New It has pride of place as one of the main

sources of inspiration for this year’s Edinburgh International Festival programme, but audiences have an earlier chance to hear Monteverdi’s great dramatic masterpiece, L’Orfeo, in Glasgow's International Classical Season at City Halls when renowned opera director Jonathan Miller brings his semi-staged interpretation, featuring the New London Consort, to mark the 400th anniversary of its

first ever performance. § City Hal/s. Glasgow. Tue 24 Apr.


I Nicholas Ashton Queen‘s Hall. 87 3‘) ('lcrk SII'L‘L‘I. 008 20]”. 7.30pm. £10. With a sclcction oi rarcly play cd sonatas including Schubcrt's Sonata. (1 minor I) 84.5. Scarlatti's Sit Smut/us and (iricg's Smut/u. [1' mirror 0,) 7.


I RSAMD Brass Department Concert: A Plug for Plug RS.-\.\ll). I00 chl'rcw Strcct. 332 5057. lpm. £7 (£5). Join thc RSAMI) Brass. Wind and l’crcussion cnscmblc and thc Royal Scottish Acadcttty Brass Band as lltcy pcrl‘orm an uphcat programmc ol' liitls'in. lilyis and lhc Bcach Boys inclusiy c. ahcad ol this ycar's l’lug l‘cstiyal.

I Glasgow Philharmonic Male Voice Choir: Spring Concert RSAMI). l00 chl'rcw Strch 332 5057. 7.30pm. £l0. 'l‘liL‘ I'L‘spL‘L‘lL‘tl (ilasgow choir is ioincd by thc ('allcndar (’horalc and conductor [an .\lil|igan l‘or its annual spring conccrt. I RSAMD Youthworks: Once on this Island RSAMI). I00 chl‘rcw Strch 332 5057. 7.30pm. £0 (£—ll. Scc

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (‘ity Halls. ('andlcriggs. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l0 £22.50 (£7.50 £l(i.h’0i. Scc \Vcd l8.


I RSAMD Youthworks: Once on this Island RSAMI). |00 chl‘rcw Strch 332 5057. 2.30pm it 7.30pm. £0 (£4). Scc \Vcd I8.

I Glasgow Philharmonic Male Voice Choir: Spring Concert RSANH). l00 RL‘llli'L‘\\ SII'L‘L‘l. .332 5057. 7.30pm. £10. Scc l‘ri 20.

311 Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Peer Gynt Royal (‘onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strccl. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l0 £30. l'ndcr thc dircction ol Stéphanc l)cnc\'c. thc RS.\'() ()rchcstra and (‘hortis join lol‘L‘t‘s with actors. singcrs and 'l'cchnical and Production Arts studcnts lo bring Ibscn’s mastcrpiccc. ahridgcd lrom its traditional ninc hour duration. to thc stagc.


I Edinburgh Royal Choral Union l'shcr Hall. l.othian Road. 228 ll55. 7.30pm. £l3 £30. Rumon (iamba conducts Ihc Iidinbnrgh Royal ('horal I'nion with lhc BB(' Scottish Symphony ()rchcslra and mcmbcrs of thc Bcll‘ast Philharmonic ('hoir as thcy pcrl‘orin Walton's Iii’l.s/Itt;':ur'x Must.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra QllL‘L‘ll's Hall. 87 b") (‘lcl‘k Strch 003 30W. 7.30pm. £8 £24 (£0 £lt\’i. Scc \Vcd l8.


I Organ Recital Kclyingroyc .r\rt (iallcry & \ltiscum. .-\rgylc Strcct. 370 059‘). 3.30 3pm & 3.30 4pm. l-‘rcc. Scc Sun I5.

I Scottish Brass Band Day RSAMI). I00 chl'rcw Strcct. 332 5057. 3pm. l‘rcc. ’l‘hc acadcmy cclcbratcs tlic dcyclopmcnt ol' lltc Scollish Brass Band moy cmcnl mcr thc past (00 ycars with a day ol conccrts.


