Celtic Connections have secured one of the leading lights in the modern English roots scene,

Seth Lakeman, as support for Scottish singer/songwriter Karine Polwart. Bringing a new dynamic and rawness to his intimate performances, Lakeman specialises in dark, personal tracks rich in folklore from his native Dartmoor - which led to him being nominated for a Mercury Music

Prize for his debut Kitty Jay.

Old Fri/Itlii.’i/‘i<0t. G/asr ow. Fri 26 Jan. J

I The River Detectives and Kieran Docherty St Andrew 's in the Square. St Andrew 's Square. 55‘) 5003. 8pm. £l3.50. A concert from the Acoustic Altair series. I The Universal Folk Club The I'nix'ersal. Sauchiehall Lane. 333 SSW. 8pm. £3.50. See Sun 3I.

I Four Men and a Dog and Corquieu The Old Iiruitmarket. ('andleriggs, 353 S000. Itlpm. L'I5. The} ma} ha\ e lirst dishandcd in the 90s htit this d} namic hand retains a remarkahl} loyal lollowing. thirst} t'or their American- tinged lrish mznhem. Following recent success at the Vancotn er liolk l‘esti\al. )oung Austrian hand (‘orquieu open the proceedings.

I Celtic Connections Festival Club Ilolida) Inn (’it} \Vest. BothweII Street. 353 S000. l0.30pm. £3.50 £7.50. See Thu IS.


I Iain Anderson in Conversation Ro}al ('oncert Hall: Iixhihition Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 13.30pm. £3.50. 'I'oday's guests are BB(‘ Radio Scotland Young Musician ol' the Year. liddler Shona Moone} and concertina star and record compan} organiser Simon 'I'houmire.

I Celtic Music Radio Rotal ('oncert Hall: Iixhihition Itall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 3pm. See Thu IS.

I Danny Kyle’s Open Stage Ro}al (‘oncert Hall: Iixhihition Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 5 7pm. liree. See Thu IS.

11’ Fiddlers’ Bid International Rotal ('oncert Hall: .\tain .-\uditorium. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 7.30pm. [IS 1‘; Hit. See pret iew. page 57.

I Lloyd Cole and Astrid Williamson (it) Halls. ('andIeriggs. 353 S000. 7.30pm. £10. More than two decades on l'roni Run/twnukt'x. his dehut alhtnn with

former hand The (‘ommotions. ('ote remains one ol the Illtlsl ohsertant pop haIIadeers.

I Scott Ainslie and Spencer Bohren Holida} Inn ('it} \Vest. Bothwell Street. 0S70 400 000.3. 7.30pm. [I0 I)elta liltles night.

I Dervish and Luka Bloom AB(‘. Sauchiehall Street. 333 3333. Spin. U5. Sligo's superh multi-instrumenta| traditional hand. with (‘hrist_\ Moore‘s songwriting hrother in support.

I The Scottish World St Andrew 's in the Square. St Andrew 's Square. 55‘) 5903. Split. £13.50. BB(' tn‘oadcaster and oral historian Bill} Ka} with .Iock 'I‘amson's Bairns‘ musicians Rod Paterson. Norman ('Iialiners and Derek Ho} present Ka} 's latest hook on the Scots diaspora and inlluence charting earl} migrations to the Baltic. through Iiurope to the rest of the world in spoken word. instrumental music and song.

I Gordon Duncan Tribute with Paddy Keenan Roytl (‘oncert Hall: Sti'atlichde Suite. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. Spin. L'l3.50. A trihute to the late (iot'don Duncan. the Perthshire piper and composer who died tragicall} _\oung in Deceinher 3005. Various perlormers include Irish \ irtuoso uillean piper Keenan.

I Jim Malcolm and Fribo The National Piping (‘entre. .\IcPhater Street. ('owcaddens. 3S7 55l I. S’pm. L'l3. Award- winning traditional Scots song lroni e.\- ()ld Blind Dogs lrontnian Malcolm. with Scots/Scandinm ian litsioii lroin the talented l'irllio.

I Na h-Oganaich (‘(':\. Sauchiehall Street. 353 4000. Split. {I350 The legendar}. seminal (iaelic lolk group perl'ortn in (ilasgow tor the first time in 30 wars.

