Visual Art

Garcia Washington, a new artist-run space opened earlier this month in the southside of Glasgow. We speak to the artists and ask them what they’ll be getting up to. Alexander Kennedy Who are Garcia Washington?

Garcia Washington We are an artist committee-run exhibition space currently based in temporarily empty residential premises on Prince Edward Street. Queen's Park. Glasgow. The committee at present is Kendall Koppe. Ruth Barker and Douglas Morland. and we feel that despite the buoyancy of the arts scene in Glasgow at the moment. the dust is beginning to settle and the roll call of venues available to artists in the city is becoming all too familiar. AK Do you have a specific aesthetic that they'll be exploring? Does Glasgow need another space like this?

GW It's our intention to deliberately avoid any one particular aesthetic when it comes to the artists' work on show. We are based on the southside which is in itself a small shift from the regular north-of-the-river axis of venues and is indicative of a desire to broaden the gallery-going experience in the city.

AK Who will you be showing? GW Starting with Sigga Bjorg Sigurdardottir seemed right for us in the sense that she is an Icelandic artist. living in Glasgow but probably more Widely shown in the rest of Europe and beyond than In the UK.

AK Is this the beginning of a larger project? How do you see this developing?

GW We are looking to house two or three shows in the present space in the coming months and are Currently organising premises for several more shows in mid 2007. We wish to remain as flexible as possible in terms of location and approach to programming so. Armed only with a space to show the work. a good roster of contacts and a desire to enc0urage and strengthen disc0urse surrounding the visual arts in the city and beyond. others may be similarly inspired to begin a project like this. We're surprised more peeple don't. At the moment our agenda is centered on exploring a creative space that would have to be more flexible than a commercial gallery would allow.

82 THE LIST -'- .Ja" Rubi

Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings compiled by Kirstin lnnes.



353 Mg) lc Sum. 0870 240 7528. limit I Ipin i('lo\cd l.

Dark Entries l'iitil \Vcd l7 Jan. l-‘rcc. Vancxxa \Vcim icxcr'x photogt‘aphx lI\L‘ rich tc\ttircd \ ixllitl cl‘lcctx. looking Ullhltlt‘ in an cl'l'ort to look insidc mood}. poctic llllitg'cx ol' a cit} through \tcaincd-up \\ illtltl\\\ and long-rangc lL‘ll\L‘\. l/\f$l (It l/\N(:l l0 Si l


Illbll l’illlilk\ll;t\\\ Road. 337 2550. Mon 'I'hu & Sat Illain Spin: l‘ri & Sun llam 5pm: llain lpiii. l’i'cc. Seventeenth Century Samplers l'ntil Sat 3] Mar. .\ \clcction l'roni Sir \Villialtt lilll'l'cll\ CtlllL‘L‘lltlll til Bl'tlt\ll cmbroidcr} \ainplcrxz part practicc and part rclcrcncc. thc) arc inadc \\ ith a \arict} til tltl'l‘cl‘ctll \titchcx and [lttllL‘l'lt\.


350 Sauchichall Strcct. 352 4000.

'l‘uc l'i'i llain (ipin; Sat lllani ()plll i('lo\cd until Sat (i .lanl.

Catherine Sullivan 00.0 (mil Sill 27 Juli. I'hl'L‘L‘. \llllll-u‘l‘L‘L‘ll \ltlL‘tl installation» li‘i' How u! l'i‘im." ./()\('/)/l [xi/Ill and 'I'lii' It’iwuu‘i‘lriliiin of (pl/[ling l'roin thc l..'\ artist. Scc rcx'icu. pagc Ht). its not hard Hi I) .lan. 7pm. .\ nc\\ \L‘t‘ics til li\ c all \\iit'k\, lrom (iluxgtm and l'ui'thcr al‘icld. l’rograininc co- ordinator Anthon} Schrag kickx thc \cric\ ol'l‘ \\ ith an in\c\tigation ol‘ thc contc\t. prcinixc and lllllL‘lltlll iii an "opcning".


l'iii\ci\it} ol Strathcbdc. 32 Richmond Strcct. 545’ 2558. Mon l‘ri ltlain 5pm: Sat noon me. l’rcc.

