
Fairytale: A True Story (it .00 t('harlex Sturridgc. l'K. l‘)‘)7l l-‘lorence lloatli. lili/abetlt liat'l. l’aul .\lc(iann. 98min. ln telling the xtory of two lidwardian girlx who catixe a xenxation w hen they capture a photographic image of fairiex. l‘tlfl'yltl/e managex to be more coherent and lexx downbeat than the ximilar l’lmlnunlp/tfllu I'iu'rim. .-\ carefully judged lilm that pt'oy idex moy ing entertainment for the family audience. (i/(lyeun‘ I-‘ilni 'I‘lmure. (i/uwmi;

Flags of our Fathers t lSi COO

((‘lint liaxtwood. l‘S. Zoom Ryan l’hillippc. .le\\e Bradford. Adam Beach. l3 l min. liaxtwood'x ainbitioux epic recountx the battle for the Pacific ixland of lwo Jiina in WW2 from the perxpectiy e of the [S

xery icemen who planted their flag on the mountaintop and the ethical minefield they faced back hotne. How ey er. ennlthed plotting underminex the effect of both and the latex of the xoldierx are ultimately giy en \lltil't \hl'il-l. Se/eelerl releuxe.

Flushed Away (ti .0. (Day id Bow et'\. Satn l'iell. l'K/l .S. :(lllfll \tiieex (ll, Kate Winxlet. Hugh Jacknian. lan .‘ychellen. 84min. Dream\\'orkx and Aardinan Animation team up for the fier time for a xlight but pleaxing comedy. l’ampered pet iiiouxe Roddy (voiced by Jackmani triex to dixpoxe of xew er rat Sid (Richie l. but hix plan backlirex. (iv/rent! release.

Gone with The Wind (Pm 0000. (Victor lileining. l'S. I‘H‘li (‘lark (iable. \'i\ ien Leigh. ()li\ ia de Hay illand. l.exlie Howard. 220mm. 'l‘hix new print hax rextored the original colour to the claxxic. 53-year-old tale that bringx aliyc the era of the ci\ il war through gripping narratiye and characterixation. remaining faithful to Margaret Mitchell‘x powerful noy el. Srulynuut St'reenI/iu Room. lat/in/im'uli. Goodbye, Mr Chips (he... tSani \VtNKlM liK. NW» Robert Donal. (ireer (iarxon. 'lerry Kilburn. l-ltlmin. :\n old claxxicx teacher takex a noxtalgic trip through hix paxt. rememlwring pupilx and colleagucx and the idyllic relationxhip that tranxformed hix life. 'l‘hix xaccharine claxxic wax one of the great Don;th bext. lit/in/mruli I'i/m (inf/(I. Iii/inlml'u/i.

The Grinch (l’(il 0.. (Ron Howard. l'S. 2000i Jim ('arrey. 'l‘ay Ior .\lomxen. Jeffrey 'l'ambor. l05min. Surprixingly. ‘I‘ln' (irint‘li ix the lirxt liye action feature to be adapted from the work of the world‘x bext- xelling children‘x author. Dr Seuxx. And beneath xf\ magician Rick llaker‘x green coxtume (‘arrey. the world‘x higliext paid comedian w reakx glorioux hayoc on hix cloy ing xweet neighbourx. the Whoy ianx of \Vho-\ ille. Howard lay \ the book'\ moral (‘hrixtmax ix about family not prexentx and the xickly xweet xentiment on pretty thick. 'lin- Story 2 got the croxx generational appeal right golly goxh Howard'x (irim‘li liaxn‘t. (‘arrey 'x great though. limp/re (Yule/Junk. ('lnle/mnk.

