
>l< The Fountaint 12m coco (Darrclt Aronol‘xky. zoom Hugh Jackman. Racth Wcixz. Marccllo Bc/ina. ()7min. Scc intcrvicw in Bookx. pagc 2(1 arid in IL‘“. pagc 3‘). (it'm'ru/ I'r’lr’rlt‘t'.

Future Shorts tlil (Variouxt Aiming to dcvclop a widcr audicncc l'or xhort film. l-‘uturc Shortx rcturnx. u ith anothcr cxccllcul iutcrnational programmc. JlI't'lll’L (ilmcmi: 'l'llt’ Bongo ('lu/t. I'.'rliltlml'_g'li.

>l< Ghosts t tsi coco «Nick Broomlicld. Zoom At Quin Lin. 98min. Scc rcvicw, pagc 38 and prolilc itt Iixtingx. (il-"IL (i/uxgmi‘.’ Film/mutt: I'ftliIi/turgll.

A Good Year mm 000 tRidIC} Scott. I'S. Zoom I‘rcddic llightuorc. Alhcrt l'lttltL')‘. Rllxxcll (‘l’()\\ L'. Rallt‘ Spttll. Archic I’anjahi. l lihuin. Scott'x gladiator t('ro\\ cl pla}x .\la.\ Skinncr. a London xtockhrokcr who inhcrilx hix unclc'x chatcau and failing \‘inc)ard and hcgrudgingl} dixcm crx happincxx iii a xltmcr pacc ot' lil‘c. Jaunt}. chcck) and colourful. A (fool! l'mr hax a good now. L‘\‘Cll ll. ll ltltlx It) Iittgcl‘ on UN palatc. (inch-writ] I’ur/t/it’tul. (i/uwmi‘. Gosford Park I tSt coco lRohcrt Altman. l‘S/I'K. 2le1 l .\lichac| (ianthon. Krixlin Scott 'I‘Ilomax. Kcll} Macdonald. 137mm. 'I'hc Agatha ('Itrixtic-quuc murdcr myxtcr)’ al lhc ccutrc ol (I‘m/mt! I’ur/t ix thc IN“ U“"PC“I”I-‘ Purl ol' Altman'x othcru ixc liucl) -ohxcr\cd pcriod piccc. Sct in

Noi ctuhcl' I032 ox cr a lcu da}x during a xhooting part) at thc cpot1_\tltoltx countr} cxtatc of Sir William .\lc(‘ordIc t(iamhont altd Lad} Syh ia .\Ic('ordlc (Scott 'I'hotltaxl. (imlun/ I’urk dctailx lhc l‘clalioltxltip hctuccn lhc lilth} rich uppcr claxx and thcir put upon xcrxantx. .-\nd \\ hat dctail lhc liltu llcxhcx out all 35 tucmhcrx ol lhc c\ccllcnl cuxcttthlc caxt. along \\ ith thcir indix idtial .xloricx. .\'o caxy trick iii [no hourx. (tr/nut. [flint/lurch.

The Great Melee t 13) O... tliiichi Kudo. Japan. I‘lo-tl (‘hiqxo Kataoka. .\linoru ()hk'i. Shiro ()xaka. llh’min. lt‘x t'clorm (lL‘llleIx agatnxt lhc gowrnmcnt in IItlx

\ iolctit and political piccc ol xamurat cincnta. Part of Wild Japan: ()utlaxt .\laxtcrx Scaxon. (i/(lxg'rm' I'llm ’I‘Itt'um'. (i/uwnn:

Guru t l3.-\t O... t.\lani Ratnatu. Ittdia. Zoom Ahhixhck Itachchan. :\l\ll\\ at} a Rat. .\ladha\au. lStlmin. I.ooxcl} haxcd on lhc ragx to richcx xlor} of a l'orhcx top Still cntrcprcncur. lhix ma} \icll hc Bachclian'x dcliniug rolc. .-\ xthIar xtar caxt pro\ idcx xupport iti tltc lclIing ol thix cxciting and turhulcnt talc. ’I‘old \KlIli all lhc flair attd ingcnuit} ol' Ratiuan'x cpic but tntclligcnt xl}lc. (Mum :ll 'IAIII' Qtun'. (i/ttxumi .' ()t/t'un I-in'l KlIiItuinl. Ifu'llllturgli.

