HERESY What’s that then? Every Thursday the Jekyll & Hyde basement on Edinburgh’s Hanover Street is host to a censor-free night of comedic devilment.

Ooh, that sounds cheeky It is indeed. Resident MC Rick Molland (pictured) touts the proceedings as a ‘dark and depraved night‘, basically meaning that acts are encouraged to unleash their more controversial material upon the public's sensitive souls.

So it’s all racism and homophobia then? Heresy's feet are firmly planted away from the right wing, and. let’s face it. racism’s a bit passe now anyway. Cue more dead baby jokes. Liberal dead baby jokes. mind. Who’ll like it? The easily offended should keep away. but the more open-minded can enjoy some of the best in Scottish talent doing jokes and routines they daren't do anywhere else.

(Sian Bevan)

I Jekyll 8. Hyde, Edinburgh, Thursdays.

Raytnond .\learns comperes with Parrot and Kirsty .\loss.

Wednesday 18


Benefit in Aid of Strathclyde University Alumni Fund The Stand. 333 Woodlands Road. 0870 600 6055. 8.30pm. £7 (£5). (iuilt-free lattghter as comedians give up their time to raise tnoney for the fund which helps students from less advantageous backgrounds. The little angels doiitg it for tree are Sandy .\'elson. (iary little and John l.ynes.


Out to Lunch - Live! The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 1.05 1.55pm. £5 meal (Y show. See Thu 12.

Benefit in Aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care The Stattd. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £7. (‘omedians give their titne for free to raise tnoney for Marie ('urie ('anccr ( are. how nice is that‘.’ Vladimir .\lc'l‘avish. Dee (‘ustance. (iraeme Thomas. Sian Bevan and Tom Slade all earn brownie points.

Thursday 19


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurs. l'(i(' Building. Renfrew Street. 08707 870707. 8pm. £7 (£3). Venture otit this Thursday ey e to he delighted and enthralled by Tom Slade. Sitnon (‘lttylolL John Scott and (icolT Boy /. 'l‘here’s dancing afterwards. eyen thotigh it's a school night. Shocking.

The Thursday Show The Stand. 333 \Voodlattds Road. 0870 600 6055. 8.30pm. £7 (£6 £3 members). The awfully talented Sandy Nelson is yottr affable .\1(‘. He‘s joined by Alex Horne. John Ross. Sully ()‘Sullivan and Stan Bevan. See page 40 where Mr llornc chooses My ('omedy llcl‘o.


Out to Lunch - Live! The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 1.05 1.55pm. £5 meal 8; show. See Thu 12.

Heresy The Jekyll & llyde. l 12 Hanover Street. 225 2022. 8.30pm. £3. See Thu 12.

The Thursday Show The Stand. 5 Yot'k Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £7 (£6 £3 members). Mighty motormouth Raymond .\1earns hosts. nay commands. this evening. Sailing in his comedy ship are Sean Collins. Stu & (iarry. John Summit and Jamie Anderson.

The Snatch Social The Liquid Room. ()c Victoria Street. 225 2564. 1 1pm 3am. £5. See Thu 12.

Friday 20


Watson’s Wind-up (ilasgow l’ilm Theatre. 12 Rose Street. 332 8128. lptn. liree. Sec PH 13.

Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurs. l'(i(‘ Building. Renfrew Street. 08707 870707. 8pm. £10. See Thu 1‘).

The Stand The Stant . 33. \Voodlatttls Road. 0870 600 6055. 8.30pm. £9 (£8 £5 members). Saute beautiful people as 'l‘hursday btit with all the fun of the weekend. Slap on some make-up. kick tip your heels and get that cider down your neck.


Out to Lunch - Live! The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 1.05 1.55pm. £5 meal «k show. See Thu 12.

Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurs. ()mni ('cntre. (ireenside Place. 08707 870707. 8.15pm. £10. Keith l-‘ield. feisty Stisan Murray and Brian lliggins are braving the Jongleurs stage this weekend. so go and laugh at them. You cart have a drink and some grub to help you on the way. then dance at the after—show club. The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £0 (£8 £5 members). The same line-up as Thursday as the boys plough on in their mighty vessel of mirth. Don't forget that hot food's available. and very nice it is too.

Glasgow Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurs. l'(i(‘ Building. Renfrew Street. 08707 870707. 8pm. £13. See l-‘ri 20.

Comedy @ The State The State Bar. 148 llolland Street. 332 215‘). 8.30pm. £5. .\l(' (‘hris "The Ram' Broomlield welcomes one-woman artny Viv (ice. alongside David Barr and Jitn Park. A bargainotts night in a lovely wee venue. (io and make new friends.

The Stand The Stand. 33.3 Woodlands Road. 0870 600 6055. 9pm. £12. Sce Hi 21).


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurs. ()mni ('entre. (irccnside Place. 08707 870707. 8.15pm. £12. See Fri 20. Saturday Circus Red. 73 ('owgatc. 225 1757. ()pm 3am. liree. See Sat 14. The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £12. See l‘t‘i 20.


Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service The Stand. 33.3 Woodlands Road. (1870 61K) 6055. 8.30pm. £5

(£4 £1 members). (iary little. Sully ()‘Stilliyan and lint Park join Michael Redmond for some Sunday laughs. Redmond was iit l'ill/lt'l' 'Ii'rl don't you know.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. lptn. liree. See Sun 15.

The Sunday Night Laugh-In The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £5 (£4 £1 members). The show on the Sabbath is rightly hosted by the Reverend ()badiah Steppenwolfe lll. (iod bless him. He‘s joined by Kevin Bridges. John Summit and Phil Differ.


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance The Stand. 33.3 Woodlands Road. 0870 600 (3055. 8.30pm. £4. Monkey boys Sandy Nelson. Allen ('halmers. Paul Pirie and Raymond Mearns bring you a night of stand-up. sketches and songs. which is very nice of them indeed.


Out to Lunch - Live! The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 1.05 1.55pm. £5 meal & show. See Thu 12.

Red Raw The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £2. More (hopefully) fabulous new acts. with Kevin Bridges and Billy Kirkwood at the helm. Oh. come one. it‘s only £2: how bad cart it be'.’

Tuesday 24


Red Raw The Stand. 333 Woodlands Road. 08706006055. 8.30pm. £2 (£1 members). Sotne brand new and some tip-and-coming acts test out their material. so be nice kids. Billy Kirkwood and John Ross supervise things.


Out to Lunch - Live! The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 1.05 1.55pm. £5 meal 6’; show. See Thu 12.

The Stand The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. The line-up has yet to be continued for this one.

Wednesday 25


Best of Irish The Stand. 333 \Voodlands Road. 0870 600 6055. 8.30pm. £7 (£6). More scampish humour from the Irish ones. I mean. the accent is jut so funny isn't it'.’ John Henderson. Tara 1-‘1ynn and Michael Redtnond halt all patronising stereotypes by just being darned fttnny.


Out to Lunch - Live! The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 1.05—1.55pm. £5 meal & show. See Thu 12. Lemoncustard Comedy Henry‘s (‘ellar Bar. 8" 1621 Morrison Street. 228 9303. 8pm. £5. Second outing for this evening of childish fun. Drink pop and eat so many sweets you'll be high as a kite watching Billy Kirkwood. Susan (‘alman. Sian Bevan. Dee (Instance. Anthony .‘vlurray and Jason Kavan. British Bulldog afterwards if you‘re up for it.

Best of Scottish The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 8.30pm. £6. Scotland's fittest gather to show the comedy strength of those north of the Border. It'll be like Brave/tear! with better accents. .\l(‘ Joe lleenan presents Sandy Nelson. (iary Little and Paul Pirie.

Glasgow Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurs. l’(i(‘ Building. Renfrew Street. 08707 870707. 8pm. £7 (£3). (‘heeky scamps Joe lleenan. Rick Right and Alex Boardman are madcap for it tonight. The Thursday Show The Stand. 33.3 \Yoodlands Road. 0870 600 6055. 8.30pm. £7 (£6rr£3 members). (iood gosh. the awesome Brendon Burns is a— coming to town. Watch the man who got (ilastonbury high. as well as

Glenn Wool According to this moustachioed Canadian geezer, you don’t go to hell for eating elephants. It's certainly a reassuring theory, but what can it mean? This may be your chance to find out. Jong/eurs, G/asgow, Thu 72—Sat 74 Apr.

Live at the Tron A new venue for the Live at the Hive folks, so obviously this requires a name change. Steven Davidson continues with his admirable MC duties, heralding to the stage some of our local talent. Local comedy talent. The Tron, Edinburgh, Fri 7 3 Apr.

Comedy @ The State Further name change mayhem as the Comedy Womb is given a more stately moniker. Billy Kirkwood is your host. The State Bar, Glasgow, Sat 74, 27 Apr.

Alex Home One of the circuits more brainy acts does a few shows up here in preparation for a new assault on the Fringe in August. See My Comedy Hero, page 40. The Stand. Glasgow, Thu 7 9—Sat 27 Apr.

Brendon Burns The outrageous Aussie fellow does his less than Iaidback thing. There’s meant to be a documentary about his crazy ways coming out soon-ish. The Stand, Glasgow, Thu 26 Apr.

performances from John Henderson and Andy McPartland. Bruce Devlin hosts.


Out to Lunch - Live! The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 1.05—1.55pm. £5 meal & show. See Thu 12.

Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongleurs. ()mni Centre. (ireenside Place. 08707 870707. 8.15pm. £8. Tim Clark. Bill Dewar. Anthony King and Sandy Nelson do their respective things in the name of comedic fun.

Heresy The Jekyll & llyde. I 12 Hanover Street. 225 2022. 8.30pm. £3. See Thu 12.

The Thursday Show The Stand. 5 York Place. 558 7272. 9pm. £7 (£6—£3 members). The impossibly charming Vladimir McTavish hosts this evening. with amusement coming from all sides with the Rev Obadiah Steppcnwolfe lll. Kevin Bridges and Tara Flynn.

The Snatch Social The'l.iquid Room. :

9c Victoria Street. 225 2564. l lpnt-3am.

£5. See Thu l2.

12—-26 Apr 2007 THE LIST 41