Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Carol Main.


I Voila Viola: Transcendental Viola RSAMI). l00 Renfrew Street. 332 5057. lpm. £7 (£5). Principal Viola of the Orchestra of Scottish ()pera. l.ey Atlas. performs his ‘transformations' of famoUs works by Sarasate. Saint-Siiens and Vladigeroy. l’art o/‘RS'.-\.tll) String/ext 2007.

I Scottish Voices (ilasgow l'niyersity (‘oncert Hall. l'niyersity Ayenue. 3.30 40‘)2. 1.10pm. l‘ree. A performance of (iraham Hair's Rainbow Serpent. Funded by the l‘et'gtison Bequest.

I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: Thursday Night Series ('ity Halls. ('andleriggs. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £9 £21.50. (’oupled with a new BB(' commission from the mystical soundworld of BB(‘ SS() (‘omposer in .-\ssociation. Jonathan Haryey. llan \'olko\' conducts the orchestra in Mahler's intense and tragic .\'int/t. Pre- concert prelude with Richard Holloway and Jonathan Haryey. b.45pm. Post— concert coda with t1)C//()-st)pt'ttltt) Louise (‘ollett. Both free to ticket holders.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Naked Classics Royal (‘oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l2.50. Learn more about popular classical pieces with an illustrated discussion followed by a performance of the work in question: l)\‘ortik's Syrup/tony .\'o ‘) 'I'ront the New llitl'ltl‘.

I RSAMD Stringfest 2007: Voila Viola l'ntil 18 March. RSAMl). l0() Renfrew Street. 332 5057. Times and prices yary. Last year String/est was I’artia/ to Paganini. this year it‘s the \‘iola's turn to bask in the limelight. surrounded by a busy programme of performances and makers‘ workshops.

I Voila Viola: Maggini String Quartet RSA.\H). I00 Renfrew Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £10 (£6). Stringl-est's artists in residence present a typically exciting programme of Haydn. Maxwell- Dayies and Schubert with cellist Naomi Boule-Masterson. Pre-concert talk with Peter (ioodfellow. ‘So How Do You Build a Viola'.’ at b.30pm (free to ticketholders). I’at't (if/{Sillln String/Q's! 2007.


I Véronique Pestel Institut liraneais dilicosse. 13 Randolph ('rescent. 225 53oo. 7pm. £5 (£3). The author. singer and composer takes us into the world of the great l‘rench poets. singing Louis Aragon. ('atherine Po//i. Joe Bousquet and Louise de \iiltnorinpoets on the occasion of ‘Printemps des Poetes'.

I George Heriots School Concert (ireyfriars Kirk. (irey friars Place. 22‘) 7263. 7.30pm. £tbc. A yaried programme of music performed by the l‘irst Orchestra. the ('oncert Band and the (‘ommunity ('hoir. Tickets only ayailable from the school: w w heriotscont.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Brahms Queen’s Hall. 87 8‘) ('lerk Street. (ms 201‘). 7.30pm. £8 £24

(£6 £ l 8). Brahms' Double ('oneerto and Sin/onia ([854) performed by S(‘() (‘onductor limeritus and Violinist Joseph Swensen and .-\merican cellist Ralph Kirshbaum.


I Voila Viola: Lunchtime Concert RSAXH). lllll Renfrew Street. .332 5057.

76 THE LIST tr’; 2‘) Mar 2)().’)/'

lptn. £7 (£5). Benjamin's t'io/a l'io/a and Mo/art's String Quartet in (i .llinor performed by the Maggini Quartet as part of RSI-HI!) Strtngl'est 2007.

I Voila Viola: Viola RSAMI). l()() Renfrew Street. 332 5057. 5pm. liree. ticketed. The first performance of a new work for two Violas by Nigel ()sborne. It w ill be performed on a newly-completed instrument built by luthiers in the cafe bar during the week. alongside Barbara Westphal's |7th century (iasparo dc Salyo » the instrument upon which the piece was based. l’art ofR.S'A.l/l) StringI-es‘t 2007.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Brahms (‘ity Halls. ('andleriggs. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l0 £22.50

(£7.50 £lo.80). See Thu l5.


3' Dunedin Consort and Players Queen‘s Hall. 87 8‘) ('lerk Street. 668 20l‘). 7pm. £7: £15. A performance of Bach’s St .tlatt/teu' l’assion.

I Edinburgh University Wind Band Reid (‘oncert Hall. lidinburgh l'niyersity. Bristo Square. (350 2427. 7.30pm. Tickets ayailable on the door: £5 (£3). .\lor\'en Bell conducts a programme of modern and traditional wind band pieces. I Royal Scottish National Orchestra: New World Symphony l'sher Hall. l.othian Road. 228 1 I55. 7.30pm. £l0 £28. l)yorak's Symphony .\'o ‘) ‘I-‘rotn the New ll'orltl‘ along with Stt‘tt\'iltsk_\"s Dutn/tarton Oaks and Korngold's l'iolt'n ('oneerto. with .lack Liebeck on the yiolin and (iarry \Valker wielding the baton.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra: New World Symphony Royal (‘oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l0 £30. See l'it'i lo.

I Voila Viola: Student Day RSAMI). I00 Renfrew Street. 332 5057. A one-day whistle-stop tour of the string experience. including talks. masterclasses and rehearsals. Part of RSI-HI!) Stringl'est 2007.


I Calton Consort: Lamentations ('anongate Kirk. I53 ('anongate. 22‘) 4048. 7.30pm. Tickets ayailable on the door: £7 (£5). A concert of choral music including Schnittke's ('ltoir ('oneerto and .llolt'ls by Thomas Tallis.