I St Giles at Six: Anna McAlpine and Nicholas Uglow St (iilcs‘ (Kitltcdt‘al. Roy'il Milc. 330 0073. 0pm. l‘rcc. 'l'hc incl/o soprano and hat'ilonc dtio giyc a rccital of songs by .lS Bach. llandcl. Holst. Brahms and Ray-cl.


I St James Orchestra St Jaltlcs ('hurch. l'ndcrwood Road. 0|505 810133. liric l)unlca conducts as thc I’aislcy -bascd orchcslra pcrl‘orm \crdi‘s o\ crturc to I.u I-intu (Il’l lh’slilm. “(Tl/HHY’H '.\ .S'y/n/t/mny .Vn .s' attd Bat'lok's \i'u/tl ('oiit't'rlo with soloist Vcronika 'l‘oth.

St Andrews

I St Salvator’s Chapel Choir St Salyator's (‘hach .\'orth Strcct. (ll334 402220. 8pm. £tbc. l’crl'orming innsic by ()ckcghcm. Brittcn and |.cighton.


I Masterclass: Joseph Sieger RSAKH). I00 chl'rcw Strcct. 333 5057. Want. l'il'ct‘. IlL‘lscch. l'illlllt‘tl \ lolllilsl Mischa lihnan’s ol‘lical accompanist I'or

l0 ycars. Sicgcr sharcs his insight on thc art ol collahot'aliyc piano playing at the Very highcst lL‘VL‘l.

Tuesday 24 .


I Performer Forum: Joseph Sieger RSAMI). I00 chlt'cw Strcct. 332 5057. Noon. l‘rcc. lickctcd. Linkcd to thc Royal Acadcmy ol‘ Mtisic in London. this scssion will lakc thc Iot'm ol a yidco conlcrcncc. allowing studcnts from both institutions to cngagc with thc inuscum in an intriguing mix ol‘ discussion and chamhcr music pct'lot‘tltiltiL‘Cs.

I Musica Electronica (ilasgow l'niycrsity (’onccrt Hall. l'niycrsity Ascnuc. 330 4092. HI) 2pm. lircc. Audio \‘isttal sculpturcs .scl thc ('onccrt Hall into rcsonant motion as contcmporary clcctroaconstics and mixcd mcdia combinc in surround sound.

I Nadia Giliova Ramshorn 'l‘hcatrc. 98 Ingram Strccl. 553 348‘). |.l5 2pm. £3. (ilasgow gcts its lirst glimpsc ol- thc award-winning. Rtissian-born pianist as shc Pk‘t’lot'tlts Rachmaninoy’s liiriuliuns on u 'I‘lu'im' by ('un'l/i. togcthcr with music by Howard Blakc and [copold (iodow sky.

I The International Classical Season: New London Consort: Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo (‘ity Halls. (’andlcriggs. 353 8000. 8pm.

£l2.50 £17.50 (£l0.50 £|5.50). Acclaimcd scmi-stagcd prodtiction ol Montcycrdi's 400-ycar-old opcttl. pct'l'ol'lttcd by onc oI litlt‘opc‘s lltosl rcycrcd cnscmblcs in collaboration with lcading inlcrnational opcra dircctor. Jonathan .\lillcr. Sung in ltalian.


I Hans Gal: A Ceiebration Concert St ('ccilia‘s Hall. ('owgatc. 008 20“). 7pm. £|3 (£0). 'l‘hc distinguishcd Vicnncsc composcr. who bccatnc a British citi/cn and lccturcd at lidinburgh l'niycrsity. is cclcbratcd 30 ycars al'tcr his dcalh \\ ith thc launch of thc Hans (ial Socicty in lidinburgh and thc rclcasc of thc lidinburgh ()uartct’s rccording ol' his complctc string quartcts. Hcrc thcy play lhrcc ol‘ thcm. plus Haydn‘s ()1) I03.

