
Events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance events are listed after theatre. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.



253Argy1c Strcct. 0870 240 7528. |\\'(‘. WA]

Hughie l'ntil Sat 17 Mar. 7.30pm. £5 (Mon) £8 (£5). Manhattan. 1928. '1‘hc lobby of a small. sccond-ratc hotcl in thc latc. latc hours of a \cry long night. Iiric Smith rcturns at‘tcr a liyc-day bcndcr. all fadcd glatnour and unsubstantiatcd. tnaudlin boasting. 'l'hc Scottish prcmicrc ol' liugcnc ()'.\'cill’s last onc-act play: a brilliantly sharp and witty piccc of writing. part intcnsc charactcr study. part tcndcr in nn'nmrnnn.


119 (iorbals Stt'cct. 429 0022. Il’. ll. \\'(‘. \VAI

Volpone l'ntil Sat 17 Mar. 7.30pm (Sat tnat 2.30pm). £12. 'lihcatrcbabcl pcrl‘orms Bcn Jonson‘s grotcsqttc burlc'squc cotncdy sct in 17th ccntury' \cnicc about thc ruthlcss grccd ot‘ Volponc ‘tltc liox‘.

Anna Hepburn in Consider the Lillies l'ntil Sat 17 Mar. 7.30pm (Sat mat 2.30pm). £9.50 £16. lain (‘richton Smith's tcxt t'ocuscs on thc pain and sul‘t'cring ol‘ a Highland widow dttring thc timc of thc ('lcaranccs. Scottish actor Anna llcpburn dcliycrs a gcntlc latticntation for a lost way of lilc.

Life of Pi l'ntil Sat 17 Mar. 7.30pm. £9.50 £l(i. An adaptation ot'Yann Martcl’s Bookcr w inncr aimcd at childrcn and adults alikc.

Ice Cream Dreams Wed 28 Sat 31 Mar. 7.30pm (Sat mat 2.30pm).

£9.50 £l(i. (ilasgow. 1982 and hct'oin has sct thc schctncs on lirc. Sol‘t (‘cll arc scrcaming "laititctl l.oyc‘. 'I‘aintcd litc. tnorc likc. \Vrittcn by wcll-k‘noys'tt Scottish w'ritcr and stagc. lilm and ty‘ actor Martin Mc(‘ardic ('li'nst'l 'Iim-n. Ihunugt't/ (nun/x. 'Iitggurl & Don't Slum! 'liln' (ion/iv) this hard-hitting talc o1 drttg misusc and family loy‘c is sct at thc timc of thc icc crcam wars in (ilasgow'.


9 1'niycrsity Ay'cnuc. 330 5522. 1\\'('. WA]

The Unsinkable Clerk Mon I9 Mar. 1.30pm & 7.30pm. £4. A titnid o1'licc workcr is transporch into a magical undcrsca rcalm locatcd in his subconscious. in this play co-w'rittcn by 15c1ix llaycs and Tom Hanks.


297 Bath Stt'cct. 0870 ()(i() (3048. Ill. \\'('. WA]

Hot Flush! 'l'ttc 20 Sat 24 Mar.

’l‘uc 'l‘hu. 7.30pm; liri & Sat. 5.30pm & 8.30pm. £12.00 £24.50. Mtisical about thc tncnopausc. starring Rula 1.cnska. Chicago the Musical Mon 26

Mar Sat 7 Apr (not Sun). Mon 'l'hu 7.30pm; l'ri 5pm ck 8.30pm: Sat 2.30pm 6’; 7.30pm. £1 1 £33.50. 'l‘hc sassy smash—hit show l‘ollow'ing thc cxploits o1 adultcrous nightclth danccr Roxic llart. who‘d litcrally' kill to bc a star. sharp- suitcd. shocahul‘lling lawycr Billy Flynn and dancing jailbird \clma Kclly. arriy'cs in (ilasgow'. Murdcr. grccd. y'iolcncc. corruption. cxploitation. adultcry. trcachcry . . . what tnorc cottld you want in a tnusical'.’


73l 735 (ircal \Vcstct'n Road. 357 (i200. A Play, a Pie & a Pint: The Date l'ntil Sat 17 .Mar. 12.45pm. £10. .\'cw work by ('1arc llcmphill. 'l'w'o arty forty- somcthings tind lltc'lliscly'c‘s back out on thc dating circuit again.