I The Anna Massie Band attd Gwenan Gibbard Tron 'l‘heatrc. 'I'rongate. 553 43(i7. S’pm. U350 0310.50). Harpist (iwenan (iihhard. a

rising talent on the Welsh t'olk scene. joins .\Ias.sie's muIti-instrumental )titiiig Scots outtit tor cross-(‘eltie connections.

I Crash my Model Car and Attic Lights The (iarage. Sauchiehall Street.

. 33 lI30. 8pm. £10. Melodic guitar rock t'rom the hand t’ormerl} known as Poor ()Id Ben.

I Karine Polwart and Seth Lakeman The Old I-‘ruitmarket. ('andleriggs. 353 8000. 10pm. £15. Scotland and Iingland unite as Pon art and her tour—piece hand perl'orni alongside I)e\on-hased. Mercur) -noniinated singer. songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Lakenian.

I Celtic Connections Ceilidh Ro}aI ('oncert Hall: Iixhihition Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 .s‘nnn. l0.30ptn. £3. See Hi 1‘). I Celtic Connections; Festival Club Ilolida) Inn ('it} West. BothweII Street. 353 S000. 10.30pm. £3.50 £7.50. See Thu l8.


I Beginner Fiddle Royal (‘oncert Hall: Loniond l-'o_\ er. Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. l 1am. to. Learn the hasics ol' liddIe pla) ing with Sarah-Jane Summers. Suitahle for those w ho hare heen pla} ing lor a couple or months: please hring )our own instrument it )titi can.

I Stepdancing Workshop R0}al ('oncert Hall: Ii\hihition Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. l 1am. to. A l'un introduction to Scottish dance steps. \\ ith Sandra Rohertson.

I Annual Piping Concert Royal ('oncert Hall: .\Iain Auditorium. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. I3.30pm.

i I 3.50. .\ mainstay ol‘ the ('ellic ('onnections lesti\al. the concert showcases some ol' the world's linest piping talent. competed h} lain .-\nderson. I Swedish Young Tradition Ro}al ('oncert Hall: Strathc|_\de Suite. Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 1pm. £10.50. A joint performance h) the .\'oth .'\.\rshire Schools Senior Fiddle (iroup and the S“ etllslt World Wide ()rchestra.

I Bodhran for Players Rina] ('oncert Hall: ('l_\de I5o_\ er. Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 1.30pm. to. And} .\ta} helps tou de\elop _\our pla} ing st} le; please hring tour own instrument.

I Improver Fiddle Rt)}ttl (‘oncert Hall: I.omond I:‘o}er. Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000 1.30pm. U). A \torksltop tor those \\ ith a hasic know ledge ot' liddIe pla) ing. \\ ho are keen to take it to the next |e\eI. Suitahle l'or those with around a )ear's e\pcrience.

I Waulking Workshop Rtl}itl ('oneet't Hall: Iishihition Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. l.30pni. to. (‘hrissie Stewart- Skinner and Alpin Stewart teach simple (iaelic songs while participants simulate the ancient. ph} sicall) l'll}tltltltC art of shrinking the tweed.

I Celtic Music Radio Ro}al (‘oncert Hall: Iishihition Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 3pm. See Thu IS’.

I Lisa Knapp and Maeve MacKinnon The National Piping (‘entre. .\IcPhater Street. ('tm caddens. 3S7 55l I. 3pm. £0). l)ouhle hill or powerlul singers. I Danny Kyle’s Open Stage Roytl ('oncert Hall: Iixhihition Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 3.5.3 S000. 5 7pm. I‘ree. See Tlltt IS.

I Julie Fowlis Band, The Stairwell Sisters and Genticorum (‘n_\ Halts. (‘andleriggs. 353 8000. 7.30pm. L'l5. Young (iaelic singing star and piper

I-‘ow lis perlornis a set teaturing songs lrom her second alhttm. due tor release in March.

I Chumbawamba and Elin Fflur The (iarage. Sauchiehall Street. 333 l I30. S’pm. L'H. .-\coustic show lroni the agit- pop rockers heading down a new toqu road.

I Dagger Gordon and Kevin MacLeod The National Piping ('entre. .\Icl’hater Street. (30“ eatltlens. 3S7 55l I. Spin. L'l3. The knights of the Scots mandolin - and other esotic l'retted lit'ths instruments.