Wednesday 25


I Masterclass: Marie McLaughlin RS;\.\II). I00 chlrcw Strcct. 333 5057. 0pm. lircc. tickctcd. Singcrs mastcrclass ch by lcading intcrnational soprano McLaughlin.

TIi Scottish Opera: Madama Butterfly 'I‘hcatrc Royal. 3B3 Hopc Slrcct, 0870 000 (i047. ’l'iltlcs yary. £8.50 £57.50. Puccini's (anions talc oI‘ ('io ('io—San and hcr abandonmcnt by hcr dashing Amcrican husband has bccomc onc ol‘ thc most pcrl‘ormcd opcras ol all timc.


I Simon Thacker Quccn's Hall. 87 is") ('Icrls Slrcct. 008 20l‘). 7.45pm. £|0 (£5l: school childrcn l'rcc. lidinburgh-boi'n .l‘llilL'hL'l' is considcrcd by many to lk‘ onc ol' Britain's lincst young classical guitarists. llCl‘L‘ hc pct‘l'ot‘lils thc \yot‘ld pt'cnticrc ol Is'cnncth l)cmpstcr's Sanctum. jointly commissioncd by ccat and Napicr l'lllu‘l‘sll}.

Thursday 26


I Hons Music Student Performance (ilasgow l'nitcrsity (‘onccrt Hall. l'niycrsity Aycnuc. 330 4002. l.l0 3pm. l'l‘L‘L‘. Mttsic in thc l'nix'crsity ol' (ilasgow prcscnt a lunchtiinc rccital including songs by Rcynaldo Hahn and ccllo music by Martin pcrl‘ormcd by honours .sltldclils.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Naked Classics Royal ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £13.50. l.carn morc about popular classical picccs with an illustrach

:1: Royal Scottish National Orchestra: Peer Gynt The instrumentalists of the RSNO under their top maestro, Stephane Deneve, and featuring Malin Christensson (pictured). who will be singing the part of Solveig. join with professional soloists and students of the RSAMD for the mammoth undertaking of realising Grieg’s score for Ibsen’s play in the way it was originally intended, ie as incidental music to the drama. Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, Sat 27 Apr.

5?- The International Classical Season: Joshua Bell and the Academy of St Martin in the Fields New York-based violin virtuoso makes a welcome return to Glasgow where he has wowed audiences with his compelling playing. Performing on the infamous 1713 Gibson Stradivarius, Bell’s concert is one for which tickets are likely to be scarce as gold dust. Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, Wed 78 Apr. Scottish Opera: Madama Butterfly New production of Puccini's classic has been hailed a triumph with particular attention being drawn to the success of casting the main solo roles. Hear it for yourself in Glasgow now or in Edinburgh in June. Theatre Royal, Glasgow, Wed 25 Apr.

discussion lollowcd by a pcrl‘ormancc ol‘ thc work in qucstion: Strauss" [fin llt’lt/(’ll/('h(’ll.

I Scottish Ensemble: Fantasy Variations ('in Halls. ('andlcriggs’. 353 3000. 7.30pm. £1 l.50 £l5 (£3 £|2l. A ja/z-inspircd first half with outstanding pianist (iwilym Simcock pcrl’orming his .\'t'w llin'kfin‘ Piano and Strings with a romantic lollow tip in thc form of (icorgc lincscu's cpic ()t‘lt'l amongst othcr musical trcats. l’rc-conccrt talk at 0.30pm with Simcock in conycrsation with Brian Motion.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ()nccn's Hall. 87 8‘) (‘lcrk Strcct. 008 30W. 7.30pm. £8 £24 (£0 £lb’). Joscph chnscn rcturns to conduct thc S('() in this thrilling musical programmc l‘catttring lol'lllltlillilt‘ Finnish pianist Juho I’ohjoncn pcrl‘orining Shostaktwich’s l’iunu ('onu'rro No 2 which thc composcr pcnncd Iot‘ his son. alongsidc Haydn's .S'ymp/iuny No ‘1‘) and Bccthoycn's Syrup/unit" .\'o 3.

IL’ 70 Apr 900:" THE LIST 79