Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

The Aeroplane (L’Avion) (l’( if

0.. ((‘e‘drie Kahn. l-"ranee/(ierman}. 3005i lxahelle ('arre. Vineeiit Landon. Romeo Bot/arix. lfltlmin. .»\ eharming faiitax) ahoiit a ho} \\ ho i'eeei\ ex a magieal toy aeroplane. ax thriller direetor Kaliii lRt'tl Lie/11x. Ru/n'l'ln .Stlr'r‘nl .xpt‘eadx hix wingx. Part of l’reneh l-"ilm l't‘xliVal l‘K. See round- tip. page ~15. I'ilnr/iorrir’. lit/rn/rure/r.

After the Wedding (Efter Bryllupet) ( l5) 0... (Suxanne Bier. Denmark. 2006) Madx Mikkelxen. Sidxe Bahett Kiiudxen. Rolf l.axxgard. lllmiri. ('harit)‘ \xorker Jaeoh (Mikkelxeni ix eoereed irito attending a uedding h} rnulti millionaire huxinexxniaii Jorgen ( in return for funding. What Jaeoh dixemerx at the \\ eddirig about hix (mn paxt af'feetx hix life and that of hix hoxtx in a moxt uniniaginahle \ta}. in thix highly “ateliahle lo\\ hudget familial drama. (i/uxenn Ir'r/m 'Iilrr'uln'. (i/(Mgrmz

Alpha Dog ( IS» 000 (Nick ('axxai'etex. l'S. 200m limile llirxeh. Jrrxtin 'l‘iiiiherlake. Anton Yelehin. l l7min. See I'L‘Vic“. page 4-1. (il’lfr‘l‘rl/ I‘r'lt'rlsr’.

Alien Adventure 30 (l‘i .000

(Ben Straxxen. Japan. 2001 l Voiee of John Bo}le. Boiili l.annerx. 37min. An alien raee looking fora planet to eolonixe find earth and unfortunatel} enter a theme park \\ here the) eaiixe mueh amuxing mayhem. l_fI.-f.\' [Ii/It'tlll‘l'. (i/risgmi:

Amazing Grace (Wit 0. (Miehael .-\pted. l‘K/l'S. 200m loan (ir'uffirdd. Romola (iarai. Youxxou .\"Dour. 1 18min. To mark the ZOO-year eelehrationx of the aholition of xlaVet‘). thix xolid liiopie detailx hou- William Wilherforee ((iruffuddi lk‘rxuaded the llouxe of ('ommonx to end the xla\ e trade. The film ix hon e\ er derailed h} an irrelexant loi e interext ((iaraii. xtaid dialogue and the prexeiiee of old} one hlaek eharaeter (.\"Dour). Si'lr'r‘lt'rl I‘l'lr'rlu'. Annaluise and Anton (l’( if ((‘ai-nline Link. (ierriian). l‘)‘)()i lilea (ieixxler. Max l‘elder. ltl7min. ('hildreii'x film ahout tuo youngxterx from different ixorldx \xlio form an ttllJlkL’l} friendxhip haxed on a no\ e| h_\ lir'ieh Iz'mr/ um/ Illt’ l)eli'r'lri'i'i Kaxtrier. (i/rrxgmi‘ I‘ll/II Theatre. (i/risgmi;

The Ant Bully (ti 0. (John A

l)a\ ix. liS. loom Jtilia Rohei‘tx. \ieolax ('age. Meril Streep. 80min. Yet another (‘(il animation hextiming life lexxonx on the nation'x )ourig. 'I‘eri-}ear-old l.ueax likex to torment antx. until rexident ant u i/ard Zoe (.\'ieolax (‘agei xhrinkx him to their xi/e and teaehes him to fix e ax part of the eomniunit) rather than an llltll\ idual. l’redieiahle )arii. (inure/rm: (i/uxeun‘.

Arthur and the lnvisibles (tr

.0. (Lite Bexxon. liranee. 3007i Voieex of l‘r‘eddie llighmor'e. Mia l’arroix. Ron (’rau ford. ‘Hmin. In an adaptation of hix own eliildr‘en'x hook. Bexxon mixex li\e‘ aetion and ('(il animation with pateh} rexultx. Arthur ( llighmorei emharkx on a (lllext to xa\ e f-Irandiiiother'x (liari'tm i houxe. eomplete \\ ith troll—like Minemo} x. an e\ il \x'i/ai'd and xauey prineexx. Moxt entertaining in itx li\e—aetion xequeneex. it'x hero) on xl}le hut light on originality (irmt‘r’liul‘. (i/(lxunii‘; \ill’ I‘Jl/IIII/Hll‘g'lt Ul'r'llll. lz'r/rIi/rrug/r.

