
I Banquet of Musick St :\ndrc\\ ’x in thc Squarc. St Andrcu ‘x Squarc. 55‘) 5903. 3pm. £8 (£3 £0). Scc Sat to.

I Reed Between the Lines: BBC 850 Wind Ensemble ('it} llallx. ('andlcriggx. 353 8000. 3pm. £7. 'l‘hc cloxing c\cnt of" BB(' Radio3'x \xcck-long cclchration ol' ohocx and haxxoonx. xccx lhc cnxcmhlc dcmonxtratc lhc \crxatilit} ol' thcxc inxtrumcntx \\ ith a pcrl'ormancc ol' Richard Slrauxx' .S'r'rt'ntuli' in If Hut and Mo/ai't'x cl‘l‘cr\ cxccnt (imn l’urlilu.

I City of Glasgow Chorus: The Christmas Cracker R0) al ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Sircct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l5 £35. (iraham 'la}lor conductx lhc l00—xtrong chorux in tlicir 1801 annual (‘hrixtmax ('rackcr. comprixing a hlcnd ol xcaxonal lamuritcx. popular claxxicx and muxic l'rom thc xtagc and xcrccn . . . and thc traditional crackcr pulling ccrcmon} ol' courxc.


I Christmas Concerts Ro}al .\ltixcum Hgmthorndcn (‘ourt. 3 ('hamhcrx Strcct. 347 431‘). |.45pm. 3.45pm & 3.45pm. l’rcc. llcar lcxti\ c ltlncx pcrl'orincd h} choirx Harmon} 3|. Sangxtrcam. Rudxamhcc. thc Dalkcith Singcrx and thc lidinhurgh Saltirc (iaclic ('hoir.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Chamber Concert Quccn‘x Hall. 87 h") (ilk'l'lx Strcct. ()(ih’ 3lll‘). 3.30pm. £3 £l4 (£0 £l0.50l. Harpxichordixt Richard ligarr “ill pla) lhc haroquc muxic ol"l‘clcmann. Bilicr. Hanch and Bach.

I Organ Recital Rcitl Mcmorial ('hurch. l.\'3 \cht Sax illc 'l'crracc. 003 1303. 4pm. lircc. Jcrcm} ('ull dcli\crx a programmc ol‘ muxic l'or ('hrixtmax.

I Carol Service Si .lohn‘x (‘hurch. l’rinccx Strcct. 33‘) 7505. (1pm. l-‘rcc. linio} a traditional carol xcr\ icc in onc ol lidinliurgh'x hcautilul churchcx.

I Ludus Baroque: Christmas Cantatas ('anongalc Kirk. I53 ('anongatc. 008 30l‘). 0.30pm. £ 1 3 t£‘)i. ('hrixtmax programmc from thc chamhcr orchcxtra.

I Carol Service lidinhurgh Mcthodixt .\lixxion. 3 \cht 'l’ollcroxx. 33‘) 7037. 0.30pm. £3.

I Raymond Gubbay Festive Season: Christmas Carol Singalong l'xhcr Hall. l.othian Road. 338 l I55. 7.30pm. £|7.50 £30.50. \Varin tip )(illl‘ diaphragm and xuhmcrgc )ourxcll in lhc ('hrixtmax xpirit at thix cicning xingalong “till Rchccca 'lhornhill. thc lidinliurgli Ro_\al ('horal l'nion. Richard Balcomhc and thc Scottixh (‘onccrt ()rchcxli‘a. compcrcd h} comcdian ('raig Hill.

I Newtongrange Silver Band: A Concert for Christmas Quccn‘x Hall. 87 3‘) ('lcrk Strcct. 008 301‘). 7.30pm. £7 U l. 'l‘hc ('hampion Braxx Band ol' Scotland pcrl'orm a xclcction ol~ xcaxonal claxxicx. \xith lhc chancc to join in with xomc ucll-knou n carolx too.

Monday 18


I Glasgow Philharmonic Male Voice Choir RSAMI). l00 chl'rcxx Strccl. 033 0004. 7.30pm. £I0. \Villiani Barr conductx lhc choir in a (lil'lxlllhh conccrt. \\ itli xpccial gucxtx tlic (ilcnil'lcr Singcrx ladicx' choir. conducch h} Rogcr .\lcl.can.

I Raymond Gubbay Festive Season: Christmas Carol Singalong Ro}al ('onccrl Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l4.50 £37. Scc Sun


Tuesday 1 9 '


I Glasgow Philharmonic Male Voice Choir RSAMI). 100 chli‘c“ Strcct. (:33 0004. 7.30pm. £l0. Scc .\lon IS.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Big Band Christmas Songbook Rt)_\;il ('onccrt Hall. 3

Saucliichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £|0 £30. l’opular claxxic xongx and (‘lirixtmax lamuritcx t'rom lhc RSV) Big Band and xpccial gucxt \ocalixtx.