The Helen Keller International Award Sat 13 Jan Sat ll) l’cb. l’rcc. ()riginatcd b_\ Scnxc Scotland. this c\hibition brings togcthcr intcrnational itl’l\\t)l'l\ inspircd b}. or c\p|oring. \cnxor} dcprhation. NH'.’ ‘i.f".’()li§v<

I GALLERY OF MODERN ART Roin li\changc Squai‘c. 32‘) l‘)‘)(i. .\lon \Vcd tk Sat 10am 5pm: 'l‘hu ltlain Spin; l‘ri a Sun llain 5pm;

l lilltt lplll ((‘ltHL‘tl l. I'IL‘C.

GoMA Open Community Exhibition l‘ntil Sun M Jan. l-‘rcc. In IIUH' (iri'iil ’l‘linii {\I’IL \\L‘\l (ilaxgim comintinit} group art L'l;t\\C\ and \xoi'kxhopx c\hibil. including a portrait ol' libix. and in ()ur /.ll'('\ our ('ummunilt. art acti\ ilicx ha\ c brought togcthcr 'I‘or}g|cn rcxidcntx. lASl

(El lANtZl M) 8i i-

Body Language: A selection of figurative works from Glasgow Museums’ modern collection l'ntil Sun | I .\lar. l‘t‘ultllt‘d artixtx inchidc: .lohn li}rnc. (‘had .\lc(‘ai|. Kcn ('tirric. .\'ick Dan/igcr. .\lark (ici'tlcr. l)a\ id Hocknc}. .'\||cn Joncx. Kcnn} lliintcr. liduai'do Paolo/Ii. \Villiain Robcrtx. RU\\ Sinclair. litian l'glou and Adrian \\'i\/nic\\\ki.

Julie Roberts: The New Woman Artist l‘ntil Sun 35 Mb l‘rcc. I{tllk‘l'l\‘ \Hil‘k lacklcx ixxtlc‘x (ll lilt‘. dcath and \c\ua| dri\ c. and \lltl\\\ an

Check out the

on paqet3

Julie Roberts: The New Woman Artist

altinit} \\ith l-‘rank :\tlcrbach. l.ucicn l’rcud and thc \tirrcalixt inmcnicnt. Rcccnt oil paittlillgx highlight thc inl'hicncc ('liarlcx chnic Mackintoxh has had on hcr work and idcax.

I GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART 'l‘hc \lttckltlltlxll (iallcr}. '07 Rt‘llll'c“

Sti'cct. 353 450i), Mon l’ri ltlain 5pm:

Sat lllani 2pm. l’rcc.

Erich Mendelsohn: Dynamics and Function l‘ntil l-‘i'i ‘) l-‘cb. li‘i'cc. 'I‘hc (ici‘inan architcct’x \Mil‘k at thc l'orcl'ront ol thc a\ant gardc is rc- appraixcd. bcginning “till his lll'xl buildings in thc l‘)2()\. and including dcpartnicnt storcx. coininci'cial buildings. lactoi'icx and primtc houscx.

I GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART .-\triuni (iallct'). lioulix Building. lo7 chlrcxx Strcct. 353-173]. .\lon l’ri lilain 5pm: Sat lllain lpm. l‘rcc. Sophie Morrish and Ann Course 'I‘uc to Jan Thu 8 l‘cb. Illant 8pm. l-‘rcc. .-\n mamination ol‘ thc l'riction bctuccn urban and rural cxprcxsion ll\lll:_' a \;ii'ict_\ ol' lt)l'lll\. Nt-W SI l()W Textiles as Fashion: The Process of Design the to Jan Thu 8 l‘cb. ltlam 7pm. :\n c\hibition curach b} Jiinin) Stcphcn—(‘ran c\ainining thc tixc ol thc dcxign proccxx journal ax a tool for thc

tlc\cloplttc11l til ltlL‘il\. NE W St l()\/V


.-\i'g) lc Strcct. 276 050‘). Mon 'l’hu & Sat l(lain 5pm: l’ri & Sun llani 5pm: I lain lpm. l-icc.