Asterix and the Vikings (H 0. (Stefan liieldiriark. Jexper Moller. l‘i‘anee/l)enmark. Zoom \'oieex of Sean .v\xtin. John Di Maggio. Brad (iar'rett. 78min. :\ eollahoratiori hetiieeri aniiiiator'x l'ijL‘ltlllltll‘k' ('Ii'r'kr'l in Trouble) and Moller‘ (llel/rf I'm (I Iii/n that. dexpite xome (lodg) updating (a earrier pigeon named SMS). ix a fair‘l} xolid if uninxpii'ed attempt to eateh the eharm of the original. (I’lmumi I'll/n 'I'lir'rrlrr'. (i/memi _' (ii/Hen. lit/inlrur'e/r. Aurore ( 12.5.) (.\'ilx 'l‘mernier. l‘ranee. Zoom Margau\ ('lialelier'. l‘raneoix Berleand. (‘arole Bouquet. ‘)5min. ('ontempor'ar) danee meetx old~faxhioned fairytale in iliix tale of uooilig prineex and a rehellioiIx prineexx. Part of l‘reneh l‘ilm l'iextival l'K. See l'ttllll(i~tlp. page ~15. l‘ilHi/rrrrm'. lirlin/mrelr.

48 THE LIST 1;) as At” your


Kill Your Timid Notion (KYTN). tho intornational tostrval of oxporimontal film. lllUSIC and Visual art is hack at DCA in Dundoo for its fourth yoar from tho fZ—Sun 1:3 April. Tho four—(lay festival foatur‘os min(l~l)lo\.'/in(; porform'inoos from somo of tho most influontial and oxoiting intornationai oxporimonlal artists working today. With tho support of sponsors Cohravrsion and [fro list. tho DCA have two fostival passos and frvo hoxos of Cohra hoor to givo aw; v to tho first fivo lucky folk to sontl an email markoll KYl N to (luau(l< wrth thoir narno and tolophono numhor. Usual List rulos apply.

The Axe (Le Couperet) ( l5l COO ((‘oxta-( }a\ rax. lirariee/Belgrum/Spain. 3005i Joxe (iareia. Karin Viard. (ieord) Monfilx. 122mm. The great (ireek liliitriiaker (’oxta-( iai rax (X. :‘Illr'lll adaptx Donald l". “t‘fllakeix xatirieal liou‘l aliottl llllL‘llll‘ltt}lllL‘lll among the middle elaxxex and their murderoux atteniptx to get haek in lllt' eorpor'ate game that the} lk‘llL‘H‘ definex them. The .f U’ ix iie\ er ax form} or' ele\ei' ax one “Ulllti hope hut it eertainl} hax a ten inxpired iiioriientx. Part of l‘reneh l‘ilm liextiial l'K. See round-tip. page -l5. (i/uxemi l'l/m 'I'lri'rrlr'l’. (i/memi. Backstage t lSr (limriianuelle Bereot.

l‘ranee. 2005) liniiiianuelle Seigner. lxild l.e

Bexeo. Noemie l.\o\ xk_\. ll5niin. 'l'eenager l.ueie‘x (l.e Bexeoi dreamx eome true \\ hen her life L'ollitlex \\ illl [hat of her idol. pop xtar Lauren Wakx (Seigiieri. and the pair pla} out the eo-deperideiit relationxhip that eelehrit} eultrrre reliex on. Part of l‘reiieh l‘ilm l‘extnal l‘K. See round-up. page 45. (i/rriurm I-i/nr 'I'lri’rrlrr'. (i/uxqmi.‘ l’i/nrlmiru'. lz'r/r'ri/rrrre/r.

