
>l< Rocky Balboa l 12m 0000

l3} l\L'le‘l' Sllllltlllt'. [3. 2000! S) l\L‘\lL‘l' Stallonc. Burl Young. .\lrlo \t‘ntunrgha. Antonio 'l‘arx cr. llllnun. Scc rcx Io“. pagc 3‘). (it'llt'l‘tl/ I‘t'lr'uu'.

Salaam-E-lshq: A Tribute to Love il’(il O... I.\'IldIil .v\d\anI. India. 2007) Sahnan Khan. l’ri}anl\a ('hopra. .'\llll Kapoor. l5flnun. St'c Bolluxood Round l'p. Pdf_‘t‘ .‘H. .Vr‘lr'i’lt'i/ I‘t'lt’rlu.

Saw III l [HI 0.. ll)arrcn I.) IIII Bouxnian. l'S. leflhi 'l’ohin llcll. Shauncc Smith. Bahar SooIIIt-kh. .>\Irg_'ux .\lacl'a'\dcn. lillrnrn. 'l'hrrd lllllL' around l'or lhix horror l'rancluxc. l‘.\ll Inaxlcrrnind .ligxau illclli and hIx ncu apprcnlrcc hax c deappcarcd. luaung: l)r l.}IIII l)cn|on ISorrIIICkIII unauarc that xhc Ix about to l‘t'L'UlllL‘ hIx latt'xl paxxn. Sun Il/ Ix an unprox cnrcnt on llx [ll't'rlL‘t'L‘xxIIl \\llllL‘ niccl) “plating thc cIrclc on thIx naxtil} Intcnxc and drxlurhurg xcricx. .-\ Ininor lrcal lor llallou ccn. (lump. lat/iiI/Iur'u/r.

Shanghai Dreams (Qinghong) IISI I\\'ang_' XIaoxhuar. ('lIIna. 2(lfl5i (iao Yuan'uran. |.I Bur. Yan :\II|I;III. ll‘lIIIIII. .\lullI auard “inning. xcnII-autohiiIgraphical amount ol cit} \\orltcrx dixplat‘cd during lhc ('ullural Rmolulron pro\ ltlL‘\ a background for lhc unhcrxal xlol‘} ol adolcxccnl l'L‘\llC\\llC\x and tllMlllCCllUll. (ll/Hf“. lit/iiI/Iur'glI.

Smokin’ Aces 1 l8! .. tloc (‘arnahair l’K/l'rarrt'c/l'S. lellhi Jcrcnl} l’Iwn. llcn .'\lllL'k‘l\. .laxon Batt'nran. .-\llcla Ken. lllh’uun. Sewn lIIl lllL‘ll Iranging.‘ l'rorn .'\lllL‘L'l\ [0 KC} xi tIl'L‘ :tll illvlL‘l' lllt' \llll hount} on Inalia lllltllllltllll Budd} ‘.v\t‘cx' lxracl Il’iwnl‘x ht'ad. :\llcr a xlicl‘ xct up and fair!) rnlcrcxtrng action thc pa} oll' larlx Io dclncr III an crIleu'raxxIngl} xuh-par cll'orl lrorn lhc IIIan \\ ho brought Iix lllL' lar xupcrlol' Nil/1'. (ii'IIi'i‘u/ r't'lt’iru'.

Spirited Away l Hit 000. lll;l};ltl .\ll_\;l/;tl\l.l;t[1;tll. Ifllll l \‘oit‘cx: Dawigh ('haxc. Rurni lliragr. Srdonic \orr Kroxiglt. .\h_\u lI'IIIo. .laxon .\larxdcu. IZSIIIIII. :\t more than l\\o hourx long. an} .lapancxc aIIIIIIalIoII \x Ilh a chlldrcn'x t‘t‘rlrllt‘atc can onl_\ hc a hard xcll lor \xcxlcrn audrt'nt‘t‘x. l)cxprlc \\llllllllj_‘ thc hcxt anInIatcd pIt‘lurc ()xcar and gt‘lllllg a hcavx puxh lr'orII l)IxIIt'). .S'liir'ilt'rllniri \lltllld gcl thc audrcnt‘c It dcxcrx cd III tht' Stalt'x, \Vhrt‘h l\ a xhanIc hu‘auxc lla}ao \lr};I/;Il\I‘x llllll Ix an anunatcd nIaxlcrprccc and truly tala'x )ou h} xurpI‘Ixc. (‘hrlrrro trawlx through a lunncl Into anolht'r “orld. \xhcrc xhc happcnx upon a halhhouxt‘ lor lhc prr‘rlx. .'\llcr thou rug: tlo\\lt le‘L‘L‘dll} on xIIlllC \llllxt'tl local