I Edinburgh University String Orchestra (irey friars Kirk. (irey friars Place. 225 l‘)()(). 7.30pm. Tickets ayailable on the door: £6 (£4). The orchestra celebrate their 15th anniyersary with a programme including Vaughan Williams‘ l'itntasia on a Theme by Thomas 'Ia/lis. limail

r.h.fur/,e((t for further details.

I Georgian Concert Society: Palladian Ensemble St (‘eeilia‘s Hall. (‘owgate. 008 20l‘). 7.45pm. £12.50 (£5/£‘).50). Two of the greatest composers of the French baroque. .\larais and l"orqtm‘ay one. apparently who used to play like an angel. and the other like adein straight ottt of hell

are explored in this excellent ensemble's programme that llits between light and darkness.

Sunday 18 .


I Glasgow Sinfonia Spring Concert RSAMI). I00 Renfrew Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £8 (£4 £6). (ierard l)oherty conducts as the orchestra ttsher in the spring season to the sounds of Stt‘atiss’ ()lme ('oneerto in I) Major and Brahms' .Iieutletnie l'estii'a/ ()H’I'Illl't’ and Sytnp/tony .\'o 4.

I Voila Viola: Teachers’ Conference RSAMI). l()() Renfrew Street. .332 5057. A day dedicated to the art of string teaching. for string teachers.

They have been touring Britain for 11 years now, but how

many of us are any the wiser as to where Chisinau actually is? Moldova is the answer, the country where legend tells that the devil doesn’t have all the best tunes. Not all of them belong to Moldovian folk-culture of course. Quite a few have been penned by Puccini and can be heard in this sumptuous Ellen Kent production of Tosca, involving a company of

170 plus orchestra. (Carol Main)

Royal Concert Hall, G/asgow. Tao 20-Wod 27 Mar: P/ay/touso. Edinburgh, Thu

22 Mar.

funnily enough. l’art ot'lx’SAtIl) Stringl'es‘t 2007.


I St Giles at Six: RSAMD Chamber Choir St (tiles‘ Cathedral. Royal Mile. 22o 0(i73. 6pm. l-‘rec. Michael Bawtree conducts a programme of music by Bustehude. Tomkins. l.otti and Bruckner.

I Edinburgh University Music Society Sinfonia and Chorus (ireyfriars Kirk. (ireyfriars Place. 225 l‘)()(). 7.30pm. Tickets ayailablc at the door: £0 (£4). l)\'orak's 'I'lte .\'oon(/a_\‘ ll'ite/t. Arnold’s l’our Seottis/t Dances and Puccini’s .tlessa (Ii (i/oriu. conducted by liw an Armstrong as part of the Society's l40th anniyersary concert series. (‘ontact

cums-president(a or ()7875 355307 for further details.

I Meadows Chamber Orchestra Stockbridge Parish Church. Saxe (‘oburg Street. ()68 20l‘). 7.45pm. £‘) (£l £7). Peter iiyans conducts the orchestra in this performance of Mendelssohn‘s ('a/trieeio Bt'i/lattte in l)’ .llinot: ()p 22. .\lo/,art's liolin ('oneerto in A. l\'\’2/‘) and Richard Strauss’ Sttile.‘ l.e Bourgeois (it'nlilltonttnt'. a gorgeous piece. full of melody. and requiring \‘irtuosic playing from e\ery instrument of the orchestra.

Monday 19


I Edinburgh Quartet Stockhridge Parish ('hurch. Sase ('oburg Street. (io8 20l‘). 7.30pm. £10 (£2 £7). The quartet perform Beethmen‘s String Quartet in A. ()p /8, .\'o 5. Magnard’s String Quartet in If ntinor and Pley el's String Quartet in A. ()p (i. .\'o 4.

I The Three Welsh Tenors Brunton 'l'heatre. l.ady well \Vay. .\lttsselburgh. oo5 2240. 7.30pm. £l4.50 (£l l ). Popular operatic arias from l)ewi \\‘y n. Huw l.lywely n and Andriano (ira/iani.

Tuesday 20 '


I Tosca Royal (‘oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l8 £30.50. The (‘hisinau National Opera present Puccini‘s tale of true loye. torture and treachery. staged with a large cast and full orchestra. Sung in Italian with tinglish surtitles.


I Student Concert Reid Concert Hall. lidinburgh l'niyersity. Bristo Square. 650 2427. l.l0ptn. l'it'ee. Performances by the w inner of the Toyey Memorial Pri/e 2007 and linal honours recital students frotn lidinburgh l'niyersity.

Wednesday 21


I Tosca Royal ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £ l 3 £30.50. See Tue 20.


I Nabucco l"c‘sti\;il Theatre. 13 2‘) .\'icolson Street. 52‘) 0000. 7.15pm.

£0 £28. lidinburgh (irand ()pera deliy er a modern production of Verdi's third opera and timeless biblical story. documenting the plight of Jews driyen from their homeland.

I Edinburgh Chamber Orchestra Morningside t'nited ('hurch. l5 (‘hamlwrlain Road. 447 8724. 7.30pm. Tickets ayailable on the door: £8 (£5). An eyening of Beethoy en. Schubert and lilgar with one of lidinburgh’s oldest amateur orchestras.

I Richard Craig Queen’s Hall. 87 8‘) ('lerk Street. (308 20l‘). 7.45pm. £l0 (£5). Scots—born international \ irtuoso flute and piccolo soloist performing music by James Dillon. Brian

l'cl'ne} ltottglt. ('ltl'istophel‘ l'it)\ and Michael l‘illtnissy. Presented l)_\ ecat.