Bad Spelling (Les Fautes d’orthographe) f l5l .0 (Jean- Jaetiuex /.i|hermann. l‘rariee. Zflfl-li (‘ar'ole Bouquet. ()li\ er (iourmet. Damien Jouilerot. ()Jllllitl. ('oniirig of-age )ar‘n xel in a hoarding xehool for" dixadxaritaged adolexeentx iii \\ hielt a halt) laeed \eion firidx Iliat the old} xiire \ia} to am i\ e the other xtuderitx ix through rehellion. .\ \xaiiiiahe I/ hut \\ itlioiit (he xiirr‘eal hrillianee. (i/trxemr l'ir/nr 'I'lrr'ulr'i’. (iluxeuii: The Ballad of Ramblin’ Jack (Mir .0. .-\ptl_\ named Ramhlin' Jaek lilliot hrixked round .\'oi'tli Ameriea. gigged \xith Wood) (iuthrie and mentored Boh D} Ian. ’l’hix ix hix daughter .-\i);iiiri'x iourne} in xeareh of her ahxent father. .r\rlo (iuthi'ie. Kr'ix Kl’lfltdlt'l'utll and otherx pt'o\ itle their reeolleetionx in thix llll\ of intei'\ iexi. arehn e and eoritempor‘ar} footage that “on the Speeial Jur} l’ri/e at the Siiiidanee l-ilm l't‘xllHtl in Ztltltl. Part of ('eilidh (‘ulture l’r/m/rnrlxr'. I'fl/I'Ir/rm'e/r.

Barton 1 l5) ..... (.Joel (-UL'”. l'S. I‘Nl I John 'l'rir'tirrro. John (ioodman. Jud} I)a\ix. Miehael l.ei'ner. l l7min. \Vhen xoeiall} eommitted pla} \\ right Barton l-‘ink ('I'urtui'roi ix eonxigned h} the lloll}\\ood maehine to write “texlliltg filmx. he xlunipx into a \kf'llt'l"\ hloek ax large ax hix

m} xterioux ne\tvdoor neighhoiir' (John (ioodiiiarii. l‘npreeedented “inner of hext film. aetor and direetioii anardx at l‘Nl 'x (‘annex l'ilm l‘exti\a| \llt)\\x the ('oeiix at their moxt meriaeiiig and ahxurd hext. (ill/won I’r/m I'lii'rrlr‘r'. (i/uwuii;

f.'\i}£tllll lilliot. l'S. Itltlli I llmin.

Beat Kings: The History of Hip Hop ( l5) .0. (Matheiiiatiex. l‘S. lflfl’i (iomiii. .\ eornprehenxn e hixtor} of hip hop from the top namex: DJ l’reiiiiei'. l’i'inee l’aiil. Kan} e \Vext and R/.\. (i/rrxemi l'r/m 'I'lit'trlr'i'. (i/memi. Becoming Jane ti’(il 00 (Julian .larrold. l‘K/l‘S. lilo?) .-\niie llathana). Jamex Me.\\o'\. Julie \Valtei'x. Jamex (‘i'oiimelk Maggie Smith. llflmm. .\ hiograph} of Jane .'\ux(en tpla_\ed heatitifull) h} llathaua} l \xhieh eitex a relationxhip \xrth ead. hedonixi and laxxier 'l'om l.ef'r'o} (Me:\\o_\ l ax the i'eaxon heliind her xiieeexx. l)expite e\eellerit perforiiianeex and a \er} generoux xiiialler'irig of .-\uxten'x hext Iiiiex. thix ix xadl) ax drear} ax period dramax get. Hunt/limit. lat/rn/riu'e/r.

Being Jacques Shirac t l5l COO (Mreliel RU} er/Kar'l '/.er'o. l-ranee. Illtloi Uflmiri. .'\n aeeexxihle and light-hearted portrait of the outgoing l’r'exident of frame. Part of lireneh l-ilm liexti\al l‘K. See round tip. page ‘15. (i/irwou l-i/nr l'lrt'ri/n’. (i/memi .‘ I’llnilinirxl'. l-fl/I'Ir/irrrer'r.

Belle de Jouri rm .0... il.uix Bunuel. l-ranee/ltal). l‘)o7i ('atherme Denetn e. Jean Sor'el. Miehel l’ieeoli. ‘Nmin. 'l‘he tahoo huxlmg film ahorit a beautiful. faithful and hored _\ourig

hotixexx ife Se\er'ine (l)eiietnei \\ ho fiiidx her inner fetrxhrxm in the hrothelx of her xniall lo\\tl. l'oit} )eai‘x on it'x xtill xhoekirig. limit}. ele\ er. xe\} and peeiiliarl} laiiiiltat'. (io and we it: it‘x good old faxhioried ar‘thoirxe porn. for hea\eii'x xake. (imrur. I'fr/rIr/riu'e/r.