Grounded (l’(ii 0. (Paul l‘eig. l'S. 200m l.ew ix Black. Wilmer Valderrama. 'l'yler Janicx Williamx. 80min. l-'orced. braxh xub- (Johni Hughex--ian drama about a bunch oi diyorce \ ietim latchkey kid\

‘\ \.\."“.‘ *//


"rt-I '~ l'alkirk (‘ouncil

Red Road (18) Tues 76 Jan 7.30pm

Falkirk Town Hall

China Blue (1 Za) Thurs 78 Jan 7.30pm

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office or

on the day from the hall (01324 506850)

48 THE LIST ii 18 Jan. 200/

xtranded in an airport the day' after (‘hrixtmax The young ca.xt do their bext with a fairly feeble xet'ipl. (ieneru/ I‘e/eu_\e. Happy Feettl'i 000 ((ieorgc Miller. .-\uxtralia/l'S. 2000) Robin \\ illiamx. Hugh Jackman. liliiah Wood. 109mm. :\ clumxily plotted btit totally charming animated niuxical from the makerx of [lube about tap dancing and xinging penguinx deep in .»\ntarctica. With solid xongx and xome genuinely excellent \‘oieeoycr [wrlor'iiiaticex. Happy I’ve! ix probably the bext of the ('hri.xtmax fatnin filmx. l'm' Iftli/i/uu'gli ()nini. Edinburgh.

Hidden (Cache) ( (Si 00000 (Michael llaneke. l"rance/.-\uxtria/( iermany/ltaly. 2005) Daniel Auteuil. Juliette Binoclie. Maurice Benichou. Annie (iirardot. l.exter .\lakedonxky. l 17min. (ieorgex (Auteuil) the prexenter of a literary rey iew programme on l‘rench TV. and hix publixher wife Anne (Binochei receive packagex containing

\ ideox xhot outxide their nice xuburban houxe. :\x the tapex and the draw iiigx they come w rapped in become more perxonal and alarming. (ieorgex beginx to loxe hix mind. llaneke hax alway x diffuxed polemic through the moxt perxonal of xcenariox. [Iii/(lei! ix a deyaxtating. giddy ing e\atnination of middle claxx xmugnexx. the burden of the paxt and the deeply obiectional \elf obxexxionx of the intellectual. Beautifully acted. paced. edited and directed. it will leave you gaxping and perplexed ax all great cinema xhould. If you want to know why 30 l-‘rench tow nx and citiex burned in October and .\'o\ ember of 2005. the anxwer ix here. Part of 8804 World (‘inema Award xeaxon. l’f/HllllllMF. lat/I'Ii/mre/i.

The History Boys l (Si 000

(Nieliolax llytner. l'K. 3006i Richard (iriflithx. (‘liye .\lerrixon. Stephen ('ampbell .\loore. 109mm. The big xcreen adaptation of Alan Bennett'x biggext Wext lind bit about a group of l980x xtudentx and the influencex of their teacherx managex to maintain xome of the humour and pathox of


the original dexpite changex in the xtructure and fate of a central character. ()(leull. Iz'iliiilm/jeli.

The Holiday ( 12A) .0 (Nancy Meyers. l'S. 200(3) (’ameron Dial. Kate Winxlet. Jude Law. Jack Black. 135mm. 'l’wo ladiex with guy trouble .xwap homex. Amanda (Dia/l endx up with lrix' brother (Law J in the t'K. and lrix (Winxletl befriendx funnyman Milex (Blacki Statexide. This fairly repellent life xwap romantic comedy wax written specifically for thexe actorx. but you wouldn't think it. (ienem/ release.

Hoodwinked (it 0.0 t('orey (y;- Todd lidw'ards . l‘S. Zoom Anne Hathaway. Patrick Warburton. Jim Beluxhi. Slmin. Like a bedtime xttiry told by an amiable drunk. thix ix equal partx Raymond ('handler and .S'lirek ax Red Riding Hood (Hathaway t. woodsman (Beluxhil and big bad wolf (Warburton) all get to tell their xide of the .xtory'. Rmhonmn-stylc. How ey er the animation fallx way short of the xtandardx of l’ixar and Dixney. Se/eelerl release.