Happy Feet tt'i coo incur-gt- .\Iillcr. Attxtralia/I'S. letloi Rohin \Villiatux. Hugh Jackman. Iiliiah \Vood. Illllltllll. .-\ cIuiuxil} plottcd hut lolzlll} charming anintatcd muxical lrotu lhc makcrx of “(l/)(’ ahoul lap dancing and xitigiug pcngulnx dccp tn .-\utarctica. With xolid xougx and xoiuc gcnuincl} cxccllcnt \oiccmcr [Willll’ltlitlit‘t‘x. Hap/It” I'i'r'l ix pt'olttlhl) lhc lk‘xl itl' lhc ('hrixttuax lattiil} lilmx. (it'ncml rc/t'uw. Hidden (Cache) 1 I5) .0... t.\Iichacl Ilanckc. l’rancc/Attxtria/( icrtttanflltal}. 2(K)5l I)anicl :\utcuil. JuIicttc Binochc. Mauricc

Falkirk Town Hall I‘lilkii'k‘ (“ouncil

China Blue (12a) Thurs 78 Jan. 7.30pm

Manhattan (15)

Tues 23 Jan. 7 lam. 7.30pm (Si 7.30pm Bugsy Malone (U)

Sat 27 Jan 7.30pm (FAM/LY FR/ENDLY FILM)

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office or

on the day from the hall- (01324 506850)

44 THE LIST 18 Jim I .‘(3t)1)(,‘{;t'

ln’s Childhood

The mighty Andrei Tarkovsky finally received international recognition for this, his fourth film, in 1962. Just shy of his 30th birthday, Tarkovsky delivered this beguiling,

moving, and occasionally genuinely shocking film about a young impassioned Soviet spy’s rite of passage along the Eastern Front during WWII. The film is simpler in narrative terms than many of his later films but contains many of the water and mirror motifs he was to become very attached to in his later career. This is a brilliant film - do not miss your chance to see it as part of the Introduction to European Cinema series. Visit for more information. I Fl/lYl/lOt/SO. Ed/libt/rg/i on Two 73 Jan on/v.

licnlchou. :\ttttic (itt‘at‘dol. I.cxtcr .\lakcdonxk}. ll'7ttiiti. (icorgcx t.-\utcuili thc prcxcutcr ol~ a litcrar) l'L‘\ icu progratumc on I"rcttch IV. and Ill\ puhltxhcr \\ il'c :\tutc iliinochcl rccci\ c packagcx containing \ idcox xhot outxidc tlictr tttcc xuhurhan holtxc. .-\x tltc tapcx attd thc dl‘a\\ ingx lhc} comc \\ rappcd in Itccotuc tuorc pci'xonal attd alarming. (icorgcx hcginx to onc Iiix itittid. llattckc hax al\\a}x dtl'l'uxcd polcutic through lhc ntoxt pct'xoual Ul' xL‘L‘ttltt'iUx. [Ill/(It'll ix a tlL'Htxlttlllth.

gidd} in; cxamination ol' ttuddlc claxx xmugncxx. thc hurdcn ol lhc paxt arid lhc dccpl} oltict‘ltoltal xcll' oltxcxxtottx oli Illt' iuthIcctuaI. Ilcautilull} actcd. paccd. cdttcd and dircctcd. it \\ ill lca\ c _\ou gaxping attd pcrplc\cd ax all grcat ctncma xhould. ll )ou “ant to knit“ \xh) ill I‘rcttch tounx and ctticx hurncd iti ()ctohcr alid .\'o\ ciuhcr of 3005. thc auxucr ix Iicrc. (’unn'u. lit/mluu'uli. The Holiday l l2:\l O. t.\'anc}

_\lc} crx. I‘S. lelloi ('antcron l)ia/. Katc \Vtuxlct. Judc l.a\\. Jack Black. l35min. 'I'uo Iadicx u ith gu) lrouhlc map Itouicx. .'\itl;llltlil tl)ia/l cudx up \titli Irix' hrothcr l|,a\\ l iii lhc l'K. arid Irix t\\'inxlcti hcl'rtcndx lunn) man .\lich (Blackl Stalcxidc. ’l‘hix l'ait‘l} rcpcllcnt Itlc xuap romantic cotucd} “ax \xi'ittcu xpccilicall} for lhcxc actorx. hut )ou \Htllltllld Illlllk II. (;('II('I'(II I’i’ll’rlu'.