Belleville Rendez-Vous r l3;\l O... (S)|\aiii ('homet. l‘i'aiiee. Zfltlil Sflmin. Diminulixe. eliihf'ooted Madariie Sou/a prepai'ex her orphaned gl'altdxoti ('liampiou to he a \\orld heating e\ehxt It} pei'xonall} xiiper\ ixing hix arduoux training regime. But during the mountain xtage of the Tour de l‘r'aiiee. ('hampion ix kidnapped h) hlaek xuiled men from the l‘reneh .Mafia and \\ hixked aeroxx the .\llaiitie to the eit} of Belle\ ille. lt‘x up to gi‘aiiii} and ('haiiipion'x helm ed dog Bruno to perform a daring rexeire. although the} ean rel} on axxixtanee from the elder!) Belle\ ille Sixtei'x. a xong and dariee trio \\ ho once performed \iith l'red .'\\l;lllt'. Rather xpeeial kook} eaitoon from l‘i'anee. that xhoux l)i\llt‘_\ the door to real inxpiratioii. ('rmrt u. Iz'rlm/rrrre/r.

The Betrayal ( l5) .0. (l’hilippe liatieon. l"r'anee/Belgrum. lfltl5i \iiieeiil Marfme/. :\hmeiid Berrhama. (‘_\iil 'l‘r‘ole}. (Sflmin. Raeial tenxionx and xuxpieionx run high \xhile patrolling Algeria for the I'ieneh tll'lll).:\l}1t'f’i;tll i‘elielx and e\ei_\one eaught

in the middle: xoltfierx of liuropean e\traelion and thoxe of Arahie origin. liitei'extiiig if ultimatel} underuhelming militar} thriller. Part of l-‘i'erieh l‘ilm textual l'K. See round-lip. page 45. (iflflQUlt I‘ll/n 'I‘lrr'um'. (i/irwuii'; I'r/nr/rrrrm'. [flint/Hugh. The t l5l ... than twice Kaxdaii. l'S. I‘lSil (ileriii (Joxe. Ke\ iii Kline. William Hurt. ltl5min. .\ group of eollege fi'ieiidx from the [Walk are une\peeted|_\ reunited at the funeral of one of their numher \iho hax eomiiiilted xtrieide. During the \xeekend of f'riendxhrp. fun and xe\ lllt‘} l‘t'JJL'L'l lllal )L‘\lt‘t'(la} all their ti'oiihlex xeemed xo far aua}. Short on plot. the film ix rieh in xar'donie hiriiiour. pertinent muxie and e\perl enxemhle aeting. Sr‘ohnrrm .St'ri'i'nine li’rmm. Iz'i/r'rr/iurg/i. Blades of Glory t (3A) 00. (Joxh (itWtiUll/‘A‘lll Speck. [-5. :0“?! “ill l‘t‘l‘f'L‘ll. Joii lleder. \Vill ./\riiett. 03min. Rixal figure xkalei'x ('lia/I Michael Miehaelx (l'ei‘l‘elll and Jimm} Maelzlro} (llederi iiitixt xkate together. in paii'x‘ figure xkating. hut “ill the) he ahle to put their differerieex hehind them'.’ Spoof mm ie maehine Ferrell findx another ohxeure xpoi‘t to riff in thix t'ri_|ii};rlilt‘ pieee of ioiiifooler}. (it’lu’l'll/ H'll'tlH'.

The Caiman (ll Caimano) ( 1M 0... (.\'aniii Moretli. ltal_\/l-'raiiee. 2(l()(n Sil\ io ()rlando. Margherila Bu). Jaxmiiie 'li‘riiea. Miehele l’laeido. lfl5miii. ltaliaii auteur Moretti i'eturiix \\ ith lill\ rnulti la_\ered “(ilk xet in eonteniporat’} Rome. \xhieh ix xiintiltarieouxl} the xtud} of an aii\ioux produeer”x failing marriage. a eomie e\ariiinatiori of lo\\ -hudget filmmakmg. and a xeathing er'itique of

Si|\ io Berluxeorii'x axxaiilt oii deiiioeiae}. I‘ri/rr/rorrxt'. l'fi/rIr/irrre/i.

