


I Good sized room in laid-haek lIat eloxe to Ke|\ ingrote I’ark. lintr) .Iune Ixt. L200 rent [50 hillx per tttoittlt + pqu £200 depoxil. Tel: 07877 ‘)I I 307

I Pollokshields. Room available itt xunn}. xpa- eioux llal to xhare \\ itlt one otlter. ()pen outlook iit leal} area \\ ith xtripped lloorx. .\'R xhopx .& tranxport. [300/ month ineludex e.ta\. Tel: 0778‘) 002 000

I West End:spacious dOUDIG room it] eontl'ortahle aitd quiet lIat oll' By'ex Road. [300 per Ittotttlt ine. ()\\ tter ol'ten aua} and “ill ha\ e llat to )tttti‘xell'. Tel: 0772! (04 «SSO

I Female flatmate wanted l'or Roont iit (ilax- go\\ .\Ierehant (it) (’entre

lo xhare llat with 2 l'entalex. £280 pent phtx xhare of hile 'I'L‘IZ 0770I .570 823

I Huge, fully-furnished room to let in l'riendl} \Vood- lttltdx Ilttl eloxe lo eit) L‘L‘lllt‘e. l'nderground and all anteni~ tiex. Rettt £300 pent tthix ineludex (‘ouneil Ian I. ('all (iraente on 077I 275 1.108.

I Single room in (iardner St. (\Vext lindl L'$()()pent ine. e.ta\.. gax. elee. + I’hone/ln- ternet Bill. Tel: 07770 005 I82 I Housemate wanted to xhare ultra-xpaeioux. ntodern lll\\llllUlI\C itt .\'e\\ (iorhalx area. l0ntin \\;llI\ ll‘ttllt eit} eenlre. Would xuit ga} -l'riendI_\ .prol'exxional £32l)l’(‘.\l itte hiIIx. (‘all 078—15 200 Ill-I

I Kinning Park nr l'inne— xton Bridge. (’it} eetttre (MI 101'. Iluge grattd roont itt l'riendl} llatxhare. l)ouh|e hed. ltiglt eeilingx. \\oodett llool'x. \\;tx|tei'. drier. potx er xho\\ erx. all hiIIx ineluded. I‘ree eouneil la\. £7‘)/\\ k. 'l‘el: 07974 233 537

I Double room in l'riendl} llat iit Kehinhridge xharing \\ itlt one ntale and one female. (ireat I.oealion. xpaeioux. \\ itlt all ntod eottx. L515 pent itte ("IL plux hillx and depoxit. Iintr} le .Iune. Sorr}. no xtudentx. ’I'el: ()Hl 5.57 2040/0780] 05.8 05.5

I Room to rent in xpa- eioux l\\tl hedrootned llat lull} l'urnixhed £200 a month plllx lilllx L‘tttlllL'll l;l\ L‘IC... Ihrox area 50 _\ardx liroin xuh\\a) to ntox e itt mid June 'I'eI: 078‘)(t 2.17 1‘)!

I Southside - large hriglit l)ouhle Roottt a\ailahle l'or n/x itt lull} l‘urnixhed llat \xith all tttod eonx. Sltarittg \\ llIt l\\o olItL‘l‘x. £375.00 pent inel'x e/t. hillx e\tra. Tel: 07000 838 500

I Friendly flat mate \xanted to xhare \\ itlt 2 prof Ientalex iii tttid t\\ entiex. I'itll} l'urnixhed douhle roont in ne\\ l_\ rel'urhed tenentent llat. l'ree parkittg . 2 hloekx lront h} rex road. 2 titnt walk to .v\xhton I.ane. £275 +hilIx eall 07787 55-1 48l thankx .'-l

I Bearsden. Double room itt heautiliul \'ietorian \ illa. Share \\ itlt o\\ nerx. Adjaeent trainx. huxex. xu- perntarket. \Valking dixtanee to \et xeltool & oneolog} eetttre. ()xxn hathroont. .'\ll tttod eottx. Suit n/x prol'ex- xional or graduate. 'Ielz (till 042 l l‘)‘)

I Double room in 4 hedroonted ltottxe Ilt (ilttx- go\\\ \Vext Iind a\;iiIahIe l‘t‘ont .Iitne lxt lo .-\uguxt 3 l xt. £300pent inelttdittg all hillx. 'I‘el: 07035 282 520