The Host (Gwoemul) I IS» 000

(Bong Joon—ho. Japan/South Korca. ltlllot Rang-ho Song. llic-hong Ii}con. llac-il Park. 1 10min. With a radioactix c xuhxtaucc in thc \xatcr xuppl}. a hugc monxtcr liin attd ttutuincnt dixaxlcr. lhix Iikcahlc (Bod/IIIa-xt) Ic 'nottxtcr ix a xatixl'actor} mi\ ol' xtatc ol’ tlic art ('(il cl'lcctx and “arm cliaractcrtxatloti. .-\.ltcuttou to dctail. altxurdit} and comic touclicx dcli\cr lhc hip climax and thc ht}: laughx. (Mum .le I'llt' (_)lltl\. (iluwmi _' ()t/cmt I’ur! Kilt/tum]. I'jr/I'Ii/nu'uli.

I Saw Ben Barka Get Killed t ISA» O... tScrgc l,c l’ci'on. Said Smihi. Morttcctt/Spain/I‘raucc. letlfli (‘ltarlcx Ilcrlutg. Simon Abkatiati. Joxianc Balaxko. Illluun. ()u 2‘) ()ctohcr WM. cxtlcd Moroccan dtxxldctil \lcltdl llcn Ilal'ka t.v\hkariaui “an ahduclcd in Run It) policc Ull‘lc‘ct'x. llCH'l' In l‘t' \t‘t‘ll again. l'lCL’l) mixing tact and xpcculation. lhc lilm'x Sunch Itoulcxard xl}lc narrator thrliugi lcadx a paranota-tnl'uxcd, ta/I xcorcd couxptrac} lhrillcr through tIic llttll'k} circumxtanccx

xurrouuding ottc ol' (iauIIixt l-‘rancc'x grcatcxt political xcalidalx. I’i/mlmuu'. Iz'tlm/mrgli. Infamous t t5» 0. (Douglax .\lc(iratlt. [8. 200m 'I‘oh} Joltcx. Sandra Bullock. I)anicl ('raig. I Ih’tulu. Scc rcx icu. pagc 38 atid prolilc itt ltxtingx. (‘im'imrlrl Rt'll’l't’lt Sil‘t't'l. (i/uwuii: (lunar. lat/inlzurult.

It’s a Boy Girl Thing t l2.'\l co

t.\'ick Ilurran. I‘K. Zoom Samatrc Arnixtrong. Kain Xcgcrx. Iintil) llampxhirc. U-ltnut. 'l‘cctiagcrx .\'cII l.v\riuxtrongl and Wood} l/cggcrxi luxt don't gct on. In fact lhc} ltatc cacli othcr. thn lhc) lind lllL‘lll\L‘l\L'\ ill cacli UlItCl"x hodicx lIlL‘) xcl about tr} ing to ruin cach otIicr'x |i\cx. Intriguing Brittxh \ariation on _\our t_\picaI lil'c x\\;tp cntttctl). uhich xadl} ncxci' rcall} dL‘lIH‘t‘x on llx pt‘otlllxc. (it'llr'ltl/ I't’/¢‘rlu'. Ivan’s Childhood (Ivanovo Detstvo) tl’( it 0... t:\ndrci 'Iarkox xk}. I'SSR. 1003i Kolyt Burbacx. Irina ‘I‘arkm .xka)a. \‘alcntinc /.uhko\. 05min. (ilcaming ncu prittt ol' 'I‘arko\ xk) ‘x dchut l'caturc. mm looking morc llllpl'C\\l\ c than c\cr. 'I‘hc iiarratu c rc\ol\cx around a tccnagc WWI xp}. trmclltng through lhc countr} hchind cnctu} Iittcx. (‘haractcrixticalI} hrcathtaking imagcr} and art aching xctixc ol' xpiritualit} xprtngx naturall} l'rom thix xituplc drama of childhood. It ix all a far cr} l'rom thc graudtoxc and lllL‘Iinll}\lL‘tll rcach ol' thix gt'cat liltumakcr'x Iatcr work. Iixxcntial

