

CENTRE l‘innieston Quay. 0870 040 4000. It). 8—10 Balcarres .-\yenue. Kelyindale. 330 \\'(‘. \\'.-\|

6185. Cinderella l-'ri 8 Still 24 Dec lnot

The Magic of the Mummy Sat 0 Dec. See Kids listings.

Mon). 'I‘imes yary. £l0 £l7.50. (i:\.\l'l'.r\ returns to the Sli(’(' tor the legendary

KIDS DANCE OLGA THE BROLGA North Edinburgh Arts Centre, until 16 December

Andy Howitt couldn’t believe his luck when he read Rod Clements’ storybook, Olga The Brolga. Not only did it give the artistic director of YDance a cracking story to adapt, but one of the characters goes to ‘Club Tropicana’. Cue George Michael singing and much silliness taking place on stage.

Little heard of on these shores, but well known in Australia, the brolga is the only bird on earth which dances purely for the love of it. Howitt has taken Clements story, about a brolga desperate to dance but in need of a partner, and turned it into a 50-minute dance show for children aged 3 and over.

Featuring a set which transforms into a colourful paradise, exotic costumes, larger than life props and an original score by Dougie MacLean, the show will continue YDance’s quest to build the dance audience of the future. ‘I want them to think “I never knew dance could be that exciting”,’ says Howitt. ‘You can’t under change kids, they need something that keeps them completely transfixed, and that’s what Olga does.’ (Kelly Apter)

('hristmas pantomime which this year tells the story of (‘inderella and her spoilt sisters. Mirabelle and Miranda Mockeu.

et't‘oneous l'ood critics l‘rotn Iz'ul .llt'.'. the l'K's boldest etnail based culinary neys'sletter. embark on a mission to recruit neyy members l'or its ‘Intcrnatiomtl liood Writing 'l'eam'. Find out what happened yy hen theatre


HOUSE group. l'ntil 'l'hursday. decided to apply. .\lilnga\‘ie Road. Strathblanc. (llfibll l’ur! (gill/mulling Space 2000. 770 4‘) l.

Mobile Thu 30 Nos. 7pm. £30 including dinner. I)a\'c Anderson’s play about a homeless ex-bank manager \\ ho comes across a mobile phone belonging to someone from his past.


(>3 'l‘rongate. 552 4207.

Wullie Whittington Tue 5 Dec Sun 7 Jan (not .\1on).'l‘imes yary. £6.50 £l8 llamin ticket £42). The 'l'ron returns \sith another ‘pantotastic’ t\y ist on a traditional tale. l’ind out \\ hat happens to \Vullie alter he arriyes in (ieorgc Square to seek lame and l'ortune and l‘olloyy in the l'ootstcps ol' his laiiiotts second cousin Dick.

Martha Thu 7 Still 3| l)cc (not Mont. See Kids listings.

Pantomime Skills Drama Workshop Still ll) DCL‘. SL‘L‘ Kitls lisllllgs.




232 Hope Street. 087” “()0 (i647. Ill. .\'(il). \\'('. \\'.-\|

Heroes l'ntil Sat 2 Dec. 7.30pm l'l‘hu & Sat mat 2.30pml. £|0 £22.50. Tom Stoppard has adapted (let‘ald Sibley ras’ hilarious comedy to win ecstatic

reyieyy s and the ()liyier Award for Best ('oniedy.

Scottish Ballet: Cinderella Sat

0 Sat 30 Dec (not Still 10 Tue 12 Dec). 'I'imes yary. £0 £33. Ashley l’age‘s innoyatiye take on the classic fairytale returns alter its hugely successl'ul run last year.

I TRAMWAY Ladyyycll \Vay. .\lttssclburgh. (105 2240. 25 Albert “the. ()845 330 350i. [\\'('. ll’. ll. \V('. \\'.-\I WA] Dick McWhittington l'ntil Sat 30

Breathing Space 2006 Thu 30 .\'oy Sat 2 Dec. 'l‘imes yary. l’rices y'ary. Presenting new works by l'our ol the l'K’s most promising \‘istlitl and performance artists.

Breathing Space Pub Quiz 'l‘hu 30 .\'oy Sat 2 Dec. 0.30pm. Free. Test hoyy big your brain is and perhaps “in a prize at this entertaining and irrcyercnt pub quix. specially designed l'or 'l‘ramyyay by Yara lil-Shcrbini. l’url nf' Brew/zine Space 2006.

It’s a Question of Taste Thu 30 Nos Sat 2 Dec. 8pm. £4 (£2). 'Iiyyo

Save Money

Dec. lnot Sun & .\lon l. limes \ary. £0.50 £14.50. Brunton 'l'heatre's annual ('hristmas panto. \\ ith a brand neyy (’aledonian spin put on the classic Dick Whittington tale.


53a Morningsidc Road. 22S I I55. ll’. lll Cinderella and Puss in Boots \Ved l3 Sat lo Dec. 7.30pm (Sat mat 2.30pml. £0 «£(ii. ('inderella ;t\\;tlls the arriyal other eyil step-mother and \yickcd step-sisters \s hen l’uss in Boots arriyes in her \ illagc. Tickets lrotn l’aula (iallney on 477 0502.


l5 3‘) Nic‘tilstm Street. 52‘) (\(lllll. Ill. .\'(il). \\'(‘. \\'.-\l

Festival City Theatre Talks: Cinderella Thu 30 .\'o\.

10.30am l2.30pm. £4 inc coll'cc. Mike Ridings giyes an inlorttial talk on the King's theatre’s current pantomime production.

see page 113 for details

Theatre Guide

Olga the Brolga

"Earth Edinburgh "mg " 7'

Olga the Brolga


Playhouse Pinocchio Traverse


84 THE LIST Iii) Nov» lr‘. Dec 2000

Thursday 30 Friday 1 Saturday 2 Sunday 3 Monday 4 Tuesday 5 Wednesday 6

Arches See Rock 8. Pop See Rock 8 Pop ' Sift? Rock 5’. Pat: Citizen's

H STaG Nights SlaG Negbts’See Kals STaO See Aro-and "town I Disco Inferno King's "s it’ll! " 5s griiii" 5w t t "or i i I RocketwileiSee Rock .Ro<:ket\.si:e8ee Rock lROtikelviile. See IR‘ock See Rock 8. P00 cans an: M Brawn: a a x :‘f m I n t s Pavilion l t it... > h In; in i Ramshorn V I i . -_',v»,g,.,»,«,:,,-,-,,,,,,-;,u;.y~,,},, . ,‘,"( «41),. . , , RSAMD 5m: <;..-~i:;e,.::a (nacsm 8m.- Cass». .. ) pt Theatl’e ROVal Heroes Heroes Heroes Tron 53m;- was. =>:;;~, Brunth ; DICk McWhittington Dick McWhittington Dick McWhittington Dick Mchittington Dick McWhitlington Church Hill r Rimes; rat/Sea C'assical See Classical See Classical Singing Kettle Singing Kettle Singing Kettle King's ' h ., .

Olga the Broiga


Olga the Broiga Olga the Brolga

Pinocchio Pinocchio

Pinocchio Pinocchio