I Lau and Angus Lyon 8. Ruaridh Campbell ('Iassic (irand. 8-17 0830. 8pm. L' I 3.50. Two ol the most ad\'eiittii'otis and skilled groupings ot‘ accordion and liddle on the current acoustic scene. in one concert. I.au comprises Aidan ()‘Rourke. Martin (ireen and guitarist Kris l)re\'er.

I Malinky, Ranarim and Lauren MacCoIl Royal ('oncert Hall: Stratther Suite. Sauchiehall Street. 8000. 8pm. U350. The triple hill celehrates the musical links between Sweden and Scotland. and includes liddler .\Iac('oll. winner ol' the 3005 BB(' Young I-'olk Award.

I Soig Siberil 8. Nolwenn Korbell Tron 'l‘heatre. 'l'rongate. 553 43(i7. Split. L I 3.50 it l0.50). Two ol Breton music's most gil'ted and original musicians.

I Salsa Celtica and Fred Morrison Band The Old liruitmarket. (’andleriggs. 353 S000. I0pnt. L'I5. Their uniquer imentit'e synthesis ol' Scottish and Latin sounds is endlessl} popular. tires on all e} linders. and includes a reprise guest spot l'rom singing liddIer IiIi/a ('arth); Support l’rom the linger poppin' piping master and his hand.

I Celtic Connections Ceilidh Rt)}ttl Concert Hall: Iixhihition Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. l0.30pm. KS. See t‘ri II).

I Celtic Connections Festival Club Holida} Inn (‘its \Vest. BothweII Street. 353 8000. 10.30pm. £3.50 £7.50. See Thu l8.

Sunday 28


I Big Ballad Ro)al ('oncert Ilall: Clyde l~‘o_\er. Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. I lam. to. Two ot Scotland’s linest traditional singers. (iordeanna .\Ic('ulloch and Anne .\'eilson. teach participants the heaut} ol the hig narrati\e hallad. and include a hackground to the stories.

I Kist O’Dreams Rosal ('oncert Hall: Buchanan Suite. Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. I lam. £4. t'nleash )tnn' child. Learn lullahies through fun and games. I Learn the Irish Pipes in a Day Ro}a| ('oncert Hall: I.omond I-‘o_\er. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. I Iain. £30. Date Shaw introduces complete heginners to the world or the uillean hagpipes. Booking essential. forages I4 and over.

I Kris Drever Ro}a| (’oncert Hall: Stratther Suite. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. Ipm. £7.50. ()rkne} is distincti\e singer/guitarist tex-l‘ine I‘riday) has just released his lirst solo alhum.

I Introduction to Fiddle: Set Up and Maintenance l<o_\a| (‘oncert Hall: Buchanan Suite. Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. l.30pni. to. Bring along your fiddle and how tor a health check t'rom Bill \lc‘Kc‘ii/ie ol' the \‘iolin Shop, who‘ll also otter ad\ ice on nniintenance ol. the instrument.

I Lullabies in Scots 8- Gaelic Ro_sal ('oncert Hall: ('I_\'dc lio} er. Sauchiehall Street. 5.5.3 S000. 1.30pm. U). ('ltl‘issie Stewart leads a workshop hased on the gentle songs.

I Celtic Music Radio Roin (‘oncert Hall: Iishihition Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 3pm. See Thu IS.

I Gordon Duncan Memorial Solo Piping Competition llolida) Inn (it) \Yest. Both“ ell Street. 0S70 400 0003, 3pm. [8. Special night in honour ot' the late Perthshire piping genius (iordon Duncan. Top perl'ormers include Roddy .\IacI.eod. Simon MeKet'reII. Stuart ('assells. R}an ('anning and Ilene I.e I‘loch.

I The Young Tradition The National Piping (‘entre. McPliater Street.

(30“ eatItIens. 35.3 S000. 3pm. U0. The tinal concert in the Young 'I‘radition series. l'eaturing ('laire Mann and Aaron Jones.

I Danny Kyle’s Open Stage I{o_\aI ('oncert HaII: lishihition Hall. Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 5 7pm. tree. See Tlttl IS.

i whit" llttli

Jil‘ ' THE LIST 61