I Room in converted \xarehouxe 2 hed llat h} L‘Llllttl. (il'L‘tll 40] IIoot‘ \ IL‘\\ x. o\\ n hathroont. ttr (‘ouead- denx. £75/\\ k. Rexitlelllx S\\'l.\l.\ll.\’(i I’()()I.. g_\nt. xauna. jaettni... on ground floor ttlttl “11‘ ill L‘llztl'gL‘. 'I‘L'l: 07920 003 5 I0

I Room in Linthouse tlentale llalntatexl The Hat

ix eleatt attd prexentahle hut eontlortahle. I’entale llattttate /xltort terttt lodger \tanted.

I ha\ e a xpare rooin tltree tillIL‘x tilll\ItIL‘ L‘ll} c‘L‘lill‘L‘. douhIe roont \\ illt parking attd httx. tuhe and traitt Iinkx to en) L‘L‘ttll‘e tllttl \\ exl L‘lttl. hand} l'or airport too. I'm a .52 )L‘ttl‘ old L‘ltt'lxllzllt I‘L‘IIIRIIL‘. xoeiahle and good Inn txo i'nt told :ol. 'l‘he llat ix elean attd prexentahle httt eontl'ortahle. The rent ix £225 plux hillx. II' it xoundx like \\lt;ll )ou're lookittg l'or. gel iit touelt 1) Tel: 078 l 5 ‘)I0 300

I Double room for l perxon in Ix'eh inhridge. (ilaxgtm. £275 per tttotttlt lllllx hillx. I’rolexxional Per- xon «k non-xntoker required. l‘nll} relurhixhed. ntodern llat. pt'i\ate parking. il\;lII' ahIe Ixt .Iutte. 2 ntinx l'ront tntderground. 'IeI: 0777i

‘)I8 252

I Large double room iit hrighl xpaeiottx l'ur nixhed Ilat. xltaring \\ itlt tltree otherx.l .ounge. dittittg kilehen. tttodeonx. gelt. hroadhand. \Vld xuit )oung pl'olt‘xxlollttl.thtlllx By'ex Rd. (ilaxgotx l'ni. Rent £290 pent itte("l’. 07872 300 528. I Female flatmate required for roottt to let

in l.o\ el_\ Soutlt Side llat. Vet} xpaeioux attd heautil‘ul deeor throughout. l.otx ol' xhopx and puhlie tranxport on doorxtep. attd 2 ntinx l'ront the IU\ el} ()ueettx I’ark. Rent £250 l’('.\l & hillx. .\'on- xntoker. .\luxt he xeenlll Tel: 07800 75l I03

I Room to let tlt‘lztt xltaret Ill 2-hed llat in Soutlt Side. .\Iodertt deeor through- out. (ireat location lolx ol' xltopx attd ptthlie tranxport on door xlep. ttolt—xtltoket‘ prel'erred. £250 pent plux hillx. lintr) date negotiahle. 'l'el: 0780(t 75l l(t2

I Simple double room, in hrigltt l’artiek llat axalihle. \Vould xuit prolexxional. £250 pettt + Billx and ("II Sltort ternt/ \xeekda) on|_\ IL'I\ L‘oltxidel'etl Tel: 0777.5 930 372

I Glam flatmates seek eool gitl. I‘antaxtie dotthle roottt. \l)li\lt llat. l.o\el) park \ ie\\. hroa'lhand. \\i It. xateIIite t\. ntinutex lo eentre. U40 pent. all hillx ine. Sa} lti \ ia happ} llatm I Dennistoun! Great flat! (ireal roontI 'I‘\\o l‘riend- I} Iltlllttttlt‘xI (‘loxe to eit} eentrel Internet? l)lxll\\;t\ItL‘l'I .-\\ailahle Ito\\I £350pent .'\ll hiIIx ineluded in rent? (‘hrix 0702‘) I‘M 505