ONCE O. l'ntil Sun 25 Mb A closc-ttp lilin portrait ol thc inhabitants ol(i|a\go\\, \ct against a backdrop of thc carth in orbit. In 'lilii' [furl/i I‘lll'lll'll In Bring (a ('luu'r. l)a|/icl + Scttllitttt continuc thcir use ol' a minimal. 'hands ol‘l' approach -- a succcxxlul axpcct ol' tbcir work -- but thc piccc ix 'thin'.

Roberts’ work draws on historical subjects, tackling issues of life, death and the sexual drive. Stylistically, her work refers to the painting techniques of Frank Auerbach and Lucien Freud, splicing these approaches with surrealist tropes. I Gallery of i‘rioiiern Art. C/(ISQOLV. i/riti/ Sun 2:3 For) 2007.

nostalgic and rclics on opprcxxiw social \tructurcx. cycn though it “as lilincd rcccntl).


ll .\litchcl| lanc. 22] (rib). .\lon & \Vcd Sat lllfitlam 5pm: 'l‘iic

llani 5pm; Sun noon Spin:

noon 4pm: 10.30am 4pm. U

(U L' l .50).

Glasgow 1999 Design Medal 2006 l'ntil Sun lh’ l‘cb. Shortlixtcd cntricx l'oi' thc anard that cclcbratcx young talcnt in contcniporar) dcxign and cligincct'ing \\tll‘l\.

Stephen Monger - Urban Documents l'ntil Sun 7 .Ian. ‘l‘hc photogi'aphcr and moch inakcr c\plorc\ thc \\a) building\ hax c c\ol\cd and changcd otci‘ timc. ax \L‘L‘ll lt‘ilm lltx \ltltlio baxc tlt \chtolr Supcr-Marc. lASl (It l/\N(Il 108i l' Northern City C... l’ntil Sun 4 \lill’. lircc. Slthllllctl I))(’/ll'('('/I [Jig/II rim/ Dark. at \cricx ol' L‘l'tl\\-tll\L'lpllllL' ‘com ci'xationx' rcxult in \ isual L‘\.\Lt}\ on thc \chi/ophrcnic. ./('A_\’// um/ ll‘\'(/(' charactci‘ ol lidinburgh. :\t'li\l\ Dal/icl + Sciilhon. Nathan ('olc) and Victoria (‘lai‘c Bcrnic inch thrcc lidinburgh baxcd architccttirc pi‘acticcx.

Tait 8- Style l'ntil Sun I l l‘cb. 'l'hc ()rknc) -ba.\cd dcxign studio \trctchcx thc boundaricx ol’ hand and tnachinc knitting. L‘lllht‘tlltlL‘l'} and labric luxion tcchniqucx.


(‘L‘ltll‘L‘ l'til' l)L‘\L‘ltlplllL‘lllill .-\t'l\. IX .v\lbion Stl‘ccl. 553 2832. .\lon I’ri Illain 5pm. l-‘i'cc.

John Skivington l-‘ri I2 Jan Hi 3 Nittt‘. :\ collcction til lli\ltlt‘ic;tl lllUtlL‘l\ b} thc .l-l'tlllgillL‘ Slttdiox al‘ltxl. Ni \V SI l( WV

New work on paper Hi I: Jan Hi In Mar. :\ collcction ol drzm ingx b} livc artists from Scotland. Sncdcn and thc NL‘thl‘lillttls. Ni W Si K )V\/