Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days before publication to clubsglasgow® Glasgow listings are compiled by Sandra Marron.

Glasgow Thursdays


I *.* at the Bull ('lub. l().3()pm 3am. £3 (l'ree). Weekly. Steyie and Day id rummage through their records to bring you all the good .stul'l‘. 'l‘het‘e's the odd liy‘e hand. so expect a test oI eclectronica. diset)technocarcy' and other yyords they'y e _iust tnade up.

I Bunker Thursdays at the Bunker Bar. midnight 3am. liree. Weekly. Bunker Bar is non staying open until 3am at \yeekends and (Ilasgoyy' indie stalyx'arts I-‘ools (iold are tnanning the decks each and may 'I‘hursday.

I Calling All Disco Kids at Karbon. l().3()pm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Ileskey and Big Al drop hip hop and R&B yxhile Rays B and liuan McLeod play classics and hand out cash pri/es at this student night. Scott McKay plays house in the lounge.

I Club NME at the Arches.

l().3()pm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. This l‘ortnight 'I'he Ripps ( l2 Apr). Help She (‘an't Syyim and Dance I.a/.arus Dance ( I‘) Apr). The Hoosiers (26 Apr) are joined as ex er by Jim (iellatly (XI-M) and ('Iub .\'Mli DJs.

I Club Dlum at the Bull (‘Iub.

l lpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Resident DJ Dirty Marc (DeathkilI-Illllll) is joined by liye I‘un each and may neck.

I Crush at Queen Margaret l'nion. l()pm 3am. £3 (£I ). Weekly. Neyy night yyith Xl‘M‘s McSlea/y playing mostly bootlegs and mash ups throughout the night.

I F**kmyspace at (iuru. I lpm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. Indie rock and power pop across three rooms with (Irahame. Brian and guests.

I Fools Gold at the Bunker Bar.

9pm 3am. l‘ree. Weekly. (ilitsgtm DJ legend (‘J plays an array ol‘ eleetro pop and rock \yhile l‘ools (iold mix up some indie and rock.

I Freakmoves at (ilttsgtm School of Art. I lpm 3am. £3 (£3). Weekly. l'ltra- litre hip hop night Ior the students. yy ith DJs Detnu and .\'ice. U l()r (iSA slttdettls alter midnight. l'ree heltrt‘e.

I Freakscene at I’olar Bar. l Iprn 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Brand neyy retro and alternatiy e sounds l'rom John l‘reakscene. I Hi Fi at the Bunker Bar. 9pm 3am. tree. Weekly. Daye Sinclair dishes up Iiye hours or top-notch indie and rock.

I Horrorshow at l’it'eyyater. ‘lpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. I-‘ireyyaler uses its late licence to glorious cited with this neyy night. I.i\ e bands and ('raig McGee eyery W eek. Mill] The Yelloyy Bentines ttlld Delta Audio ('lub ( I3 Apr). I‘uluro ( I‘) Apr) and Jackson Analogue (30 Apr).

I Loaded at Bamboo. l()pm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Mark Robb. ’I‘ania and l‘riends play l'unk and soul with rock'n'roll at this neyy student night.

I Record Playerz ttl (ilttsgtm School ol‘ Art. I lpm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. In the Vic Bitt'. Jackson Stars. Bonjotlr Boi and Ilushpuppy. Dance. noise. delirium and digital disco \yith Mouinex liye ( I3 Apr) and Dead Disco on :0 Apr.

I Red Room at Maggie May 's.

l()pm 3am. £3 (tree). Weekly. Brian (I'Sou/a and Jake play eleetro. electronica. hotise. lolk. dub. hip hop. ja/I. indie and experimental.

I Rumble at the (iarage. I Iptn 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. DJs (ierry Lyons and Baby Brian playing chart. classics. anthems and requests. In the Attic. Paul and Steye play indie and alternatiye. \yhile in (i2 Andy

\y hips tip an RtfiB storm \yith 7lls, Slls and Ulls hits plus pop and chart in the Iingine Rooms \yith Nicola.

I Solid Steel at the Sub ('lub.

I lpm 3am. £6 before midnight: £8 alter. I2 Apr. Mixed Business and the Sub (‘luh bring back Ninja 'I‘unes' beats-lest with DJ I‘ood \‘s DK celebrating the launch of their neyy ear-popping mix. With support from Bootn Monk Ben.

I Tunnel Classics at the 'l‘unnel.

l lpm 3am. £5. Weekly. Simon I-‘oy and Lisa l.illle\\ood cook up house and dance from past to present.

I Zero Thursdays at Bolto.

9.30pm 3am. £3. Weekly. DJ Normski. rounding member or the night. Burn. playing twisted Iunk. dirty electro and funky house.

Glasgow Fridays


I Art of Parties at the (ilasgoyy' School oI Art. I lpm 3am. £4 (£3). I3 Apr. Monthly. Art ol' Parties takes oyer the Arty once again \yith guest Kissy Sell Out plus Day'id Ii Sugar.

I Beat Down The Up Set at (iuru.

l Iprn 3am. £5. Weekly. Vital mix ol‘ neu- underground rock‘n'roll. glitchy disco. post punk and dirty digital l'unk. I‘ree passes ayailahlc at

my ntheupset.