* I Saw Ben Barka Get Killed l 12.x» O... (Serge l.e Peron. Said Smihi. .‘yloroceo/Spain/l‘rance. 2005t (‘harlex Berling. Simon .-\bkarian. Joxiane Balaxko. 102mm. ()n 2‘) October 1905. e\iled Moroccan dixxident .\lehdi Ben Barka (Abkariani wax abducted in I’arix by police officers. neyer to be xeen again. l-‘reely mixing fact and .xpeculation. the lilm'x Sunxet Bouleyard xtyle narrator ( Berlingl leadx a paranoia-inftixed. ja/l xcored conxpiracy thriller through the murky circumxtancex xurrounding one of(iatillixt l-'i';iiice'x greatcxt political xcandalx. I'li/m/muye. Iii/inlnu'gli.

It’s a Boy Girl Thing ( 12m .0

(Nick Hurran. l’K. loom Samaire .»\rmxtrong. Keyin legerx. limily Hampxhire. 94min. 'l‘eenagerx Nell (Arnixtrongl and Woody ('/.egger.x) juxt don't get on. In fact they hate each other. When they find themxelyex in each other\ bodiex they xet about trying to ruin each other'x

liy'ex. Intriguing Britixh \ariation on your typical life xwap comedy. which xadly ney er really deliyerx on ll\ pt'mltlw‘. (ieIIeI'u/ I~('/(’U\('.

Jigoku ( IS) (Nobuo .\'akagawa. Japan. lt)(i0i Shigeru Aniachi. Yoiclii \umata. Hiroxhi Hayaxhi. l00min. A young xtudent lindx himxelf inyolyed with a my xterioux youth. leading him to decide againxt reporting a hit and run accident in which they are both in\o|\‘ed. Part of Wild Japan: ()utlaw .\la.xterx of Japanexe liilm xeaxon. (ilmgmi I‘ll/n IJIeuIr'e. (i/mumi;

* The Last King of Scotland t 15» O... (Keyin Macdonald. l'S/I'K. 200m l‘orext Whitaker. (iillian Anderxon. Jamex .\lc.»\\‘oy. 133mm. See rey iew. page 43. (i/(lyenn‘ I'll/Ill ‘I‘lieulre. (i/memi _' I'i/m/mme. lat/Inlmrgli.

Lemony Snicket’s a Series of Unfortunate Events t l’( i) .0.

(Brad Silberling. l‘S. 2004i Jim ('arrey. Meryl Streep. Jude Law. limin Browning. 103mm. Daniel Handler'x delightfully horrible bookx for children get the blockbuxter makeoy er in what lookx like it may become an interexting xeriex of lilmx. The three Baudelaire kldx loxe their home and parentx in an arxon attack conducted by nefarioux (‘ount ()laf (Jim ('arrey t. w ho'x alter the bratx' inheritance. Burton-exotic in itx \ ixual iny entionl 'n/urlmmle liven/x ix alxo Burton-exque in itx narratiy e thinnexx. lndiy idual xcenex do how ey er really iinprexx

and (‘arrey \ irtually xtealx the xhow. (11mm.


Leonard Cohen: I’m Your Man tl’(il 0.. (l.ian l.unxon. (S. 3005) l0.‘smin. .\ loy ing tribute to the man rexponxible for a unique xty le of downbeat yet irrexixtiny beautiful and emotiye iiiuxic. lt featurex performancex (if hi\ \ong\ by Nick (’a\ e. Bono. Jaryix ('ocker and more. but only hintx at the man'x intriguing life. (i/mguu [Vi/HI 'Ii/Ieulre. (ilmgmr.

Lift to The Scaffold tl’( h 0.00

(l.ouix Malle. l‘rance. 1057) Jeanne .\loreau.

Maurice Ronet. (ieorgex l’ouiouly. 00min.

Don’t miss these commemoration screenings of Robert Altman’s greatest film. This 1975 masterwork tells the converging and overlapping stories of Nashville’s many dreamers, freaks, losers and players. Nashville will be showing alongside Cinema Paradiso which marks the sad recent death of the superb French actor Philippe Noiret.

I Fi/m/iouso. Edinburgh on 811! I3 and Sun 14 Jan only.