I Whispers in the Attic Tchai ()yna. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. 8pm. Free. lixperimental music and performance poetry.

I Zero, 15 Times Dead, l-lellhouse and Bonesaw Soundhaus. 47 Ilydepark Street. 221 4659. 8pm. £8 (£6). (irooyy metal headliners Irom Sumlerland with old school thrash and experimental metal supports at this new Massacre band night. followed by the Sin club night.

I Duke Special and Stephanie Dosen King Tut’s Wah Wah Ilut. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 5279. 8.30pm. £7. See Thu 8.

I The Rhythm Rogues Samttel Dow's. 67 7I .\'iths'dale Road. 423 ()l()7. 8.30pm. I‘ree. Blues.

I Esther Beanscene. 38 42 Woodlands Road. 352 98()(). 9pm. Free. See Wed 7. I The Easy Orchestra The Butterfly and the Pig. 153 Bath Street. 221 77I I. I()pm. Free. See I’ri 2.

I The Haunted The (‘athouse. I5 l'nion Street. 248 6606. l’()S'l'l’().\'IiI).


I Strange Brew and Dignal, Dowell & White Whistlehinkies. 4 6 South Bridge. 557 5| I4. 6pm. Free before midnight; £4 alter. (‘oyers and originals.

I Led Astray The Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Street. 225 2564. 7pm. £10. Tribute hand to the Yep.

I Mr Hudson 8. The Library (‘abaret \"oltaire. 36 38 Blair Street. 220 6I76. 7pm. £6. See Thu 8.

I Funkspiel and North Atlantic Oscillation Henry's (‘ellar Bar. 8--I6a Morrison Street. 228 9393. 7.30pm. £4. 'I‘raditional and digital instruments combine to create melodic electronica.


I Wolftrain 'I‘olbooth. Jail Wynd. ()l786 274()()(). 8pm. £tbc. With a mixture of blues. rock'n‘roll and swing from Dundee. it's their horns that sets this six-piece apart.

Saturday 1 0


I Open Stage The llalt Bar. 160 Woodlands Road. 352 9996. 4 8pm. l-‘ree. See Sat 3.

I Tons of Slobs Rockers. I4 Midland Street. 22I 0726. 5pm. I-‘ree. l’ree/Bad (‘ompany tribute.

I The Jackknives, Daniel Healy, The Whisky Works and Trade Box. 43] Sauchiehall Street. 0141 332 543I. 6pm. liree. Showcase of local acts.

I Cosmic Rough Riders, Blind Pew and The Janes (‘Iassic (irand. l8 Jamaica Street. ()9()I 2 777 299. 7pm. £6. Retro. jangly rock from (ilasgow ’s (‘osmic Rough Riders. With blues rock support from Blind I’ew.

I The Jinn and Rico Franchi .’\B(‘2. 33(l Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232. 7pm. £6. ()yer- I4s show. Melodic pop/rock with acoustic stipport.

I Cooper Jones Tchai ()yna. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. 8pm. £2. l)uelling acoustic guitars Irom Manchester’s Sophie (‘ooper and Kelly Jones.

I Judie Tzuke Royal (‘oncert Hall: Strathclyde Suite. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8()()(). 8pm. £2(). The singer- songwriter best known Tor her hit ‘Stay with Me Til Dawn‘ performs songs from her latest album.

I The Parsonage Motto. I2 King‘s (‘ourt. King Street. 553 24()(). 8pm. liree. 'I‘hirty-strong country/blues choir perl'orm songs oI woe and heartbreak at this Valentine‘s Day Massacre gig.

I [spunge] and The Day I Snapped Barl'ly. 26() (‘Iyde Street. ()870 ‘)()7 099‘). 8pm. £H). ()y‘et'— l4s show. Ska punkers Irom 'I'ewkeshury who claim to be the hardest—working hand in the I'K.

I Demon’s Eye Samuel Dow‘s.

67 7I Nitlisdale Road. 423 ()l()7. 8.30pm. liree. Rock coyel‘s.

I The Ghosties, Black Arrows and Hip Parade \ice'n‘SIea/y. 421 Sauchiehall Street. 333 ()9()(). 8.30pm. Local hand line—up. headlined by .»\yrs'hire indie pop/rock trio.