producc. ('luhiro’x parcntx arc lranxlorrncd Into pigx. Inning lhcu‘ xuddcnl} dutIl'ul daughlcr lo xcck \\t)l'l\ III thc hathhouxc III order to rclcaxc lllL‘lll. l’hrloxoph}. anunt' and xhainanixrn llIix ix onIIclhing rcall) xlunnIng that IIct'dx to hc xccn lo hc lwlrcwd. ('lllt’lrrll'li/ /’ill'Ult'ilr/. (i/tngrm. Stranger Than Fiction l ll.-\. 0000 (Marc l‘orxlt'r. l’S. leflm \\'Ill l'crrcll. Maggrc (i) Ilcrrhaal. l)uxun lltlllllltlll. llZIrIIII. 'l'a\InaII llo\\ard ('r'rt'lt Il-L'I'I't-lli hcaix lhc \oicc ol an author I'I'hoIIIpxonI narrating hIx hurndrurn hlc. 'l'hrouglr hrx IIIle'ortunc. llarold lallx III lo\ c u fill a halxcr l( i} Ilcnhaal I. crnhar'king on a xcnluncnlal. unhchmahlc rornancc. l’ro\ my to hc inorc than a xlnglc gIIIIIIIItl. thc poxl IIrodt-I‘n plol pl'rllllplx t1 \tl};lf_'t‘ ill xL‘ll kllxt'ou'l‘} llltll'x packcd \\ Ilh laughx and hrrlhanl pcrl'tII‘IIIaIIct-x. ('iiIt'uor/r.’ Rt'll/l’t'll Slr‘i't'l. (i/muriu; I'll/rI/quxi'. [fr/I'rI/Iui‘zlr. Suburban Mayhem l ISi 00 ll’atll (ioldruan. lelloi liIIIII} Barcla}. \lrt‘hacl l)orIrIan. Rohcrt Morgan. X‘hnin. Scc :\lxo Rclcaxcd. page 4“. X/roiii‘irw ('iiir’rmr. (.t’(II/’/'If/L’('. (i/tlwrm.

21 Grams l [5| 0... I.v\lclandro (iaon/ah‘I hIaI‘rIlu. l’S:\. Illllli Scan l’cnn. (‘harlollc (iainxhourg. llcnicro l)cl loro. .\'aorni \Vatlx. lllnrin. .-\ car accident llII'oux lIIrcc xtr'angcrx logclhcr on a Iournt‘} touardx rclthulIoII: c\ comiclelurncd )tllllll \xorla'r Jack .lor‘dan Il)cl loroI. xuhurhan houxcu Ilt‘ (‘rIxtIIIa l’ctl «\Vallxi and Paul Rrwrx Iht'xl actor ()xcar' “Inncr l’cnIII. “ho'x awaiting an organ lranxplanl. lhrlhanl. tragic draIIIa “llll a cornplm plot hour the lihnrnakcrx hchInd .llllrlnw l’i‘l‘l‘ru. llrc llllk‘ l'L‘lt‘h I” [lit \\ t‘lglll \xc all loxc \xhcn \xc drt'. .\ IIIanr llltl\ It‘. a t‘laxxlt‘. lllIlIIIxxahh‘. (i/irxgmi li/rri Hun/11'. (i/irxgrru.

Them (Ils) I lfil O. I.\a\ Icr l’alud and Hand .\lorcau. Illllhi ()|I\ Ia Bonarn}. \lrt‘hat'l (‘oht'n TXInrn. Sec rcxrcu. pagt' if).

{-Illt'l‘ttll'ltl HUI/It'll XI. (r/ihurm .‘ (llH’HHf/(l. l.(/IH/’lll‘;’/l.

Three Times (Zui Hao De Shiguang) III:\I O... lllou llxIarIo llxrcn. l‘raIIt‘c/larxxaII. Illll51('hcn (hang. l)I \lcr. \ch l’ang. film ()I. llllnun. lhrcc xlorrt'x ol lllL' and lo\ c III 'l‘aman xpannlng a ccnlur}

“Mina ‘Follow Your Heart and Nothing is lmpossible.’ Forgive the double negative but that was the original tagline for

this animated adaptation of a Hans Christian Anderson tale when it was released in 1994. Directed by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman (An American Tail, All Dogs Go to Heaven, Titan AE), two of just a handful of animators who have the clout to get animated features made in the US without the intervention of Disney, Thumbelina is actually a pretty decent, sensitively rendered animation that may remind you there was a time before Shrek, inherent irony and in jokes. Showing as part of Weans’ World.

I f-i/rrI/Iorise. [dill/)l/l'tjll ()ll Sir/I 28 and Mon 23) Jill) ()rI/y.

46 7'”, ll" llfrlr Hfffrl.

and la'cprng.‘ lhc lcad aclorx in \lllllltll' rclalronxhipx throughout. l)rcauI_\. cuphoric tllltl pilL‘llc l'ollou up to (ll/t" [Jr/Illi'l't' ll'olll tlrIx rcnrarkahlc llllllllltllxt‘l’. ('riiIIi'ri. lit/III/NH'Q/l.