Camping ( l3.'\l .0. (l‘ahren ()iiteniente. l-ranee. lfltloi (iei'ard [am in. Mathilde Seigner. :\l'lllttlllt‘ Saiiderx. ()5niin. ll‘x elaxh of the xoeial elaxxex. (iallie xt}le. ax the \xealth} Miehel (1am in) and hix daughter \‘aiiexxa (Saiider'xr hr'eak tl()\\ll en route to Spain and ll;t\ e to mingle “ith the maxxex at a lexx than ltr\ur_\ eaiiipxite. Sill} hut enio)ahle eoriied}. Part of l‘reneh l'ilrri l't‘\ll\.ll l‘K. See round-tip. page 45. (i/rrwuu l'i/nr 'l'lrt'rrll‘r'. (i/rriemi .' l‘IfIH/IUUH'. lat/tri/rru'e/r.

Captain Scarlet and Friends it": fl);l\ id l'.llf(tl/.'\iall l’attillo/l)exmond Saunderx. l'K. Wol-otii llflmin. ('laxxie ‘Siiperriiaiionatron‘ eoriipenditim from the (iei'i'} Anderxon xtahle: l'i'n'lru/l .\'l.5.' Hint“ til Darrel-r. .Slrrrer'rri li/rruu/l’ /. I'lrruri/r'r/irrt/i lf/irwu/r' /.‘ 'li'u/r/n’r/ rrr I/Il' Ski and (ii/mun Slur/v! (mil l/Ir’ .ili \It'r‘urix.‘ l’I/nl Ii/rr'wr/e. /'I/HI/IUII\('. lat/Hilrrugli. Change of Address ( IZ.-\i (liiiiniaiiirel Mum-er. l-r'ariee. ltltloi liiiiriianuel Mour'et. l-redei'itpie Bel. l‘ann} \alette. 85min .-\ eomed} of romantie endea\ourx m uhieh a xli) l‘i'eiieh horn pla_\er' and hix roommate tr} to In eaeh other'x |o\e li\ex. Quirk) xe\ eomed}. Part of l'r'eneh i‘lllll l‘exti\al l‘K. See roundup. page 45. (i/trxemi I‘ll/n I/rt'irln'. (i/mgun .‘ l‘r/nr/ruuu'. lat/rIr/rure/r. Charlotte’s Web it'i 000 l( iar') \Viniek. l'S.v\. ltltfoi Dakota liarinrng. \oieex of .lrrlia Rohertx. Sam Shepherd. Ste\e Buxeemi. 07min. (‘hirp_\ tot liern (l‘aiiiiingi rexeriex \\'ilhur the pig from a ei'iiel fai'iii_\ard fate for lo\al\|e ai'aehnid ('har'lotte to e\entuall) xa\ e the da} in a hitter'xixeet fiiiale that touehex on praetieal matterx of life and death. Some“ here het\\eeii the eutex} li’tr/u' and ()r'\\ell'x ltolitieal .lllflllll/ lirrnr it xhould than in ehildren and noxtalgie adiiltx alike. [fur/tire (./\(/('/’(Hll\. (lit/r lit/ilk; ()t/i‘u/r I‘itl'l A'I/i/rirrr‘rl. l'ft/rIr/rru'e/r.

Comedy of Power (L’lvresse du pouvoir) t l5i O... i( ‘laude ('hahrol. lir'anee. Jiltltii lxahelle lluppert. l‘raiieoix Bei'leand. llftriiin. Magixtrate Jeanne (’liar'riiant Killmaii (llupperti imextigatex a fraud eaxe and eani rexixt drppirig her toe into eoi'ruption. lmpi'exxi\ e xatii'ieal thriller direet|_\ inxpired h} .-\flaire lilf. a finaneial xeandal in l‘r'anee in I‘NS m uhieh a top ttlag‘txll'alt‘ opt'lll} fl1\ e\llglllt‘tl \Ullle \t‘l'} ptmei'ful oil huxmexxmen and xeemed to he getting off on it. l'axeiriatrng xttiff'. lhipper‘t ax e\ er ix hiilliant. Part of l’i'eneh l‘ilm l'exlnal l’K. See round-up. page ~15. (i/rrigmi I‘r/nr Haul/rt: (flinging