A Play, a Pie 8. a Pint: This Time I Promise Mon 19 Sat 24 Mar. 12.45pm. £10. ()nc woman play writtcn and pcrl‘ortncd by Marcclla l'.\‘;tt‘isll. cxamining thc strangcncss o1. timc.

A Play, a Pie & a Pint: Burning Your Boats Mon 26 Mar Sat 31 Mar. 12.45pm. £10. \\'hcn llomcr‘s l'lysscs got back from Ithaca tw'cly‘c ycars latc his witc was dclightcd to scc him. .lulcs. thc young actor w ho scts off to play him in a moyic. is only gonc for a ycar. But gctting back to who and whcrc hc was w'hcn hc sct out is not so simplc. A dark comcdy by Irish playwright Scan llardic.


121 chiicld Strcct. . 32 1846. Ill. \\'(‘. \\'.-\|

For the Love of Mrs Brown t‘ntil Sat 24 Mar (not Sun). £16.50 £18. 'l'hc latcst antics of thc irrcprcssiblc Mrs Brown starring Brcndan ()‘(‘arroll. We’ll Meet Again Thu 29 Mar. 1.15pm. £9 £1 1. A light—hcartcd look at w artimc Britain through comcdy'. music and song.


'l‘hc Bridgc. 1000 \Vcstcrhousc Road. littstcrhottsc. 270 9696.

The Rise and Fall of Little Voice Sat 17 .Mar. 7.30pm. £6 (£3 £4). A brand ncw' touring production of this much loy'cd backstrcct liairy'talc from thc acclaimcd Visiblc liictions.


98 Ingram Strcct. 552 3489. ll’. \\'('. \VA. \\'.-\A|

It’s My Party Thu 15 Sat 17 Mar. 7.30pm. £9 (£5). lona MacKinnon MSl’. ripc to ady'ancc in thc Ruling l’arty. takcs on an anti-M91 l Motorway catnpaigncr and wins. 01' docs shc’.’ A satirc on thc last four ycars ol~ thc Scottish l’arliamcnt. by ('hris Ballancc. (irccn MSl’ in thc 2003 2007 scssion. and award-winning

play wright. I’url oft/Iv llugnt'rs (i/usgmr

Inlt'rnulimtu/ ('mnm/y' It's/ital. Passing Places Thu 22 Sat 31 Mar (not Sun). 7.30pm. £(i £9 (£3 £5). Stcplicn (irccnhorn's distinctly Scottish road trip talc. in which Brian and Alcx hcad 1'or 'l‘hurso with local gangstcrs on thcir tail.


2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. [l’. 11. \\'(’. WA]

Tosca 'l'uc 20 & \Vcd 2| Mar. 7.30pm. £l8--£30.50. St‘c (‘litssicttk


100 cht'rcw Strcct. 332 5057. Ill. \\'(‘. \\'.A|

DeoxyriboNucleic Acid Thu 29 Sat 31 Mar. 7.30pm. £(i (£4). ('alling up contctnporary tncdia obscssions with ‘t'cal lil'c Sltll'lCS.. l)coxyt‘iboNttt‘lcic Acid lollow's a group o1 tccnagcrs unitcd by thc act ()1 doing sotncthing tcrriblc and what happcns w'hcn thcir solidarity slowly bcgins to unraycl. An RS:\.\ll)Yt)tllll\\'t)t'ks Drama production as part ol‘ thc National 'l‘hcatrc ('onncctions l‘cstiyal.


8 l0 Balcarrcs Aycnuc. Kcly‘indalc. 339 (1185. ll’. 11. \\'(‘. WA]

Utternonsense Sat 17 Mar. Scc Kids listings.

Magic and Puppet Show Sat 24 Mar. Scc Kids listings.

I SCOTTISH YOUTH THEATRE 'l‘hc ()ld Shcrill ('ourt. I05 Brunswick Strcct.

When a Star Falls Thu 29 Sat 31 Mar. 7.30pm (Sat tnat 2.30pm). £10 (£3 (Young Scot card holdcrs) £(i). 'l‘ackling thc scnsitiyc issucs ol‘ idcntity and nationality. Scottish Youth 'l'hcatrc‘s hard-hitting ncw play. by Scottish Bal‘ta w inncr l)a\‘id (‘osgroy c. w ill bc thc lirst production to bc stagcd in thc Brian ('o.\ Studio.