Thumbelina it'i .0. (Hon ltlurli. (Ear) ()ldIIIaII. l‘S. l‘NJI Vort‘t'x ol' .lodI llcnxon. (iino ('onl'ortI. Barbara ('ook. .\’(iIIIIII. .-\IIIIrIalor Bluth conicx cloxc lo l’l\;llllll:_‘ l)l\llL‘) xxirh lhIx clIaI'IIIIng l’aIr)la|c llllcd \\ Ilh Illth‘ lolk. pI'lrIL‘Cx. t‘ax} -to-l'o||o\\ llk‘\\;tf_‘t‘\ and a Barr} \lanilou xoundtraclt. Young; lddx \lill low It and cwn thc quicall} hard Ircarlt'd Ina} xollcn. I’ll/IIIIouu'. lit/irI/mr'u/I.

Trainspotting l lrx'I O... ll);lllll} l£o_\lc. l‘lx'. WWI li\\aII .\lc(}rc3_'or. liucn Bit-Inner. Rohcrl (‘arhltz Jonn} \hllcr. ‘HIIIIII. John llodgc'x xcr‘ccnpla} pcrl'cctl) caplurL'x thc dt‘xpcratc humour of h'\ inc \‘i'clxh'x nou‘l. ltccprng thc cpIxodIc xlruclurc ol Iunldc xt‘cucx lor thc tlr'xl hall. hclorc t‘onchIlralIng on chton III London III lhc ltllt'l‘ \ltrgcx l'tlxl tllltl xl} ll\lt dll't‘t‘lltlll. crcalrw xouIIdlrack and acting; lhal'x oll-lhc- rale cu‘t‘llcnt. .-\ t‘IrIcIIIalIc hlaxt l'rorn l‘t'gllllllllg lo cud. “high alxo \ll\l\\x a courle and truc undcrxtandrng of thc llll'L‘ and fatal L'llll\L‘t|llL'llL’L‘\ ol drug—taking. (irrm (’IIIIL (i/mgrm.

Venus IISI 0.. iRogt'r \litchcll. :llflhl l’t'lk'l' ()' lirolc. l.L‘\llL‘ l’llllll]l\. (‘hrrxtrnc lloltornlt'}. ‘l-luun. Scc rm rcu. page ul. (it'llt’l'u‘l I't /¢‘il\(’.

Walk on Water: ISI .0. ll'._\l;lll l‘o\. lxrat'l/Sucdcn. IlllNi l.Ior .'\\lll\t‘ll;l/l. Knut llt‘l'jJL'l. (‘éll'tlllllt' l’t'lt‘l'x. llldllllll. ()ll .‘l IIIIxonII to axxaxxrnatc t'\-\;I/I ol'l‘It‘cr .-\|lI'cd lhIIIIIIt'hIIaII. an lxrach Intclhgcncc agcnl l.\xhla'II;I/II Irax hix \.I|ucx challcngcd h} lhnunchnan'x grandxon :\\c| lllcrgcrl ax thc_\ curhark on an c_\t'-opcrrrng_' Iournc}. .\ (ilaxgoxx .lcn Ixh l'lllll ('hIh Scrccurng. (’( it. (i/Ingrm.

Wallace 8. Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit l l ' I 00.0 «Nit-k Park/Slut lltl\. l'l'\l. zllllSl \lllL‘tW til l’k‘lt‘l' Salhx. Ralph l’rcnncx. llclcna lloIIhaIII ('artcr. 35min. lhc longaxxarlcd lcaturc- lcnglh dchul lor l’rir'k'x plaxlIt‘Inc Inaxlcr and Inutl \\allacc & (iI‘oIIIIt. Ix. to corn a phraxc. a grand da_\ out. 'l'hrx lllllL‘. lhc t‘lIt-cxc lo\ In; \Vallact~ and IIIx canrnc churn haw I'cIIIwrrlcd lhcrnxcht'x ax a hurnanc pcxl control oullIl ‘.~\nlI -l’cxlo' and lhcrc'x a lit} xtcrroux ‘ucrc rahhil' on lhc proul al thc local rIchlIhothood (iIant \‘cgctahlt' cornpclllron. Kl]0\\lll;_' fun for all llIc laIIII|_\. Xi'li't'li'i/ I't’lt’tlu'.

