

I Saw You cont.

V I Saw You, standing; in-

Ik‘l“ L‘L‘ll (limb; \\ L' lookt‘tl ;ll each UlllL‘l'\ oxcx. I It‘ll I I\llL‘\\ _\ou \incc met. I It‘ll )ou law“ mu. l'oi'mcr. Looking: in )our t‘}t‘~...\\hal a trip. [3'5"47

. I Saw You looking: “(II

on the beach. It‘l’x \ialcli \llllwlx logclhci' humor. .\I \\ [3’5"fo

V I Saw You Rosie in Bi'unx-

\\ it‘k. \\\ ixhing )illll‘ ciao calling:

at me. Was it an act ol llirlalioux almuloiuhchlI’L’I’ You t'oinplt'lc me? USU/l)

V I Saw You, \iumg al llic hai'. looking like _\ou IlL'L'lIL‘LI \llllIL‘llIIL' lo lalk lo. You are \liaxcn IICiltIL‘li. curcmcl} rule and I could put a \lllliL‘ Ull )illll' IIIL'L‘. [75—4. I-l

. I Saw YOU lill‘L‘L‘ )L‘aIN ago Illl\ liaslcr. in Pop Rocket. I mi“ )ou. l.l’S. XXX [USU/ll

. I Saw You ilcai'l} mow oul. llicn deciding lII\IL‘;llI\IlllllIlI gel a quu‘} pa} apartment and xlill he I'IIUIIIIC\ in one...l\\ I‘SU/IU

V I Saw You l’all'. admiring: litlinliui'gh lor the lirxl lime, (ire) Il'l- (ll’\ Bol‘h} is a line \lor} )ou khou. Hope _\ou hall a lo\cl_\ lime and liui'i'} hack. I‘ 511/13

V I Saw You Sarah. )ou'i'e llic licxl. ll’x been a long lime aua}

but I'm coming hack lot )0“. long: ma} lliow summer \Iil_\ \ roll in? Y0. Sarah. il ix \alc lo dance? l,o\ c.

Text Chat}

M t u l ,l." f @9081 420 073 j


99.7,] .9, .0? I!


Gay Dating lee 1-2-1

('alim \ l‘ VII}

V I Saw You in (’(’ Illooiih. You: “lid-31k. Ilca\ li_\ laIlUU-L'ti. .\lc: earl} 4th, green .\lolia\\ k. You can lilo“ lll} \\lll\lic an} lime hah} 1’ X ITS—l l5

. I Saw You Row al liaxl 233. We dialled and cutltllctl; m} II'IL‘IllI \illli _\ou came back looking l'oi‘ lllC lull l’tl It'll. Dial? Timur}? [XVI lo V I Saw You: long dark hair and jacket. pen in; at me allci‘ _\;m hing: t‘lllL'l} lll IIIL' Il'L‘C/Cl' l\lL‘ HI .I-L'N'll \IL‘Il‘U on Sillllll (.IL'I.I\ SII'L'L‘I. \IL‘. lu'ouu iat‘kcl. \illll'l hair & pen in); right hack. \Yanna map liaskclxfl’ IVSTI I"

9 I Saw You .\‘;rlr\kiiig_'wlc...ii \\a\ hunk al lll'\l \ilc. |.cl\ dance \\ ill] the moon I\I\I\. plcaxc xa} _\ou‘i‘c up l'oi‘ \illllC ilLi\L‘llllll'C\ \\ lien lgcl hack? I'm gonna mi“ _\ou. inialihiallpiclacc XXX I751, IN V I Saw You at l’i\o. You \illti )our name \\a\ Dana. )ou \c\_\ Il'l\il mih\. Looking l'orxxai'tl lo gelling: lII_\ li'cal‘ on. I'VJ l‘)

v I Saw You goi‘gcolh \it'k}. pulling: pinlx in MN. Your xt‘oul lu‘ighlchx up 111} lla}. low )aT

I'. 5‘4,"le

V I Saw You and _\Ulll' \c\_\

a“. check} ('IL‘L‘h girl Yci'onikaI .lagcxihaxli XXX I VFW/II

. I Saw You \lllk‘l'til'). lane} go- ing: on a llalc \olllt‘lllllc \oon. \xoultl that make il lhc l'ourlh'.’ Xpi'il l'ool. I'll call )ou. XX [75—4123

U I Saw You al llillllL' “ailing llll' _\oui' \liopping li'om .v\Sl).v\. Where did it all go \xrong'.’ ( iiw u\ a lune? [3’5"4. 33

V I Saw You Milking up ai‘lluu'x \L‘al L‘allllg L‘l'L‘illll L‘IIL‘L‘W IIIIII

\alami \illlli“ iclics “lulu looking

al lhc til}. low )0“ lol\ llal lool'l ("57124

V I Saw You \\ ill] a man}

no“ liaii'cul. _\ou look like tla\ ltI I‘L‘L‘Hldlll. L‘L‘LN a \IlUl. gilllit‘ll I‘allx [751/25

Cultural pearl seeks roughened diamond. \lultllllh. independent. atl- \L‘llllll'Ull\. aimixing. allcrnaliw. arlixlic l'ciiialc. Approaching llic 3rd age but \ull'ci‘ing Peter Pan x} htli‘omc.



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A new way/or busy people to meet

.\-'ext event: Balmoral Hotel, lz'dmbm'gh 2nd June

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admits two

('hec‘k websHe/br more details or call 013] 666 220"

Helplines ~

Lothlan Gay 8 Lesbian Switchboard

Support, information and advice on all matters of emotional and sexual health for lesbian and gay people and anyone questioning their sexuality. In strictest confidence and anonymity.


MAIN HELPLINE 0131 556 4049

7.30pm-10pm Every Night

ICEBREAKERS Edinburgh social group every 2nd & 4th Wednesday Contact us for details e-mail: web:

Cal/s may be monitored for training purposes.

A Scottish Charity N0, 800 03.103. Registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee No 16.149

LESBIAN LINE 0131 557 0751

7.30pm—10pm Monday & Thursday


Support 3 Information 0 Health Promotion


Fill in the free postcards available from the following venues: The Basement, City Cafe, EH1, Filmhouse, Fopp Bar, The Street, The Pear Tree, Traverse Bar (Edinburgh), or The Arches, Brel, GFI', King Tuts Wah Wah Hut, Moskito, 13th Note, Tinderbox, The Tron (Glasgow).

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‘e? Am Mi. 3'0,” THE LIST 103