25 Albcrt l)ri\'c. ()845 330 3501. |\\'('. \VA]

Into the New 'l‘uc 20 ’l‘htt 22 Mar. 7pm. £4 (£2). 1‘inal ycar studcnts ol' (‘ontcmporary 'l'hcatrc l’racticc at thc RSAMI) show casc ncw and ycrsatilc pcrl'ortnancc picccs.

Aalst \Vcd 21 Sat 3| Mar (not Sun/Mon). 8pm. £12 (£8). Katc 1)ickic and Day id McKay star in a National ‘l'hcatrc o1Scotland/'l‘ratnway co- prodttction bascd on a trttc story oi lilicidal parcnts. \oy'c‘ltsl Duncan Mcl.can has adapch thc original Bclgian production and rc—itnagincd thc story for a Scottish audicncc. Rccommcndcd lior agc. 14+.


(i3 'l‘rongatc. 552 42(i7.

Human Histories: La Musica 8. Fando and Lis liri lo Mar. 8pm. £(i (£4). ()uccn Margarct l'niycrsity”s talcntcd company takcs on lhc works ol’ Margucritc Duras and 1‘crnando Arrabal.

Social Shifts: Slave Island & The Mistake Thu 15 Mar & Sat 17 .Mar. An cy'cning of Scottish prcmicrcs by (‘).\ll'("s thcatrc company.



Moray llottsc. 37 llolyrood Road. 558 7004.

Rhinoceros l'nlil Thu 15 Mar. 7pm. £7 (£0). littgcnc loncsco's play about a town cttrscd by a rhino.


The talented young practitioners of Queen Margaret University College present this double bill of work by Marguerite Duras and Fernando Arrabal. La Musica (pictured) presents a story of love affairs in hotels and imperfect recollections. Both, in fact, question our capacity for love, and the harder truths of ego and selfishness behind it.

I Tron Them/‘0. Glasgow, Fr) 16 Mar.


l.adywc1| \Vay. Mttssclburgh. (io5 2240. 11’. ll. \\'(‘. \VAI

Green Whale Thu 15 Sat 17 Mar. Scc Kids listings.

Tiiwa Tiiwa (It’s Ours) Thu 22 Mar. 7.30pm. £10.50 (£0 £8). Bodc l.awal Sakoba l)ancc 'l‘hcatrc prcscnt a night oi modcrn A1‘rican dancc.

Scot of the Anarchic Sat 24 Mar. 7.30pm. £l0.50(£o £8). Splintcrs Productions prcscnt thc prctnicrc o1 thcir Iatcst show paying tributc to onc of Scotland's grcat w ritcrs. lain (‘richton Smith. in this colourful dcpiction of Highland lilc.


33a Morningsidc Road. 529 4147. ll’. 11. \\'('. \\'Al

The Boy Friend l'nlil Sat 17 Mar. 7.30pm (Sat mat 2pm). £8 £12 from 0870 220 1110. lidinburgh Musical 'l‘hcatrc cclcbratc thcir 25th anniycrsary ycar with a rctttrn trip to Sandy Wilson's dclightl'ul pastichc o1'thc 1920s thcir tirst ottcring to lidinbttrgh's citi/cns back in 1982. Sct around Madamc Dubonct’s finishing school in .\'icc. thc show lt‘illlll't‘s w cll—known l'ayottritcs including ‘l ('ould Bc Happy with You~ and 'lt's .\'c\cr 'l‘oo l.atc to l’all in |.oyc’.

‘Allo ‘Allo \Vcd 28 Sat 31 Mar. 7.30pm (Sal tnat 2.30pm). ’l'ickcts: £8 (£7) ayailablc lironi (io8 2019. A pricclcss art work hiddcn in a sattsagc and a w irclcss radio disguiscd as a cockatoo'.’ It could only bc ill/u '.-1//u. .loin lidinburgh l’coplc's 'l'hcatrc as thcy indulgc in morc cscapadcs with haplcss catc ow'ncr chc in this stagc \‘crsion o1 thc httchy - popular TV scrics.