Back in 2001, reality TV might not have been the scabrous slice of vermin that it is now. The innocent

starvation broken only by the odd munching of a rat and skewering of fish, Lyons clearly made some kind of


And that has resulted in several years of cultivating a strong stand-up act which earned her the Babycham

Stephen K Amos The genial and talented wag will be on Channel A soon talking about being both black and gay. Catch him now before he's far too famous for the likes of us. The Stand. Glasgow. Thu 7—Sat 3 Feb.

Out to Lunch Live! lmprov goings—on with top scran thrown in for this hearty lunchtime innovation. See Profile. The Stand, Edinburgh. Mon—Fri.

Laughing Horse New Act of the Year The future stars of Scottish comedy? Time will only tell. Lindsay's. Edinburgh. Sat 3 Feb.

SiStars! A stellar line-up for sure with madames Bayley. Appelby. Kennedy and Calman

spirit of adventure probably reigned and people who went onto those shows may actually have wanted to get on with each other. This is probably a horribly na'i've notion. Hard to believe, but nice people like Zoe Lyons do occasionally go on such programmes and come out the other side no more or less hellish an individual. When the British version of Survivor arrived six years ago, not many people would have thought an award-

Funny Women Award in 2004 and allowed her to leave behind a trail of unenviable jobs in her wake. Well, would you want to work on a banana farm or pack some jam? While she has hosted the Bent Double gay- friendly nights, goofed around as part of the Monkey Butlers and shared the limelight with Glaswegian ex- spin doctor Ayesha Hazarika in Two Birds Go into a Bar, a full hour of Zoe must surely be next on her

helping your socks to be laughed off. The Stand. Edinburgh, Tue 6 Feb: the Stand, G/asgow, Wed 7 Feb. Shappi Khorsandi We just can't get enough of this little lady's tall tales of her lranian’Britislt heritage. See

winning comic was in our midst, but having left the island in the South China Seas after 30 days of

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Sian Bevan.


The Thursday Show 'l‘hc Stand. 33} \Yoodlands Road. 0870 000 0055. 8.30pm. £7 (to £3 ntcmhcrsl. 'l‘hc dry. assurcd and qttitc dashing Brttcc Morton hosts this 'l‘htlrsdzty show ol lo\ c. liycn thottgh l‘chrttary‘s a hit rtthhish. Stcphcn K Amos. .\'cil Dclantcrc. (icrry Mcl)adc and Richard Brophy ntakc cycrything hcarahlc.


Out to Lunch - Live! 'l’ltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 1.05 l.55pni. £5 Mcal & Show. Sqttcc/c sonic lilc ittto your lunch hour cottrtcsy ol tltc good l'olk at thc Stand. Scc l’rolilc. Heresy 'l’hc Jckyll & llydc. I I2

llanoycr Strcct. 225 2022. 8.30pm. £3. (‘ontcdy l‘ront thc darkcr sidc in tltis ccnsoi'—lrcc cycning. not l‘or thc taint hcartcd. llostcd by Rick Mollattd. witlt spccial gttcsts.

The Thursday Show 'l'hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 9pm. £7 (to £3). M(‘ Brttcc I)c\'lin hclps kick off l‘chrttary with thc assistancc ol' Martin 'liigpig' Mor. John Richardson and Macyc Higgins.

The Snatch Social 'I‘hc Liquid Rootn. 0c Victoria Strcct. 225 2564. l lpnt 3am. £5. (‘onicdy capcrs lroin Harry Ainswortlt attd 'l‘ony (‘artcr at this chccky caharct-cunt-disco.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcurs. l'(}(‘ Building. chl'rcw Strcct. 08707 870707. 7pm. U0. lial. drink. dancc. lattgh. lall oycr. crawl hontc and watch had tclly tomorrow. Aiding yoti on yottr tncrry way arc cotncdians Michacl l.cggc. .lttnior Simpson. Sttsan Murray

agenda. (Brian Donaldson) I The Pleasance Cabaret Bar. Edinburgh. Tue 73 Feb.

and l)ont ('arroll.

The Stand 'l'hc Stand. 333 \Yoodlztltds Road. ()870 (t()() 0055. 8.30pm. L“) (£8 £5 nicnthcrs). Brttcc Morton hosts tltc \Vcckcnd'sjollily. \\ ilh .\'ci| l)clatncrc. (icrry Mcl)adc. Richard Brophy and thc httgcly popular (and rightly so) Stcphcn K Autos.


Out to Lunch - Live! 'l‘ltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. l.05 |.55pnt. L5 Mcal & Show. Scc Thu 1. Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcurs. ()inni (‘cntrc. (irccnsidc l’lacc. 08707 870707. 7pm. L'l0. A hlokcy hut solid linc-ttp tltis wcckcnd with Phil Bullcr. Rogcr I). John \Vzti'httrton and (icol'l~ Boy/ cntcrtaining you pcasants. lintt'y ittL‘lttdL‘s access to tltc al‘lcr-show club. The Stand 'l'hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7272. 0pm. U) (£8 £5 ntcnthcrsl. 'l'hc chcckicst chappy on thc Scottish circuit. Brttcc l)c\‘lin. is thc wcckcnd‘s host. llc pl'L‘SCltlS lhc (lL‘lL‘L‘lilhlL‘ ltllcllls ol' Martin Bigpig Mot. Jon Richardson. Macyc Higgins and ('arl l)onnclly.

caption. Jong/eurs. G/asgow. Fri 9 & Sat 70 Feb.

Live at the Hive Some of your hot local talent hero with Steven Davidson on lvlC duties. Beehive Inn, Edinburgh, Fri 9 Feb.

Zoe Lyons The Babycham Funny Woman of 2004 (and that's official) has no intention of going back to banana farming and jam packing. See panel. The P/easance Cabaret Bar. Edinburgh, Tue 73 Feb.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlctiis. l'(i(‘ Building. chlrcw Stt‘cct. 08707 870707. 7pm. U3. Scc Hi 2.

Comedy Womb 'l‘hc Slatc Bar. l—l8 Holland Slt‘cct. 332 2l5‘). ()pnt. L"). 'l'hc initnitahlc l’ran llcaly hosts thc sttcccsslttl ('ontcdy \Yotnh at lhc Statc Bar. lcatttring a linc-ttp ol top comcdians L‘VCI')‘ \\ L‘L‘k.

l 11') l olt 900} THE LIST 39