I Looking for female to rent a large xpaeioux lurnixhed. douhle room in I.eitlt. Shar- ing \xith 3 hux} pt'olexxton

alx. £225 p.e.nt + hillx and eouneil ta\. liriendl} rela\ed en\ ironntent. I’lat eloxe lo the xltore area. ()eean ‘lerninal

attd eil} eentt‘e. .'\\ailahle le \la} phone llexxie on (IH‘ISI 758 2(t-l

I Edinburgh Haymarket Large eontt'ortahle hrigltt douhle roottt in xpaeioux. \lodet‘nixed Ilal all tnod eonx “NI/Ill} L‘l' (i(.ll L‘onL‘ to all antenitiex. Internet IIroadhand £_il)ll/L‘.i(tll[te‘itt. inel.("lI 07787 000 0‘):

I Comely Bank -‘ ntontlt .v\\enue - .\'/x prol'exxion al I‘entale l'or elean attraetit e ntodernixed llat \\ ith a kingxi/e Iletll‘oottt \\ tllt good xtorage atailahle. £280pent Io tie“ phone 0—85- 57.8 .854 ol‘ 0l5l 443 2530. .'\\ailahle ntid .lune I Meadowbank Cres- cent. Professional lentale reqd to xhare \\ ith one other. l'till} lurnixhed llat. lounge. xep kitehen. 2 hedroontx. hatltroont thalh ~1-eleetriexhouerl(i('ll + {X}. £245 l’(’.\l + hillx. l)epoxit l'L‘tltI. 'I'L‘II 0_—75 72‘) (‘0—

I Large room in Bruntx- lield xharing \\.2J}t' old

journalixt tntaIet non-xinoker.

\er} niee llal - large litingroont + kilehen. Ittod eottx. .'\\ailahle intntediatel) U00 pent + hillx + Collltc‘ll l;t\. 'I‘L‘I: (PU—I 0—1.8 50‘) I Female prof. non xntoker. ix Iookittg l'or roont itt I.eitlt. Stoekhridge lront .-\tiguxt to .\'o\enther 3tl0pound/ntonth apoxeltetw eiitetttattia\.eottt

I Damsel in distress dexperatel} xeeking houdoir in ht\urioux tton xinoking eaxtle \\ itltiit galloping dixlanee ol‘ tlte lltcntlou x tol‘ xloc‘klil‘ltlgt‘l June 22nd. I’rel'er 28~50'\o \xorking l'olkx. .-\round 300 guineax pleaxe. tel: 07882

850 847

I Double bedroom in .\larehntont llat xharing “00

2 pi‘olexxional letnalex. £250 e\eluding hilIx, .'\\ailahle l'ront l5th .Itttte. lo \ ieu eaIl 077 I 7 200 40‘) or 07910 027 47—1.

I Lovely spacious double roont I'or prolexxional tttale itt l'riendl} \eu loutt llat. £275ptn + l)epoxit + ("l' + Ilillx. Sharing \\ith 3| and Ill]. ineludex tllxll\\;thlL‘l'. hroad- hand. .v\\ailahle 27 Ma}. 'l'el 0H] 538 3354 alter (tpnt.


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Got a room to rent? Then The List Flatshare service is for you. It's a reliable and successful way of advertising for a flatmate. Because The List is Scotland's best-selling entertainment and lifestyle magazine, it's the perfect place to find someone with similar interests to you. What's more, the advert lasts for 2 weeks which maximises your responses, so you can pick and choose who you really want to live with. Even better all of our flatshare adverts are now available to view on our website which currently receives over 90,000 unique visits per month.

' on to wwwgst'.co._'ul_t_and click on

‘flatsltaro' at the-top of the page

You will be asked for:

1 Your name, address and phone number 2 Up to 30 words description about the flatshare including the room, rent. number of other occupants and type of person sought 3 A contact number for potential flat mates to ring

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Flatshare adverts must be placed using our online booking service. For administration purposes, advertisers must supply their full name and address (NOT for publication). The Flatshare service is for _ geople seeking a flatmate. Onl flatshare adverts wrll e accepted for publication in his section. Adverts for renting a whole flat must be laced in our ‘Flats to Let' section, full instructions or booking these ads are available on our website in the Shop section. It IS company policy not to accept adverts that are deemed to be of ensive or discriminatory. The List reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement at our discretion and without explanation.

If you would like further information about The List flatshare service, there is no need to call The List, please refer to our website Click on flatshare and then FAQs which should tell you everything you need to know.

We advise that you do not give out personal details to those enquiring about your flat. For your personal

safety, you should always have someone with you when you are showing people your flat, or when you are going to see a room in a flat.