\ icuing. Part of thc Introduction to liuropcau (‘incnta xcaxon. l-i/m/muu’. l.'tliiilttrrg/i. Kind Hearts and Coronets tl’(it O... tRohcrt llatncr. I'lx'. I‘M‘H l)cnnix I’ricc. .'\Icc (iuiuncxx. Joan (irccuuood. \'aIcric llohxon. llloutin. Blackcr than black Iialing contcd} hax a xuax c and xophixlicalcd I’ricc killing oll' an ctttirc latuil) lrcc tall pla) cd h} (iuinncxxt tn ordcr to “NH c Iiiluxcll' cloxcr to lhc d':\xco'\nc lattuI} litIc. I,o\\ ekc) c_\uicixtu and dixarutiug callouxncxx Iuakc it a truc gctti ol' Ill'lllxlt poxt \\;tt' cincttta. Scott/mm Scrt't'rtrnc Ronni. lat/lltltm‘u/l.

K21 12) O... chx Bloomxlcin. I'lx'. 2005i 07min. I‘ilmcd mcr li\ c \\ cckx at tlic :\uxtrian cottccntratiott camp. .\Iauthauxcu. l\'/ l'olloux tour guidcx and lourixtx around thc xitc. I‘ocuxing.‘ on lhc xiuaII-xcalc arid iiutucdiatc rcactioux lilooiuxtciu xuggcxtx that juxt acccptiug thc prcxcucc ol' xuch a

placc ix 'an attack on lhc mind‘. Ilolocauxl Mcmorial l)a_\ xcrccnitig. (i/(lxzuu‘ I’llni l‘llt'rlll't'. (i/uwmi;

:l< The Last King of Scotland 1 lSt O... th in Macdonald. l'S/l'lx'. zoom I-‘orcxt Whitakcr. (iillian Andcrxon. Jamcx .\lL'.'\\t)). 133mm. .\Iacdonald'x lirxt lictional lilm xccx .\lc.-\\o_\ plinittg .\'icholax (iart'igan ax a xutoolh-talking onahlc roguc \\ ho accidctttall} ingratiatcx Itllllxcll \\ ith l‘)7(lx l'gandan prcxidcnt ldi .-\min tWhitakcri. With a carccr licxt pcrl‘ortuancc from \Vhitakcr and all action packcd pacc. it makcx for a conimcndahlc action tilm rathcr than all axtutc political portrait. (;('II(’I'(1/ I'('l('(l.\(’.

Leonard Cohen: I’m Your Man tl’(il 0.. tl.ian I.unxon. I'S. 2005i IlBtttlll. .-\ lo\ iug trihutc to thc man rcxponxihlc for a uniquc xt} lc ol dounhcal _\ct irrcxixtihl} hcautil'ul attd cutotn c tttuxic. lt l'caturcx pcrl'ormaucm ol hix xongx h) Nick (‘a\ c. Botto. Jan ix ('ockcr altd morc. but only hintx at lhc man'x intriguing: lilc. l-i'lm/muu'. I'Ltlili/tlrrc/t.

The London Particular it-Li tVut‘lotlx. I'lx'. VariouxlA .xclcction ol~ xhoi't tiltttx ntadc h} 'l‘hc I.oudon Particular. art urhatt rcxcat'ch group dcdicatcd to documcnting attd pl‘cxctwitig Iiaxl London. (Ill.

(i/m cum;

Loose Change tlil :\lt cxaniiuation ol c\'cutx xurroundiug ‘)/l I that contradictx lhc goxcruutcnt linc. Introduccd It} an cx-(‘lA tnctuhcr. .-l('l-.'. lat/mlmrg/i,

The Magnificent Seven ll’(il

O... tJohn Sturgcx. I'S. [Willi Yul

Br} nucr. Slcx c \lcQuccu. Jamcx ('ohuru. lili \VaIIach. llotitin. liwr—popular Ilollyuood rcmakc ol Kuroxaua'x .S't-i'cn Samurai hax Br} nucr and co Iiircd to xa\ c a .\Ic\ican \illagc l'rom tltc ttlmclcoittc attcntioux ol' \\';illacI1\ hauditx. 'l‘lic plot