I Carol Service St (‘uihhcri‘x ('hurch. 5 l.othian Road. 33‘) ll43. l3.45pm. I'rcc. I Dunedin Consort ()uccn'x Hall.

87 3‘) ('lcrk Strcct. (103 3lll‘). 7.30pm.

£7 £l5. 'l’lic choral cnxcmhlc ix ioincd h) thc l)uncdin l’la} crx ax thc) tacklc thc lc‘xxcr knoun ‘l.ondon' \crxion ol' Handcl'x .llt'Hltl/l.

Wednesday 20


I Raymond Gubbay Festive Season: White Christmas Ro_\al (‘onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l4.5ll £37. l’ackcd \iilh unl'orgcttahlc \L‘lhtillill xongx. cltl\\ic\ and caron and lcaturing \cht lind xoloixtx Dchorah .\l_\crx and Simon Bowman. thix ix onc ol Ra_xmond (iuliha) 'x moxt popular conccrtx.


I Band of the Royal Regiment of Scotland (‘anongatc Kirk. I53 ('anongatc. 55o 35l5. lpm. l‘rcc. donationx \iclcomc. .v\l'tcrnoon ('hrixtniax conccrt.


I Raymond Gubbay Festive Season: Glory of Christmas Roin (‘onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strccl. 353 3000. 7.30pm. £14.50 £37. Raimond (inhhayx l'cxti\ c conccrtx continuc xx ith thix xclcclion ol' claxxical picccx axxociatcd

\x itli (‘lirixtmax and caron lot” all.

I Scottish Spina Bitida Association Charity Concert: Classics at Christmas RSAMI). I00 chl'rc“ Strccl. 0|33o 794 500. 7.30pm. £13. Botlmcll Philharmonic ('hoir prcxcnt anothcr \xondcrl'ul pcrl'ormancc ol ('hrixtmax claxxicx unch thc dircction ol' .\Iark l)onncll_\.


I Raymond Gubbay Festive Season: Carols by Candlelight Roin ('onccrl Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l4.50 £37. l'xhcr in ('hrixtinax \\ llll thix clcgant collcction ol' popular caron and (‘hrixtmax claxxicx prcxcntcd in an cnchanting candlc-Iit xt} lc xctting. l‘caturing thc .\lo/art l‘cxtixal ()rchcxtra in lull lh'th ccntur} coxtumc.


I Carol Service St Mar} ‘x lipixcopal ('athcdral. 33 l’almcrxton l’lacc. 335 0393. 7.30pm. l‘rcc.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Christmas Concert l'xhcr Hall. l.olhian Road. 338 l I55. 7.30pm. £l0 £30. Scc ’l'hu 3|.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Christmas Concert Royil ('oiiccrt Hall. 3 Saucliichall Strccl. 353 8000. 3pm tk 7.30pm. £|0 £30. ('hrixtophcr Bcll conduch ax lhc RS.\‘() and thcir clioi'ux bring llmxard Blakc'x pcrcimial _\u|ctidc l'axouritc. 'l'ln' Snmrniun. to lilc.


I Raymond Gubbay Festive Season: Carols by Candlelight l'xhcr llall. l.otliian Road. 338 l I55. 7.30pm.

£17.50 £30.50. Scc Hi 22.

Wednesday 27


I Raymond Gubbay Festive Season: Russian Gala Ro_\al ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Sticct. 353 3000. 7.30pm. £14.50 £37. 'l‘hc licxt ol' Rtixxian

claxxical inuxic and dancc h} Stuart Stratl'ord conducting lhc Scottixh (‘onccrt ()rchcxtra. 'l‘hc /.\'/3 ()wrnm' \\ ill hc accompanch h_\ thundcrmg cannon and mortar cl'lcctx and an indoor lircuork linalc.

Thursday 28


I Raymond Gubbay Festive Season: Opera Gala Roin (‘onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l7.50 £38.50. Join xoprano l.inda Ricliardxon. mcno ('larc Slicarcr. lcnor (iwui Hughcx Joncx and haritonc .lonathan Summcrx l'or thix c\cning ol opcra l'a\ouritcx pcnncd h) lhc likcx ol' Bi/ct. Borodin. Puccini and \crdi.


I Raymond Gubbay Festive Season: Russian Gala l'xhcr llall. l.othian Road. 228 l I55. 7.30pm. £47.50 £26.50. Scc \Vcd 37.


I Raymond Gubbay Festive Season: Hogmanay Gala Ro}a| (’onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm.

