The Scottish Show

()ne nl Ihe highligliis nl' Six ('iIies. Ihe SenIIish Shim (l7 lenInrex 34 nl Ihe mth innnvzime


hnme-grnun LICNIgIIL‘lN \i‘nrking Inilzi}. Spreziil m er ilII l‘nIlI‘ linnrs nl [lie I.iglillinil.\e. ii ennsisls nl inxizillzilinns. exhihilinnx. \\‘nrl\.\hnp_\ ilIiLi llnnr \ii()\\'.\.

;\lnng.\iile esizihlisheil names like 'l'iinnrniis Bezixlies zinil (ilzisgnxx liixliinii hniixe ()lzinic. Ihere is it sIrnng \II'ZIIIII nl eniei'genI IIIICliI. 'l'\\'enI'\‘~li\'e-)ezir-nlil Kirsieen Slenan is Ll Ieinle designer \VIIU \peeizilixes in elnIhing unil Iieeessnriex. llzning \IIILIIL‘LI in .\'anhinnhrizi and \VIH'ix'L‘ti l’nr 11 .\'e\\' ank lizixhinn lI()Ll.\C. she returned In her name ()rkne} In slill'l her nwn business. ller “ink is hnlil illiLi graphic. nI'Ien Using hrighI nenn L‘Iilillll‘x nn hliiek. Sieix'iirl maintains Iiile Ihere’x LI sirnng Senllisil eleineni In her \\'nI'i\’.

‘SenIIish ilexigners lnnk l'nr \inrlilwiile inspirzilinn. nh\inii.\l_\. bill I Iliink we’re also inxpireil hzne In he h) the \\1l_\ \\C live.~ she 5105. ‘l inigliI nnI llxi‘ Ilie ILIIILINL‘ZIPL‘ in I_\‘piL‘LlI \\'Ll_\‘.\. but I Ihink IhereR zi l‘iIneIinnzilil} In in} WWW com \\’I)‘I'I\. zin eleinenI nl przieIieziliI'v.’

' ' llie ()I'L‘thililli lainilsezipe inlilIi'IiIes her \Vlil‘i'x'. _ _ . . g , _ Ihrniigh hiril—prinis nn her Ieinlex nr eelines nl . - 'i _;- .- shells IH’ lnssils in her jexieller}. (‘leiirly zi Up-and-COmlng 7 ii i ' [)l'lliilllliti lni e l'nr lier hnnie underpins exer} Ihing I | d she ilnes. which might expliiin \\I1_\ \he‘x ehnsen an In IneaiIe her business in ()rkne} l‘illliL‘l’ Iililll Ihe innre nhxiniis (iliixgim nr l.nnilnn. ‘()ne nl' Ihe , hesi Ihingx :ihniii Seniliinil ix IiiLlI Ihere‘s .xiieli zi xIrnng nemnrk nl \llPPUl‘I here. II niezinx lniiils com over l'nr me In he IIIVUIVL‘LI in the SenIIish Shim. he 9 250 events, exhibitions,

iimgncii u grnphie Mn 21.x inxlzillzilinn m LlL‘L‘Ullipzlliy .i minim mum; shim l‘ni ilning l \\;llli ln \iiU“ ilie [ii-nee». him lil_\ images make it nnIn ilie elniliex.’ debates and :tirvifilifig:r:fef:32:nifag::12:33:31 PUbIIC . ' sizivszunnjzat’at:: Lighthouse from Thu 17 interventions in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverness and Stirling. Kirstin Innes and Henry Northmore speak to some of the home-grown designers involved

16 THE LIST 1.024 Mm, 200/


We don’t often stop to consider the impact design has on every aspect of our lives. This month, a Scotland-wide festival aims to encourage us to do just that. The Six Cities Design Festival,


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