



Corporate Events 5(011Au0's (mm ms Anrumuunl. Owen Ann M! Cm & Sponsorsh i p Ma nager I -

Major new opportunities for creative, Closm date. Tues 15 Ma ' forward-thinking people at Scotland’s national g y

centre for architecture, design and the city Box Office Manager Only £20 for 10 words

The Lighthouse opened .ts (ioo's :r‘. i999. and 'ms (.arrtpaigrim: lilt‘lt‘SSI‘r Closing date wed 23 May and a WED address- to promote tl‘o (leveiopnwnt of S< otlmio as (1("(Hillvt‘t‘(()ll()l'l) 2'or my Place VOUF ad here 2 I st century The pivlosophy is s;'vi:)l(*’ (10);.ng .1!er (arcintmturo wril play To apply see www~thearCheS-Co-Uk and drive The LlSt'S .2 fundamental role in (lovolopzng .1 Vlbl'dlll (ultuval .mo monomu l11°.1l"(‘ regular

for Scotland. and design is fundamental to our lth‘S. no: srmply a luxury readers to your

Now, the oigartssation is entering .1 new phase an rts (fox/05o;)n‘vnt. ..'i website Visiting: whm h il arms to underline its role as the mt omj (("fi't‘ for (Icszgn am:

dr( hiltX tum. \‘.’llll a series of bold Initiatives (K r'oss Sum/1111f. M 14an We

I 3h ‘II‘ I C 1?.‘DEsI’ l.‘ MI. 11;) pro IL Sx |I(S ( y) (sh/1 Reta" webm’

To help SlldiX‘ and deliver this armmous ;>:o;§'::'11"‘.c, v.0 are seeking to as out” rnonoqa UOU be responsible fa

appoint three new SCHZOI' memva of staf‘ .-.'."o ..I pay a key roe ensuring the 5mm gunning of the at: centre's TranSlOFm Children's . taking The l Igmhousc towards an cx< sting future facilities. including theatre, cinema and DUSU rqoms arid make all their cafe/bar. whilst on duh; and ensuring that all WIshes come true. Director of Communications and Enter rises 00“?me focmq departments offafihe highest (3043“ P quality of customer serwce- Vau will be high“, motivated and have Locked In a customer As Dll't‘UOl' of (forwnu'm (llJOllS and l ntcrprsscs won wli ‘orr‘i part fpcusseq ammo"th m 0 50mg!” ‘9'9' Send a party in a box fth) WWI _ W) '5 r, n _ i Idealluinamultiartsvenueorhospltalitu withourawardwinnin O c (OIL (.r(.< omit, (uni. pawn}, (1 map. .()I( tr. ..~( .. <. o, . it . env'onment- F'ex'ble wk." w." be [equred' . q Organisation. and min spa n:( rosponsbxht» ’or‘ imiicm: lrw i g"'..".()'..s(‘ s including [Gould evenin o mend um on giftS. common-nil d< WINGS «m <<>rW-‘-w'< «1- st? divizv- a rota basis. Salon; 61736590. fullu inclusive. Head of Audience and Business The Cbsmg cow-fa Oppm om" '3 is Bid 0325“ D I t mag. lntervrews will be held on Tuesdau 5 June 1"“. wewm‘ eveopmen The H .Hu‘b. III M . . £28k toaDlsclosuoSoodanddieck Provndinq private aIr char- , . _ _ ter travel for businesses,

You ‘Nlll be pan of (he scnzor mamgemc": team an! :30 r‘<*s;)(>"s-:)'(‘ Far further details and pb descriptions please groups and leS. for burkimg our dU(ll(‘."('C and bus-miss (lounop'iwwt prog'a'wvvs, “at q oontOCt .

-I l . . .. ' . . . ... . .. .. . ,. .. . "mm' UNVWUP.‘ sm'm- "(9 4“ w0rr<mg (_.()8( IV with on. (O'llt‘lt‘liit . < (mm) 0 ..( .)r(.!‘(*.i's < mt, a. (. 19.. 01736 467155“ m| mfoem'aq ,. Visitor sop/Ices (cams. A Retail Manager 5mm“ . r . Skillndependence f the £23k Arts Lountzl 2-711: (.9. UK 5 No.1 Ski Specnalist

A fantastu o ) )()'1tli‘.l‘ fo' an wpcncm (3(1 Reta: Mawrmr' 'or lite / ks

ligitti‘oosv Shop, one of S(.o'...i"(i , wos‘. ex: mpg rota} ()LJIOIS. You .m.‘

be responsible for no: orin meeting pm. also (‘chd'iig sales targets, Osprey HOlIdBYS ' excep-

mdnagmg and developing the team. buying am: rmwummf'si'tg an! {m x . centre for Contemporary Arts t'onal C'ty breaks to 30 (‘C A s <<>"1""!( ' "' onyxty .‘z'xi t: ~.("‘st* s'.< if‘m'

office duties. top destinations.

. (. .<>,)r{.s( . A...

Services Websites

For an applianer para please (OHTMT Barr, (ran-rior’o. l)(,““,().".".0: 02% or on 0|4| 225 8409 or or we: our website:

(«in A? ow: ;)'o;,§ru.'m“v .‘n "oss .ar'. ‘o'm

Marketing Manager

Closmg date for applimzeons 1s Tuesday 29th May 2007. Manifesto Design. Quality YO, .) ., ,. .. .. ,. . _ ,( - .... .. . .. . . web/print/photoqraphy/ , Illustration. 1:: (' s. (It 5;. 'I):l'.0" I ( (tugs 30' -<t. 1;; .zi. . ( fr: gtmt" ' «E'. *' :WT'I: I 'i < >"( ()K '.-< I (NW f" 02%“ "‘t"“1)t“s o' Assembl Direct seek i y (.( As :>"<>,’;§'(‘:"‘."1I".;‘; Teams, ‘.(>.. so ".zw‘ !t*s:)o"s t) : iv is) "El! ".‘ s0

Sam "'0 [am I frog“ a” kg» to W IN] IN? "ole "t‘(]..!."t‘s stratvgx trunk-mg .i."<: .‘: ".a‘..<)':.i. approx-x " as .-.'02i.1s affordable webs'tes _ _ hands opening), or‘!"'r‘_ .11).‘:ss<>'w 7.); .lt .1".s .EY‘C i: attturk‘ to Yw M m ‘3” am Md, Jan work, li‘z‘ ((‘ssft; ix>stno<t<v {)0 I‘.‘:'(l‘.'.:>"-<i."j,j s0? s..'f'i< 091.1%: Review Botfle m jazz ir‘<:is;)v':s.‘:i>-o .-.'t".|'\ .1 WM? <fc<1.<.lt<*<t 20.1"!

Accessible Web Design.

Festival and will < mm}; mu» m: am (.1: <>"s Friday May 25 at I2 noon For small business. Styl- .. devise and im 53B campaigns [0, Rpm” .1..),,..d.lo,. “,- (1,.‘WHEOH.O,,H mmmnwd ish and affordable. - (mm (M It‘ (*1)? <)"(' 0l4l 352 4900 www.modemoperandi,co,uk - manage the information line www.ccwglasgowxom Scottish potter & painter,

producing individual

Applicants need enthusiasm and flexibility, a passion for hand-made art. rmsic. excellent cormnication skills. computer literacy, , _ muneracy and to hold a driving rm. MISS the last Issue?

mammal” 553m“ “.mmfl CheCk OUt all current jOb ads onllne Creative copy, surnply

written. Arts. Festivals. In [as gm: 18"” print. Online.

ll)"..)'l Max .3005 THE LIST 99