Wayne’s World Il’( ii 0... Il’cnclopc Sphccrix. l'S. I‘Nl I .\lIla' Xl}L‘l\. l)ana ('aru‘). Rolt l.o\\c. 'lIa (‘ar‘rcrc 05min. 'l‘uo ht‘a\_\ IIIt-tal doI'ltx lul lhc lug: lIIIrc \xhcn lhcrr puhln~ acu‘xx cahlc xhou Ix xnappcd up h} a le'CL'tl} 'l'\‘ not lor IralIoIral prunclrnrc. ('rauuncd lull ol ’l'\’ and llllll paxtIt‘th. lhIx l'S pht'noincnon hax lar Inorc hle than llll\\L‘\. \xlulc \Va) uc and (iarth Incl In an cwn \xat‘ldt'r \ot‘ahular) than t‘IIIcIrIalIt‘ llr'xl t'otIxInx lid] and 'lcd. 'I'hc} 'w xhol. tlIc} ‘w \k‘tlll’tll. ('HIi'IIiir‘li/ lat/rrI/ilir‘u/I. lgihiillrii‘g/r. White Noise 2: The Light« ISI

0. rl’alrIck l.uxxrcr. l‘S/(‘arrada Illlltir \tlllitlll l'llllllll. KillL‘L‘ Silt‘lxllull. litl .'\lltlL‘l'\. ‘NIIIIII. .-\ IIIan xccx hIx “holc lanIII} ltrllcd. llillllllL‘\. Ix r‘cxuxt‘rlatcd. lhcn hchm C\ IIc can lcll \xlwn pcoplt' art' ahout to dIc. 'l'hrx larrl} nonxcnxrt'al lollou up to thc xurprrxc lIIl Jill).< xupcrnalural lhrrllcr‘ Ix ruhhrxh hut Innot'uoux and pr't'tl} “alchahlc. (it'irt'i'iil H'll'tlu' Witness for the Prosecution it: 0... (Bill) \VIldcr. l'S. IVS—TI (’IIarlt'x laughlon. l}ronc l’oucr. .\lar'|cnc lhclrrt‘h. l-lllrnrn. (‘oInaICxt'Ing (‘)(' l.aug_'hlon tala'x on a routine caxt' that lcadx hrrII into a \wli ol dcu-Il rn llIIx courtroom drama to hcal tthrI all. (‘rackrng dialoguc. onIIc nuxt‘axling. and a hrrlhanl t‘t-nlr‘al pt'IloIIIIaIIt‘c conlrrw to make llIIx a grcat cIIlt'IlaIIIIIIcrIl. l'.(l!lll’lll“"ll I‘l/HI (iii/Ill. lit/Irr/Iirr'u/I.

Yankee Doodle Dandy l l l 0000 iXlIt‘hacI ('urlI/. l‘S. l‘HlI .larucx (‘agncy .loan l.cxhc. \Vallcr lluxlon IISIIIIII. .\ Irqurt'al porlIaII ol (icoruc .\l ('ohau. lht' t'oruptIxcr/xiIchii’tlant'cr knourI ax lhc 'Inan \xho omch [hoad\xa}'. Ralhcr “Ulltlt‘lllll ruh IlIuIIIpIng liIopIt' lllal p|a_\x uholchcarlcdl) lo le dIIIIrrIulIw |cadK lalcntx ax a xIIIgt'I and damn. SI lir'ri/i'K (till/1'.

I'J/Hl/‘HI 2/1.

Name Toby Jones

Born Oxford, England on 7 September 1967

Background Jones comes from good acting stock. His father Freddie Jones is a character actor who David Lynch used in E/ephant Man, Wild at Heart and Dune. His brother Rupert is a director so acting came naturally. Best known for his work treading the boards. he was awarded the 2002 Laurence Olivier Award for Best Actor in a supporting role for his performances in The Play What / Wrote.

What’s he up to now? Toby Jones has finally graduated to bit part celluloid player in Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix to leading man. Of course. he's not got the looks to be a romantic lead but his brilliant character acting skills and uncanny resemblance to Capote were finally noted by a movie director and the Brit was cast to play the scribe in Infamous. His performance puts the rest of the superstar cast (Gwyneth Paltrow. Daniel Craig, Sandra Bullock) in the shade.

What he says about being Truman Capote “I‘m sure you've heard this a million times but it all started with the script. The words that director Douglas McGrath created on the page with this character who I knew so little about were such an insight into a life. But nothing could prepare me for the first time that I saw footage of Truman Capote and I thought. “Oh man. the transformation I‘m going to have to go through is terrifying and thrilling. somehow I'm going to have to understand that person.‘ You wouldn't know from the script that he 80unds like that. There is loads of footage for him and that is how I felt. You go through a never ending research journey and working with a voice coach to get the voice right. Interesting fact Before taking on the role Jones did not know he resembled Capote. He had previously been told that he looked like French composer Claude Debussy and William Hogarth (who Jones plays in TV's The Harlot's Progress). But now he can joke that he bears a striking resemblance to Toby Jones. (Kaleem Aftab)

I Infamous is on selected release from Fri 79 Jan. See review, page 38.