£ l 3 £30. .loin xtar ol' radio xtagc and xcrccn. l'lta .\lcl.can \lBli. ;t\ xhc ll\liL‘l'\ in lhc ncu icar \xith thix compcndium ol' popular claxxicx and rouxing traditional l'axouritcx including 'Scotland thc Bran". ‘Aiiia/ing (iracc'. ‘l’loucr ol' Scotland' and ‘Auld Lang Syic'.


I Candlelit Concert in the Cathedral St (iilcx' (‘athcdrak Rtl};ll .\li|c. 473 3000. 7.30pm. £10. Scaxonal choral cclchration \\ ith thc (‘athcdral ('hoir. dit‘cclcd h} .\lichac| llarrix. and thc Scottixh linxcmhic.


Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Viennese New Year Concert l'xhcr Hall. l.othian Road. 333 l I55. 7pm.

£8 £34 l£o £lh’i. 'l‘hc S(’() prcxcnt tliix traditional \‘icnncxc conccrt \\ ith a Ruxxian tuixt. l'caturing lhc muxic ol' Strauxx. 'lchaikmxk). Borodin and morc. \\llll .v\uxtrian \iolin \irtuoxo ..\lc\andcr .lillllc‘lt‘k.

Tuesday 2


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Handel’s Messiah Ro}al (‘onccrl Hall. 3 Saucliichall Strcct. 353 3000. 3pm. £ll) £30. l‘or mcr lllll )carx (ilaxgoxi liax hcld an annual pcrl'ormancc ol lhc .lli'uiu/i. 'l‘hix )car ll ix brought to thc cit} h) conductor Stcphcn l.a}ton and thc RSV) ('Iiorux.


I Edinburgh Royal Choral Union: Handel’s Messiah l'xhcr llall. loihian Road. 335' ll55. \oon. £34 (U l l. (‘onductcd h} .lolin l’r}cc>.loncx thix _\car. lhc liR(’l' \\lll oncc again hc ioincd h} lhc (“alcdonian ('hamlicr ()rclicxtra tor a pcrl'ormancc ol' llandcl'x \iondcrlnlI) cwhcrant oratorio.

Wednesday 3


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra: New Year in Vienna Ro}al ('onccrt Hall. 3 Satichichall Strcct. 353 8000 7.30pm. £l0 £30. Start lhc \cu Yt'dl' lll lruc \icnticxc \l_\ lt‘ tll lllt‘ Rle )'x annual cclcliration ol \\;ilt/cx. polkax and ma/urkax. \iith a lilicral daxli ol' Strauxx and a littlc xplaxh ol' l‘rcnch opcrctta. l)oininit|uc 'l‘rottcin conduclx.

Edinburgh I National Youth Orchestra of


:2:- Scottish Ensemble: Metamorphosen An invaluable experience as part of their ongoing music education. students from the RSAMD join the professional ranks of the Scottish Ensemble to perform Richard Strauss' beautiful and deeply-felt Metamorphosen for 23 solo strings. first heard at the end of the World War ll. Queen ’3 Hall, Edinburgh, Fri 15 Dec; City Halls, Glasgow. Sat 76 Dec. Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Neeme Jarvi Returns Having just finished an unexpected, but very favourably received. stint at the Philadelphia Orchestra standing in for the ‘qu- stricken‘ Riccardo Muti. the RSNO's Music Director Emeritus will be made more than welcome in this long-awaited return Usher Hall, Edinburgh, Fri 15 Dec; Royal Concert Hall. Glasgow. Sat 76 Dec.

Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Viennese New Year Concert Waltzrng into another new year are the SCO whose traditional Viennese concert is in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care. Favourites from Vienna are directed from the violin by the superb Austrian violinist Alexander Janiczek, who adds some Russian music to the mix that is hoping to raise 5210000 for people who are terminally ill with cancer. Usher Hall. Edinburgh, Mon 7 Jan.

Scotland: New Year Concert l‘xhcr Hall. |.othian Road. 33.5 1 I55. 3.30pm. £10 £30. \Y()S licrald lhc llc‘“ '\car \\llll Bcrlio/ c\ploxi\ c ()i'i'rlim' (ii/«inn: l.tlloxla\\ xki'x (‘t'l/u ('nni ( i‘Iii. Brillcli\ l'iiur Sm Inlr'r/m/m [mm l’t'li'r (ii'nni’x and Iii/mill. (‘onductcd h} ('hrixtoplicr :\dc} \xith ccllixt .v\|c\andcr Baillic ioining thc orchcxtra l’or l.utoxla\\ xki'x conccrto.

Thursday 4


I National Youth Orchestra of Scotland: New Year Concert lx’o_\al ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strccl. 353 3000, 7.30pm. till) £3“ (£3 £llll. Scc \Vt‘tl .3.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra: New Year in Vienna l'xhcr llall. l.othian Road. 338 l I55. 7.30pm. £l0 £30. Scc \Vcd 3.

'.:i>..- .i v. 'THE LIST 95