I The Hedrons, Rosehill Drive and Eoghan Colgan King Tut‘s Walt Walt Htit. 272a St Vincent Street. 22] 5279. 8.30pm. £6. Attitudinous all girl band fronted by sitiger/songwriter Tippi prepare for the release of their rocking debut album.

I No Dice Rockers. I4 Midland Street. 22I 0726. 9pm. l’ree. Rock covers.

I The Tallest Night The l-‘erry. Anderston Quay. The Broomielaw. ()l698 360 085. 9pm. £6 hel‘ot‘e l().3()pm: £8 alter. I)as (‘ontras. Irregular Slinky and SambaYaBamba play at this I'undraising night for a friend struck down with (iuillian Barre Syndrome.

I The Fortunate Sons Linen 1906.

I l l() I’ollokshaws Road. 649 ()()()7. 9pm. I’ree. See Hi 2.

I The Gilded Angels The Butterlly and the Pig. I53 Bath Street. 22] 771 I. ltlpm. liree. See Sat 3.


I U-Know-Hoo Whistlebinkies. 4 6 South Bridge. 557 5l l4. 6pm. l’ree before midnight: £4 alter. ('lassic Iunk from IT-Know—Hoo. with more acts thc. I The Planes and The Vacant Tourists Henry's ('ellar Bar. 8 16a Morrison Street. 228 9393. 7.30pm. £4. indie pop.

I David Thomas Broughton, The Great Bear and The Wee Rogue Bedlam Theatre. 1 lb Bristo Place. 225 9893. 8pm. £5 £5.5(l. l.eI‘tlieId indie and dexterous delay pedal workouts from Broughton.

I Idenity Parade IIeriot-Watt l'niyersity l'nion. Riccarton. 45] 5333. 9pm 3am. l’ree. Three stages of music at this student night ol’ liye indie and beyond conlirmed so far: Jill Jackson. l.ittIe Doses. The Kays l.a\'elle. Kristian l.ebak. My Radio and (iecko3 plus an open mic stage.


I The Complete Stone Roses Motherw ell (‘oncert Hall. (‘is'ic (‘entre. Windmillhill Street. ()l698 302999. 7pm. £l2. Stone Roses tribute act. ollicially approyed by ex-Roses bassist Mani.


I Southpaw 'l‘olbooth. Jail Wynd. ()l786 274()()(). 8pm. £thc. line-piece alt.country outlit.


I Ross Fairweather Brel. 39 43 .-\shlon Lane. 342 4966. 6pm. Free. Local sitiger/songwriter plays this lil Rancho Relas‘o night. I’ur/ oft/iv ('i'ly (if lyre/institul.

I Europe Carling Academy (ilasgow. l2l Iiglinton Street. (I870 771 2()()(). 7pm. £47.50. ()\‘et'-l4s show. Yes. it‘s the legendary Scandinayian poodle rockers. clearly hopeI'uI that they still haye an audience in a world which laughs with. as well as at. The Darkness. No need to worry. these guys could make a statue headbang to ‘The I‘inal (‘ountdown'. But hold the ballads. please.

I Seneca, The Rail, Lahoya and Joe Lacy’s Human Abstract (‘lassic (irand. l8 Jamaica Street. 847 ()82(). 7.30pm. £5. SOs—style sophisto-pop Ii‘oin .loe l.acy ‘s Httman Abstract.

I Splinter Rockers. I4 Midland Street. 22] 0726. 7.30pm. £3. I’unk band play anti-racism I‘umlraiser.

I Johnny with Drew Gardner The Butterfly and the Pig. I53 Bath Street. 221 77l I. 8pm. l‘ree. Acoustic .-\IIait' session.

I Rattlesnake Remedy, Peep Show and Wired Desire Barlly. 260 ('lyde Street. ()87() 907 0999. 8pm. £5. ()yer- l4s show. Old school Bruminie rock band influenced by illustrious Iorehears such as Black Sabbath.



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Sat 24th February

The Garage, Glasgow



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The Garage. Glasgow

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Tickets available trom: In person: TICKET SCOTLAND Glasgow 8. Edinburgh, RIPPIIIG Edinburgh. GROUCIIO'S Dundee. By telephone: TICKETWEB: 0870 333 1123, SEE TICKETS: 0871 220 0260. TICKET SCOTLAND: 0870 220 1116. Tickets online from cpllive.co.uk 8. Ticketweb.co.uk


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