From Pop Idol victor to radio presenter, Michelle McManus has come a long way from appearing in school productions of Grease and The Boyfriend. But why does she have fond memories of Dublin and less happy ones of Brussels? And just what happens when she has problems with her boiler?

In which time in history would you love to have lived?

I w0uld have loved to live in Victorian times as it seems to be the most romantic of eras. I loved the Clothes as well. especially the corset. let's face it. those undergarments; were life savers. No one knew what size you were under those big skirts and frilly tops. I also think it would have been so exciting to live in the age of the industrial revolution and to see this new world open up before your very eyes.

What’s the longest time you’ve slept soundly in one go over the last five years?

Oh. about 13 hours straight. I love my bed.

What was the last thing you stole?

My sisters new handbag from her bedroom. I really needed that bag.

What’s your least favourite country?

it would have to be Belgium. When l was in Brussels; on holiday. I broke my arm. lhen. to top it all off, our

96 THE LIST 18 Jan 1 lot; 700/

flight home was cancelled and we had to get the ferry back 18 hours later. Serry Brussels: not great memories.

What’s the most rock’n’roll thing you’ve done today?

I'm not very rock'n'roll, I'm afraid. The most exciting thing I've done today is clean my Icilet. and, might I say. it looks beautiful.

If you could wake up tomorrow and have obtained one ability what would it be?

To be able to drive. I do hold a UK driving license. but somehow I Just can't seem to get it right. I think it's a combination of lack of awareness and a general lack of all skills required to drive. Baffling.

How many times a day do you look in the mirror?

At least 1()(). Maybe 200.

If you could quit your job and start afresh tomorrow and have the skills to do something completely new what would you choose to do?

I would love to be a wedding co—ordinator. High drama. fancy dresses. dodgy speeches and chocolate fountains. You can't beat it.

Tell us the punchline to your favourite joke? ‘To get to the other srde.‘

What, if anything, is too serious to joke about?

Steve Irwrn. He was a wonderful man who died a very tragic death.

What’s your favourite biscuit?

Mmmm. tOugh one as I'm not really a chocolate girl. I'm more of a crisp and dips kind of person. but if I had to choose I would go for a Kit Kat.

What song would you hate to be played at your funeral?

‘You Raise Me Up'. Way too sad.

Can you cook? If so, what’s your signature dish?

My grilled stuffed goat cheese peppers with pine nut and basil salad drizzled in chill cil.

What makes you good at what you do?

I don't take it all too seriously.

When did you last laugh out loud while reading a book?

On the tube the other day. l was reading The Asfi Spuniante Code. It's a parody of The Da ViriCr Code and it’s bloody hilarious.

Do gentlemen prefer blondes?

Yes. I think so. HaVing been both brunette and blonde I definitely think blondes have more fun.

Have you ever exploited your position to get something and did you get the results you hoped for?

I did get a free pair of designer glasses from an optician in Dublin who was a big fan and l was a little embarrassed as I wanted to pay for them. Instead he settled for a signed picture for his daughter. I was extremely grateful.

Who would you like to see playing you in the film of your life and who do you think the studios would choose?

I would love Jennifer Aniston to play me. although something tells me it would end up being Robbie Coltrane. who I love Just the same.

When did you last cry?

Last week when my bOiler broke and I needed a shower. Very emotional.

What’s your biggest regret?

Not snogging my primary six love when I had the chance while playing spin the bottle.

What’s your lucky number?

It's 20. because I won Pop Idol on 90 December. 2003.

What’s your all-time favourite sitcom?

Only Pools and / lorses because it reminds me of

nights in wrth my dad when I was a wee girl.

Your house is on fire, loved ones and pets are safe. You have a chance to go and retrieve one thing, what would it be?

GHD hair straighteners. Just look at my old school pics to find out why.

I Let's Do the Show Right Here begins on Radio Scotland. Fri 79 Jan, I 1.30am.

Every year the sagacious creatures at the Oxford English Dictionary decide which new(ish) words have been in usage for long enough to warrant a permanent space in the big book. Perplexingly, the newest batch includes words that don’t really seem all that new though. In fact, some are laughingly ancient. They include: Binge eater, Iadyboy (pretty sure that's mentioned in Leviticus). posing pouch, popular beat combo (pretty hip. huh?). power ballad/lunch/dress /shop/walk. tall poppy syndrome, work-life balance. ear bud. booger (really, how many American teen movies does it take before such a well-kent term is officially recognised?). chuffing. jobseeker. fugly and positive reinforcement.

Some of the more quaint “new words' include poptastic. poppy-plops (ach, the shame), post— gay (que’?). and pom-pom-pull-away. which is. apparently, another name for the game of tag but used only when the players don‘t mind being mercilessly bullied by the more violent neighbourhood kids.

But 2006 threw up some proper gems, we reckon. some of which may make their way to the OED: others. we’re not so sure. These include:

Wlklallty reality as determined by a pOputist vote Glass cliff a senior job. particularly one given to a woman, with a high chance of failure

404 a clueless person, derived from the internet error message '404 not found'

Blbllotharsls the process of recovering from repressed emotions or angst by writing a book Testiculatlng waving your arms around talking bollocks

Flog a fake biog. usually used by a corporation or PR to communicate a message and make it look like it's the opinion of a genuine person

McPoo with lies a McPoo involves sneaking into a fast food restaurant in order to use the toilet. If a staff member can be bothered to remonstrate with you and you claim you’ll be ordering your food when you've finished. that's a McPoo with ties. Bon appetite.

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