘rcnch at thix choral group-lor—all.

I Michael Simons 'i‘chai ()\ na. l)can\ton l)i'i\ c. 04‘) 7253. (Split. £2. Scc \Vcd (i.


I Flamenco Session 'l‘hc Jal/ Bar. ('hanihcrx Strcct. 220 4200. 7pm. l‘rcc. SL‘L‘ \Vt‘tl (i.

I The Whistlebinkies lidinhurgh l‘olk ('luli. ('aliarct Bar. 'l‘hc l’lcaxancc. 353 8000. 8pm. £0 (£4 £5). :\rtl'ul Scottish traditional liltlxic on pipcx. harp. l'lutc. drum. conccrtina and liddlc l'roni thc \ctcran Scoh hand.



Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Carol Main.

Thursday 30


I Masterclass RSAMI). Hit) chf'rcu Strcct. 332 5057. 2pm. l’rcc. tickctcd. Viola \ il‘ltt(i\0 and l‘cllow of thc Ro}al Acadcni} ol' Mtixic. .\lartin ()utram. dcliwrx today’s maxtcrclasx.

I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: Sibelius Revisited 4 ('it)‘ Halls. (’andlcriggx. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £‘) £21.50. l-‘innish conductor l.cil' chcrstam \\ icldx thc haton as thc orchcxtra pcrl'orm Sihclius‘ linal thrcc .\_\’lllpli()lllc‘\ (Mn 5, (i, 7). Includcx a prc-conccrt talk \\ ith Stcphcn Johnxon and l'ormcr BBC SS() l)ircctor, llugh .\lacl)onald. and a post conccrt Lllxcllxxintl \\ ith chcrstam.


I Scottish Opera: Tamerlano l'cxll\;ll 'l‘hcatrc. l5 2‘) Nicolxon SII'L‘L‘I. 52‘) 00””. 7.l5pm. £l3 £40. .\ mastcrpiccc ol' Baroquc opcra. haxcd on thc \tor} of 'lluncrlanc. cinpcror of thc 'l‘atarx and lli\ lo\ c for thc Sultan's daughtcr.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Great Romantics 3 t'xhcr llall. I.othian Road. 228 1155. 7.30pm.

£8 £24 (£(i £l8l.\'ian Violinist Baiha Ski'idc pcrl'ormx onc of thc mm! popular ol‘ all thc \iolin conccrtos .\lcndcl\.\ohn\ \lrlllll ('onm'rro in If mirror. plllx picccx h} \Vchcr and Schumann. John Stot'gal'tls conductx.

I Edinburgh University Renaissance Singers ('anongatc Kirk. I53 (‘anongatcx 7.45pm. £7 (£4i. \Vot'kx l3} 'liittttix l.tti\ dc Victoria and l‘crnando dc lax Inlantax pro\ idc Ihc lllllxicitl niattcr for this c\cning programmc ol‘ lhcrian music and picccs appropriatc to St Andrcu '\ l)a}. (‘onductcd h} .\'ocl ()‘chan.


I Lunchtime Concert: Stephen Stirling and John Thwaites RS:\.\ll). I00 chl‘rc“ Stt‘cct. 332 5057. lpm. £7 (£5). Stcphcn prcxcntx a programmc ol' music for thc l‘rcnch horn. \(ith RSAMI) lacult} mcmncr John 'l'lmaitcs on piano.

I Masterclass RSAMI). I00 cht'rcxi Strcct. 5.5.2 .5057. 2.30pm. l‘il'L‘C. tickctcd. l‘rcnch horn maxtcrclasx \\ ith Stcphcn Stirling.

I Masterclass RS.-\.\ll). ltlt) chl‘rcu Strcct. 5.5.2 .5057. 2.30pm. l'il'L'L‘. tickctcd. l’iano IllilSlL‘l'L‘ltt\\ \\ ith .v\ndrc\\ Zolinsk).

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Great Romantics 3 ('il_\ llallx. (‘andlcriggx 353 8000. 7.30pm.

£l0 £22.50 (£7.50 £l(i.80l. Scc Thu 30.


I Scottish Opera: Der Rosenkavalier l-‘cxtixal 'l'hcatrc. l3 2‘) Nicolxon Strcct. 52‘) 0000. (3.30pm.

£l4 £44. This quuixitc lair} \tot‘} is not to hc tlll\\L'(l. Richard Strauxs' /)('I‘ lx’uwnluli‘u/icr tcllx thc \lot‘} of tlmartcd lo\ c in 18th ccntur} Vicnna. (iorgcoux production h} l)a\ id .\lc\'icar and a conxixtcntl} l‘ahtiloux cast.

I Cappella Nova: A Star in the East ('anongatc Kirk. I53 (‘anongatc. (m8 20l‘). 7.30pm. £l0 £l2.50

(£7 £‘).5()i. 'l‘hc \crxatilc singing group mark thc coming ol (‘hrixtmax \\ ith two British choral classicx. Brittcn‘x xi (‘r'l‘r’lllrlIH' ultimo/x and llol\t'\ Hymns from I/Ir‘ Rig li'r/(l.

if}: Reed Between the Lines As part of a drive to promote and celebrate the oboe and bassoon. the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra gives a series of Glasgow concerts with these two instruments taking pride of place. Complementing the starry players. such as oboist Nicholas Daniel. 100 players of varying abilities get together for a new work specially written for the event by William Sweeney. City Halls and RSAMD, Glasgow, 3, 8, 71 8 72 Dec.

Paul Lewis One of Beethoven's most popular pieces of music. the “Moonlight Sonata' features in the latest instalment in Paul Lewis's performance of the complete cycle of piano sonatas. It was compared by the German poet Ludwig Rellstab to the moonlight reflecting on Lake Lucerne, hence the name. Queen’s Hall, Edinburgh, Mon 4 Dec.

Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Symphonies at Six One of the RSNO's new ways of promoting classical orchestral music to a wider audience, the six o'clock performance slot allows people to head to the Concert Hall straight from work and still have time to party the rest of the night away, especially it inspired by the name of Nielsen's fourth symphony The lnextingu/shable. Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, Thu 7 Dec.

I Edinburgh University Wind Band Rcid ('onccrt llall. lidinhurgh l'iii\c‘i‘.\it}. Bristo Squarc. (>50 2427. 7.30pm. £5 (£5 l. (‘lasxlc picccx and popular tuncx from thc lil‘\\'li. conductcd h} .\lor\crn Bcll. liinail Inc}anoorcraltw l'or tickcts.

I Lunchtime Concert (ilttxx .-\rcadc. Scottish .-\gricultural ('ollcgc. 'l‘hc Killg‘\ Building. \Vcst Mains Road. l'ircc at door. l.05pm. (’laxxical accordionist c\traordinairc. l'na Br} still. i\ thc gucxt ()l' l‘ricndx til~ KB Muxic in llllx \aricd rccital \hou ing in lllsl 50 minutcs \(llllL‘ of thc \crsatilit} and \‘irtuoxiu poxxihlc from this tllllhlltll lll\ll'lltllclll. in association “ith l.i\ c Music Now.

3.0 Nt“. 14 Us"; .9001; THE LIST 77