I Blitzkrieg Bop at the Arches.

l I.3t)pm 3am. £6 (£4). I3 Apr. Monthly. Iiddy 'I‘emple Morris (XI-M). DJ .Mehdi. Shakes liye plus Dolby Anol DJs.

I Boho Fridays at Bolto. 9.30pm 3am. £6. Weekly. ‘Jim Da Best' kick starts your weekend with his oyyn brand oI party tunes and floor tillers.

I Brown Baggin’ It at the (iarage.

I lpm 3am. £5 (lree £3). Weekly. The Attic hosts retro. Britpop and all. while the Iingine Rooms play chilled out chart Irom eyery era. Brian syy itches the remote and plays eyerything l'roni pop through to charts in the main gal‘l‘ \ylrile the (32 channel spices it up with R&B and soul. 21: Disco Fantastico at Soundlratis. lt).3()pm 4am. £7 (£6). 20 Apr. A full and eclectic line-up as Deportiyo Street Team (l'iiyelllliast ). Sisa (liy'e). NaIces (liy‘e). l’ull l’hat (lilatpack 'I"raxx/()n The Brink Recordings). Ali llerron l()olt ). Johnny Whoop (Death Disco). Daye Shades. Dayid Mottram. Dr (ion/o & .-\eroplane Dope and Yelloyy Ben/ene take oy er tyyo

I Disco Ultra at the Arches. l lpm 3am. (be. 20 Apr. With 00s tyy isted dance maestros 'I'he (irid (liye) and Kitslii.

Ti: Drunk at the Pulpit at RAI‘A. 8.30pm lam. £4. I3 Apr. Monthly. .\'e\y monthly indie. country and l‘oIk music oriented club night. The launch night l‘eatures Iiy e music sets from The IIermit (‘rabs and Older A; l‘ar .-\\\:l_\ I’ll“ Bl‘lml Mttsic and DJ sets l'rom Item-(l .Ilugurine and others.

I Electroball at Karhon. Ill.3l)pm 3am. £(i (£4). Weekly. lilectro night from Salon Boris l)Js. l);t\ id Sinclair ( Killer Kitsch) and Dominic Martin at next \enue.

I Freq at the Sub ('lub. llpm 3am. HO. 2” -'\PI‘. Broken beat to tech home and eyerything in betyyeen Iron) the I’req creyy. This month a double-header l'rom Silicon Scally Iiye \ s the Wee l).ls. Dark electro I‘un indeed. See preyieyy. page 33.

I Funhouse at Barlly. I lpnr 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. DJ Paul Needles and Alpha Mitchell spin psych. punk. soul and maximum rock'n'roll.

I Goodfoot at the Admiral. l()pm 3am. £5. 3i) Apr. Monthly. (ioodl'oot tnoyes to its neyy home alter the death ol' the Riyerside. Sottl. I'unk and all that _ja/I.

I Monkey Puzzle at Maggie May‘s. l()pm 3am. £5 (tree). Weekly. (lids and Donald team up n ith Andy I’irie. Billy \Voods. Andreyy Back and Derek l()l‘ it \yeekly trip through electro. electronica. Iiotise. l'olk. dub. hip hop. ja/I. indie. disco and rare grom e.

I Mungos Hi Fi at the (ilasgoyy School oI Art. l()pm 3am. £It). 37 Apr. Monthly. Ragga. dancehall and eyery thing dth Irom (ilttsgtm ‘s premiere raggamul‘lins. This month a brilliant double bill as the queens ol' reggae Sister Nancy and Sister ('aroI rock the joint. Purl ol'lri/uwli.

1" I: S 'l' I V A I.

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3%.le I-‘.R()I. .\I.I\‘."\.\'.l"l'.\l I SAINTS DIS V (‘.A\B\'()I'I‘.\IRI-~ 1.7.00 2%.()() SI’IIs‘I’RlLM.'I‘ROI'BIICDIS l'l‘III'ZLAVILS . LTtX) .


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FOR FULL LISTINGS Slit-Z BROCI IURI". ()R'I‘RII’I‘YCI Il-‘ICS'I‘I\’AI..C()M llt‘lsl (s \RI \\.\u \m l'()\l l\l- on rs l’l ttsos l‘ls’t)\l- ().\‘I.t.\'t-‘.:\\y\\\ lRll’l‘it'lll ) s'I )y'u .t‘t)\l l’ll().\'l-‘.:()HT() _‘Jtl 111s .-\ttt-‘.tu)t-:t-:.\'; l t‘l’Rl t otms, in r \tt).\'l s r ll1\t().\' rntt-gyy') s) son t‘lls'l l-ZDINBI'RUII: I It Isl rst or) \\t).lt(’)\l'sl (ut'r’ts‘mu t'tils'l) 'Iltnnnxa (:lAS(;()\\': rtt‘krrstort \.\'l). \nmrt sr V or .\()‘rt‘.st‘()\tl'l t.\tt~\"l‘.\lt\ y'itns \s'.\.ynu I.\(;.\'t"t'tns r-yrs r


)2 {)6 Apr 200 me LIST 35